Summary: Mary’s Christmas means Merry Christmas to us.

Mary’s Christmas

Luke 1:26-38

Jim Merriam, of Tara, Ontario told this story:

After weeks of cancer therapy, my radiation technologist became concerned about redness and apparent burning around my waist. (Big crisis right?)They immediately sent me to an oncologist. When the doctor entered the examination room, he studied my chart, then looked at me sitting in the chair, fully clothed.

He looked back and forth, from me to the chart, a couple more times, then produced an instant and accurate diagnosis: “Your pants are too tight.” – Reader’s Digest, p.120X, Dec. 2001 issue.

Moral of the story: This Christmas you may experience a big crisis as u see redness or some apparent burning around your waist, as you feast, and feast and feast. So don’t go rushing to the nearest oncologist, I think they’d enjoy a Christmas break too, maybe it’s just that the waist has expanded and your pants are a bit too tight.

In a similar way, I think, Mary must felt a big crisis too, in our Bible text this morning. It’s like a “get me to the nearest psychiatrist” reaction. What’d u do I came and told u “I just saw an angel.” Most of us ordinary people would freak out or say “I think u better have a talk with Rev. Irwin Kujat, your area minister.” If things like happen, We’d say, is this a dream, is this real, am I stoned, too much turkey, maybe a bit too little coffee, too little sleep because I watched “How the Grinch stole Christmas” and “It’s a Wonderful Life” , and “A Christmas Carol” back to back to back in one night? Can u sense how Mary’s world was rocked?

All of sudden due to this angelic visitation, a huge crisis hits Mary’s world, and her world changed dramatically. As u look into her world and ours, it appears there are many similarities between our world and the world of Mary’s time. Her country was under military occupation by the Roman Empire, and that makes life kinda dicey. In our time with the terrorist attacks of Sept.11th we get a feeling that life now is a bit more dicey too. We see a bit more of the presence of the military in our daily lives, with longer waits at the borders and airports. We are beginning to feel some of our freedoms, which we may have taken, for granted may be in jeopardy, as parliament decides to take a tougher stance on terrorism.

There were lots of uncertainty and concern in the time of Mary as well. Her friends, family, and countrymen, suffered through some pretty unstable times, both politically and economically. And though none is mentioned in our bible text, I’m quite sure, the same maladies of tragedy, illness, death, and financial worries must have been a part of their daily and personal lives as well. For instance, the terror of the crosses hanging outside their towns reminds them each day of the brutal reign of terror of the Romans. As they look around them, there seems to be little or no control over their future. They could feel no certainty of what was to come.

Similarly, we are feeling much the same. In fact the whole world feels unstable. Could there be another terrorist strike, especially if you’re living in Israel? Could there be more anthrax attacks? Perhaps some baby boomers are feeling a bit more insecure when a big icon of our times, George Harrison, the ex-Beatle, has passed away. Now there are only 2 Beatles. Am I next to go? In the Toronto Star, reported on their website, merchants are reporting that sales are down since Sept.11th and Christmas sales have not picked up at all. There are lots of similarities in the days leading up to their Christmas and ours.

And now in Mary’s world, comes an angelic visit. As we read this story, it could have begun with “Once upon a time...” It sounds like a fairy tale or a tale right out of the X-files. Angels in Nazareth? May be in Anaheim, CA, but Nazareth, a town of questionable repute, for in those days people would say “Can anything good come from Nazareth (Jn.1:46)?

So we read of the angel Gabriel coming down to the countryside of Galilee. There he visited a girl - a young teenage girl - named Mary who was engaged to be married to a carpenter named Joseph. He came to bring her a message. Gabriel greeted this young girl Mary, as one who was favored by God.

But Mary was greatly troubled by this greeting from the angel. Now think about this, wouldn’t it be great to have an angel bearing a message from God come and visit you and give a message similar to v.28? Here u are confirmation, that there is a God, all questions about God answered, as you have the attention of an angel. After all, being specially chosen by God, and not just favored but “highly favored” isn’t that awesome? Today, many young aspiring athletes would die for such a recognition. This would mean big money, millions, yes a gargantuan contract, you’d be set for life! To be highly favored, perhaps the top 5 pick in the draft, the top five free agents, top five players in golf or tennis, is a most coveted favored position. This is the big time, instant fame and recognition! But can we assume those whom God favors will enjoy the good life as well: perhaps gain prestige, social standing, wealth, good health. Highly favored draft pick of God, wow, eh?

