Summary: Preaching through the Psalms.

Psalm 150 – Doxology of Praise

Psalm 150

“1 Praise the LORD.[1] Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens.

2 Praise him for his acts of power; praise him for his surpassing greatness.

3 Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet, praise him with the harp and lyre,

4 praise him with tambourine and dancing, praise him with the strings and flute,

5 praise him with the clash of cymbals, praise him with resounding cymbals.

6 Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. Praise the LORD.”

1. [1] Hebrew Hallelu Yah; also in verse 6

I) Introduction:

Traditionally Psalm 150 is called the Doxology Psalm:

Doxology simply means: “Praises to God”

-In our day the final hymn sang in a formal public service is often called a doxology. (ie. Funerals, Prayer vigils etc.)


Many of you may know the traditional hymn that has been given the Name “Doxology” –it is sang in many churches each week.

–Listen to the similarities.

“ Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise Him all creatures here below. Praise Him above you heavenly host. Praise father son and Holy Ghost. –Amen!”

Historically Psalm 150 was called the Doxology Psalm because:

-It expresses high praise to God.

-It is the climax of the predominant theme of

praise in the rest of the


-It comes at the close of the Book of Psalms

*** But we should not think of the Doxology Psalm as the end of praise – It is not the end … It is the high point!

Characterized in this psalm of Doxology is:

-Ecstatic praise

-Musical artistry

-Physical display of affection towards God

-Unrestrained worship of Who God is in His


The opening sentence in verse 1 and the closing sentence in verse 6 says “Praise the Lord!”

* The literal translation of that phrase from the Hebrew is – “Hallelu Yah!”

In Psalm 150 we do not see the picture of a somber downcast soul that has breathed it last weary sigh…. We see the picture of the psalmist in the midst of a huge company of men and angels – in the midst of all creation itself- who have caught a glimpse of the glory of God and are overcome by such massive praise, unstoppable praise to God!

II. Lets take a few minutes to examine this Psalm


Many contemporary commentators have given this psalm a new name.

-Some of them have called the doxology Psalm …

:“The news reporter’s Psalm”

Journalist are trained to answer 5 W’s and an H. when reporting on an event….







This Psalm answers all of these questions about how we should praise God.


–So pick up your pen and writing tablet.

–Put on your thinking cap.

–Bring your inquisitive nature …And join me as we attempt to look at Psalm 150 “The Doxology Psalm” from the perspective of a news reporter.

1) What is the Theme of Psalm 150?

A) Express your Praise to God! (1-6)

The 1st theme of this Psalm is obvious it is expressed in each of its 6 verses!

V.S 1 says – “Praise the Lord “ or “Hallelujah”

V.S. 2 says – “Praise Him”

V.S. 3-5 tells us – Praise Him ( with music &


V.S. 6 tells us – Everything with breath

praise him – Ending with “Hallelujah!”

(a) Expression of praise requires action.

We are being told with out a doubt to express our praise to God.

-You may think God is Great

- but that is not enough!

-Thinking God is great is adoration…. But adoration does not become praise for until it is expressed in some way.


I love my son But if I never tell him that I love him and if I never tell anyone else I adore him. People do not know and my son does not know. (only I know that I adore / admire my son)

When I express it in some way: - words –actions. It becomes praise.

(b) Praise is God centered

Psalm 150 does not just tell us to express our praise to God… It says “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.”

This verse shows us that praise is not – Self-Centered but God-Centered!

-if praise was Self-Centered no one could praise God!


“All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous act are like filthy rags….” IS.64:6a

Praise for God is not based on our self-righteousness or self-worthiness – BUT GODS!

We praise Him because He is worthy!

2) Where is God to be praised?

A) In His sanctuary. (1)

(OT context) could mean: Probably Earthly Temple / Possibly heavenly temple

(NT context) Individual believer or the church.

Modern relevance

(a) God is to be praised in the church Services :

-Church is not a social club though it is a place of fellowship.

-Church is a holy place where believers come together to praise the Lord.

(b) God I to be praised by individual believers.

–“Don’t you know that you youselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit lives in you?” 1Cor. 3:16

–“Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, Who is in you, whom you have received from God? You ar not your own;” 1Cor.6:19

B) In His mighty heavens (1)

(a) Definitely means heavenly temple Rev. 4:4-11 (read)

The saints and angels are constantly praising the Lord in the heavens.


Betty Maltz –

·She & her husband are respected assembly of God Ministers.

·They are now elderly and simi-retired

-Relates the story of her death when her appendix

busted unrepentantly.

-She was accompanied by an angel to heaven.

-When she neered the temple she could hear men and angels singing together in different languages in harmony. She could understand all the languages at once as they sang to the lord.

-It was not here time and God returned her to her body.

**Believe the story or not … the point is that God is constantly receiving praise in the heavens !

(b) Also could mean physical heavens

ie. ( the Creation) – Sun, moon, stars, sky, birds

etc… give praise to God.

3) Why is God to be praised?

A) For His acts of Power. (2)

i. Creation

Think of the Awesome power of God… to create everything in heaven and on earth.

-seen & unseen… He created it all!

ii. Salvation

Praise Him for His acts of Power in the new creation, creating a new heart in a spiritually dead sinner. This truly is the miracle of all miracles, when God takes a dead soul and gives it eternal life! "Praise ye the Lord!"

iii. Miracles

“Praise the Lord O my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits—who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagles.” –Psalm 103:1-5

Praise the Lord for all his miracles of: Salvation, Healing, creation, etc!

