"A Wide Door for
Effective Service:
Let the Church ’Move Up’"
Author: Dr. Neal Gray
Passage: Colossians 4:7-18, KJV
Purpose: Examine the Apostle Paul’s "team" of helpers. They give us hope that everyone can join in the ministry to proclaim and promote Jesus Christ--even you.
This Sermon Series
This message is the 3rd of a 4-part sermon series titled, "A Wide Door for Effective Service." The key verse for this series is:
"I will tarry...until Pentecost; for a great door and effectual is opened unto me, and there are many adversaries." (1 Corinthians 16:9)
The emphasis for the series is this: each Christian member of this church is, in fact, a minister. The time has come for you to find a suitable and enjoyable service in your church; for you to contribute in ways more than you have practiced until now.
==> I believe strongly--very strongly--that there are many ways YOU can be in effective service in Christ’s church; and at the same time, YOU CAN BE MORE FULFILLED by doing the thing that you enjoy, but doing it for God and His people.
Several years ago I read the paragraph I want to share with you this morning as we think about the church and what the church really is. The paragraph reads like this:
Between 1787 and 1795, Baptists became the largest group of Christians in America. They did it without a home mission board or society, a national convention, a state convention, nor a seminary. They did it WITH SMALL MISSIONARY ASSOCIATIONS and WITH LAY PREACHERS, most of them not paid a salary. They were without formal theological training, most of them had been licensed to exercise their gifts by little Baptist churches. The Presbyterians, Episcopalians, and the Congregationalists insisted that they were not clergy at all; but undisciplined, untrained laymen who should be at home working and not preaching. Between 1795 and 1820 the Methodists overtook and surpassed the Baptists in total numbers. They did it with lay preachers going everywhere, sharing their faith, forming disciplined small groups and gathering those small groups into churches.
==> Now isn’t that interesting? Ordinary Christians--not the "professional clergy"--from different backgrounds, having different gifts, spreading the Good News! The fact is that God uses all of us together--not separately. AND, there never has been, nor will there ever be, multiplication of disciples and churches apart from the mobilization of laity to do the ministry.
Church Addition or Multiplication
In your bulletin I’ve given you a sermon notes section about "The Apostle Paul’s Team." We have two ways we can go in growing Christ’s Church.
We can have CHURCH ADDITION: that’s where the Pastor or the pastoral staff are the only ministers in the body. Or, we can have CHURCH MULTIPLICATION: that’s where everyone ministers.
Church history makes it very clear that when the church has grown--I mean, really grown--it has grown because EVERYBODY FOUND THEIR GIFT AND UTILIZED THAT GIFT for the glory of God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ!!! Now, isn’t that interesting?
The story I’m going to read to you now, which is found in Colossians chapter 4:7-18, is a passage that I’ve never preached on.
In some ways, it seems quite insignificant, with just a list of names. And yet today I trust that, as I read it and you follow along in your Bible, the Holy Spirit will impress upon you the importance for any leader to have a large group of working people around them. Success depends on it!
==> Notice while I read the names of the people, some of which appear only here in the New Testament, that these are some of the KEY PLAYERS on the Apostle Paul’s team.
From this passage of Scripture, and from what I know about the Apostle Paul’s life, I want to give you six observations.
#1: Paul was Surrounded by Helpful People
FIRST, Paul was SURROUNDED BY HELPFUL PEOPLE. Paul had around him people--not well-known people, not people that we would call household names--but PEOPLE THAT WERE WILLING TO HELP.
Do you remember when I preached about equipping the saints for the work of the ministry? And I taught you that the Greek word used for "equip" is the same word used for "mend." I told you that the fishermen mended their nets, and those nets were an extension of the fishermen’s work; by letting down the nets, the fishermen could go further into their work than without the fishing nets.
==> Paul had all kinds of people, just ordinary people, who made his ministry a success because they were extending his ministry, helping him be more effective. And at the same time, they brought glory to God!
