"Angels Are Real"
Author: Dr. Neal Gray
Passage: Hebrews 13:1-6
Purpose: The Bible is so full of references to angels, we must know for sure that angels exist. But angels are not our guide, nor our god. Let us live holy lives, even holier than angels, that our Father in heaven will be pleased with us. Let us live such that Jesus Christ is glorified by our behavior.
I don’t know what’s wrong with me. As long as I can remember, I’ve never been a great fan of "angels."
Now, I believe that they exist. I believe strongly that they have a very great ministry in serving God. I even believe that angels are around us on this earth--more than we think. Our Scripture passage confirms this truth.
I’ve just never thought that angels deserved much of my attention. So I haven’t taught nor preached about angels.
Today, however, let’s consider the heavenly angels. Perhaps I’ll leave church today with a greater appreciation for them.
Our Scripture is the first paragraph in Hebrews chapter 13.
I’m going to make an assumption: the heavenly angels are holy, and they want to help.
Angels Worship God
The Scripture is full of word-pictures showing us that the heavenly angels worship God. In fact, THEIR PRIMARY MINISTRY SEEMS TO BE THAT OF WORSHIP and praise of God.
Isaiah the prophet saw a vision of the Lord on His throne--lofty and exalted. Around God were winged angels who were saying, "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory," (cf. Isaiah 6:3). One of those angels touched Isaiah’s mouth with a burning coal from the altar of God, and then God commissioned Isaiah to preach the truth to His people.
In The Revelation we learn of a similar scene. But it is a prophecy; the time is nearing for Jesus to return to the earth for the second coming. Around the throne of God were "four living creatures, each of them having six wings." Their duty is to constantly sing out to the Lord:
"Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God, the Almighty, who was and who is and who is to come." (Revelation 4:8).
==> Yes, angels sing God’s praises, they bow down to Him, they obey Him, they worship Him.
God Uses Angels on Earth
It seems that God has faith in the angels to do some very important work here on earth. At least we know that the Lord has faith in some angels. And God wants His people to know that He cares; so He sometimes sends angels to tell us that He cares. Nice, huh?
You should know that, in both the Hebrew and the Greek, the word used for "angel" means, "messenger." So you won’t be surprised to find that ANGELS PROVIDE A "MESSENGER SERVICE" for God to humans. Recall that...
* The angel Gabriel brought good news to the priest Zacharias that he would have a powerful prophet son (Luke 1:8ff.)
* Gabriel also told Mary that she would bear the Son of the Most High (Luke 1:26ff), and,
* An angel informed the shepherds about Christ’s birth, and a multitude of angels praised the new born Child (Luke 2:8ff.)
In each of these cases, the angel let it be known that "he" (actually, angels don’t seem to have a gender) was sent from God. Zacharias, Mary, and the shepherds KNEW FOR CERTAIN THAT THEY WERE SPEAKING WITH AN ANGEL.
Not everyone knows, however, when they are speaking with an angel, so...
Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it. (Hebrews 13:2)
==> Since God is using angels to bring messages to people on earth, perhaps you should consider how you treat strangers.
My "Angel" Experience
Now, I have never knowingly seen an angel. I mean, I’ve never seen anyone who had wings, or who was transparent like a spirit. No one has ever declared to me that he or she was an angel sent from God.
But there is this one time that a man came into my life for five minutes; and I’ve often wondered.
I was eighteen years old, had joined the U.S. Air Force, and was at my technical training school in Biloxi, Mississippi.
Several of my airman friends and I decided we would, on this Friday, walk into town (none of us had a car), eat a steak dinner, and attend a newly released movie.
Well, I was the last one in line paying my bill at the restaurant. When I got outside, my friends were speaking to a man; he was a complete stranger, about 60 years old, I would say.
When I joined the group standing there just outside the restaurant, this man’s attention turned to me. He motioned over to me and said these words, "Now, my boys, this one...this one here has something special."
As I remember, I kind of smiled. They other guys looked at me. And we said, "We gotta go, the movie is starting in a few minutes." So we left.
Listen, that was a strange experience. What could the phrase, "something special," mean? And who was this man to say such a thing? All I know is that it has been nearly 30 years ago, and the event is as clear as yesterday.
Angels Encourage Us
Was that man a messenger from God, sent to encourage me? I don’t know for sure. But, what do you think: is it possible?
