Summary: People do not have a problem with the reality of life after death, it is the reality of hell that they can’t accept. Nevertheless, each person is accountable for himself. Ultimately, every person must choose his own destination.

The Reality Of Hell

Psalm 9:15-17

Many nations have turned their backs on God in ages past. We see the same thing happening in our own lifetime. Nations continue to rebel against God with each passing day. Naturally, we find that the people themselves are the reason for this turning away from God.

The Bible deals specifically with this problem of rebellion. The verses previously read, Ps. 9:15-17, show us that these people made their own snares and dug their own pits.

However, we also find that the Lord is known for judgment, which He executeth. God’s Word clearly tells us that hell is the final judgment. Although some deny it’s existence, almost everyone believes in some type of life after death.

This belief is undisputed among the general population. This is why so many "religious" people continually seek that greatly desired peace of mind.

On the other hand, many try to ease their minds by making jokes about hell.

For example, one person said to the other: "If in heaven we don’t meet, hand in hand we’ll bear the heat, and if it ever gets too hot, Pepsi Cola hits the spot."

Some people try other ways to relieve themselves of the reality of hell. The following quote illustrates this point: "Well preacher, you know God will let

me in heaven. I’ve had such a hard life down here. I’ve spent my hell here on this earth."

People do not have a problem with the reality of life after death, it is the reality of hell that they can’t accept. Nevertheless, each person is accountable for himself. Ultimately, every person must choose his own destination.

I. Hell is literal in it’s existence.

A. Take any road and go to beach on any part of the Atlantic Ocean and go down to the edge of the water. Then take a look across the horizon of that water.

You cannot see England, but you know its over there. You cannot see Spain, but you know its over there. You cannot see Africa, But you know its there.

B. Now lets take the road to Eternity, and look over the horizon, heaven and hell friend is just as literal, and just as much there as England, Spain, and


Moses said, "For there is a fire in mine anger and it shall burn to the lowest hell."

Job said, "Hell is naked."

David said, "The wicked shall be turned into hell."

Solomon said, "Hell and destruction are never full."

Isaiah said, "Hell hath enlarged itself and hath opened her mouth without measure.

C. But, what did Jesus say about hell?

l. He spoke more on hell than heaven.

2. Jesus said, "Whosoever shall say thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire."

3. Jesus said, "If thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, for it is better to go with one eye than to go to hell."

a. hand

b. foot

c. Do you think Jesus would have told you not to go to a place that does not exist?

There are 260 chapters in the NT, no less than 230 chapters substantiate the fact that there is a literal place called hell.

(Give example of lost man going to hell at time of death.) Without being drugged, There is a difference, Crying out.

"Hell is literal in it’s existence."

II. Hell is literal in it’s punishment.

The Bible depicts the punishment of hell in many different ways.

A. A place of darkness

1. Peter says it is a mist of darkness.

2. Jude says it is chains of darkness.

3. Jude also says it is blackness of darkness.

4. Matthew says it is a place of outer darkness.

People do not like darkness.

You can go into some neighborhoods and land a 747 they have it lit up so well.

Street Lights.

B. A place of constant fatigue

In Rev. 14:11, the Bible says that the smoke of their torment ascendeth up forever and ever and there is no rest.

How would you like to come home from work and never getting any rest.

C. Hell is also called a bottomless pit.

1. Stomach in your mouth

2. Never stopping

3. Tell about a Fast elevator ride.

D. Hell is also a place of writhing worms.

Mark 9:38 says, "Where the worm dieth not."

Jesus pointed to the Valley of Henam and said that’s what it is going to be like.

Job says that man is a worm. Job 2:36 That is the depraved nature of man We used to sing, "Would He devote that sacred head for such a worm as I."

That is why folks don’t get saved, they think they are as good as God. They think they are as smart as God. We refuse to admit that we are as worms in the sight of God.

E. There is memory in hell.

1. Abraham said to the rich man, "Remember."

a. People in hell have real bodies. Lk. 16:19-28

tells of

(1) eyes vs.23

(2) tongue vs. 24

(3) mouth vs. 24

(4) mind vs. 25

(5) ears vs. 25 (He could hear)

2. They will remember the times that they could have been saved.

3. They will remember those who said nothing to them about begin saved.

F. It is also a place of gnashing of teeth.

There are only 2 reasons why someone gnashes teeth: pain & anger

G. Weeping and wailing

H. It’s a place of real, literal fire.

III. It’s lasting in duration. Rev. 20:10

It’s a place of no hope.

IV. It’s lovingly escapable. Romans 5:8

A. If you go to hell, it will be because of the sin of unbelief.

B. Because you rejected God’s pardon

Ex: man on death row pardoned, There is no man in his right mind on death row going to turn down a pardon, to escape death.

C. Rom. 10:9,10,13

"As Christians, I think we must be reminded what God delivered us from."