READ: Malachi 3:8-12
We are accountable to God for how we handle the many gracious gifts He grants us. In fact, we are answerable to Him for the whole of our lives. Romans 12:1 says ...
“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.”
The term “bodies” here does relate to our physical frame - our flesh, blood and bones - but it also means more than that. It relates to the whole of who we are. The New English Bible brings this out, translating it: “your very selves”. It is our duty before, as stewards, to bring the whole of our lives to God as living sacrifices.
The time He grants us here; our health and energies; our talents and abilities; and, of course, our material resources - our money and possessions.
There really is so much to this matter of stewardship that I want to look at it over several messages. You see, as soon as we mention stewardship most people automatically think we’re talking solely about MONEY. But there ARE so many things God wants us to steward wisely and courageously for Him. So, I’m going to speak about our stewardship of resources today (because that area IS so important) and then in another message I’ll look at our stewardship of time and talents, etc.
Some preachers might feel awkward addressing this subject - particularly thinking about tithes and offerings - they are reluctant to do so. But I believe that the principle of bringing our tithes and offerings faithfully to the Lord releases the blessing of God in people’s lives - and therefore, I dare not NOT preach about it! In fact, it’s a joy and a privilege to minister on such a liberating subject this morning. Paul, when he was speaking to the elders of the church in Ephesus (in his farewell address) said: “You I kept back nothing that was helpful (profitable), but proclaimed it to you, and taught you publicly and from house to house.” (Acts 20:20). This is my heart today, to keep back nothing that is profitable to you.
I want this to be a very simple and very practical message, looking at this passage under three headings -
1. How a Christian Can "Rob" God.
2. How a Christian Can "Prove" God.
3. How a Christian Can "Secure" God.
This third point will then lead us to examine a New Testament passage (2 Corinthians 8-9). We will briefly look at this, and then we will finish off by answering some of the most commonly asked questions about tithing.
Firstly, then, we address ourselves to Malachi’s strong indictment. The first thing we see, in verses 8-9 of this passage is:
1. How a Christian Can "Rob" God.
The prophet poses the incredible question: "Will a man rob God?" I imagine Malachi standing up on his soap box before all the people and crying it out - "Will a man rob God?", and then pausing for effect. It’s such a ludicrous thought isn’t it; man robbing God. How COULD you rob the Almighty - you can’t exactly sneak in without Him noticing and pilfer things! And why WOULD you rob the Almighty? I imagine Malachi’s audience seeing the absurdity of the question and turning to one another - "Rob God? - NO! Surely not."
But Malachi continues and says on God’s behalf - "YET YOU HAVE ROBBED ME!" What an indictment against the people of God. They ask incredulously: "In what way have we robbed You?" Then the answer comes - "IN TITHES AND OFFERINGS!" (I IMAGINE MORE THAN A FEW RED FACES IN THE CROWD?) In the Book of Malachi we see Israel’s poor attitude toward God in so many ways. You might recall that I preached a series of messages through this book very soon after we arrived in Devonport - I believe it’s message to be one of the most clear challenges to God’s people about real and true life-giving religion.
In EVERYTHING Israel were robbing God of what He required of them and deserved from them as His people. They brought marred sacrifices before the Lord - what they felt they could afford to give Him (what they had no use for themselves!) Their sacrifices were entirely unworthy of God, and it was disobedient to His command.
The real root problem was that there was no devotion in their service for God - no love for God - no honour and respect for the Holy One of Israel. They begrudged and withheld. It’s easy to fall into “begrudging” and “withholding” if all you have is a mere FORM of “religion”. All EXTERNAL, nothing of Spirit and truth.
This word "rob" is an interesting one. It means: "to defraud, to spoil". Malachi says you have sought to DEFRAUD God of what is rightfully His! Stealing means not only taking what is not yours, but also "keeping back for yourself what belongs to someone else".
