Summary: A simple look at end time things: the ’consumation of the Kingdom’

The kingdom and the end. Lk 17:20-38 WBC 17/3/2 am

1) SIMPLE? v20

We’re looking at the KOG and the ‘end of the world’, here

Many think = simple! Can extrapolate a text… the texts… revn

- get chronology

- work out exactly what’s gonna happen, when

My experience is- this is NOT simple!

- think about it ! If the Son of God doesn’t even know the dates (Mt 13:22)- then how are we going to?

- It’s made more complex by

- A) Different texts giving different slants. They fill in the picture on a mystery… not a jigsaw. (Olivet discourses: Mt 24, Lk 21)

- B) Prophetic telescoping of events:

- Jesus death/resurrection

- Fall of Jerusalem (70AD)

- End of world

 all ‘telescoped’ together

- and this is correct. Right. It’s the way the prophetic works

- people see things with no ‘dates’

- besides, we are in one ‘date’/’era’: the ‘last days’

- days started with Jesus’ coming

- = asynchronous. Cf Dan 9: 70 7’s. Has chronology up to 69th 7- then the clock stops. We are in the last 7

- C) Apocalyptic language

- This kind of has a similar effect to the prophetic. Lumps everything together by using one kind of dramatic language. Hyperbole. ‘the earth shook’ kind of thing

Cf MT 24:29 "Immediately after the distress of those days `the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.’ (citing Isaiah)

- what’s it referring to? Lit 3 hrs of darkness while Jesus was on the cross… is it a metaphor for how people will feel (shaken & stirred)… or end of world being universally cataclysmic?

- Probably the darkness after Jesus’ death (as it comes hot on the heels of ‘where there is a carcass’)

- But it’s very hard to tell as it only has ONE kind of language (force 10 on the Richter scale)

- Cf “coming on the clouds of heaven”

- Often think of this as final coming… but in fact the term comes from Dan 7 and is used by Jesus to the high priest in Mt 26:64 about his resurrection. Receiving power and authority

- = also used of His second coming

- rightly used of BOTH. (prophetically, linguistically)

- all are echoes of the other

- (death/resurrection… 70AD… end of world)

- except these echoes don’t die away… they build up. They are ‘birth pains’.

So- this is not simple. As the message puts it beautifully “ the KOG does not come by counting the days on the calendar”

But there ARE some very clear things from this & all texts


first clear thing: it starts NOW. That doesn’t mean no future element

- but the Pharisees were into the future. Date setting. Chronology etc

But Jesus says “it’s here, NOW” “Don’t miss it”

- don’t miss the rule and reign of the King NOW. Here. Among you. Inside you. In your lives. Around you. Don’t miss the reign shown in my ministry

= possible to spend lots of time fretting about the future

- how will it end? My job? Providing etc. (must think about these things)

 but TODAY is where God is. Where He wants to meet you, provide for you. Do things. Use you.

- cf the Thessalonians were so wrapped up in eschatology they weren’t doing anything! Had gone OTT and stalled!

So- as we’ve learned from our series on the KOG

- it starts now. Steak on the plate while you wait. Heaven is continuation and culmination of this

- we’re awaiting the KOG’s fulfilment

3) SICK- (homesick) v22

don’t know how else to put this. What other ‘title’ to use

= me trying to describe v22… and describe our experience that

- God IS in HERE. With us. Jesus HAS changed us. But we’re

- Hungry for heaven

- Hungry… crying out… for more

- Homesick. Ie aware that – it’s not here in its fullness

- This is not our permanent home

- = sojourners

- = groaning to be released

RO 8:22 We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. 23 Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies. 24 For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what he already has? 25 But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.

Homesick. Longing for the Lord and the kingdom to be consummated. Fulfilled

Now. Unsure what period of ‘longing for one of the days of the SOM’ refers to:

- Good Fri -> Easter Sun?

- Time prior to Pentecost. The waiting

- Last days longing

But it’s true of ALL of them and true of OUR experience

- the KOG is here in part & we can’t WAIT for its fulfilment!

4) SIGNS v22-34

in this ‘longing’ there will be many ‘false starts’

- people saying “here He is” “He’s coming back THEN”

 I love the Message’s translation of Jesus’ advice: “don’t fall for any of that nonsense”

“ah, but there will be wars and rumours of wars… and nation rising against nation in the last days” you say (like Mt 24:6)

- but the point Mt is making (and he says) is “and do not be concerned”

2 things about these events:

1) these things are STANDARD

- Ie normal! When have the Jews NOT been at war with Palestine (the Philistines), eh?

