Summary: The first in a series exploring the 5 foundational purposes of the church: Evangelism, Discipleship, Worship, Ministry & Fellowship.

Today we will be taking a look at the 5 Biblical purposes of the church. I want you to look at these messages, not just from the overall picture of the church, but I feel that God will direct you to make each of these things a foundational principal in your life. As we look at these foundational pieces, review the foundation of your life, and ask God to shore up those areas that are weak. As believers we are to be intentional about our activities, allowing the Holy Spirit to direct us.

Today we will be looking at sharing the good news of "Jesus Christ" with a lost and dying world. Our basis for this foundation is Matthew 28:19 and Mark 16:15-16.

Matthew 28:19 (CEV)

“Go to the people of all nations and make them my disciples. Baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit…”

Mark 16:15-16 (CEV)

“Then He told them: Go and preach the good news to everyone in the world. Anyone who believes me and is baptized will be saved. But anyone who refuses to believe me will be condemned.”

Growing up, do any of you remember hearing these words of authority? "...Because I Said So!" I sure do....why do I need to eat my peas? Why do I need to clean my room? The answer was always, "because I said so!" The same is true with these two passages of scripture. They are important to our lives, because they are Jesus’ final instructions to His followers. This is often called the “Great Commission." Think of them as marching orders. Why do we "go and tell", because Jesus gave us those marching orders. Just as we were not to question mom and dad about the peas and the clean room, neither should we be so bold as to ignore these instructions. I find it odd that most of us pride ourselves on keeping God’s word. You know what I mean...I’ve never killed anyone, I am faithful to my wife, I don’t steal, etc... Yet this is one of God’s commands that we tend to be slothful about. We need to remember that the opposite of commission is “omission”. Omission is simply not doing what is required. For example in my days as a police officer, if a crime was presented in my presence and I failed to act, I could be charged with a crime of omission, becaue I did not do what was commanded by law. We need to understand that omission to God’s directions is SIN.

I do, however; want to make this distinction for you. Our obedience to this instruction is done out of love for Jesus and love for others. Yes, Christ did command us to be His witnesses, but it is out of our love for Him that we do it faithfully.

If we are going to be the witnesses that Jesus has called us to be we must "put the body in motion." This phrase has two meanings. First of all the body of Christ, the church body, must be actively moving. Secondly it means those of us who like our comfortable pews, must get up and go. We are called to be proactive and not reactive. The original text is literally translated: “As You Are Going”. This is an

ongoing directive. Our mission is not accomplished until the Lord calls us home. As long as people are living apart from Jesus, there is still work to be done.

Now chances are there are a couple of you out there thinking: "I’m Not The One Called Reverend Around Here." Well I think you had better guess again. Look at what 1 Peter 2:9 tells you about yourself.

1 Peter 2:9 (CEV)

“But you are God’s chosen and special people. You are a group of royal priests and a holy nation. God has brought you out of darkness into his marvelous light. Now you must tell all the wonderful things that He has done.”

Evangelism – “It’s not just for pastors anymore.”

Ok, so you’re part of a "Holy Priesthood," but you’re saying: "I Don’t Have My Sermon Prepared." First of all we need to understand that God is not looking for prepared sermons, He is looking for willing hearts. I’m going to give you some profound truth here. Fresh testimony beats reheated theology anytime. Follow me on this one. Would you rather feast on a meal carefully prepared with you in mind, or would you rather eat re-heated tv dinners. Now keep in mind, both will bring nourishment, but one is fresh it moves you to want to partake. Sharing your faith is no different. It is important that you realize that fresh testimony comes from daily interaction with Jesus. If people don’t see the dynamic, living Savior interacting in your life, they won’t notice that He’s missing in theirs.

So what do you say to someone? How do I share my faith? Well the answer is very simple. "Have I told you lately..."

...What Jesus did for me – my story is the easiest story to tell. It is the most personal aspect of my faith. I tells of God’s personal grace to me through Jesus Christ. It tells of God’s transforming power in my life, and the change it has brought.

...The Good News – What Jesus did for you. Jesus died for everyone. No sin is too great for the blood of Jesus to wash clean. No past to checkered. Jesus took your sin penalty upon Himself and He rose again to set you free.

...God has an offer for specifically for you. His offer is eternal life & eternal hope in Jesus Christ. The gift of grace is already bought and paid for, all you need to do is receive it.

The question for us as the Body of Christ is simply this? Did We Miss Anyone? Our mission is clear, our purpose spelled out. We are to tell everyone. Not just everyone you know. We are to go to all nations. Yes that includes those places that don’t like us. No one is excluded and no place left out, because Jesus died for all people. He died for the Bin Ladens, the dictators, terrorists....He died for all of us.

So maybe you’re asking yourself: "What’s The Fuss About?" Look again at Mark chapter 16. A promise and a warning. Those who believe will be saved. Those who refuse to believe will be condemned for all eternity. Now I have a question for you. Whose life have you deemed unworthy of salvation? I’m also going to answer that question for you. Those you have deemed unworthy are those with whom you refuse to share the good news of Jesus Christ. There should be no greater motivation to the sharing of our faith. I’ve heard it said that the only thing you are allowed to take to Heaven are the souls of those you bring with you. Most of us would intervene if we knew someone’s physical well being was in jeopardy, but we are very complacent about intervening in the eternal well-being of those around us.

I know that some of you really do want to make a difference in the life of others. I know that you want to share your faith with those around you. One thing stops you dead in your tracks. The real culprit resides in this thought: "I’m Scared." Jesus knew that of ourselves, fear would be our enemy, so look at what He has given us to overcome our fears. First of all Jesus goes with you. Read the last part of Matthew 28:19.

“I will be with you always, even until the end of the world.” - Matthew 28:19

Did you catch that. Jesus will be with you always. At the water cooler, at the back fence, at the grocery store. Jesus is always there holding your hand, helping you to fulfill His instructions. Jesus has simply said to you...."Come on let’s do this together."

Secondly, He empowers you. He gives you strength that you do not have. The Holy Spirit empowers you to speak, to reach out, to be proactive. Listen to these words from the book of Acts:

“But the Holy Spirit will come upon you and give you power. Then you will tell everyone about me in Jerusalem, Judea, in Samaria, and everywhere in the world.” – Acts 1:8

Did you catch that. You only start talking after the Holy Spirit gives you power. God never sins you out to work unprepared. He always equips you to bring about His will.

The question now becomes, "Where Do I Begin?" I’m going to give you a gameplan to get the body in motion. Apply it to your life and stand back while God moves in a mighty way.

In prayer – Ask God to direct you to those who need to hear. Talk to God about people before you talk to people about God.

Family – begin with those who are closest to you, don’t preach, show love and share Jesus.

Friends – a true friend points out danger, and warns of calamity.

Community – neighbors, co-workers, invite those around you to the evangelistic ministry of the church in prayer and resources.

World – support missionaries with your prayers and your resources. Let God work through you to equip them as they take the message of Christ to all nations.