Think about the custodian of a person’s Last Will and Testament. They are entrusted to HOLD the inheritance for a son until he comes of age. The custodian has no right to spend that money on themselves - if they do IT IS STEALING. Withholding what was entrusted to you, but rightfully belongs to someone else.
God had made it clear that the FIRST 10% of all his people received was His. He had given them EVERYTHING, and required only a tenth - and they were to bring it lovingly and worshipfully and surrender it to the Lord.
Look at something interesting here: The people were robbing God - and Malachi says that "the whole nation" were guilty (v9). NOW YOU MUST REMEMBER that this was a very "religious" group of people - they were the forerunners of the Pharisees that Jesus met up with some 400 years later. It seems probable that a great many were failing in their obligation to bring their tithes to the Lord (Offense #1) - but it is also reasonable to assume that their were a number who DID pay tithes - yet it says "this WHOLE NATION" were guilty. WHY? Because even those who perhaps did bring their obligation did not give with right attitude (Offense #2). Some withheld some gave "what they felt they could afford" (a lame sacrifice) still others brought the tithe, but did so begrudgingly.
God says bring ALL the tithes. This would possibly be better translated "bring the WHOLE tithe". "ALL" the tithes is simply a mathematical phrase (all 10%). But God says "bring the WHOLE tithe". This means not only the first-fruits of their land and labour (the outward form) BUT ALSO THE INNER INTENTION. Bring it with the right heart.
Supposing a man earned 100 shekels - has he fulfilled God’s requirement by bring 10 to the Lord (that is the correct mathematical percentage). NOT NECESSARILY! The money placed on the altar before God may be counterfeit in His sight if not brought in the right spirit. Bring the "WHOLE" tithe means bringing the full amount with love for God - in response to the love and provision He has freely poured out on His people.
God calls for "the right tithe given rightly". We’ll note more about this matter of "attitude" later. But this is the first point: Christians can “ROB” God by withholding their tithes.
The Second thing we see in Malachi 3 is:
2. How a Christian Can "Prove" God.
READ v10.
When God’s people will FAITHFULLY bring the "WHOLE" tithe, God promises His abundant provision (indeed abundant blessing) for their lives.
You see, the basic reason for Christian’s withholding their tithe is lack of trust! That is the sin. They don’t trust God to meet their needs. Tithes should be set aside as FIRST priority in budgeting - they should be handed over before anything else is considered. The only reason you would ever hold them back is because in your heart of hearts you’re worried that YOU won’t have enough.
God says PROVE ME NOW IN THIS! Trust Me to honour your faithfulness. This word "prove" means "to examine". Literally, God says: "Examine Me in this! Discover that I AM faithful."
I testify this morning, Allison and I have proved God in this - over & over again - in our lives. I learnt the lesson when I was single (so did Allison). There were times when I had just started work that I was NOT faithful in this area, and I want to tell you it was tight! I had financial worries! I just couldn’t seem to see where all the money was going! BUT WHEN I WAS FAITHFUL TO GOD IN THIS AREA OF WORSHIPPING THE LORD WITH MY TITHES and OFFERINGS I saw His unfailing provision. Not always in supernatural ways - oftentimes in very NATURAL ways - but still very clearly the work of God.
Having learnt these lessons, when we got married Allison and I covenanted together to honour the Lord with our finances. To lovingly, cheerfully, respectfully, worshipfully bring to God both TITHES AND OFFERINGS. I’m so glad we did! He has NEVER failed us - we have seen some truly miraculous provision from the Lord.
FOR EXAMPLE: We went to Bible College with very little in the way of finances (we had just furnished our home as newlyweds). How many know that a good education is not cheap. (But as one preacher said: "If you think education is expensive - try IGNORANCE!"). We had to TITHE, raise all our fees, pay for textbooks, etc., pay rent, buy food and clothes, and pay for transport (pioneering a church 45 minutes away) - ALL ON ONE WAGE (very average one at that!) But, you know, God NEVER failed us once. (I honestly couldn’t tell you where all the finance came from!)
