Titus 3:5
Theme - We are continually dependent on the Spirit’s ministry of renewal.
Why are some believers lacking a fresh sense of cleansing, hope, and love? Freedom from sin’s oppression requires a continual application of the Spirit’s grace.
Sometime back the Associated Press carried this dispatch: "Glasgow, Ky.--Leslie Puckett, after struggling to start his car, lifted the hood and discovered that someone had stolen the motor." Without the Holy Spirit’s power we are like that car without its engine. Associated Press.
Freedom - no word was ever spoken that has held out greater hope, demanded greater sacrifice, needed more to be nurtured, or required the filling of the Spirit. Some Christians have disregarded the renewing ministry of the Spirit.
By restoring our mind, body, and emotions, the Spirit recharges us with new vigor. We are continually dependent on the Spirit to resupply our energy, motivations, and visions.
He constantly reinvigorates us with a fresh supply of strength, hope, and faith to complete the Father’s will. While vigorous young men may grow weak and tired yet, those who wait on the Lord are renewed like the eagles. They will can run and not grow tired though given tremendous responsibilities. As we cannot live on old food or stale bread, so the Spirit makes the word fresh, nutritious, and satisfying every day.
Take time out to experience the Spirit’s refreshments at least three times a day. Pause to read the scriptures and pray over its reviving words. Let the Spirit initiate changes in your thinking. Believe God for constant improvements in your relationships and ministries. He constantly seeks to make all things better. He makes all things new. Otherwise you may find yourself growing weary and heavy-hearted.
Resisting the Spirit’s renewal ministry is the beginning of self-destruction.
Question - What are some reasons people grow tired and quit advancing in the Christian life?
Prayer - Lord, help us to look to the Spirit for our renewal.
Heb. 2:1-4
Theme - The Spirit gives us signs and wonders to testify of the greatness of God’s power.
Why is there so much confusion about the purposes of the Spirit’s signs and wonders? God has promised supernatural power to all ages.
1. The Spirit of power is the engine that drives the heart of great people. He seeks to demonstrate His power through means that are most effective in every culture.
2. The Spirit’s signs and wonders are given to help persuade all men to come to the knowledge of the truth. To confirm the greatness of God’s mighty, authority, and power, He uses the Spirit to perform miraculous signs and wonders. Do not limit God by your narrow perspectives.
Nothing dies quicker than a great idea in a closed mind.
3. God distributes gifts according to His will, not by human reasoning. Human logic will only take you so far. The Lord persuades men through His power, truth, and love. He is still giving signs of healing, miracles, and wonders in His church today. Many of these may not be visible to every seeing eye, but may be done in the quietness of people’s hearts and minds. If the signs and wonders confirm the truth of God’s word and the characteristics of Christ, they fit the criteria found in today’s passage.
Do not criticize the Spirit’s working through vision, signs, and wonders or you may find yourself opposing God.
A narrow mind and an open mouth usually go together. Jesus said, "He who is not against me is for me." (Luke 11:23)
Question - What are the ways that we can determine if a sign is given through the Spirit of God?
Prayer - Lord, help us to trust You instead of any sign, miracle, or wonder. God, help me to trust you for the Spirit’s empowering even when circumstances turn against me.
Heb. 3:7,8
Theme - The Spirit puts an intense measure of urgency in our preaching, teaching, and counselling ministries.
Why are some people unable to persuade others to change their minds about the truth? Faith does nothing alone - nothing of itself, but everything under God, by God, through God. The Spirit miraculous demands a positive response when God’s truth is contextually presented. Millions of Hebrews went to hell because they hardened their hearts during their testings in the desert. Many Israelites saw God’s wonders, but quickly focused only on their hardships. Life’s success is always a matter of perspective. Trials can either improve or wreck our beliefs. The choice for happiness is ours alone.
The Spirit reminds people of the alternatives to accepting truth. The Israelites faltered, disobeyed, and grumbled in their unbelief against Moses. So, God made them wander hopelessly in the desert for forty years. Most died without seeing the promises of God fulfilled. Though they could look at the promise land, they could not enjoy its bounty. All of their suffering, misery, and deprivation will be shared by anyone who rejects the prompting of the Spirit.