#2: Mutual Love and Commitment
SECOND, they, i.e., the people around Paul possessed MUTUAL LOVE AND COMMITMENT. They gave their love to Paul, and Paul gave love to them.
And it’s very obvious. You see, becoming a friend of a prisoner was not a very popular thing. In fact, becoming a friend of a prisoner in Paul’s day meant that you were highly likely to become a prisoner yourself.
So, there was a tremendous amount of mutual care, respect, and love between Paul and these helpers that he had around him.
#3: Different Backgrounds and Gifts
THIRD, they possessed DIFFERENT BACKGROUNDS AND DIFFERENT GIFTS. The people Paul had around him were very different.
Some were prayers, some were givers, some were servants, some were sufferers, some were messengers; they were different people with different backgrounds, gifts, and temperaments.
It’s a lot like our church. We have so many people here, and we are drastically different.
For example, raise your hands for a moment if you were raised in a Christian home. Great. Now, how many of you were raised in a non-Christian background? Right, WE HAVE A LOT OF CONVERTED HEATHENS HERE, like me!
Now, we all know that many of us come from different denominations, and the list is very long so I won’t try to find out about that.
We Have Different Temperaments
But let’s take a moment to look at our temperaments. Perhaps you have heard of the four popular temperaments, which are:
* CHOLERIC: those who are decisive, make things happen
* MELANCHOLIC: those who are thinkers, serious and purposeful
* SANGUINE: those who are talkers, cheerful and bubbling over
* PHLEGMATIC: those who are peaceful, low-keyed persons
Now that you have heard the descriptions...
* How many of you are cholerics? Those are the ones who always know who they are, and want to tell you what you should be!
* How many melancholics do we have here today? They are the ones who can hardly let go of their pen because they are taking such meticulous notes.
* How many of you are sanguines? You just like to have a good time! These are the "hospitality" people; they don’t have much sense, but they are good to be around!
* How many of you are phlegmatics? Yeah, those are the ones who can hardly get their hands up!
You can see that we are all of different temperaments. You are probably sitting beside someone this morning who has a totally different temperament than you. And if you add in the dimension of spiritual gifts, then we vary incredibly. For example...
* How many of you have a strong gift of administration?
* Who has the gift of mercy? (We have one of those; good!)
* I could go through the 21 gifts, and we would probably have people who have one of those gifts.
You see, it is good that we are such a diverse group of people. It is very good, it is healthy. Secure people like diversity, they are not afraid of it; insecure people want everybody to look alike, talk alike sound alike, etc.
Here’s what I am saying: the Apostle Paul had all kinds of people around him. They had different gifts, different temperaments, different backgrounds, different personalities--THEY WERE DIFFERENT.
==> Difference in personality, gifts, and styles; but unity in purpose. That is what makes the body of Jesus Christ healthy. And when we work together, WOW! Watch out. We could very easily turn this community upside down for Christ! Wouldn’t that be fun!?
#4: Paul Publicly Affirmed His Helpers
FOURTH, Paul publicly AFFIRMED HIS HELPERS. In this letter that Paul wrote, he wanted to make sure that the people around him were getting credit.
In fact, as a part of getting his helpers known for their ministries, Paul told the folks at the church at Colossae to have the letter read to the church, and also to read it at a sister church, (cf. 4:16).
Paul wanted to let others know that these helpers--these ministers--were given credit for the ministry they had. Paul knows that his ministry would not be nearly so effective if he didn’t have the mutual love, commitment, and help of other Christians around him. And he wants others to hear about the ministries of the other ministers.
Its a good idea. In fact, look at your bulletin today and see how many people’s names you can find. Like Paul, I believe strongly in giving others the credit; and I WILL LIFT YOU UP TO OTHERS AT EVERY OPPORTUNITY.
#5: Paul Considered Them to be Part of His Team
FIFTH, Paul considered them to be PART OF HIS TEAM. There was never a day that Paul looked down on those around him as insignificant or unimportant.
