READ: Matthew 4:1-11
Today is “FATHER’S DAY”. One day of the year that we set apart to remember and honour our “dads”. For so many of us this is a joyous day, for we have such fond relationships with, or memories of, our fathers.
I thank God when I think of my own dad. He’s a godly man who faithfully brought me up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. He instilled so many things in my life for which I will be eternally grateful. And we have a close and affectionate relationship to this day.
But there was moment in my life when I came to know a whole new dimension of FATHERHOOD relationship. I day when I was adopted into a whole new household; a household in which my earthly parents are now truly my brother and my sister - we share a common Heavenly Father. And since that day I have been enveloped in a paternal care that transcends any other love I’ve ever known. I received Christ as my Saviour, and in that moment I was made a son of God and restored to perfect, intimate (even affectionate) relationship with the great Creator.
And here is a wonderful hope for us all! I am aware that not everyone has the same experience with their earthly fathers. Some were tormented, even abused, by a godless man. Others were dominated by a tyrant. Others were ignored, or even deserted. And then there are some who never even knew who their earthly father was. But here is the hope - the promise - this morning: NONE OF US need live without the Fatherhood of God. He loves every one of His children without distinction, and He is faithful and true to the uttermost. There is NONE like Him. His paternal care is not just a replacement or a compensation for those who haven’t known an earthly father’s love - NO - He is the TRUEST Father of all. And every one of us is in need of His love.
Look briefly with me, then, at what the Scriptures teach us concerning “The Fatherhood of God”.
Firstly, let us observe that ...
1. God Is, By Nature, A Father.
He has a Father’s heart. It’s the very nature of who God is; He is a Father.
We see this revealed in His relationship to the Creation. God created all things, and He sustains it all continuously with meticulous care. Listen to Jesus’ words in Matthew 6:26-34 [READ & comment].
So, God is, by nature, a father. But even to say that is NOT ENOUGH. The Bible goes further. Secondly, let us consider ...
2. God Is THE Model Father.
Here is where so many people get it all back to front. People say, “You talk about God being a ‘father’ - you should have met my dad. He was a user. He was a tyrant. He was a molester. Don’t talk to me about fathers - if God is a father then I don’t want to know Him!”
But listen, God is not just “LIKE a father”; He IS Father. THE Father. The Bible shows God to be the model of fatherhood upon which all other fathers are judged. If you want to know what a TRUE father is, don’t look at your earthly father, or my earthly father, or any other earthly father (however good they may appear to be). Open the pages of God’s Word and see the heart of the Father revealed in the nature of God. HE is the model. The One who is: Faithful, True, Just, Merciful, Compassionate, Slow to Anger, Loving, Affectionate, Providing, Patient, Kind, etc, etc, etc.
In Matthew 23:9, Jesus says: “Do not call anyone on earth your father; for One is your Father, He who is in Heaven.” It’s a strange verse, isn’t it?! I puzzled over it for a long time. What does it mean? Should I be calling my dad by his first name instead? No, not at all ! Jesus is speaking here in an ultimate sense. In the same passage He says not to call any man “teacher”, for Christ is our Teacher. But we know that in other parts of Scripture it is clear that if we cannot receive earthly teachers given by God, it is a sign of and immaturity.
What Jesus is saying is we are not to look to any man as our ultimate instructor; that place belongs to Jesus Christ - men make mistakes; they will fail us. All teachers are to be evaluated alongside our Great Teacher. What they say must be compared with what HE said. If they conform to His example they are VALID. Where they do not they are to be rejected!
And Jesus says that the same goes for fathers. Call no man “Father” in an ultimate sense. We are not to impugn God’s character by judging HIM according to the standards of our earthly fathers. HE is the standard by which we judge fatherhood. The most godly father on earth is but a shadow of God’s perfection!