Only the Spirit can convince men of what they will be missing out on eternally. Resist destructive tendencies toward unbelief and waywardness. Sin is a departure from God. Belief is something you do not something you passively wait for. Christianity is not an intelligence test, but a faith test.
Question - What are the ways that the Spirit convicts men about truth.
Prayer - Lord, help us to depend on your urging more than in our persuasive words of wisdom.
I John 4:1-3
Theme - Beware of counterfeits of the Holy Spirit that are wolves appearing in sheep’s clothing.
What are the ways that one can distinguish the leading of a counterfeit spirit from the Holy Spirit’s? A person without the Spirit is a temple without God. Some people are so afraid of losing their religion that they do not take with them to work. These are people who are pretenders of Christianity. The world is filled with false prophets who are masters at presenting counterfeit ideals. These men falsely claim that the Spirit is in them and working through their ministries.
Test the spirits according to the scriptures, Godly counselors, and the fruits of their ministries. Use the criteria of the scriptures to evaluate each person’s suggestions. His standards are not subject to situational ethics.
The Holy Spirit will always give the glory, credit, and focus to the will of Jesus Christ. If a spirit tries to bring profit or success to a person or a human organization, something is wrong. You will know that this is a spirit masquerading for the genuine Holy Spirit. Be careful of men who disguise themselves as men of God under the control of the Spirit. Do not be led astray by psychology, philosophy, or clever human strategies of success. Be against the spirits of this world and be for the Spirit from above. Hate what is evil, cling to what is good.
Follow the footprints of Jesus or you may be led down the path to destruction. Every sin is a result of a collaboration with the world, the flesh or the devil.
Question - What are the distinguishing marks of a counterfeit spirit?
Prayer - Lord, help us to discern who is led by your Spirit and who is not.
I John 4:4
Theme - Through the Spirit, we can see ourselves as conquerors and the devil as a defeated enemy.
Why are many people living in defeat, discouragement, and anxiety? If many do not enjoy the fruits of the Spirit in this life, what chance do they have of enjoying them in the next life. Every belief that does not give us more Spiritually loving, active, and peaceful, is erroneous.
Notice that John shows that we are not waiting to be conquerors, but are victors, through the Spirit. Since Christ has conquered sin and death, the devil has already been defeated. The devil only has influence over us when we fear him more than we trust in God’s almighty power in the Spirit.
Though the evil one can even use believers to tempt, try, and dissuade us from His purposes, the Spirit assures us of victory. You are overcomers through the power of the one who lives within you. Stop thinking of your limitations. Try to give in to a low self-esteem. You are precious in His eyes, worth more than all of the world’s material goods.
Great things are accomplished through the ones’ who believe in the greatness of the power that lives within them. He turns tragedy into triumphs. Throughout this day, pause to thank God who gives you the victory through Christ Jesus our Lord. In the name of Jesus, we have the victory, Satan will have to flee! The Spirit of truth and freedom are pillars of the church.
It may cost you something to be Spiritual, but it will cost you more not to be.
Question - What are the remedies for living in defeat, discouragement, and anxiety?
Prayer - Lord, help us to pause to reflect on the limitless power we have through your Spirit.
I John 5:6-8
Theme - The Spirit serves as witness to the truth of His word in our consciences, service, and relationships.
How does the Spirit give evidence that we are in the truth or need corrections? A person without the Spirit’s corrections, is like a beast without a bridle.
He corrects us for our good so we may enjoy a greater degree of His holiness. It is pleasant to have another person give testimony to your credibility and truthfulness.
Everyone loves to be affirmed. However, it is better to have the Spirit bear witness that you are in the truth, through His word. The Spirit does this by giving us a peace of mind when we are in step with His will. The moment that we stray from His desires, the Spirit will trouble our minds with a sense of anxiety. Do not take lightly the Spirit’s convictions. He can work through your emotions to warn you of deviant behavior. Try not to condemn another for doing things that are personally wrong to you. God’s Spirit speaks differently to each person’s conscience. (Rom. 14:1-14)
Each person is given a special measure of grace, boldness, and facility in our service, the Spirit is serving as our witness. Even when we pray and relate to other believers, the Spirit has a unique way of reassuring hearts of His truth. Occasionally, the Spirit will use special signs to confirm the truth of His will in our ministries. Genius without the Spirit is like a lamp hanging a mile high in the air, it does few people any good.