Well, such would not be the case for Mary, the highly favored of God, whom the angel declared “the Lord is with you”. V.29 tells us how troubled she was, she must have wondered if she has gone out of her mind, as she wondered what kind of greeting she was given by an angel! Fast forward to the future, - she would have a child out of wedlock, and tell me how scandalous that is in that day and time! Then to have to face the pain of a disappointed and confused husband who had in his mind, a lovely virgin, whom he is in love with, and now his beloved Mary probably committed adultery since they were pledged to be married to each other. Then, to face perhaps ridicule and strange stares, from fellow villagers, seeing her pregnant before her marriage to Joseph. Then later being forced by the hated Romans, to travel from Nazareth to Bethlehem, because of a government census, because of bureaucracy, when you can only waddle and not walk, being 9 months pregnant. And then later, her son would be executed as a criminal, again a scandal for this highly favored one of God. There was no wealth, no recognition, no royal title for Mary, who would be the mother of the man whom Gabriel said would be King, and whose Kingdom would never end (v.32-33). That sure doesn’t sound like being “highly favored” or does it?

Application: Perhaps this Christmas you too find it impossible to believe you are favored of God. Perhaps you have endured some tremendous losses, this year, you had a rough year. Perhaps you feel misled, misguided by God, betrayed, how can I be favored by God, loved by Him with so much that’s wrong with my life, there isn’t much hope on the horizon?

You just don’t feel God’s favor is with you, let me remind you of Ephesians 1:3-4 (NLT)

3 How we praise God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms because we belong to Christ. 4 Long ago, even before he made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault in his eyes. 5 His unchanging plan has always been to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. And this gave him great pleasure. (Here it is we’re highly favored, top draft picks because of His love and His pleasure in us as His children)

Hear Romans 8:35-39 (NLT) will u?

35 Can anything ever separate us from Christ’s love? Does it mean he no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted, or are hungry or cold or in danger or threatened with death? 36 (Even the Scriptures say, “For your sake we are killed every day; we are being slaughtered like sheep.”) 37 No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us.

38 And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from his love. Death can’t, and life can’t. The angels can’t, and the demons can’t. Our fears for today, our worries about tomorrow, and even the powers of hell can’t keep God’s love away. 39 Whether we are high above the sky or in the deepest ocean, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.

In response to troubled feelings of Mary, the words “Do not be afraid” spoken by Gabriel came to Mary, can u hear the same as we read the words from the Bible in Ephesians 1 and Romans 8. That you need not to be fearful for God has you in his hands, no matter what you may have to suffer thru now, your future is secure, don’t be afraid! For me this is the best gift of Christmas, that God loves me, he is for me, he holds my future, the future does not hold me hostage, no terrorists, NOTHING can separate me from Him! OH, hear the words for you this Christmas “Don’t be afraid”!

For Mary, the temporal trial of giving birth to a son, born out of wedlock, means a future where the world is blessed. Her Son’s name will be Jesus. He will be the Son of the Most High, the Son of the God. Yes, through him the entire world can be saved. For God, in His infinite wisdom has a plan. God knew of our need for a savior. God knew of our need for Christmas. God knew we needed the touch of His felt hand, His presence among us, relating to us on one hand, able to save us on the other. God knew we were drowning in sin, and going nowhere fast, without hope in a world gone mad. Listen to this poem,

If our greatest need had been information, God would have sent us an educator;

If our greatest need had been technology, God would have sent us a scientist;

If our greatest need had been money, God would have sent us an economist;

If our greatest need had been pleasure, God would have sent us an entertainer;

But our greatest need was forgiveness, so God sent us a Savior.

God knew there were times then and times now when the uncertainty and the severity of the events of world would overwhelm us. God knew kingdoms and powers would rise to power, that leaders of these human kingdoms would grow strong, overwhelm and over power others

- that these kingdoms would gather followers of falsehoods, and that these same kingdoms would oppress and hurt others, then after the damage they have done, these kingdoms would crumble and fall away.

