Summary: This is for pastors to use as it is my testamony... I end the sermon with a true story of my life... Please present this in Love... You see ProChoice or ProLife is not just a political issue with me it is my life...

Sanctity of Human Life

Psalms 139:11-16

Tonight I would like to speak about the number 1 misconception in America today… The value of Life… Just how valuable is Life?

On September 11, 2001 over 3500 lives were extinguished . They were future leaders of this nation, doctors who could have saved many, scientist who may have found a cure for cancer, evangelist who may have lead thousands to the Lord and they were loved. Yes on September 11, 2001, evil doers killed over 3500 people.

On September 12, 2001 4000 lives were extinguished and again on September 13 and 14 and 15. Every day in America there are over 4000 unborn babies who’s lives have been taken in what is called pro-choice. 4000 each day, 28,000 each week, 112,000 each month and 1,460,000 each year.

On September 11, 2001 terrorist killed over 3500 people, and the outcry for justice was great, the cry of pain was heard through out our Nation. Swift and accurate justice was rendered. 4000 unborn babies are being taken everyday, but I see no weeping, no anger, and no outcry for justice and no one who cares.

Now some of you think that this is a political issue… I want to tell you that I am neither a democrat or a republican. I have never voted a straight party ticket in my hole life. But I will tell you that I vote ProLife because God is Pro Life.

I believe that it is the one social issue that defines the morality of each and every candidate that runs for office. I will also say that if you voted for a candidate that is pro choice then you need to come to the alter and give your life to the Lord.

Luke give us the words of Jesus himself in Luke 16:13, It states, No servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.

Vence Lambartee, was one of the most successful coaches in the history of Football. The trophy that the winning team get at the super bowl is named after him it is called the Lambartee trophy.

Vence Lambartee started each year’s training camp the same way. He would get his players together in the locker room and grab a football, hold it up in the air and say,

Gentlemen, This is a football. Then he would begin taking each one of them through the basics of the game, throwing, blocking, and tackling.

Ladies and Gentlemen let me introduce to you the Word of God… Please turn with me to the first Book Genesis…

Gen 1:27

27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.


Each time God created something in Genesis he followed it by saying and it was ______.

God created us in His own image. We are a part of God and God creates every child that is conceived in His image. Even while that baby is in the womb, he or she is in God’s image. What gives us the authority to destroy innocent life? Let’s look at what God told Jeremiah.

Jer 1:5

5 "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."


God also tells us to Show Love for one another… I am not going to stand up here behind the pulpit and call those that have had an abortion murders or baby killers… That is not the way that Jesus would have done it… Instead of using hateful words let just call those that have made the decision Misinformed Mothers.

The reality is that 1 out of 4 women have had an Abortion… In the Church 1 out of 10 have had an Abortion… I am not here to look down on you… I just want you to know that God Loves you and wants to Forgive you and give you the healing you desire. You just need to Ask Him.

Life… Life is sacred.

So what difference can I make?

So you may be sitting there asking yourself, what difference can I make anyway? I’m just one person. Let me tell you a story.

A young man was walking along the seashore. Far ahead of him, he saw a distant figure: someone who, like him, was walking, but who paused every few steps, stooped down, and seemed to be throwing something into the sea.

His curiosity aroused, the young man hurried forward, his feet awkward in the sand, as he tried to catch up with the man. As he came closer, he saw that it was an old man, and the reason that he would stop every step or two was to pick up a starfish and fling it into the ocean. It was only then that the young man noticed the thousands of starfish that littered the beach for miles, stranded there by the tide.

The young man felt a rising sense of anger. What the old man was doing seemed so pointless, and he couldn’t wait to catch up with him to tell him so. By the time the young man came abreast of the older man, he was out of breath.

"Why are you doing this?" he gasped. "You can’t save all of these starfish! It’s useless! What does it matter?"

The old man paused for a moment, looking down at the crusty starfish he’d just picked up. He turned it over slowly, then answered.

"It matters to this one," he said, as with a slow deliberate motion he tossed it back into the sea, into life.

Much in the same manner as the old man in this story, we can make a difference by getting involved.

Despite what you may think, you can make a difference because you were created by God with a purpose to bring glory and honor to Him.

David wrote in Psalm 139:13-16

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mothers womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.

I have two testimonies I want to share with you both are true there not stories they are real life.

On our trip home from Orlando after the beyond all limits conference that I attended we got to meet a lady who shared one of the most powerful testimonies that I have ever heard. Because that week’s Bible Study was on the subject that I am preaching on today she shared her testimony and I think it fits so well… Let me share it with you.

She and Her Husband tried having a baby for years… They went through all the treatments and all seemed to fail. They had found an adoption agency and was looking into Adoption but could not afford it when all the sudden she became pregnant.

Can you imagine the joy, but something went wrong and she had a miscarriage. She lost the child after all the prayers and efforts her child died in her womb. It was an extremely difficult time for her and her husband but they had a supporting church and they got through it.

Then God opened up her womb and she became pregnant a second time and again she miss carried, but she never gave up hope. And She became pregnant for the third time. The pregnancy was a difficult one but in the end God gave her a beautiful girl.

This girl grew up and got around the wrong crowd. She met a boy that her mom bitterly despised and at age 15 she became pregnant. The first thing the mother did was call Family Planning and schedule an appointment her daughter to have an abortion.