Not only did we pay all our bills and college fees, but we took vacations! WE HAVE PROVED GOD TO BE FAITHFUL TO HIS WORD. He is no man’s debtor - You can’t out-give God!
You see it is true to say that when we are faithful in the Biblical principle of tithing that GOD IS RELEASED TO MOVE IN OUR FINANCES. That is NOT to say that if you’re not tithing God is somehow "bound and gagged" - not at all! But God will ALWAYS honour His Word (He IS bound to His own word) and He has said that He will honour tithing - THAT IS HIS DECREE. This principle operates in a number of different areas. One other example is where Jesus says in Matthew 6:14-15: "For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." Now, does that mean that we begrudgingly say "I forgive you, but only because I have to - otherwise God won’t forgive me"? (Some people talk like that!) NO - we forgive people their wrongs against us because of our love for God, and because of the love that He has poured in our hearts for others. And as we do so forgive - God is released to pour His forgiveness into our lives! Hallelujah!
One other thing. I’ve often heard preaching regarding finance that would encourage Christians to pay tithes and expect God to give back ten-fold a hundred-fold. Listen, if that is the motivation for your tithing - it’s shallow indeed, and it’s little better than Pharisaical giving! In this promise of God He is challenging the people of God as to their mistrust of Him. Remember: if you hold back from God it can only mean that you believe you won’t have enough for yourself. God says - "Prove Me now in this! Trust Me! Bring the whole tithe to Me with love & worship in your heart, and don’t worry about being short because of it - SEE IF I WILL NOT OPEN THE WINDOWS OF HEAVEN AND POUR OUT FOR YOU SUCH A BLESSING THAT THERE WILL NOT BE ROOM ENOUGH TO CONTAIN IT." God always blesses trust (faith).
So, we see that Christians "PROVE" God we release our tithes to Him.
Then, thirdly ...
3. How a Christian Can "Secure" God.
READ v11-12.
This follows on from what we were saying about God being released to minister in our finances. When we are obedient to God in bringing tithes and offerings we secure His providence in our lives. You may think it sounds like what we’ve already said - but it actually goes further. Not only will God provide for our needs, but it says He will "rebuke the devourer". Israel was a nation that lived off the land. As with everyone who works off the land - they knew what it was to lose crops because of "devourers", e.g’s - LOCUSTS, INSECTS, RAIDERS, DROUGHT, etc. But God said - bring the whole tithe into the storehouse and "I will rebuke the devourer (whatever it may be at the time) for your sakes, so that he will not destroy the fruit of your ground..."
If there’s anyone here who lives off the land - as you are faithful in bringing your tithes into the storehouse YOU CAN STAND ON THIS WORD.
Most of us here DON’T live off the land directly. We work for a wage, but I believe that God can still "rebuke the devourer" on our behalf. Tell me if this is not your experience - We have found that is truly amazing how far your finances go when you’re being faithful in tithing. I’ve mentioned before how my wife has a pretty good nose for a bargain ANY time - but I am sure that God just makes sure we’re in the right place at the right moment. And He gives us favour with merchants as well.
And He has a million other creative ways of making our money stretch. He clearly “rebukes the devourer” on our behalf. (He’s already rebuked devourers like smoking, drinking, drugs, and gambling for us, hasn’t He ?! The way I figure it. the things that God has delivered Me from as a Christian put me well out in front of the 10% tithe!)
Now if we waste our finances, that’s a different matter. Some people complain that they pay their tithes but they’re still in debt. But paying your tithes doesn’t mean you can be a wastrel and squander your money. No we need to have common sense and self-discipline.
BUT, God WILL rebuke the devourer on your behalf when you are being faithful to His command in tithing.
You say “I can’t afford to tithe” - I SAY YOU CAN’T AFFORD NOT TO!
Christians can “secure” God’s providence and working in their lives through obedience in tithing.
