"Decisions and Obeying God"
Author: Dr. Neal Gray
Passage: Genesis 3:1-13, KJV
Purpose: Adam and Eve had only one real decision to ever make: Obey God or not. Today, we make decisions all of the time. God’s people need to be reminded that there are evil influences in their decision-making.
My Motive for Ministry
Before I begin with the sermon message, I want to make sure that you know my motives for ministry (MMFM).
I find it from the Word, which is where I always go for guidance in this spiritual life we have been called into. Let me read for you from Colossians 1:9-12, namely...
"For this cause we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding; that ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God; strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power, unto all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness; giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light." (Colossians 1:9-12; cf. 2 Peter 3:17-18)
==> Our goal is to grow: spiritually, individually, and as a church. Amen.
Sermon Opening
Now, let’s take a few minutes to think about this life we lead.
In your everyday life, you face decisions constantly. It’s amazing how many decisions you must make, most of them small, some of them with large consequences. You should know that there are influences out there trying to convince you to make the wrong decision.
Today, let God warn you about the INFLUENCES that are present in your decision-making.
Turn with me to the third chapter in Genesis, verses 3:1-13), to see the decision that Adam and Eve had to make, and the influences that were there. (also see Genesis 1:26-31; 2:15-17)
Obey God or Not
Adam and Eve had easy decisions to make--really only one.
* Their decision was always very clear.
* They had no doubt about God’s will in their decision making process.
* Adam and Eve knew perfectly and completely the Lord’s will for them.
Adam and Eve’s only real decision about HOW THEY SHOULD BEHAVE centered around either one of two clear choices, namely...
1. Live happily and prosperously--forever--in the Garden of Eden. There they could walk with God, and He blessed them to...
* Rule over everything on the earth
* Multiply themselves, i.e., have children
* Eat very well, and,
* Live comfortably, for God declared, "It is very good."
2. Bring death upon themselves by doing the one and only thing which God told them not to do, i.e., eat from the forbidden tree.
You Have Less Clear Decisions to Make
But, your decisions are much "tougher" than that. Because of the sinful condition we are born into, your daily life in this hard world is much more complex.
Sometimes you have what looks like two, or several, equally good options to take. So which do you do? Here is what you do...
* Pray for wisdom
* Search the Scriptures
* Pray for God’s will
* Ask humbly of Christian elders
* Pray for restraint from rash and quick actions
* Wait for God’s timing
* Pray
==> And, remember, every decision you make moves you either closer to Christ, or farther away from Him. Follow--or, rebel.
There are many evil influences which want to bring you down. You need to be aware of these influences; they affect your decision making powers. I’ll speak about 4 of those influences.
Justify Yourself
The first influence is that of JUSTIFYING YOURSELF. It started from the beginning, when the man said to God, "The woman whom Thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat," (Genesis 3:12). It was as if Adam was blaming God! After all, it was God who gave Adam "the woman."
But that woman also sought to justify herself, "The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat," (Genesis 3:13).
==> They both had EXCUSES for their behavior.
Our calling today is not to have excuses, but rather to have repentance when we fail, to seek God’s mercy openly.
The spiritual man, the spiritual woman, realizes that we have not justified our own selves!
But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for, "The just shall live by faith." Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace. (Galatians 3:11, 24; 5:4)
==> Christ and Christ alone has justified us. That’s our faith, that’s our Lord.
Round One (A Side Story and Illustration)
Let me give an example of justifying ourselves. Really, it’s a story about my failure and my trying to justify myself.
The day after our District Assembly, (August, 1994), I was at work and taking my daily morning "power-walk." I walked each day around the large parking lot at the place I consulted at, (about 0.7 miles per lap); and I walked at least three laps to get in 2 miles.
This particular morning I was getting blessed big by God! And I was just a singing. Now, when I sing a solo in church, I don’t do so good--but when I’m in the parking lot walking, or in the shower, PAVAROTTI HAS NOTHING ON ME!
As I walked, I saw a man outside who was waiting on a public bus. I felt the prompting of the Holy Spirit for me to witness to this poor young fellow. After all, the Lord was blessing me mightily; I should share my joy.
As I walked by him, with uplifted arms and with confident voice, I praised the Lord Jesus so loudly and clearly that I know he heard me. Boy, I felt good; I witnessed for the Lord. Wow! But, I wasn’t so sure that I had done what God wanted me to do. "Still, I let him know that I worship God."
==> Sometimes, YOU TRY TO JUSTIFY YOURSELF in your decisions to NOT DO WHAT YOU FEEL GOD WANTS YOU TO DO. More about this episode later.
We Want to be in Control
The second unholy influence. Perhaps the biggest ill of the human race is this, WE WANT TO BE IN CONTROL. Do you remember what allurement the serpent gave to Eve? "God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and YE SHALL BE AS GODS..." (v. 3:5).
I can hear Eve’s thinking, "Wow! Be as gods?! Why didn’t God tell us about this? Yes! I want to be like God!" And so she disobeyed God’s Word so that she could have powers like a god.
Adam and Eve’s only real decision was clear: decide if they would obediently serve God, or try to take His place--"to be like God."
Your Decisions Are Not So Clear
Now, your decisions are not so clear. Sometimes you have two or more seemingly equal good directions to take. Which one is best?
DECISIONS LIKE THAT SHOULD SEND US TO OUR KNEES and to our Scripture reading. Those kinds of decisions, when they are big, overwhelm me. We simply cannot do it without praying to know the will of the One who loves us.