Her daughter was 15 years old… The Father of the Child was a bum and she knew that he would never be around and this mistake would destroy her daughters life… She was scared and didn’t know where to turn… She was even scared that the church would find out and she was the church organist and adult Sunday School teacher. What would the Church think to know that her daughter was pregnant…

What kind of a mother was she that her daughter would end up pregnant at the age of 15… She was desperate and wanted to get rid of the problem so her daughter could get on with her life… and deep down she knew that it was not right… deep down she knew that God doesn’t make mistakes… But she was scared.

Her daughter refused to go and decided to have the baby… Some of the older ladies from church found out and they took the young girl and her mom and loved her and was there for her… The baby was born and we saw the little guy running around the church when we were there.

She praises God that her daughter did not follow her advise. Was it hard to raise a child at 15… absolutely… as a matter of fact for the first 2 years the child was raised by the grandmother… But now the daughter has met a young man, a Christian Boy, They have gotten married and he has adopted the Boy. But the question remains what would have happened if the daughter would have taken her mothers advise? Praise God we will never know.

Let me warn you though straight up, Don’t condemn the Grandmother, until you have walked in her shoes. The other reason why this is a happy story is because the church never condemned the Grandma or the granddaughter they only loved them and helped them through it.

Ladies and Gentlemen: WE NEED TO MAKE THE CHURCH A SAFE HOUSE AGAIN! A place were people come to get healing. A place that shows love to our brothers and sisters. A place that when someone comes and asks for prayer we understand that they are asking us for prayer and it is not a point of gossip. It is not a point that we use against them. We need to show one another the Love that Christ showed us.

Jer 1:5

5 "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."

This verse tells us that God forms us in the womb. God causes this to happen and nothing else. This verse also tells us that before we were born, while we were still in the womb, God has a plan for our lives. Jeremiah was appointed to be a prophet to the nations before he was born, while he was still in his mother’s womb. From the moment of conception God has a plan or calling for the unborn baby. Some are appointed for evangelism, others doctors, others ministers, others missionaries, others leaders of nations, and still others as disciples.

What would have happened if Jeremiah’s mother had aborted him? Would Jerusalem have been overthrown? Would the history of Israel be different today? Isaiah 44:2 again tell us that God forms us in the womb.

Isa 44:2

2 This is what the LORD says-- he who made you, who formed you in the womb, and who will help you: Do not be afraid, O Jacob, my servant.

In my view you only have two Biblical options when it comes to what the world calls a “unplanned pregnancy”… The reality is there is no unplanned pregnancy… any time you are intimate you are planning on being pregnant. The first options is to keep the child and the story I began the mother chose that option. But there is another option… it is called adoption. It is so biblical that if we belong to Christ we are all adopted.

Eph. 1:5 says, “He predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will.

Let me give you the other testimony,

The event occurred back in the early 60’s when Abortion was not a legal option. She was a young High School student. She met a boy that was everything that she dreamed of. She allowed him to have his way with her and she became pregnant. He told her that he had no desire to marry her and was going to college. She wanted to keep the Baby but her family had different Ideas. They told her that she was to young and it would be to difficult.

Her uncle had found a place that cared for unwed mothers and agreed to take her there and take care of her while she was there. The baby would then be placed up for adoption and she could return to school and finish her high school education.

It was a different time, unlike today where the girl remains in school and around her friends and it is accepted and even somewhat expected to have pregnant girls in High School… It just didn’t occur that much back then and if it did the girls were usually taken to away to places for unwed mothers or moved to family members that were far away.

She ended up having a little girl and the girl was placed up for adoption. A few years later she met a man while she was working in a factory. He told her that he loved her and she moved in with him and became pregnant. The man found out that she was pregnant and kicked her out and moved a different girl friend in.

She didn’t know where to turn so she went back to her Uncle that helped her the first time. This time he suggested that she get an abortion. When she refused, He told her that he was not going to help her this time and she was on her own. She had no where to turn so she moved into an old friends house but quickly got thrown out of there also.

Pregnant and no where to turn she moved into the Salvation Army shelter where she lived until the birth of the child. She planned on raising this child on her own but the state had different idea’s. After she was admitted to the hospital the case worker for the state came along and told her that she would have to sign papers to have the child put up for adoption. She didn’t want to but what hope did she have? She had no money, No place to Live, No way to get the food that her and the child needed so she signed the papers.

The child was born, this time a baby boy which she named Tommy. Two days later little Tommy was taken away and placed into foster care. The mother didn’t believe in God and thought the church was only a group of hypocrites. After all where were they when she needed help? Oh, they talk a good game… They love to condemn… But where were they when she needed them?

The little boy was placed into a loving home that loved the Lord. The child was raised in church. Life was not perfect for the little boy, There were hardships that came his way. But he was given the gift of life and the gift of a mother and father that loved him and instilled Christian values in him.

He graduated High School and served 4 years in defending this country in the military. After he got out he went to college and graduated. He got married and has children of his own.

Today Little Tommy Stands before you as your pastor. Its not just a story about a women choosing life to me… Because I was given that gift, a chance to become what ever God had planned for my Life. Today, God has given me the opportunity to share the gospel with hundreds and lead over 75 people to the Lord this year. What if she would have chose to abort me? I can tell you one thing you would not have me here and bring this message to you today.

What the world calls “unplanned pregnancy”, God calls miracles. God has a plan for each one of us. Each and every child that is conceived God has a purpose and a plan for them. Some children never get the chance because we play God and choose to abort… Choose Life so that some may Live…

I believe that the moral standard for this country circle around how we feel about the unborn. God choose Life and said that it was Good… We should choose the same.

If you would like me to share my testamony at your church and are not to far away from Illinois email me.