Summary: A sermon at Carols by Candlelight. Teaching and evangelistic

Carols by candlelight 16 Dec 2001 pm.

Characters at the crib- were you there?


The last reading (Mt 2:13-18) grounds this all, doesn’t it? Places it firmly in the realm of

- our world. This last year. Troubles still emanating from there & ‘religion’

- reality… not fantasy. This is no fairy tale

I almost don’t want to touch on this bit with Herod. “Spoil the atmosphere/moment”

- but in wanting to look at the characters at the crib

- faced with no choice

- have to, to pass the reality/integrity check

- thought: “This shows the true nature of some things often hidden behind the tinsel in the presentation of our Xmas stories” ie

- why Jesus had to come

- the spiritual battle going on behind the scenes

- the IMPORTANCE of Jesus’ birth… and Him

- the problem in the world

- = us. The condition of the human soul

- ‘the heart of the problem is the problem of the human heart’ (J John)

But there were no kings at the crib. (really! 3 Magi yes. No kings. Herod wasn’t there). No scenes of stately majesty

Maybe Herod might have half wanted to be there “so I may worship Him also”

- but he couldn’t get over some barriers that stopped him

- stopped him - seeing/responding to the significance of Jesus

- coming to the Christ at the crib

- = the fact that it challenged him- his identity, his security, his power

Now- no one here is a Herod the great, but it is true we can know who Jesus is (God in the flesh)… but not really want to come and kneel at the Christ at the crib

- because of how it will impact our identity, security, power, wealth… kingdom even

- because Jesus’ kingdom was not… is not… one of power, prominence, wealth… this world

- but is ‘other-worldly’

But you know in your heart of hearts that He is God. Significant. God with us. Reaching out to us. Sharing Himself with us.

- and you’re not like Herod. You know and believe these things… and are ready to act on them

- there’s lots you/we don’t know…doesn’t always make sense… not clear

- but THIS is. Jesus: yeah!

- To me= the one thing that does make sense

But, like Herod… don’t only think of it in terms of what you are going to lose

- “It is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep in order to gain what he cannot lose

- He doesn’t come as a killjoy to steal… but as the giver of LIFE

- To deal with the problemed heart within each one of us

There is security in finding your identity in Him

Characters at the crib- were you there? Will you come, now? Come to the Christ at the crib.


Others conspicuous by their absence are the Pharisees. Spiritual leaders of the day

- not least because they’ve been looking forward to this for years.

- Searching the scriptures… nailing down the jots and tittles

- But they’re not there. And as J John said- it was only 5 miles


- too busy with their jots and tittles. Religion. With ALL good intent.

- Again: too engrossed in their way… security (found in religion)

But Jesus is not for the religious. He’s for

- the open

- those who want a relationship. Fluid… growing thing

- based on love… not rules

They were good people. Honest. People of integrity. People who were trying (where others couldn’t be bothered)

- religious people usually ARE good people. Serious people

Our world is full of good people, trying.

- consider Islam. I honour their devotion, commitment, seriousness, intent. Desire to please a holy God. Such devotion!

- Don’t anyone ever say they are cowards, shallow, unthinking, unfeeling.

- They are like the Pharisees

But do the Pharisees… the religious… the intent, often… come to the Christ at the crib

- kneel before Him as saviour and God-revealed

- No!

They’d be at church. In the mosque. Pawing over the letters of the law. Trying to please God. Trying to find that kick in what they do

Would they be at the crib? No

- because for religious people… good people

- they either don’t think that they need it… or need to OR

- it’s too simple… easy

- not something rigid & religious enough. It is simply relational

friends: respect religion… and I believe in religious freedom

- but religion is not the solution. Answer. Cure for the problem of the human heart. Religion exacerbates it

God’s gift to humankind… us… offers relationship with him

- and it’s available at the crib

So- who was there?


A scared little girl of ~ 16

I know she was v aware… a miracle had obviously happened… an angel had appeared. But put yourself in her shoes. Think of it on a human level.

- scary stuff! You could get stoned for this!

Someone as child-like, simple, enough to say

- “Yes, have your way with me. I am your servant”

Gosh! I love it! This is not for the rich, powerful, religious

- it’s for everyone… for the simple… the humble… the honest… the open… for anyone who will

- invite him in

- say “yes”

Characters at the crib. Were/are you there? Can you be like Mary?


An older man. Trying to do the best he can. Facilitate God’s plan for the world

Illustr: Friday fun. “Who wants to be Joseph?” I added to the person next to me “criteria are: willing to shoulder responsibility for all the difficult bits… moves… pregnancy!… and then get dropped from the plot and spend your life in obscurity”

- (vanishes after Lk 2!)

But that’s the way it goes, folks. May never get fame… be on many pictures with halos around our heads… but who knows what affect our life may have because of simple obedience

- just can’t tell

- I’m ever so glad Joseph said “yes”… was humble enough

These guys are the heroes of the story.

 Characters at the crib. Were you there. Are you there? Be like Joseph!


They were heroes, too. Unlikely ones for inclusion into a Jewish narrative. They were star-gazers

- don’t tell me this stuff is fabricated! Within years the church had major problems with folks getting distracted in this stuff

… but they were open

- true- some of you who have never been to church are nearer to a full encounter with God than many churchgoers because

- you are searching

- hearts are open

- though you may have been searching in the wrong things… your openness can lead you to Jesus.

Joke: Just to give a little balance to J John’s 3 wise men/women joke:

Q. What would have happened if it had been three Wise Women instead of

three Wise Men?

A. They would have asked directions, arrived on time, helped deliver the

baby, cleaned the stable, made a casserole, and brought practical gifts.

But what would they have said when they left...?

"Did you see the sandals Mary was wearing with that gown?"

"That baby doesn’t look anything like Joseph!"

"Can you believe that they let all of those disgusting animals in there!"

"I heard that Joseph isn’t even working right now!"

"And that donkey that they are riding has seen better days too!"

"Want to bet on how long it will take until you get your casserole dish


Characters at the crib- are you there? You’ve searched in all kinds of things… with integrity. Now it’s time to come to Jesus


Again. Unlikely heroes. Smelly. Dodgy. Word not respected in ‘court’. Not a popular trade

But God goes to them . Calls them specifically. Specially. Angelic visitation.

Maybe you relate a bit to this. Never had a problem knowing you’ve done wrong. Everyone has always accused you of it, anyway (so you kind of lived up to expectations). Feels like everyone’s judged you… called you shady

Maybe you have been dodgy. But your heart’s always been open… and things are changing

And you have one thing we all need… all must come to an understanding of: WE NEED GOD’S FORGIVENESS

Well: God calls you to the crib… to Jesus tonight

- to the one who will wash away all your wrongdoing…

- and mine too.

What has God got to do… let us go through… to make us realise we need Him… His son, eh?


- well: He’s doing this. He’s speaking to you. Calling you- tonight

- “Come to the crib” Be humble enough

- “where meek souls will receive Him still…”

It was the meek, simple, open people who were there

“characters at the crib” Will you come, tonight?