Question - What are the reasons the Spirit’s authentications are the only one’s that matter?
Prayer - Lord, help us to claim your Spirit’s witness in all phases of our interactions and ministries.
Jude 19-21
Theme - Praying in the Spirit can help insulate us from the intensity of evil temptations.
What are the results of failing to pray in the Spirit?
Failure to pray in the Spirit can leave us without a clear ability to distinguish between right and wrong, good and bad, or justice and injustice. Our human nature is influenced by one’s tastes, cultural conditioning, and emotional appetites.
Without the ability to pray in the Spirit, our desires cloud our ability to pray in His will. Reason can often betray us. Logic can only take one so far. A person can be sincere, but be wrong. His Spirit helps us from failing to see God’s larger perspectives.
Our human desires are constantly at war with the Spirit. We must pray in the Spirit to align our thoughts with God’s thoughts.
As we yield our body, soul, mind, and human spirit to the Holy Spirit in prayer, we give God a chance to speak to us. He purifies our thoughts and tunes our will with His will through the Spirit’s directing. Stop following your instincts by following the Spirit’s directives.
It is impossible to please God with one’s natural impulses. No matter whether your prayers seem to be succeeding, maintain confidence that God’s Spirit is working through your petitions.
Faith ventures for Christ in opposition to all difficulties and discouragements. Prayer is not overcoming God’s reluctance, it is laying hold of His highest willingness. Spirit led prayer is the key that opens the doors of heaven’s blessings.
Question - What are the results of those who fail to pray in the Spirit?
Prayer - Lord, help us to pray in the Spirit so we will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh.
Jude 20,21
Theme - A Spiritual man is full of faith, hope, love, and prayerful expectations of what is to come.
What are the most attractive characteristics of a Spiritual man? An undivided heart, which trusts God alone, is raised above all anxieties. Since faith is foundational, a spiritual man is full of confidence in the promises of God. Everyday he finds new promotions in his faith to believe God for greater challenges. His capacity to perform works for the Lord is enlarged with increased faith.
One builds a personal faith by exercising it through obedience. Faith increases when one has a firmer assurance of the rewards God has for him. One filled with the Spirit of God can have an unselfish concern that freely accepts others and seeks their good. What a delight to be around spiritual men and women who consistently exude the fruits of the Spirit. Contrast these Spiritual people with carnal folks. The carnally minded habitually are suspicious. To trust God pretentiously is to believe in vain. Trust in God does not supersede the use of love, wisdom, and humility.
Expect God’s protection, but do not tempt providence but passively doing little.
Ask God to give you like-minded spiritual company. Watch your attitudes change from fear to faith through the Spirit.
Build yourself by working out your salvation with the exercise of faith. Faith makes a life of discipline produce goodness when the worlds’ supply vanishes.
Question - What are the ways that one can qualify for the credentials of a spiritual person?
Prayer - Lord, help us to build ourselves up in the holy faith and pray continually in the Holy Spirit.
John 15:5-11
Theme - Seeing answers to our prayers is only possible as we abide in Christ through the Spirit.
Why do so many people seem to fail to see answers to prayer? Many a man creates his own lack of successful opportunities. Even when we knock at God’s door, we must persist in hard work, until He chooses to answer.
There are several conditions to successfully praying in the Spirit.
First, we must pray in accordance with the burdens, desires, and will of the Spirit. If we are only interested in praying according our desires, the Spirit’s purposes are stymied.
Second, the Spirit allows us to pray with a clean heart so we are not hiding secret sins from God. If we are without iniquity in our consciences, the Spirit will purposely block our prayers until we completely confess our sins. Only then is He able to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Third, the Spirit enables us to pray in faith believing that God will do abundantly more than we can ever ask or imagine.
Fourth, the Spirit helps us pray in love for even those who oppose us, misuse us, or wrongly accuse us.
Fifth, praying in the Spirit is conditioned on abiding in Christ’s words, will, and example. The gates of heaven’s blessings swing on the hinge or prayer, faith, initiative, industry, and obedience. Try praying in the Spirit and you will be amazed at the difference it makes.