You see, the Apostle Paul was in prison. He realizes that these ministers are the extension of his ministry that kept the Good News about Jesus spreading across the land. He realizes that if it were not for the "team," it would not happen.
I Want to Accomplish More for Christ
Now let me talk to you for a minute about "my mid-life crisis" I have been going through. I like to admit that I’m having it, because I CAN ALWAYS BLAME THE MID-LIFE CRISIS FOR EVERYTHING to has gone wrong lately!
I have been doing a lot of thinking, a lot of inward-looking at who I am and what God is changing me to be. And for sure, this one thing is true: I KNOW WHAT I WOULD LIKE TO ACCOMPLISH FOR THE LORD JESUS, AND IT IS FAR MORE THAN I HAVE SEEN ACCOMPLISHED. Friends, I want my life to be effective, and in significant fashion, for the name of Jesus Christ being known on this planet and for people trusting in Him!
But I know that I am just one small man. Yet, I have learned THE GREATEST LEADERSHIP LESSON there is. You see, I am just one small man, with big dreams for reaching others for Christ Jesus. I have learned that from here on out in my life, THOSE WHO ARE AROUND ME WILL DETERMINE MY SUCCESS IN THE MINISTRY.
And since that is true, naturally my thoughts, attitudes, and motivations are to help you in the ministry that God has made available to you. One of my top goals is to "equip you for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ," (see Ephesians 4:12).
Any good leader knows that he (or she) will accomplish only as much as those who are around him will assist in. Good leaders surround themselves with good people who are willing to help, and to learn how to help better.
In others words, the success and healthiness of this church is not a solo act.
* If it is going to "happen," it is because of the wonderful helpers in the "unofficial" staff that God has sent. We have wonderful Sunday School teachers, Dare-to-Care ministers, great musicians and a terrific Praise Leader, just to mention a few.
* If it is going to "happen," it is because of the terrific congregation in our church. That’s YOU!
In fact, my commitment to Jesus and to His Church is to multiply myself as much as I can. Now, the Apostle Paul understood this principle; for he wrote to the young pastor Timothy:
"Thou therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also. Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ." (2 Timothy 2:1-3)
Other faithful men, other faithful women, whom I teach will take the gospel and will teach others. My goal is to find those faithful persons, and SURROUND MYSELF WITH THEIR DIFFERENT TALENTS.
Since I’m in "mid-life crisis," then I know that "time is of the essence." I don’t have all that many more years left to serve Jesus here on planet earth. You and I--together!--need to be about our Father’s business! Amen.
#6: Not All the People on Paul’s Team Were "Qualified"
SIXTH, not all the people on Paul’s team were "qualified." There was a person on Paul’s team, for example, who had washed out as a missionary. One man was a runaway slave. None of the people had received any theological training.
There were people on the team who never dreamed they would be a part of something so fantastic.
==> And yet they were. LISTEN, God does not use me because I am flawless, nor does He reject me because I am flawed. As I willingly obey Him and allow myself to be used, God accomplishes His work through me! And He will accomplish His work through you, too. But even better is this: when we as a Church accomplish His work together! WOW!
What kind of people did Paul have around him? Let’s take a brief look at them.
Beside the name Tychicus write this phrase: A TRUSTWORTHY MAN. If you could say anything about Tychicus, it is that he was trustworthy.
Tychicus is one of two people who accompanied Paul all of the time, with the exception of his first missionary trip. This faithful man played a huge part in helping Paul reach out to the Gentiles with the message of Christ.
In fact, Tychicus is the person who carried the letter to the church at Ephesus, which gives us the book of Ephesians.
Look at verse seven. Tychicus is the one who handles "all my state," meaning, all of Paul’s official arrangements. He was basically Paul’s representative. In those days without telephones or reliable mail service, the representative arranged in person about the affairs of another. Do you see? Tychicus represented Paul well, he was trustworthy.
Not only that, but Tychicus was an encourager, "that he might comfort your hearts."