- When have there not been famines etc

- The point of v26-34 here is that life is going on just as normal. Everyday standard stuff (that we shouldn’t panic over)

 THEN the end comes

So- don’t be concerned!

- “yes, but if I don’t know the times I might miss Him!”

- you won’t! it will be evident and obvious

- point is here- it will be as obvious as lightning!

- And even if you miss Him, He won’t miss YOU

(note: evident… but maybe not as EXPECTED. His second coming may be quite different to our expectations. The first was!)

- but, you see, we don’t need to worry about it. Get on with living in the KOG today!

2) These things can be SIGNS

Lk 21 is a further expansion on this. V25 seems to suggest that these standard things will increase.

- as such, they are SIGNS of the times… end times… birth pains

- will increase in intensity


Throughout all of history up to our current century, major "Killer" earthquakes (7.2 on the Richter scale) occurred only once per decade.

Since the year 1900, the growth in major earthquakes has been relentless: From 1900 to 1949 the average was 3 major earthquakes per decade.

In the 1950’s, the average went up to 9 major earthquakes per decade.

In the 1960’s, the average went up to 13 major earthquakes per decade.

In the 1970’s, the average went up to 56 major earthquakes per decade.

In the 1980’s, the average went up to 74 major earthquakes per decade.

In the 1990’s, the average went up to 125 major earthquakes per decade.

--- Source: U.S. Geological Survey Earthquake Report, Boulder, Colorado

But for most of us… STANDARD, normal life goes on, with these ‘signs of the season’ around us..

5) SUDDEN v23, 24

but I don’t think it’s gonna be something like earthquakes or global warming that takes us

= a global warning.

Unless I misunderstand it- this seems to suggest the end will be sudden ie:

- the lightning

- the comparison with – sudden flood… sudden destruction of Sodom… sudden Babylonian captivity

- (= to me, one aspect of “2 will be grinding. One will be taken)

- = suddenly carted off

Some think it will be a ‘big suck’, or a big ‘gnab’

- ie big BANG backwards.

- ie universal implosion. If so- might explain 2 Pet 3:12 That day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire, and the elements will melt in the heat

- IS a real possibility for the destruction of the universe

 BUT – timescale is a bit long (another 15Bn years?!)

- but then again, when has timescale ever bothered God

- (a day is like a thousand years and all that)

- but I don’t see how it can all keep going that long (HERE)

- unless some form of regression

- and it seems to lose some of it’s immanence (just a bit!)

… so I’m not convinced of THIS interpretation of endings (even though I lean towards it as an explanation of origins)


= their way of describing the lights put there to illuminate our day/darkness

= not necessary ‘planets and stars’- (in fact very unlikely as they knew nothing of them)

So- I lean more towards the end being something GEOCENTRIC… ie something that destroys… brings to an end… US… this earth

- (not sure God will roll up 15Bn light years of space just because our time is up. Just don’t know)

 something like a meteorite? Something sudden. Cataclysmic

MT 24:30 "At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn.

- > melts everything down here

 and Jesus either comes as part of this or before this

Anyway. It’s all academic- as we don’t know. Not clear

But the application IS clear


Ie- be ready! That’s the point here and in other parables (foolish and wise virgins)

Be ready! Believe in Jesus, and be ready for His return

Noah was not a paragon of virtue (got smashed)… nor Lot (greedy)

- but the key thing is they believed God’s message of warning to them… obeyed… and were saved (from the flood, Sodom)

Similarly- Jesus is emphasising: this event IS going to come. Nobody’s PERFECT- “but those who listen to my words and get the KOG now will be PREPARED”

… standing by. Ready


2PE 3:11 Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives 12 as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming. That day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire, and the elements will melt in the heat. 13 But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, the home of righteousness.

Knowing that the end is coming… and soon… unknown = great incentive for shaping up and keeping your nose clean

- this second coming will mean SEPARATION

- of those who’ve listened & responded to the light they’ve received

- from those who haven’t

- (& that’s the point of the ‘one taken one left’ bit. One taken to a) be with Jesus OR (more likely) b) to judgement (vultures bit)

? How do I respond? Listen to the Message’s last line “it all begins around my dead body”

- recognise Jesus’ death is the way for you to receive mercy when God calls you (through death) or comes for you

- “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom”


There is ONE thing that seems to dictate… modify the chronology, though

= hinted at in 2 Pet 3:12 as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming.

= clarified in Mt 24:14 14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.

-> share your faith. Any way you can.