Prayer is not overcoming God’s reluctance; it is laying hold of His highest willingness
Question - What are the reasons that some people do not pray in the Spirit successfully?
Prayer - Lord, help us to pray according to the conditions set by the Spirit to experience the fullness of your power.
Acts 13:1-4
Theme - Growth, outreach, and expansion of the kingdom of God, follow Spirit directed worship.
Why are many fellowships more concerned about maintenance than growth?
Many people tend to jump at conclusions faster than they do progressive opportunities. It takes faith to move forward.
Quote: Weak man wait for opportunities, Spirit led men create them.
Perhaps many folks have forgotten the lessons on how Spirit filled worship propels people into outreach, evangelism, and church planting.
Acts 13 gives us clues to the successful beginnings of mission oriented fellowships. Spirit led worship has a miraculous way of preparing people to give themselves fully to the Lord. God is to be worship with faith, hope, and love. When people are so focused on the goodness, greatness, and glory of God, they are persuaded to give everything for the multiplication of His church. They have a keen desire to reproduce His characteristics throughout the world.
If we are not fully committed to giving, praying, and being involved with missions and evangelism, it may show something is deficient in our worship. Let the Spirit direct your worship and your fellowship. Without His directing, interpreting, and contextualizing, you are bound to make many mistakes. Poor decisions are rooted in poor worship through the Spirit.
We must be in tune with the Lord before we can hear His voice. He who does not pray when the sun shines will not know how to pray when the storms clouds arise. After praying, we need to look for ways to do something for God.
Question - What are the ways that we can improve our worship through the Spirit?
Prayer - Lord, help us to worship you in Spirit and truth continually.
I Cor. 12:1-6
Theme - Experiential emphasis with the Spirit can distort His true nature, roles, and responsibilities.
Why are so many people more apt to trust someone’s experience than the truth of the scriptures about the Spirit? Experience is a good teacher, but a costly one. Man was created a little lower than the angels and has been going lower ever since.
Quote: The most terrible lies are not that which are uttered, but that which are lived.
In the Corinthian church, Paul recognized that many believers were following ecstatic spiritual experiences more than the truth of sound theological teaching.
Though the church was filled with dynamic, open, and fresh spiritual experiences, the believers had to be careful of distorting the truth about the Spirit’s ministries.
Paul wanted them to distinguish between truth in theory and practice. Just because a man loses control of his rational processes when speaking in tongues, does not necessarily mean that he is filled with the Spirit.
Paul inferred that divine inspiration is not synonymous with irrational behavior. If we prize one gift above another, we are making a cult of the experiential gifts. Practice than guide truth. Beware of these sinister traps.
Excessive individualistic experiences should never override the authority of the whole counsel of God’s word and counsel.
Question - What are the problems of following spiritual experiences more than the veracity of scriptural truths?
Prayer - Lord, help us to compare our experiences with scripture and not with others’ subjective assessments.
I Cor. 12:7-11
Theme - What are the criteria for valid uses of spiritual gifts?
Why is there so much confusion and difference of opinions about the proper use of gifts today? Judging by the way some Christians live, they need fire insurance.
Quote: Some believers are living as if they do not have a spiritual gift.
Perhaps there needs to be clarification made about the Biblical criteria for spiritual gifts.
First, the gift should be used to give honor to Christ as Lord. A gift that tends to honor any human being, is improperly being applied.
Second, the gift should be used in service to the body of Christ to equip it for the work of service. If gifts are simply used for entertainment value or for controlling others, they are being abused, misused, and misconstrued.
Third, gifts should be used to bring others to the saving knowledge of Christ. If gifts are not used in winning, training, and instructing the lost, they are dangerously insular.
Fourthly, gifts are to emphasize diversification within our unity in Christ. Those who may appear to be different are not necessarily wrong in their approach to ministry. Let us not criticize something simply because it is different.
Quote: Cultural normality is not a valid criteria for the use of spiritual gifts.
Remember, gifts are given, empowered, and directed solely by the Spirit and not by any man. That is best, which God gives.