We do know that one of the ministries of angels is TO ENCOURAGE us. For example, we know that an angel of God went to the Apostle Paul on the storm-tossed ship, encouraging him with the message that though the ship would be lost, none of the men on the ship would lose their lives (cf. Acts 27:18-26).
Now, I’m not the Apostle, nor an apostle. But is it beyond our God--who loves me--to send an angel to me early in life to encourage me?
I’m glad that I treated the man with respect; I was at the very least, "hospitable." I didn’t laugh at him. Perhaps he was one of God’s angels.
Another ministry of angels is to deliver and protect God’s people. There is a good example of angels delivering the Apostles from jail.
An Angel Released the Apostles
The Bible tells us of two stories in the early Church where angels helped get the Apostles out of prison.
When ALL OF THE APOSTLES HAD BEEN THROWN INTO JAIL for preaching the Gospel, just after the Holy Spirit had come, an angel opened the gates of the prison, letting them out. Not only did this angel deliver the Christians, the angel had a message:
Go your way, stand and speak to the people in the temple the whole message of this Life. (Acts 5:20)
An Angel Released St. Peter
Later, Herod the king seized the Apostle Peter and had him thrown into prison alone. The Church people began to pray for Peter. In fact, the Bible tells us that "prayer for him was being made fervently by the church to God," (Acts 12:5b). NICE THING, CHURCH PEOPLE PRAYING TOGETHER!
In the night Peter was asleep, and AN ANGEL STRUCK HIM IN THE SIDE SAYING, "Get up quickly. Gird yourself and put on your sandals. Wrap your cloak around you and follow me." And the angel led Peter out of the prison!
==> Funny thing happened. Peter went immediately to the house where the Church was praying. He knocked on the door, and a young girl recognized that it was Peter. Rather than letting him in, she went to tell the others. They said to her, "You are out of your mind! Peter is in prison!"
The Christians were praying for Peter’s release, yet they could not believe it had happened so quickly! (see Acts 12:5ff.)
Pray for Angels to Release Christians from Prison
The Scripture we read today tells us to "remember the prisoners, as though in prison with them," (Hebrews 13:3a). Christian friends, you should know today that many Christians are in prison around the world, simply because they are professing that Christ is Lord. PERHAPS YOU MIGHT THINK ABOUT ADDING THEM TO YOUR PRAYER LIST, ASKING GOD TO SEND AN ANGEL TO HELP THEM.
Angels Protect Us
GOD USES ANGELS TO PROTECT US, TOO. One of Tex Henson’s favorite passages is Psalm 91, (Tex is an elderly man who attends our church). In that psalm we find this promise:
For He will give His angels charge concerning you, to guard you in all your ways. (Psalm 91:11)
I can think of several incidents in my life where it looked very bleak, things like...
* An automobile accident that should have happened, but didn’t
* An illness that should have killed me, but didn’t, and,
* Fear coming from spiritual forces that soon left as I prayed.
There are other things I could mention. You have a list of your own, I’m sure.
==> And while I am sure that GOD IS MY ULTIMATE PROTECTOR, I am equally sure that God dispatches His holy angels to do much of the work here on earth. Yes, I believe that ANGELS HAVE PROTECTED ME in times of severe trouble.
Angels Minister to Us
Yes, angels minister to us. That is their duty.
Are they not all ministering spirits, sent out to render service for the sake of those who will inherit salvation? (Hebrews 1:14)
Let us be careful to "show hospitality" to everyone. Not just because we might entertain an angel; but because "love of the brethren" is God’s way.
There are many more things that I could say about angels. The Bible is full of stories about the work and ministry that many angels have done. Yes, angels are real.
Yet, it is GOD WHO CREATED THE ANGELS. It is God who created you and me.
Christ is Better than the Angels
Angels minister to me, they minister to you. They are powerful, and they enjoy the direct presence of God. I give respect to them, for our God is their Father, too.
But it is THE LORD CHRIST TO WHOM I GIVE ALL HONOR and glory and praise. Our Lord Jesus is not only our Master, but also the Master and Lord of the angels. Scripture rightly declares that Christ Jesus is "much better than the angels, as He has inherited a more excellent name than they," (Hebrews 1:4).
For awhile, the Lord of All Creation took a human birth. For a little while, Christ was "a little lower than the angels;" but now Jesus is "crowned with glory and honor," (cf. Hebrews 2:7).
Jesus has brought to us a salvation that, as St. Peter says, is a salvation "into which the angels long to look," (1 Peter 1:12b).