NOW, some people have objected to the doctrine of tithing saying that it is merely an Old Testament concept! This is quite simply NOT SO! In fact the New Testament mindset is total surrender - EVERYTHING I HAVE BELONGS TO GOD! (There are numerous New Testament examples we could look at - early church "all things common"; Barnabas selling land; Cornelius; the Phillipian Church; etc). It’s 10% AT THE LEAST. That’s why we talk about “tithes AND OFFERINGS”.
Jesus said "Render to Caesar ... BUT MAKE SURE YOU RENDER TO GOD WHAT IS RIGHTFULLY HIS ALSO". When He said that He was looking at a Roman coin bearing Caesar’s image. “Give this back to Caesar. But your whole life bears the image of God - GIVE IT TO HIM!”
The New Testament attitude toward stewardship and giving is addressed in 2 Corinthians 8-9.
Note with me in chapter 8:
A) The GRACE of Giving. (v7)
To be pursued as a grace (virtue) - excellence. We seek after great faith, godly speech, knowledge of God and His ways, diligence, and love AS GREAT GRACES. In the same manner we should SEEK THE GRACE OF LIBERALITY IN GIVING
Christians should be characterized by their generosity - their liberality!
B) The EXAMPLE of Giving. (v9)
Jesus. He gave His all for us. Aren’t you glad He didn’t give us just a tithe of Himself - 10%! He gave us His whole life.
And Paul says that HE is to be our example - He possessed the grace of giving in greater measure than any other man.
C) The EXTENT of Giving. (v11)
We are called by God to give "out of what we have". God is not like the god of the Hare Krishnas (or hundreds of other sects) - who are required to collect EXTRA money to bring. Required to toil at gathering finance. NO - God simply says bring to Him out of what we have - what He has blessed us with.
cf 9:8. Here’s a great verse. Paul says that in response to our obedience in giving to the work of God, He is able to "make all grace abound to us - so that we will have sufficiency in all things." AND WHY DOES HE POUR THESE BLESSINGS INTO OUR LIVES - "so that we have a greater abundance out from which to minister" - to give more - and to do the works of ministry He’s called us all to!
When God can trust you to make your finances count FOR HIM - He will superabundantly bless you. He’ll make you a channel of finance in His Kingdom. I truly believe that!
D) The ATTITUDE of Giving. (v12)
The attitude of the Christian toward giving to God’s work needs to be "A WILLING MIND".
In chapter 9:7 Paul says: "God loves a CHEERFUL giver". That word "cheerful" is the Greek word "hilaros", from which we get our word "hilarious". God loves a hilarious giver! It means MERRY. Also implied in "hilaros" is the idea of "PROMPTNESS". The picture is literally of God’s people running toward the collection bags laughing with joy at the privilege of being able to give to God! (When was the last time you saw that in church?)
That is to be our attitude.
Why not spend some more time looking through 2 Cor 8-9.
Finally, then, in closing, let’s just very quickly look at some of the most commonly asked questions about tithing.
Some Common Questions About Tithing:
i. Gross or nett?
ii. Unbelieving spouse?
iii. Where are tithes to be given? Malachi 3:10 says "Bring ALL the tithes into the storehouse". That is, the place from which you and the community of which you are a part are regularly, systematically fed. In the New Testament context it cannot speak of any other place than THE LOCAL CHURCH. (Tithes do not go to other ministries - though you may choose to send an additional offering to such places).
Are you tithing?
Are you training your children to tithe?
Don’t feel condemned and try to back-pay - put it right and start now.
I commend to you handing over your tithes, and giving love offerings to the Lord as well - NOT as a burdensome duty, but as a great privilege and a source of blessing. As you give to God (1) you are being obedient to His command, and (2) you are being a partner with Him in the work of extending His kingdom. YOU’LL NEVER OUT-GIVE GOD. You could never earn enough to repay the price of His blood shed for you.
We believe God has made us stewards, and we’ll come back to this thought again next Sunday morning.