Quote: He who fails to use spiritual gifts can never be on speaking terms with happiness.
Question - What are the reasons that some spiritual gifts are used improperly?
Prayer - Lord, help us to meet the scriptural criteria for the proper use of your gifts through the Spirit.
I Cor. 12:14-21
Theme - Spiritual gifts allow everyone to feel equal status, rank, and importance in the body of Christ.
Why do some people feel inferior? Many people grow up quicker, but seem to remain like children a lot longer.
There are some Christians who cannot be called "pilgrims" because they never make any progress.
Quote: Some believers who should be wielding the sword of the Spirit are still tugging at the nursery bottle. Immaturity breeds jealousy.
There are tendencies in all facets of Christianity to regard some gifted people as more important than others.
Paul makes it clear that certain outstanding gifts do not mean higher status, role, or rank in the body of Christ. God has designed the body of Christ so there will be harmony as we recognize our unity through diversity.
Quote: The church is not to be run as an army where orders, commands, and edicts are given to force compliance. Instead, the body of Christ is constructed in a way that we can all participate in leadership. Christ alone is our head and no man. His Spirit directs everyone uniquely.
Quote: An inferiority complex is out of place in the body of Christ. Do not let others’ commands be given greater weight than the guidance of the Spirit. Each person’s spiritual gift entitles him to equal status, role, and rank in Christ’s body! Only a self-made man worships himself. Those who act inferior, think inferior thoughts.
Question - What are the problems that arise when there are inferiority or superiority complexes allowed to exist between believers?
Prayer - Lord, help us to regard all believers as equal in rank, role, and status in Christ.
I Cor. 13:4-7
Theme - The spiritual person is characterized by Spirit led love.
What are the evidences that someone is controlled by the Spirit? Spiritual people are grateful for what they have not regretful of what they have not. Spiritual people are happy because they have stop complaining about the troubles they have and thanked God for the troubles they do not have.
Paul strategically places these inspired definitions of love from I Cor. 13, in between two of the most important chapters on the Spirit.
Quote: The greatest gift of the Spirit is not tongues, prophecy, or knowledge, but it is love. God is love. His Spirit works through love. Love that is patient, kind, not jealous, not arrogant, not boastful, but believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things. Those who do not love do not know God or His Spirit. God’s love is poured out through the Holy Spirit. (Rom.5:5)
Without the Spirit of God’s filling we cannot possibly love through acts of kindness, patience, forbearance, and self-less service. His Spirit gives endurance through trials, cheerfulness when troubled, and generosity when deprived. Like the Spirit filled apostle Paul said, "Although sorrowful, yet rejoicing, as poor yet making many rich, as having nothing, yet possessing all things." The Spirit helps us love those who hate us. His love overpowers every other force. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with the Spirit’s love. God’s love is unconditional; to limit the operation of God’s love is to miss the whole point of Jesus. Love conquers all.
Question - What are the ways that the Spirit of God helps us love even in difficult situations?
Prayer - Lord, help us to love according to the criteria found in these four verses.
Gal. 5:13-15
Theme - According to His purposes the Spirit gives us freedom.
Why do some believers live as if they are oppressed or limited by their circumstances? The Spirit creates in us the realization that we have received what we did not deserve. He gives us the awareness that we have not received what we do deserve - punishment for sin.
Some people have never known the blessings or the responsibilities of living in the Spirit. Freedom in the Spirit does not give us the right to abuse people. The Spirit keeps us from outbursts of anger. His liberties are given for God’s benefits, not our own. Neither does this liberty give us a license to show disrespect for those to whom it is due. However, the freedom in the Spirit gives us the latitude, flexibility, and mobility to launch out in faith where others fear to tread. He gives us the freedom to experiment in new areas of ministry, speech, and thought.
The Spirit gives us the freedom to look for personal and community improvements. His Spirit frees us from the tyranny of urgent. He liberates us from the imprisonments of traditions.
His freedom is marked by right priorities that do not abuse the privileges afforded a child of God. When we know the truth, the Spirit makes us free from fear, legalism, and shame. Do not abuse your freedom or the tyranny of sin will become grabby. Freedom departs when we are no longer worthy of possessing it.