God is THE model Father. And you see this right throughout the Bible, don’t you?!
a) In the O.T. God models Fatherhood in His relationship to Israel (The Nation).
b) In the Gospels God models Fatherhood in His relationship to Jesus Christ (The Son).
c) In the N.T. God models Fatherhood in His relationship to believers (The Church).
This leads us on, then to consider a third thing. God is, by very nature, a Father. God is THE Model Father. Thirdly ...
3. God Is Made “OUR Father” When We Receive Christ.
John 20:17 [Read & comment]
Galatians 3:26-4:7 [Read]
Have you received Christ as your Saviour? If so, then you are a child of God in the fullest sense. You have been adopted into the Divine household, and you live your life under the watchful, paternal care of THE FATHER.
We have received the Spirit of adoption, by Whom we cry out “Abba! Father!” “Abba” is the language of children in the household. It is a respectful term of affection.
But now, as we conclude, I want you to turn back with me to the passage we read right at the outset: Matthew 4:3 [READ].
Note here: The “IF” of the enemy. “IF you are the Son of God ...”
Ever since the Garden of Eden, the enemy has continually come to the people of God with a hiss and an “IF”. See the subtlety of Satan - he doesn’t come with a point blank denial of God’s Word. We may see through that!
If someone comes to you and says “You’re not a Christian”, or “How could God ever forgive you?” Well, you could answer them I trust. You know the Scriptures of assurance.
- “Whosoever calls on the Name of the Lord shall be saved.”
- “I know Whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I’ve committed unto to Him against that Day.”
Oh, yes, we are prepared to combat the direct attack on our faith. But NO, the devil is more subtle. DOUBT serves his purposes far better than denial! And so he comes with an “IF”. “IF you are the Son of God ...”
He aims his “IF” right at the most vital parts ...
a) He aims his “IF” at our sonship.
In Jesus’ case, he attacked His Divine Sonship. The cults are just following their father the devil when they do the same!
In OUR case, he would make us doubt our ADOPTION - our salvation.
The enemy does this despite the clear pronouncements of Scripture:
JESUS - Psalm 2:7 “You are My Son, today I have begotten You. Ask of Me and I will give You the nations for Your inheritance, and the ends of the earth for Your possession.”
US - Galatians 3:26 “For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus.”
The enemy wants to make you doubt who you are - your sonship with Christ. “IF you are the Son of God...”
b) He aims his “IF” at our Father’s honour.
In the wilderness the devil came to tempt Jesus at His time of weakness. He had been fasting for 40 days and was hungry and weary. Satan’s temptation was to doubt that the Father would provide - to blame God for letting Him hunger.
And he will tempt you in the same way. “IF you are the son of God ... why does He let you suffer? Why aren’t you healed? Why is your family divided? Why are you broke? Why does the way of the wicked prosper? Perhaps He’s not your Father at all - maybe He doesn’t even exist; it’s all a great hoax.” The IF of the enemy. Trying to get you to doubt God - playing off your natural affections and desires.
I believe that it’s the devil’s work that a large number of Christians today believe that because they’re children of God nothing should ever be a trial for them. No sickness. No hardship. No lack. And as I’ve said before, we put God on a string - there to give us our every whim. Otherwise He can’t be a loving Father.
But isn’t it exactly BECAUSE we our love our children that we don’t give them everything they ask. There are many good reasons why we sometimes withhold from our children, aren’t there ?! Why then should we presume that it’s unthinkable for God to deny us anything?
The devil has come to make us doubt the loving fatherhood of God.
The temptations to doubt are not usually thrown at us here in the house of God - not on the mountaintops of blessing - but in the midst of trying and difficult circumstances. So you must be prepared in advance. We must be fully persuaded of the Fatherhood of God. Fully persuaded of your sonship. We ARE sons and daughters - claimed as His own - and therefore we are the objects of His paternal care and tender affections.
Today is Father’s day. You may or may not be able to celebrate/appreciate the goodness of an earthly father. BUT you CAN celebrate our Heavenly Father.