Summary: Sermon on Psalm 91 emphasizing the blessings of dwelling is the secret place of the Almighty


TEXT - Psalm 91

INTRO. - Surveys have proved this is one of the favorite

Psalms of the people of God. It was found to be one of

the 50 favorite passages of many Christians. It is the

Psalm that carried many of the missionaries in China

through the turmoil of the Boxer Rebellion at the turn

of the century. One missionary said that her family

would have literally lost their minds had it not been

for the help and strength of the 91st Psalm.

Yet this is the psalm known by the devil and quoted by

him in Matt. 4:11-12 when he tempted Christ.

It is a shame that the devil who hates God and all that

is good knows the Bible while many Christians who say

they love God do not!

Let us look into this great psalm given to us through

Moses and see the message God has for us this hour.



As with many passages and verses in the Bible, you

cannot claim the promises unless you meet the

requirements. There are conditional and unconditional

promises of God found in the Bible. Most promises that

begin with the word "if" are conditional. God promises

to do something if we do something. There are some

passages that are also limited to people who live a

certain way. Romans chapter 8 is one such passage. If

you live according to Rom.8:1 then Romans 8 is yours.

Our text, Psalm 91 is another. If you live according to

Psa. 91:1 then the psalm is yours.

Notice the requirements of Psalm 91:1

"He that dwelleth" - not visiteth, professeth, wisheth

"Dwelleth" means "abides". See John 15:4

"in the secret place" - not near, toward, or previously

resided at

"secret place" - many people dwell in the sinful world,

some dwell in the gospel church, but

are you in the secret place with God.

The secret place refers to the Holy of Holies in the

Temple. Symbolically the place where God dwelt with His

people. Only the High Priest could enter it but the

people could all enter it in their hearts. The Secret

Place is the place of heart where I hide in the

fellowship and will of God. What a shade from the heat

of life. What a refuge from the satanic storms. What a

fortress from the temptations and troubles of life

Are we in personal, secret, abiding, communion with God?


He promises refuge in vs. 2-4

He promises protection from fear in vs. 5-10

He promises strength in vs. 7

He promises to give the help of angels in vs.11-12


Vs. 14 - 16

1. I will deliver him - vs.14

I am afraid today to live without this verse.

All people have times when they need God’s help.

Isa. 43:1-2 - apply to Noah and 3 Heb. Children

They all fit vs. 1 of our text.

2. I will set him on high - vs. 14

Maybe this means he will help him to rise above his

problems. Eph.2:6

3. He shall call upon me and I will answer him - vs. 15

The promise of the privilege of prayer. There is a

lot of calling today but little answering. Probably

because we are not in vs. 1. See John 15:7

Psa. 84:10 Jer. 33:3

4. I will be with him in trouble - vs. 15

All the troubles right here in this service today

if really known would probably fill volumes. God

had one son without sin but none without sorrow.

See Job 14:1

You don’t have to look for trouble, it will find

you. Notice vs.11 teaches us that God at times may

send angels to help but at times God says "Move

over, I’ll take charge here".

5. I will deliver him and honor him - vs. 15

Moses honored God and God honored him.

Moses refused the treasures of Egypt and God gave

him treasure in heaven. Moses gave up family in

Egypt and God gave him a nation to family. He gave

up fame and power and God gave him fame and honor.

The Apostle Paul gave up the wisdom of the world

only to be used to write the Epistles.

See I Sam. 2:30

6. With long life will I satisfy him - vs. 16

Satisfaction cannot be bought with money. God will

satisfy you with long life. IT WILL LAST FOREVER!

Rom. 8:18

7. And show him my salvation - vs. 16

Long life now and heaven later!

Are you under his wings?

Ira Sanky’s Hymn - Under His Wings