Question - What are the benefits of being free in the Spirit?
Prayer - Lord, help us not to abuse our freedoms give by the Spirit.
Rom. 5:1-5
Theme - There are many benefits of being led by the Spirit during suffering.
What are some benefits of being led by the Spirit during tribulation?
While the human mind tends to think of all the hardships caused by suffering, the Spirit can work all things for our good. He pours out the love of God by giving sufficient grace for any problem.
He allows troubles to catalyze the production of many fruits of righteousness. Do not think that having problems is unusual.
Quote: There is a special place for people without any problems - it is called the cemetery.
The Spirit helps us experience peace that the world cannot understand. Through the joy found in the Spirit, we are given a supernatural power to transcend the anxieties of this world.
During suffering, instant access is given to the Almighty Father and all His power, blessings, and wisdom. We never need to lack any good thing when we are tested.
Third, we are given an extra sense of hope when everything around us appears hopeless. We can give encouraged to the down in heart. There is an eternity of glorious rewards awaiting those who are led by the Spirit during difficulties.
The knowledge of the Spirit is power, but only when it is turned on. Do not lose heart since the Spirit pours out His love, grace, and power abundantly; just when we need Him most. You are never defeated unless you defeat yourself
Question - What are the reasons some believers miss out on the benefits of the Spirit during persecutions?
Prayer - Lord, help us to count our blessings during our darkest hours.
Matt. 12:24-32
Theme - The Spirit’s power to deliver is best seen through the ministries of Jesus Christ.
Why are some believers unable to manifest the power of the Spirit in their lives or ministries?
There is nothing more powerful than truth. No weapon can destroy it, no power can conquer it, and nothing will outlast it. There is power in truth lived and spoken.
Some people have never stopped to appreciate or study the fullness of the power or the truth of Jesus. He was a mirror reflection of the Spirit’s authority. The ministry of Jesus involved preaching, teaching, and healing people. These works were a preview of what would be done when the Spirit would come with power. In Jesus, we find the fullness of the Spirit in bodily form. His power to bind Satan and stop his progress is evidence of what the Spirit wants to do today.
Jesus warned people against speaking against the Spirit. To challenge the authority of the Spirit is to blaspheme God. This is a deliberate labelling of good as evil. Through Spirit led believers, He is fully capable of doing great wonders.
Quote: Power will either burn a person or light him up.
The greatest power for good is the power of an exemplary life. When you want to see what is possible to do through your life and ministry, study the teachings, acts, and works of Jesus Christ. The Spirit that lives within you will allow you to accomplish greater works.
Question - What are the reasons some believers quench the power of the Spirit?
Prayer - Lord, help us to study the life and teachings of Christ as evidence of what we can do through your Spirit.
Gal. 3:1-12
Theme - Failing to live by the Spirit condemns us to live under the judgment of the law.
What are the problems of failing to live by the Spirit?
Our lives are proof of what we know and believe about Jesus Christ. Those who only know Jesus as a moral teacher cheat themselves out the blessings of His gift of salvation.
Legalists only know the part of Jesus who said, "I did not come to abolish the law and the prophets, but to fulfill them." The Galatians’ believers fell into the legalistic tendencies of their age. Paul became particularly upset with these legalistic and ascetic Galatians. These believers were slowly retreating to a life under the rules, regulations, and strict guidelines of the law. These legalistic tendencies were fostered by a strong cry to return to the traditions of men. They listened more to their elders than the scriptures. Greater concerns were given to the preserving of their history than to finding God’s will through the Spirit.
Living by the law means that we are still bound by petty rules that force us to try to justify ourselves by our works. No one can live pleasing to God unless he is trusting in the Spirit of grace. The flesh sets its desires against the Spirit and the Spirit against the flesh so we cannot do what seems natural. Our human nature opposes good, brings corruption, and misarranges the truth’s priorities.
Accepting the law above grace, means living by rules instead of by the Spirit. Do not live as if you are giving Christ’s sacrifice as not necessary. Trust the promise of the Spirit over the law and experience true power, freedom and blessings.
Question - What are the marks of those who still trying to live as if they were under the law?
Prayer - Lord, help us to live by the power, freedom, and blessings of the Spirit of grace!