Then there was Onesimus. Beside that name write this phrase: A MAN WITH A BAD BACKGROUND. You see, he was a runaway slave; he stole the master’s money and he fled. But under Paul, Onesimus became a Christian.
And now, in verse nine, he talks about Onesimus as "a faithful and beloved brother, who is one of you." I love that. He came to Paul as a runaway slave and thief, was wonderfully converted, and now Paul tells the people from whom he came that he is a faithful and beloved brother.
==> Folks, God takes people who have bad backgrounds and if they are willing, He makes them into people who are a credit to His Church and to the society in general. You see, the Apostle Paul knew that God could use lowly people, because Paul remembered what he was.
There were all kind of people in the Bible that were lowly, and God used them in mighty ways. WE HAVE EVERY OPPORTUNITY IN CHRIST, EVERY OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE YOUR LIFE COUNT. Folks, God can use you.
Let’s go on. There was Aristarchus. Beside his name write: A BURDEN BEARER. Aristarchus is the other man that always was with the Apostle Paul.
Remember when the mob tried at Ephesus to seize Paul for preaching that they were worshipping an idol, the so-called goddess Artemis? Well, that mob didn’t get hold of Paul, but they did seize Aristarchus. They grabbed him, and took him in prisoner for a time.
Right now, Aristarchus is also in prison. He was so closely identified with Paul, that when they arrested Paul they also arrested Aristarchus. When I see him, I think of a man who is willing to STAND WITH PAUL THROUGH THICK-AND-THIN. I see him as one willing to go the distance, so much was his love, trust, and commitment to the cause of Christ.
Richard Nixon, in his book, talks about the time he was in the hospital. He had recently resigned the presidency, and now had gone through surgery. He said that as he lay in that hospital bed, he was at the all-time low point in his life. He told his wife that he wanted to die. He disgraced himself, he disgraced the nation, he was physically at his lowest. "I just want to die."
A nurse came in, drew the curtains open. In surprise she said, "Mr. Nixon, you might want to look out the window, because there is a message for you."
Mr. Nixon looked outside; and there was an airplane flying by with a streaming banner. It read, "God loves you, and so do we." In his book he tells that when he saw the message, he received hope. He told his wife, "No, I can come back from this. I don’t want to die."
Later on he found out that it was Ruth Graham, wife of Evangelist Billy Graham who hired the airplane. Her instructions were for the pilot to continue to fly by the window until the curtains were opened, and he was sure Mr. Nixon had seen the message.
You and I need those kind of people around us. We need an Aristarchus who will go to the depths of anxiety and depression, as well as rejoice in joy and hope with us. Ruth Graham proves that such people still exist.
The fourth man is Marcus. Beside Marcus put: THIS IS THE MAN WITH A SECOND CHANCE. You remember Marcus? Sometimes he was called "Mark." Barnabas supported Mark during the first missionary trip. But during that trip, Mark abandoned the trip. We don’t why; he might have gotten sick, or fearful, or...we just don’t know.
But Paul didn’t like that. He was so disgusted about Mark leaving that when Barnabas wanted to bring Mark on the second trip, Paul said no. Because of that, Paul and Barnabas parted ways; they went different directions.
Now, not only is Mark with Paul, he is also a part of the team. Not only that, but Paul (in his letter to Timothy) admits that Mark is useful in the ministry, (cf. 2 Timothy 4:11).
Here is an example of a person who failed once, came back, and was used mightily in the service of God.
Jesus Justus
The next team player is Jesus Justus. Beside his name write: A MAN WITH A NAME FOR GREATNESS. You see, there were a lot of children in that time with the name "Jesus." Many of the Jewish mothers hoped that their son would be the Messiah the Older Testament spoke of.
The name we say as "Jesus," is the same name "Joshua" in the Older Testament, so a lot of boys were named Joshua or Jesus.
This Jesus who is also called Justus had a small role. He was named for greatness, but he was SATISFIED TO OFFER WHATEVER SERVICE HE COULD.