God knew we needed a new kingdom, where hope and real peace can be found, and in Jesus, all human, all God – we will find a King to reign over God’s people forever, for his kingdom is a spiritual kingdom, one built out of love for us all who trust Him.

The central figure in our story is not Mary and not even the angel Gabriel. The central figure in our story is the gracious and loving God who gave us his Son, Jesus, whose birth is the promise of God’s redeeming love - Emmanuel - “God With Us.” And Mary was favored, chosen by God, to play a role in this redemption process.

So are we! We are favored by God, to tell the impossible story that God loves the world that He gave His Son to be born of a woman.

Mary was troubled by these words, because acceptability, prosperity, and comfort have never been the essence of God’s blessing.

God’s blessing is not going to take away our pain. God’s blessing is not going to bring our loved one’s back; its not going to restore our lost health; its not going to erase the events of September 11; its not going to make our life easy, comfortable, prosperous.

Perhaps Mary recognized that God’s blessing can be bittersweet. There is no substitute, but being favored by God is often a difficult gift to receive, for it calls for great courage, great strength, great energy, and great faith. We will often be asked to face what we would rather not face. We will often be asked to grow through events and in areas we’d rather not grow. However, unbelievable as it may be, overwhelming as it may seem, incomprehensible as it is, Gabriel tells us - “Nothing will be impossible with God.” Yes, in the face of life’s greatest trials, remember these words...

So Luke tells us about an old and barren woman - not Mary but her relative, Elizabeth - can bear a child (v.36). If that is so can a virgin, Mary, conceive?

Again, the God of the impossible tells of the imposible with the Christmas story ...The Lord can entered into human history via a woman’s womb, as a child. From a tomb can come resurrection and life, and the Holy Spirit can empower the world, form a church where there is none, and reach out to all the world. Who could have believe that there is such a redemption, such a hope for sinners, who could have dared dreamed of this fantastic story of God’s love? Indeed, nothing is impossible with God!

Are u facing some diifcult decisions this Christmas season, without much hope, or joy or peace? Hear the words of God again!

Now we’ve heard this Christmas story before. In fact we’ve heard it so many times, its novelty has long since faded away, and we loose sight of how awesome this event really is- that God would enter human life with all its violence and corruption, to bring us hope, to rescue us from our sinfulness, to send us Jesus our deliverer.

If there has ever been a Christmas when we need to remember this - God loves us, God gave his Son for us, Jesus came to be born among us - if ever there was a Christmas we need to remember that nothing will be impossible with God, it’s this Christmas.

When Gabriel finished delivering the message he had come to give Mary, after he spoke of this miracle that was to happen, and did his best to explain how this miracle could happen - as if you could ever explain a miracle...

Mary I’m sure pondered the ramifications of this Miracle - I bet she thought ahead a little, thinking how the news she had just been given was going to be received by her friends and family...

after Mary heard Gabriel’s news, do you know what she said?

“I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said.” V.38

You see, I think Mary knew what being favored by God meant and was going to mean. Like most people, I imagine she realized being chosen by God often meant not only did life’s normal burdens not go away or get better, but often there were greater challenges ahead. I guess you could say that blessings in some ways aren’t blessings at all.

She could have said “no”. She could have rejected God’s invitation. It could have passed to some other girl. She could have said: “Gabe, you got the wrong Mary, wrong address, different postal code, there is this other Mary just down the street, she’s kinda like a virgin too… ” But it didn’t.

Because maybe, just maybe, Mary knew that what makes Christmas is God’s desire to enter into the lives of ordinary people, maybe yeah, Christmas is about God entering our ordinary world, and the willingness and openness of ordinary people to let God in.

I wonder, if we can, can we grasp a hold of how different that first Christmas was.

I wonder can we understand, just a little, the magnitude of the impact Gabriel’s message had on Mary’s future, and the magnitude of the impact it has on ours today, that it would mean blessing for the whole world.

I wonder can we understand, just a little, what it took for Mary to commit to the path she chose. I wonder can we comprehend the enormity of the commitment she made. I wonder can we follow her lead, even if in a small way. To know that being favored by God means God is with us, especially in the trials that are bound to come in the future.

I wonder. I hope we can.

*Thanks to Tammy Garrison’s sermon on whom I used extensively to inspire me.