Summary: A strong lesson from two relatively unknown Old Testament characters. What can we learn from these two women? Much!

If you are a student of the Old Testament, you are well aware of the strong women characters featured in the book of Genesis. The stories of many of these women, such as Sarah, Rebekah, and Rachel are given to us in much detail. Through the Genesis text we gain a rich insight into their lives. We are able to, in a small sense, share in their hopes, and dreams, their joys and disappointments. There is enough information provided in the Biblical text regarding their personalities, their families, their struggles, their victories to make us feel that we know them quite well.

As we move into the Biblical account of the Exodus and thereafter, the text provides us with much less detail about the key women characters of the time (the exception being perhaps Miriam). Are these women less important? No! Are they too dull, or not strong enough spiritually? No! It’s simply that things have changed in relation to God’s people. Events are happening at a much faster pace. We are no longer dealing with the life of a particular family, i.e. Abraham, rather we are dealing with the future of an entire race of God’s people.

As one reads the Exodus account in Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy, continuing even into the conquest account provided in Joshua, women are found in these texts; however, we must work a little harder to find lessons applicable for us today.

Such is the case with the first two women characters named in the Exodus account; namely, Puah (Pew-uh) and Shiphrah (Shif-ruh).

Historical Background:

At the close of Genesis, we find Joseph has overcome earlier trials and setbacks in his life and due to his faith in God, he has become second in command over all of Egypt. We learn that only in the throne "I (Pharaoh) will be greater than you" (Gen. 41:40).

Joseph was well thought of in Egypt. After all, he saved the nation from sure death due to the great famine. After the emotional events surrounding the relocation of Joseph’s family to Egypt, we learn that Joseph stayed in Egypt, "he and his father’s household, and Joseph lived one hundred and ten years… and he was embalmed and placed in a coffin in Egypt"(Gen 50: 22, 26). It is estimated that Joseph died around 1695 BC.

The book of Exodus opens by reminding us of Joseph and his family (the twelve tribes of Israel) residing and multiplying in Egypt: "the sons of Israel were fruitful and increased greatly, and multiplied, and became exceedingly mighty, so that the land was filled with them" (Ex. 1:7). This brief reminder, along with verse 8 are key to understanding the events that are to come in the life of God’s people. In verse 8, we learn of a new king over Egypt, who did not know Joseph.

Time is moving very, very quickly in our opening text of Exodus. Again, Joseph died around 1695 BC. According to most ancient historians, Joseph came to power around the beginning of the 13th Dynasty, which saw a total of ten Pharaoh’s. He died around the end of the 14th Dynasty. During the next three Egyptian Dynasties (15—17th) the region recognized a period of decline. The land was invaded and ruled by the Hyksos (Hick-sohss). The beginning of the 18th Dynasty brings about a new kingdom and ushers in a stronger leadership. The Pharaoh Ahmose expels the Hyksos (around 1550 BC) marking the start of the New Kingdom which would eventually be recognized as the heyday of Egyptian power and splendor. Many ancient historians believe Ahmose to be the new king of Exodus 1:8 who didn’t know (remember) Joseph. Why? I think for two reasons. First, the most obvious, so much time had passed (about 145 years). Secondly, the ruling Pharaoh’s after Joseph’s time were foreigners (the Hyksos). They wouldn’t know, or care about what the “second in command” did for a nation they conquered.

Thus, with a new king (possibly Ahmose) in place who didn’t know (or even care for that matter) about a Hebrew, “second-in-command” from years ago, the stage is now set!

Set the Stage for our lesson - Exodus 1:9-14:

The Hebrew population living in Egypt was exploding. There is might in numbers! It would appear that these numbers worried the new king (vs. 8-9). In addition, Egypt had enemies who boardered them. It’s one thing to defend your country from an outside attack, it’s quite another to be attacked from the inside as well. The new king was obviously militarily minded and recognized a potential alliance with the Hebrews and their bordering enemies. Thus, in verse 11 we learn of his first attempt at preventing such an alliance: "So they appointed taskmasters over them to afflict them with hard labor."

It would appear that during the Hyksos takeover the Hebrews had been and continued to be slaves to the Egyptian rulers. Now, however, taskmasters were strategically placed over the slaves. What are taskmasters and what was their objective here? They were simply oppressive overseers of large groups of slaves. It’s not in the realm of probability (given the large population of Hebrew slaves) to assume there were hundreds of taskmasters. Their primary objective was to build these storage cites (Pithom and Raamses), however, the new king had a much more devious, underlying motive. We only read of it’s failure in verse 12, yet it would appear the plan was to work them so hard, to the point of exhaustion, thus leaving the men too tired to father children. It didn’t work! "But the more they afflicted them, the more they multiplied and the more they spread out…" (vs. 12). So, what are you going to do now “new king?” His next plan is down right hideous! It employees the services of our two women characters — Puah and Shiphrah.

The King and the two Midwives - vs. 15:

Puah is a personal name of which it’s meaning is unknown. Whereas, Shiphrah means beauty. They were midwives.

It would be wrong to assume that Puah and Shiphrah were the only two midwives in Egypt. They were most likely high ranking midwives (due to their Egyptian names) who served in Pharaoh’s house and were in charge of all the midwives in the land of Egypt.

What were the duties of midwives? In Biblical times midwives, rather than doctors, assisted women in giving birth. In Egypt, the expectant mother sat on a “birthing stool.” Ezekiel 16:4 describes some of the midwives duties: cutting the umbilical cord, washing the infant in water, rubbing it with salt, and wrapping it in swaddling cloths. These Hebrew wives clearly served the Egyptian as well as the large Hebrew population (cf. Ex. 1:19).