B) For His surpassing greatness (2)

God’s greatness is beyond our imaginations.

–He is great in His character. His love, mercy and

grace are so great!

–He is great all His attributes that no other possesses

i. Omnipresence - all present

ii. Omniscience – all knowing

iii. Omnipotence – all powerful

4) How is God to be praised?

A) With instruments (3-5)

One theologian writes,

“These instruments are arranged in random order. It is possible that as each was mentioned it began to play and continued to play through to the end of the Hallelujah and the praises – This could create a beautifully symphony of sound and dance offered up in praise to the Lord along with the words of this psalm.”

These instruments are not intended to be an exhaustive list of how God is to be praised.

B) With dancing (5)

oDancing does not mean:

-to feed your flesh or enjoy the closeness of another


·Dancing does mean:

-In the Spirit ( when God takes over)

However, it can also mean – Choreographed

dancing unto the Lord!

·The key is that you are dancing to the Lord! –Not

self, Not others.


-Some People do not like the idea of choreographed dancing before the Lord but…

·Worship leaders usually practice Songs before they sing to the Lord.

·Musicians usually practice Chords and notes before they play to the Lord

·If we have an Easter or Christmas play… The actors practice their lines

* Likewise it is okay for dancers to practice and performer a dance before the Lord!

*The Key is always that it is done to honor the Lord not the flesh!

C) The Bible show us many other ways to praise the


-This is not a full list of how to praise the Lord… the Bible tells us many other ways to praise.

· With our Lips.

Psm 51:15 says, “O Lord, open my lips, and my mouth will declare your praise.”

· With a life lived for God

Mt. 5:16, “In the same way, let your light shine before me, hat they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.

· By letting God fill our lives with the fruit of the Sprit.

oDefenition: Jesus bring to the life of a believer (Galatians 5:22-23):

· Love

· Joy

· Peace

· Patience

· Kindness

· Self-control

Philippians 1:11 Says: “filed with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus

Christ – to the glory and praise of God.

We can praise God:

- In the Tongues of men and Angels

- By reading the Bible

- By praying

- By witnessing

* Anything that brings worship and honor to God and shifts the focus from Self and others things to God is a method of praise!

5) Who should praise God ?

“Let everything that has breath praise the Lord” – 150:6

A) All that have breath (6)

The Psalmist calls on everything with breath to praise the Lord!

This includes :

· Saved people

· Unsaved people

· Evil people

The question may be raised – “How can unsaved and evil people bring praise to God?”

Psalm 76: 9-10 “When you , O God rose up to judge, to save all the afflicted of the land. Surely your wrath against men brings you praise, and the survivors of your wrath are restrained.”

-When God’s wrath is poured out against evil people that actually becomes praise lifted up to God!


When Pharaoh and the evil Egyptians opposed the people of God…

-Pharaoh poured his wrath on God’s people

-God in turn poured His wrath on Egypt – with plagues.

-God delivered His people from the evildoers.

*This provided praise to God for His power to Deliver and Save the righteous

B)Other passages tell us “All of Creation.” Praises God

–Psm. 148:2 “Praise Him all His angels Praise Him all His hosts

–Psm. 148:3 “Praise Him sun and moon; Praise Him all you stars of light.”

–Psm. 148: 7-10

· Angels praise Him

· The planets and stars praise Him

· Animals praise Him

· Plants praise Him

· Even storms praise Him

Even un-living objects must praise Him – Everything Praises The Lord in some way!

Charles Pfeiffer writes, “Not merely the priest and Levites nor merely the congregation, but all the creatures of time and space which have breath are included in this choir of choirs. The Psalter ends, but the melody lingers on as the worshipers continue to chant, ‘Hallelujah, Praise Ye the Lord.”

6) When is God to be praised?

A) Always (1-6) Looking at the language of this Psalm

we see that God is to always be praised.

Psm 71:6b “I will ever praise You”

Psm 119:164 “Seven times a day I praise You, because of Your righteous judgments.”

Psm 35:28 “And my tongue shall speak of Your righteousness And of Your praise all the day long.”

Psm 146:2 “While I live I will praise the Lord; I will sing praises to my God while I have

my being.”


i. In private and public

ii. In the worship service and in the common hours

iii. Waking or sleeping

iv. In defeat and in victory


My intentions this morning are to leave you with a doxology message that will help you

-Turn your eyes on Jesus

-Engage in a continuation of Praise for God

-Encourage you to Run the Race and Fight the

Good fight to the end.

Psalm 150 -Outline


-Doxology Psalm

-News Reporters Psalm

1) What is the Theme of psalm 150?

A) Express your praise to God.

(a)Praise requires action

(b)Praise is God-Centered.

2) Where is God to be praised?

A)In His sanctuary

B)In His mighty heavens

3) Why is God to be praised?

A) For His acts of power

B) For His surpassing greatness

4) How is God to be praised?

A) With instruments

B) With dance

C) The Bible shows us many other ways to praise the


5) Who should praise God ?

A) All that have breath

B) Other passages tell us - “All of creation.”

6) When is God to be praised?

-Always (1-5)