And then there was Epaphras, who was A MAN OF PRAYER. He labored for others earnestly in prayer. He was a prayer partner.
We are starting to understand the need for prayer partners in the ministry of our church. In fact, since many of you have agreed to intercede with God for me, praying for the Pastor, I have sensed God informing me more and more about His will for this church.
Epaphras was Paul’s prayer partner; and he prayed for others as well.
There was Luke, A GIFTED MAN. Luke was a doctor, a physician. Luke was with Paul much of the time. In fact, as Paul was finishing his last letter, (2 Timothy), and he knew he was about to be executed, he writes, "Only Luke is with me," (4:11).
Here is a man who could have used his gift to make a tremendous amount of money, and yet he uses his gifts to be a part of the ministry, part of the team.
And finally there was Demas. Beside his name write: A MAN WHO GAVE UP. It is interesting that of all the people in this passage, Demas is the only one that has no praise or description. Paul just says, and Demas.
There is an interesting transition in Demas’ life. In Philemon, Paul calls him a fellow worker. But later in Timothy do you know what Paul says about Demas? He says, "Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this present world," (see 2 Timothy 4:10).
God Wants to Use You
I guess what I’m saying about the team that God uses to accomplish His purposes is this: GOD WANTS TO USE YOU, AND GOD WANTS TO USE ME. Our Lord wants the Church of Jesus Christ to "MOVE UP."
And there is no such thing as one who is more significant than the other; we just have to submit ourself to Him.
Would you bow your heads with me, and as Christ’s Holy Spirit allows you, we will pray to Him at the altar of prayer, submitting ourselves to Him and to His service.
Church Gathering at the Altar
Today might be the day that you say to the Lord, "I’m ready, Lord, for You to give me a chance to serve. Please accept me, and be pleased with me. I want to go the distance on Your team."
And then, today might be for you a day at the altar where you give thanks to the Lord, "My dear Lord Jesus, thank You for giving me a part in Your team, in Your church. I thank You for the honor that You are giving to me, allowing me to useful in Your kingdom."
And possibly, today might be for you the day when you and God get things straightened out once-and-for-all. "Precious God, in Christ I confess how I have ignored You, turned my back on Your guidance, given You second place in my life. Please, Precious Jesus, forgive me this day. You gave Your life, Your all, for me. Today, I submit my life, my all, for You."
Beloved, God cares for you. Come now as the music plays and the church prays. This is our tribute to God.
Adapted from a Dr. John C. Maxwell sermon.
Hymns & Reading
Suggested hymns and readings, mostly from the "Sing to the Lord" hymnal:
Let All the People Praise Thee....Hymn #61
Responsive Reading....................#207
Come, All Christians, Be Committed
Reaching for Excellence
It Matters to Him
Cares Chorus
The Apostle Paul’s "TEAM"
Christ’s Church requires a team of dedicated Christians. And, it’s our choice to decide what type of church team we will have.
Beloved, we are going to grow, that is for sure and certain. But at what rate? It’s really our choice.
If the Pastor is the only minister we will only have church __________ (addition). BUT we can have church _______________ (multiplication) if everyone ministers! It takes a team!
Look at the Apostle Paul’s team. List the unique characteristic of each:
* Tychicus --
* Onesimus --
* Aristarchus --
* Marchus --
* Jesus Justus --
* Epaphras --
* Luke --
* Demas --
| Copyright 2002
| Practical Holiness Ministry (r)
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| except that it may profit one’s soul,
| (see Mark 8:36).
| Dr. Neal Gray is the Senior Pastor of the
| Baltimore Parkville Church of the Nazarene.
| 8510 Fowler Ave -- Baltimore, Maryland 21234
| You can reach Dr. Gray by e-mail at:
| mailto:drngray@earthlink.net
| Also, please visit the church’s website:
| http://www.ForMinistry.com/21234BPCOTN
| 2 Pet. 3:18 - 2 Tim. 2:2 - Matt. 20:26-28
| All Scripture is the King James Version.
| Used with God’s blessed permission.
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