The King’s new Population Control Plan - vs. 16:

Working the Hebrew men slaves to the point of exhaustion had no effect on controlling the Hebrew population; rather, it apparently had the opposite affect—the more they afflicted them, the more they multiplied (vs. 12). This new, hideous plan attacked the problem from another angle. Rather than trying to prevent conception, the new king’s plan was one of “unnatural selection!” He would select which newborns lived and which died. In this case all the boys were to die! Why? The answer is quite obvious. The girls could be used as working slaves and presented no military threat. The boys, on the other hand, might become warriors!

I trust we have by now gained a deeper understanding of the situation concerning our characters and the society which they live. We are provided with little information regarding the specific actions of Puah and Shiphrah; however, if we consider deeply the text we do have, I think we can now develop a few key points that are applicable to us today:

I. God’s Law First, No Matter What! - vs. 17

It’s hard for us to fully grasp the gravity of this situation. Puah and Shiphrah were slaves who were called to stand before the most powerful man in the ancient world. His authority extended beyond reasonable measures. The wave of his hand could mean continued life or instant death! Puah and Shiphrah were told by Pharaoh to kill the Hebrew boy babies at birth. Refusing to comply would mean their lives.

Yet they feared God more than Pharaoh and it would be God they obey!

Most of us are not faced with life or death situations today; however, I think it safe to say that all, at points in their life, stand at a crossroad with a decision to make. Will I take the left road? Will I follow the wide, easy road that society, my friends, even at times my family wants me to take? On the other hand, will I take the right road? Will I follow the narrow, more difficult road, the one that makes me stand out in a crowd, the one that goes against society, my friends, and my family? Will I take the one that complies with God’s will?

Remember the apostle Paul’s admonition to the church at Rome? "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect" (Rom. 12:2).

What was Paul saying here? Choose the right road! If you take the wide road, you’re conforming, being molded, being just like everyone else in the world. You’re fitting in! You are allowing the world to form you. The world is in charge of your life, not God.

Who was in charge of Puah and Shiphrah’s life? Was it Pharaoh (who represents the world) or God?

We are not to be conformed, rather transformed. When we choose the right road (a Christian life) we begin a transformation process.

By definition, transform means to change the condition, nature or function of, to convert, to change the personality or character of. The broadest scope of this term implies a change either in external form or in inner nature.

When we choose the “right road” what is being transformed? Our mind, by renewal. We act and think differently. We make wiser, Christian like choices. We choose God’s way, rather than Pharaoh’s!

When we fear God and do not as the king of Egypt had commanded, we:

- choose not to watch the newest, hottest movie out,

the one all our friends have watched and are talking

about. Why not? It’s rated R.

- choose not to wear the latest, trendiest clothes,

those worn by all our friends. Why? They defile

God’s law of modesty.

- choose not to accept those free tickets to a Titans

ballgame, the biggest game of the year, the one

which all my friends are going to attend. Why?

it’s played on a Sunday, and I would miss worship.

Puah and Shiphrah made a much harder decision than any of us will, hopefully, ever have to make. In the face of death… not peers, friends, or family, in the face of death they choose God’s way! Paul told the young Timothy to "discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness; for bodily discipline is only of little profit, but godliness is profitable for all things, since it hold promise for the present life and also for the life to come" (1 Tim. 4:7-8). Godly discipline is the theme surrounding our second key point learned from Puah and Shiphrah.

II. Developing Godly Discipline - vs. 18-19

Puah and Shiphrah were accountable not only for themselves but for all the Hebrew midwives. Their handling of this terrible request was crucial.

When Pharaoh realized that the Hebrew babies were being allowed to live, he again called our two midwives in for an explanation (vs. 18). We can only speculate as to the truthfulness of their answer (vs. 19), yet I tend to believe that it perhaps wasn’t simply a bold faced lie. Puah and Shiphrah had probably told the other midwives what Pharaoh had ordered. The women must have decided to procrastinate until after the births and thus not be able to kill the children at birth.

So what’s the point, you ask? The solution offered by Puah and Shiphrah was so wise and their courage to execute such a plan, which if it faltered could mean certain death, exhibited a Godly Discipline that wasn’t developed overnight.

How does one develop such a strong faith in God? I think it’s developed with consistent prayer, study and worship!

It’s hard to image that they were able to develop such an action and carry it out on their own. Perhaps this solution was an answer to constant prayer on their behalf. The faith it took to carry out such a scheme wasn’t shallow. I believe it was developed from years of prayer, and study, and worship. I believe they not only “leaned” on God, they also “leaned” on each other.

Are we faced today with situations in our life that at times seem impossible? There are many things “thrown at us” by Satan that we alone can’t overcome. However, with proper Godly discipline—prayer, study, worship, and the help of our brethren, we can overcome!

III. God Does Reward our Obedience to Him - vs. 20-21

The text isn’t specific, but it appears that Pharaoh believed Puah and Shiphrah’s explanation and didn’t send them to their death for disobeying him.

More importantly, God was good to the midwives… He established households for them. Again, the text isn’t specific in terms of Puah and Shiphrah, but the midwives in general were blessed for their obedience. God established homes (they were able to marry and have a family) for them. Likewise, the people (Hebrew people) were blessed and multiplied.

Have you ever wondered why things don’t go the way you want? Do you often think you are coming up on the "short end of the stick" when it comes to blessings? What about your congregation (God’s people). Do you often wonder why it isn’t growing and why people are not as close as they should be? Perhaps we are falling short in the area of obedience.

If we choose the right road and develop Godly disciple with prayer, study and worship, if we are obedient to God, I believe God will bless His people!