Matthew 14 v. 22 - 36 we see here :-
1. A lesson in patience v. 22 "he sent the multitudes away" John 6 v. 15 "they would make him a king but he departed" his ordination was from above and not from the earth
2. A lesson in prayer v. 23 "he went up into a mountain apart to pray." Note :-
The priority of prayer, the privacy of prayer "alone", and the persistence of prayer i.e. "until the evening."
3. A lesson in problems v. 24 - 27 Note:-v 24 "but the ship was now in the midst of the sea, tossed with waves." we learn :-
(a) The way of duty is not always easy v. 22 storms arise
(b) The disciples were not responsible for the storm i.e. unlike Jonah who had rebelled
(c) The wind and storm can be the means of blessing i.e. Joseph- "ye meant it for evil, but God meant it unto good"
(d) Jesus revealed himself to them in the storm v. 25
who came? - Jesus himself,
where he came? - right where they were,
when he came? - when they were powerless to help themselves,
why he came? - to deliver them and to restore calm
4. A lesson in perception v. 26 & 27:- "Christ’s call to courage"
(a) The call to courage "be of good cheer"
(b) The condition for courage "it is I" i.e. this ghost is "I" myself
(c) The consequence of courage - "be not afraid," with Christ in the vessel we can smile at the storm, as we go sailing home.
5. A lesson in perseverance v. 28 Peter’s supernatural walk. Note:-
(a) His request v. 28 "bid me come unto thee in the water"
(b) His response v. 29 "come"
(c) His responsibility v. 29 i.e. to come down out of the boat - your responsibility to repent
(d) His restraint "but" he saw the wind boisterous - there was opposition in his walk
(e) His revelation of self "he began to sink", Peter wasn’t what he thought he was - "foul I to the fountain fly." of the saviour," Lord, save me" of salvation
Psalm 34 v. 46 "this poor man cried, and the Lord heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles" as G.Duncan says :-
(1) How simply the prayer was phrased
(2) How surely the prayer was heard
(3) How swiftly the prayer was answered v. 31 "immediately", of salvation, it was simple, swift, and sure.
(f) His refuge - was strong, safe and secure
(g) His rebuke v. 31 "wherefore, didst thou doubt?" it had been unreasonable doubt. Peter couldn’t doubt:-
The goodness of Christ - he had fed 5,000 (some do)
The power of Christ - he had walked on water (some do)
The presence of Christ - he was within arms length (some do)
The willingness of Christ - he had called Peter (some do) "Christ will support you in coming to him"
(g) The result v. 32 "the wind ceased" - when they were come into the ship - a picture of peace in the heart
6. A lesson in praise v. 33 "they came and worshipped" Here was genuine :-
(a) Conviction on seeing his miracles
(b) Contrition they came and worshipped
(c) Confession "of a truth, thou art the son of God" it’s better felt than tell’t