Ministry of the Angels vs. the Ministry of the Holy Spirit
And our Great Savior has sent His Holy Spirit, such that WE WILL NEVER BE ALONE: "And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper [i.e., the Holy Spirit], that He may be with you forever," (John 14:16). As helpful as the angel’s ministry is to us, the Holy Spirit’s ministry is absolutely vital.
The angels’ ministry to us is MOSTLY EXTERNAL AND PHYSICAL--they help with circumstances in this world. They help us, they encourage us, and they protect us in their divine service to God. I like that.
For our spiritual needs, however, the Holy Spirit of Christ ministers to us. The ministry of the Holy Spirit is MOSTLY INTERNAL AND SPIRITUAL.
Here are some of the differences:
==> * Angels minister FOR US; the Holy Spirit ministers IN US.
* Angels guard our bodies and pathway; the Holy Spirit guards our spirit and guides us in choosing the right pathway.
* Angels may be agents of God to answer prayer; but the Holy Spirit is the Helper and Interceder in our prayers.
Our passage today reminds us of God’s personal promise to us, "I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you," (Hebrews 13:5b).
Our Future With Angels
You and I will be around angels for all eternity. In the great general assembly in heaven, you and I and all of the holy angels WILL STAND BEFORE CHRIST THE KING PROCLAIMING HIS EXCELLENCIES.
Today, we might occasionally come into contact with an angel. In the future, we will live side-by-side with them.
We Never Worship the Angels
As great as angels are, we never worship them. Even now, while I...
* Respect angels
* Appreciate their ministries, and,
* Admire their dedication to God,
...I never worship them.
==> We are forbidden to worship angels. And why would you, anyway? Our Lord Jesus Christ deserves all of the honor and praise.
I Will Never Forsake You
Our Lord Jesus left His sovereign throne to take a lowly human birth. He lived among us. He taught us. And then He died for us.
Even death could not keep Him in the grave, for He rose again! Amen!
Angels do good work in helping the saints while on earth. BUT IT IS OUR GOD WHOM WE KNOW LOVES US. Again, hear the wonderful promise that our Creator and Savior and Lord has made to you and to you me--He will never leave us:
He Himself has said, "I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you," (Hebrews 13:5b).
==> To the Apostles and to all who follow Jesus, He has made this promise:
"Go. Make disciples. Baptize them. Teach them all that I have commanded you. And, I am with you always, even unto the end of the age," (cf. Matthew 28:19-20).
Angels are nice. But we know that our Lord Jesus will never leave us; and He will never forsake us.
I Understand Better About Angels
Now that we’ve thought about it, I do believe I HAVE A BETTER RESPECT for those divine agents of God, those created beings we call angels. I think that I understand a bit better about angels now.
The Bible indicates to me that THE MINISTRY OF ANGELS TO CHRISTIAN BELIEVERS IS REAL. Angels are around us. Much more than we might think. Remember, "some have entertained angels without knowing it," (Hebrews 13:2b).
May our God continue to bless His angels as they serve Him.
May His Angels Minister to Your Daily Needs
And may our God put His angels in your life to help in ways you need. Don’t be looking to discover them, however. Because you probably will encounter and entertain God’s "angels without knowing it"!
1. Angels’ primary ministry seems to be that of ________ and _______ of God.
2. Angels do some very important work here on earth.
3. In both the Hebrew and the Greek, the word used for "angel" means, "____________ ."
4. Do not neglect to show ___________ to __________ , for by this some have entertained _______ without knowing it. (Hebrews 13:2)
5. One of the ministries of angels is to _____________ .
6. Another ministry of angels is to ________ and _________ God’s people.
7. Who created the angels? _________
8. Angels are nice, but it is the Lord Christ to whom I give all honor
9. We are forbidden to _________ angels.
10. The angels’ ministry to us is mostly ________ and __________ .
11. The ministry of the Holy Spirit is mostly _________ and ___________ .
12. Angels are nice, but we know that our Lord Jesus will never leave us; and He will never forsake us.
Copyright 2001
Practical Holiness Ministry (r)
You may reprint or publish or hopefully
preach this material as long as it is
not-for-profit, except that it may
profit one’s soul, (see Mark 8:36).
Dr. Neal Gray is Pastor of the Baltimore
Parkville Church of the Nazarene.
You can reach Dr. Gray by e-mail at:
Also, please visit the church’s website:
2 Pet. 3:18 - 2 Tim. 2:2 - Matt. 20:26-28
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