Back To School
Psalm 127 Rev. R.B. Hughes
Labour Day Weekend
Ps. 127: 1-2 ... vain, vain, vain!
Unless the Lord helps? , assists? , gives advice? , oversees? ...
· Sometimes you must tear down before you build up.
Vs. 3-5 . . Reminds us that children are a blessing not an inconvenience, burden ...
We need to place the same significance upon them:
Vs.4 . Arrows (Polished, Pointed & Poised)
Instead: Leave the quiver broken, headed in wrong direction, with a poison tip.
Why we must rely on God to build the house
10 Commandments of the Christian family going to school:
1. Thou Shalt Not Depend On The School For Moral & Spiritual Teaching
* Even the Christian School!*
- I’m more concerned that there is no prayer at home rather than school!
Deut. 6:5-9 (Most important passage in Deut. For the Jews)
"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give YOU today are to be upon YOUR hearts. (THIS WAS TO THE PARENTS!!!!) ...
STOP: We don’t get to go further until this is done.
· The message … The Life … must be yours before you can pass it on.
My Fav. Proverb: Doesn’t matter what you teach them, they will grow up just like you
If you don’t have the first part you will just dispense:
This will produce “REBELLION”!
If you are just passing on a dress code …. Keep it!
…. Special days? …. keep them.
…. Special music style? … keep it.
…. Special church? … special language … keep them!
You have become a dispenser of religion NOT life!
You have become a dispenser of rules NOT relationship!
ILL/ Like a Soap dispenser
- Great … cleans hands … clean outside .. convenient .. etc.
- Religious soap dishes.
Old saying: You can dress them up … but don’t bother to take them out!
- Clean cut, modest clothes, charitable, great neighbors, no swear, drink, family, lawful …
It’s not what’s out here … But in here!! SO ……….
Deut. 6:5-9
"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give YOU today are to be upon YOUR hearts. (THIS WAS TO THE PARENTS!!!!) ...
THEN …………
Impress (Heb: point, pierce, grief in inner person) them on your children. (HOW?) Talk about them when you sit at home (WHEN RELAXED) and when you walk down the road (WHEN BUSY), when you lie down and when you get up.(EVERYDAY , CONSISTENTLY). Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads (TESTIMONIES, GUIDE POSTS). Write them on the door frames of your houses and on your gates (LET THEM BE KNOWN TO ALL WHO ENTER & THOSE WHO PASS .... WE ARE BELIEVERS)
As for ME and my house WE will serve the Lord!! DAD … SIR … POP!!!
* Psalm 127:1-5
2. Thou Shalt Not Compare Your Child’s Progress With Bro./Sis or Any Other.
- "why can’t you be more like ... ouch! ..
Psalm 139: 13-16 … fearfully & wonderfully made.
Prov 22:6 "train up a child in the way he should go (his bent) ...
* Not only the "rights & wrongs" of life .....
But also knowing their personal strengths & weaknesses and likes & dislikes, interests ...
This takes time with your children .....
- Four children? … Four books to write. (Ronnie teaching Nick)
The Lord tells us not to compare to each other ... He is our example ....
3. Thou Shalt Teach Them To Do Their Best ... Yet, Leaving Room For Failure
* goes with #2.
- Word says: "Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might."
- Not so important TO BE the best as TO DO your best.
Story: Boy throwing up the ball and missing ... great pitcher not hitter.
· Focus on the strengths and realize we all make mistakes
· That means admitting when you’re wrong mom & dad. ( No one bats a 1000.)
4. Thou Shalt Be Aware of General Content of What is Being Taught.
- School, Church , Home
- What are the school books? teachers? Projects?
- Support Your Kids in Special Projects, School, Church, Sports ..etc.
· I’ve seen some ugly stuff on other fridge’s ... but ours? ...ONLY ART!
5. Thou Shalt Not Criticize Kids Teachers In Their Presence.
- Authority break down
- Effects you as parents & all leaders & authority figures
** Pray that they get caught
6. Thou Shalt Laugh Often. Prov.17 ... merry heart
- Many homes are not a happy place.
- Are you fun to live with?
- My kids think I’m hilarious.
- Some are as much fun a s planters warts.
- Say yes more often! ....... Lighten Up!!!
7. Thou Shalt Respect & Show an Interest in Knowing Your Kids Friends
- Friends are the most important thing in your kids life ( Esp. teens)
Teen Survey: Most important?
80% - Friendship
60% - Family
- At least family was second. ... Country home .. pool, tennis, boat, skidoos - FRIENDS!
93% - enjoy friends
67% - Moms
60% - Dads
" How can I handle my kid?"
Not, How can you handle ... How can you relate. (that’s what friends do!)
*To build a friendship you show an interest in what’s important to another person*
Friends are important to your teens and kids
- Many arguments over friends .... "you don’t even know them!!"
Is that true?
8. Thou Shalt Treat Teens Like Adults But Expect Them To Act Like Kids at Least Two Days a Week.
A teenager will act like a baby if you don’t treat them like adults. (some adults too)
Young children think you’re great .... Teens think you’re old.
Therefore: If you can be half as wonderful as your child thinks you are and only half as dumb as your teens think you are, you’re on the right track.
Give them room to grow. (Try to recognize opportunities to trust their judgment)
ILL/ Mom gave money to run the house. .. I got in on it.
9. Thou Shalt Keep In Check The "Over" Principle
- Over protection
- Over control
- Over indulge
- Over liberate .. tail wag dog
- Over react ... major on the minors
Make room for the ghost!
10. Thou Shalt Maintain a Home Of Security
- Your relationship is the greatest example for your children.
Goal: Make your home a place where the prodigal comes back to.
· Remember the prodigal left the same home.
· Don’t need to look farther than older brother to see why he left.
· Don’t need to look any farther than the Father to see why he came back.
Encourage, Encourage, Encourage
- Nothing motivates like encouragement .. (Almost nothing ...Story of pool)
* So much belittles in this world … STEALS SECURITY.
* Encouragement attracts. Your kids need to be encouraged!
* Let your voice be a well of life for your kids
We appreciate what a person does, we affirm who a person is.
Children Learn What They Live:
If a child lives with CRITICISM, They learn to CONDEMN.
.............................. HOSTILITY, ..................... FIGHT.
.............................. RIDICULE, ........................ BE SHY.
.............................. SHAME, ............................. FEEL GUILTY.
.............................. TOLERANCE, ................... BE PATIENT.
.............................. ENCOURAGEMENT, ...... BE CONFIDENT.
............................. PRAISE, .............................. APPRECIATE.
............................. FAIRNESS, ......................... JUSTICE.
............................. SECURITY, ........................ HAVE FAITH.
............................. APPROVAL, ...................... LIKE THEMSELVES.
............................. ACCEPTANCE, ................. FRIENDSHIP
Josh. 24:15 ... If serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve .... as for me and my house we will serve the Lord.
Parents it’s your call. Unless the Lord builds .... labor in vain.
Closing thought ..... Cathy and I in nursing home.
- Great pastor .. preacher .. sports ..
- The greatest thing I ever did was marry you.
Kids & Grandkids visit: You look great for 95.
I thank God that you are my Dad & Mom!