How God Can Help Your Family
Psalm 127
Intro: Welcome everyone to our annual friends and Family Day
¨ You were invited because you are either a friend or a family member, or both
o We want you to feel as welcome as possible this morning
o Will be reading Psalm 127 from the New International Version Bible
§ All verses I will be reading are on the screen behind me
§ Page 441 in your Pew Bible
¨ In the next 25 minutes I will be talking about Family
o Something we all have
§ May not be the best family but it is all the family you have
o Dorothy was right when she said there is no place like home
§ Go away for vacation or business
§ It is always nice to get back home, home where your family is
¨ We will look at Psalm 127 this morning
o It tells us what God can do for our families
§ We have strong families we will have a strong community
o The Psalmists mentions at least 3 things God can do for our family
I. God can help us Build our families:
Psalm 127:1 Unless the LORD builds the house, its builders labor in vain.
a. The author is not talking about building a shelter but rather a family
b. In the beginning of time God established the family
i. After creating earth and man
ii. Man was told to name the animals and look for a suitable helper
iii. Adam could not find one
Genesis 2:22 Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.
c. He created Eve so that the man would not be alone
d. They formed a family and then God told them to be fruitful and multiply
e. Point is, if want proper foundation for a family go to Master builder himself
i. In order for any structure to be strong it must have a good foundation
f. Mexico City gets damaged quite extensively anytime there is a earthquake anywhere close to it
i. Built on a dry lake bed
ii. Ground shakes it is like Jell-O, many homes are destroyed/Damaged
g. Same way it is for our families,
i. If we do not have a good foundation when trouble comes
1. Our families will break apart
h. How does God help us build our families?
i. Does not wave his wand over you and your spouse and magically transform both into Ward and June Cleaver
ii. Or over kids and make them the Brady kids
i. Rather he leaves us instructions
i. It makes sense that if He created the family, he would know what is good for the family
j. If you have ever just skimmed the New Testament, notice not much addressed to the family and how to deal with problems
i. Yes, there are a few instructions dealing with the family unit
ii. But by in large these documents deal with the church family
1. Church as a group of believers.
iii. The family is the church in miniature
1. Church is made up of people who are different
2. NT tells us how to get along with those who are different
a. Just like the people in our family
i. May be born from same mother but can be different like night and day
k. In the NT we learn about forgiveness
i. Story of father who accepted his repentant son back after he left and spent all his inheritance
ii. We learn about sacrificial love we must have for one another
iii. Personal integrity
iv. Self-denial, selflessness
1. Putting others needs ahead of our own
l. Yes, the NT does tell us how God can build our families.
II. God can help us provide for our families:
Psalm 127:2 In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat-- for he grants sleep to those he loves.
a. God does not provide food for family by sending it from heaven
i. Instead it is through good old-fashioned work!
ii. He tells us to provide for our families by earning a good honest living
b. Verse 2 describes 2 types of fathers who try to provide for their families
i. First one cannot sleep at night cause he is not content with what he has
1. He works long hours to provide family with luxuries of life
2. Ecc. 5:10-12
ii. Second can sleep at night, not cause he is lazy
1. Because he is content with what he has
2. He works to provide family with the necessities of life
a. He is content with that.
c. Bible tells us we need to know the difference between luxuries and necessities
d. Contrary to what you may hear from your kids
i. They do not need designer clothes
ii. Lots of toys
iii. Or a swimming pool
e. They need a roof over their heads
i. They need food on the table
ii. Clothes on their backs
iii. They need our guidance and good example
iv. They need to know they are important to you.
v. These are the necessities
f. Calvert County has the highest rate of teen alcoholism in MD
i. Many believe it is because Parents leave @0500/rtn 7-8 pm
ii. Kids are left to themselves
g. If one can provide both necessities and luxuries to kids then great
i. Most parents have to make a choice.
h. Don’t be like the first Father mentioned in VS 2
i. Be like the second
i. Give Children what they need instead of what they want
j. God can provide for our families
III. God can help me raise my family:
Psalm 127:3 Sons are a heritage from the LORD, children a reward from him.
a. This verse describes the value of children
b. They are a heritage, not a hindrance
i. A blessing, not a burden
c. Many will argue children and expensive
i. May not be able to drive the car you want
ii. May not afford the house you want to live in
iii. May not be able to travel as much as want to
d. Bible says they are a heritage, a blessing
Psalm 127:4 Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are sons born in one’s youth. 5 Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their enemies in the gate.
e. This is no way a condemnation on daughters. Better translation would be “children.”
f. Great analogy concerning the teaching of Children
i. When does a warrior influence his arrow the most?
1. After he has shot it? NO!
ii. Before he shoots it
iii. Best time to teach children godly values is when they are young.
1. Young and impressionable.
g. Be a godly example to them
i. Teach them the Bible not just by words
1. But by actions
2. Back it up with your life
Conclusion: God can do a lot for our families
¨ He can help build our families
o He created the family so makes sense he would know what is good for it
o He leaves us with godly principles by which to build a family
§ He teaches us about forgiveness
§ Sacrificial love towards one another
§ To put the needs of our family first rather then our own
¨ He can provide for our families
o He does not wave a magic wand making us perfect parents/kids
o He says we must provide for family through good honest work
o And we must know difference between necessity and luxury
§ Do we sacrifice our family for extra $$ that we really do not need?
§ Do we sacrifice family so we can have that nice car, big house?
¨ He can help us raise our families
o Children are a heritage, not a hindrance
o We must teach them about God not just by lips, lifestyle
Invitation: Maybe after understanding this Psalm this morning
¨ You think it is too late for my family, God cannot help us now
o If have small children you still have opportunity to influence them
o Must not get stuck in the past, made mistakes, we all have
o Start today letting God build your family
o If you have older kids it is still not too late
o Start today by changing your life
o They will notice a difference