Round Two of My Power Walk
As I said, on my "power-walk," I was praying. Second round completed, I again approached the man. And this time I was prompted by the Holy Spirit to speak to the man. But what did I do? I only walked by with a smiling face--feigning piety and displaying shallow holiness. Shame on me.
I had a decision to make. Would I obey the Lord, or would I do it MY WAY. I failed, just like Adam and Eve. I walked on by.
Immediately, in my heart I cried, for I had disobeyed. "Lord, give me another chance, please; keep the man there." I pledged that I would speak to the man about Jesus the next time, if only the Lord would give me another chance.
We are Turned In on Ourselves
Let’s talk about the third evil influence on your decision-making. It is something we can call SELF-CENTEREDNESS. Oh, how this causes us to skew our decisions so that circumstances will favor us.
This self-centeredness is related to the attitudes of envy and pride.
* ENVY says: "I don’t think much of you."
* PRIDE says: "What do you think of me?"
Example of My Own Self-Centeredness
A few years ago, I was feeling very blue because of several things. One of them was that my job was not recognizing me nor advancing me. I felt cheated and overlooked. Because of my achievements, I thought that my management should think higher of me than they obviously did.
Looking for some help, I made an appointment to see a professor at my school (DTS) to pour my heart out, and to ask for some guidance.
After hearing my sad story--and I poured it all out to him in very blunt and unfiltered fashion--the professor looked at me and said, "Seems to me like you are awfully self-centered."
OUCH! You know, that statement almost killed me! I felt like I had been STABBED IN THE HEART by someone whom I had trusted! He was right. Of course, he was right! But hearing it said in such a blunt fashion was tough medicine. I was stunned speechless. He was right, but my, oh my.
I promise, if you come to me to pour out your heart, to ask for my help; I will not do that to you. Lord, help me.
Round Three
Third Round: As I rounded the corner on my third lap, I saw that the man was still there. "Thank you, Lord," I said in my heart, "for the undeserved opportunity to be Your witness."
I walked straight up to the man and said to him, "Friend, I don’t know who you are or where you are in your life’s walk. I urge you to consider, sometime before you die, the wonderfulness of Jesus Christ. He loves you so very much."
From there, B.J. and I had a discussion about his trouble in finding work. We also talked about church and the merits of attending. Most of all, he heard from me that no matter how tough this life gets, God supplies our needs. He heard my faith that Jesus would supply B.J.’s present need for love and his eternal need for salvation!
I left B.J. saying, "YES! Lord, thank You for Your patience, grace, and love for me! I truly desire to serve my Lord Jesus!"
Comfort in Life Can Hold You Back
The fourth evil influence doesn’t sound like one: comfort. Truth is, you are comfortable where you are. You are not shrinking back from church attendance, tithing, and so on; so that you don’t feel terribly condemned. Yet you are not moving ahead either. You are feeling content, at least comfortable, bouncing around in a little margin of spiritual service.
The decisions you make in regards to your "spiritual service" can be subtly made to look right, all the while not being just what you know that God wants from you.
What Are You Doing for God?
A pastor friend of mine came to my home years ago, and he asked me, "Neal, are you doing all that you can do for the Lord?"
I answered honestly, "No." I was comfortable.
Because of my honesty, the Lord helped me to begin taking giant steps to do His will in my life. I suppose that it was then, you could say, that I decided to truly follow Jesus.
Submit Truly and Deeply
You probably know this: there is no greater satisfaction for the Christian, than to make the holy decisions that you know God wants.
We American Christians have many ills that we gained from our fallen nature and from the influences of our culture. We live in a generation that constantly says and affirms...
* I didn’t do it,
* I want to be in charge, and,
* Me, me, me.
This is not what God has called us to. He has called us to...
* Give preference to one another, not to yourself, (Philippians 2:4).
* Realize that this is not our home, but to live here as ambassadors of Christ Jesus, (2 Corinthians 5:20; Philippians 3:20).
* Not to love the world, but to store up treasures in heaven, (Matthew 6:20; I John 2:15).
Christ, the Second Adam
We have Jesus as the "last Adam,"
And so it is written, "The first man Adam was made a living soul." The last Adam was made a quickening spirit. 1 Corinthians 15:45)
==> The first Adam made a mistake, THE LAST ADAM MAKES NO MISTAKES. And we are born again after His kind.
It’s Your Choice
Therefore, like Adam and Eve, we really have only one decision to make at all times, either...
* Choose to obey, serve, and love the Lord Jesus,
* OR, choose to disobey.
It is absolutely your choice, and yours alone. I urge you to choose life: follow the Lord Jesus Christ with all that you have and all that you are.
Hymns & Reading
Suggested hymns and readings from the "Sing to the Lord" hymnal:
I Have Decided to Follow Jesus.......Hymn #468
Yes, Lord, Yes.......................Hymn #466
| Copyright 2002
| Practical Holiness Ministry (r)
| You may reprint or publish or hopefully preach
| this material as long as it is not-for-profit,
| except that it may profit one’s soul,
| (see Mark 8:36).
| Dr. Neal Gray is the Senior Pastor of the
| Baltimore Parkville Church of the Nazarene.
| 8510 Fowler Ave -- Baltimore, Maryland 21234
| You can reach Dr. Gray by e-mail at:
| mailto:drngray@earthlink.net
| Also, please visit the church’s website:
| http://www.ForMinistry.com/21234BPCOTN
| 2 Pet. 3:18 - 2 Tim. 2:2 - Matt. 20:26-28
| All Scripture is the King James Version.
| Used with God’s blessed permission.
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