Summary: One of a series on the church from the book of Acts.

Do you remember the decisions you made when you left High School. There was the decision that led you to college or to the military. Or perhaps it was a decision that led you a factory job or to trade school. One little decision that probably shaped the rest of your life.

Any architect deals with two overriding realities. What he does with them determines the outcome of his building. It limits what it looks like and determines how it works.

Form & Function

The proper way to build in my humble opinion is with the recognition that function determines the form - or it should. If you don’t delibrately make that decision and start your design instead with form then the building will be limited by it’s design.

In the Middle ages the buildings were huge and cavernous in their attempt to reflect the awesome glory of God. In the 1700’s the pews were separated with walls so the people couldn’t see each other. The Preacher was elevated in his pulpit and looked down on his congregation.

In the 1800 & 1900’s churches were simpler and more orderly with rows of pews. Look at church buildings in the mid-fifties with their steeples and long narrow halls that made the audience spectators rather than participants.

Today we have moved from long and narrow to wide and participatory. Today, you see more auditoriums built in the round with the emphasis on participation and intimacy.

The forms we choose are very important. Therefore... we must know what we are supposed to do - We must understand the mission of the church.

Therefore... we must know how we are going to do it - that is the method that we will use in the culture we live in.

Therefore... we must build forms that encourage the function - Structure is important!

The early church had two different forms to meet two completely different functional needs.

Acts 20:17-21

From Miletus, Paul sent to Ephesus for the elders of the church. -- Acts 20:17 (NIV)

When they arrived, he said to them: "You know how I lived the whole time I was with you, from the first day I came into the province of Asia. -- Acts 20:18 (NIV)

I served the Lord with great humility and with tears, although I was severely tested by the plots of the Jews. -- Acts 20:19 (NIV)

You know that I have not hesitated to preach anything that would be helpful to you but have taught you publicly and from house to house. -- Acts 20:20 (NIV)

I have declared to both Jews and Greeks that they must turn to God in repentance and have faith in our Lord Jesus. -- Acts 20:21 (NIV)

They met from house to house.

They had meetings where there was rich and close fellowship. There was study of the word of God. They ministered to one another.

They met publicly.

This was usually in the temple or other gathering place. Occassionally it was in other places including a the school of Tyranus where the church rented the facilities.

The idea of meeting from house to house (like in Acts 2:42) helped to create a sense of community. They were with one another - Fellowship.

In the Home Group that I am a part of we had a birthday celebration last week. One of the ladies brought some Dutch apple pie. This is a real family!

Time is spent with God in Prayer - I enjoy conversational prayer. Too many of us are babes in arms when it comes to prayer. We need to become accomplished in the prayers of intercession and petition to God.

There was time spent in ministry. People have problems - all of us do.

Singles. College age and alone for the first time. Single again. Single with kids. single without kids. Widowed and lonely.

Married people struggle too. There are tough relationships. Young married with one car and little kids. There are middleaged married who have teens - some of them who are out of control. Then there are the older married who have the empty nest.

Then there are the sick. Cancer. Arthritus. Epstein Bar syndrome. Overworked and underappreciated. Hungry for selfworth.

There are those who are sick at heart. Those who had a father or mother that never cared about them. Those who were rejected - a husband or a wife that left them. There are those which children who take advantage of them.

God’s people are the solution in every one of these cases. Whether it is moving a family into a new house,

helping another to find a car, fixing a washer or dryer, providing childcare for a young mother, or

offering encouragement to a wife whose husband is TDY/90 days.

It can be as simple as visiting in the hospital - and staying through surgery. Just caring.

There is the study of the Word of God. The small group - house to house - is where we are accountable on a personal level.

This is where there is real personal growth. This is where you teach people the word and apply it in real every day ways. This is where there is effective witnessing and sharing of faith.

But there is that second form that met a second function. They met publicly - Hebrews 10:23-24

There is a place for public worship. There is a place for the practice of the Lord’s Supper.

Now I know that we need to be seeker sensitive. In fact I believe we need to have progressive mix of hymns/praise music in popular style.

But it is important to remember that in worship God is the audience and that we are the participants! Giving and honoring God is important.

So is our ministry to children. Children have needs.

Teaching them cares for so many. I am proud of our Children’s programs here.

It takes work and care. In love and commitment. In tithes and offerings. There is the celebration of Baptisms and the preaching of the word.

What tremendous encouragement this is! There is power in the word being preached! There is excitement when we see so many come and join with us in cause of Jesus

We have the right forms and when you have the right forms the functions of the church will happen!

1 We have the Message. The Good News of Jesus

is always fresh and powerful. It is still life changing.

2. We have a vision for a church where the mission and ministry take place. The goal is the process of winning and discipling our friends and neighbors.

The goal is people in taught the word - house to house and publicly

3. We have the Power. We are not alone - prayer on a continuing basis is happening all around us. We are the resurrection people. We have Holy spirit power and Awesome God resources.

4. We have the Leadership. They are a fully committed and unified eldership. They are a fully committed and unified pastoral and ministry staff. Best of all we have a fully committed and unified people.

5 We have the Freedom. We don’t have traditions and rules that bind us up. We are free to take whatever actions we need to get the work done.

6 We have an Inclusive attitude. Let’s focus on the essentials and basics and be open to all men and women everywhere. Let us not denominate ourselves from others with walls which exclude others. Let us follow only Jesus who draws all to him.

7 We have the right kind of thinking - Possibility thinking. We have people who work in ministries and think of ways around problems. These problems are viewed as challenges not roadblocks. As your Pastor it is exciting to see the solutions you think of to solve the difficulties we face.

8 We have focused energy. We have made the decision to concentrate on a few things and do them well. Worship. Childrens Ministry. Small Groups.

We still want to do a few things well!

9 We have a commitment to the task. Nothing will stop us from doing what God has called us to do here! We will not be stopped by weary men or by demons from hell.

With God’s power we will do the work!

Watch what God does at BCC! Exciting years ahead of us! God is at work here!

I invite you to become part of the family and army of God. To accept Jesus.