Summary: A message addressing the reality of hell.

It Makes No Sense!

A Message on Hell

1. As real as the Bible’s teaching on Heaven is, is

its teachings on Hell.

It is not a popular subject, and not a popular place.

It is as negative a teaching as found in Scripture,

and as emphatic as any truth in the Bible.

2. The Bible says Hell is a literal place, and states

clearly that a man will spend eternity in Heaven or

Hell, without exception.

3. The Bible teaches Hell, is a place of torment and

punishment for sin.

4. Many cults and false teachers have tried to water

down what the Bible says about Hell, or have taught

it does not exist. They teach:

Jehovah Witnesses’ - Man is annihilated. On eternal


Roman Catholic’s - Hell or Purgatory only is temporary.

There you pay for your individual sins that one did not do

penance for while on earth. Prayers for the death, by the

living help one get out quicker.

Oriental religions - There is no hell, only reincarnation. If

you do good works you are reincarnated to a better state. If

no one is reincarnated in some not to be desired form. Karma

is the ultimate goal, where you become one with the universe.

Mormons (LDS) - Teach a second change after death. A

living person is baptized in proxy for someone who is dead.

That allows the Mormon missionaries to go and explain the

Mormon Gospel to the deceased person. If that person

accepts the Mormon Gospel, then they begin the process of

exaltation, with all the necessary works being done in their

temples by living people.

5. Statements made about Hell:

a. Some say the teaching of hell is unreasonable.

Ought sin not be punished?? A man brutally

murders over two girls, yet many says he should not

be punished? Are you saying man should not have

to take responsibility for his actions?

Are you saying that the person who has become so

degenerate he can commit horrible crimes should

allowed to live, and continue to be a burden to the rest

of society?

b. Some say then, we should punish but only to reform?

Say three men murder an entire family and rob them.

They are caught several weeks later.

One criminal, sobbing confessing he took part in the

murders, cries "I’m so sorry, its haunting me night

and day, its killing me, I’ll never do it again."

Should he be punished? He is seems to be reformed!

It is doubtful he would ever kill again. Shall he be

turned loose because he claims to be reformed.

Second criminal, is such a tenderhearted fellow, after

only a month in prison, he is thoroughly reformed and

has made up his mind never to do it again. Should he

be turned loose?

Third criminal, is a harden, criminal, the more you

punish him, the harder he gets. Should he not be

punished because it will only make him worse?

The answer in each case is that they each must

suffer punishment for the crimes they did.

6. Some say, they do not believe in a God of wrath.

God is love, and He could not let men suffer in hell

for eternity for their sin.

a. Those who say this do not understand one important


Man is by nature a sinner. He has a sinful nature

and will sin!

READ: Romans 1:18-32....wickedness of man

I Cor. 2:14...the natural man does not

receive the things of God they are foolishness

to him.

Romans 5:12, Wherefore by one man sin entered

into the world, and death by sin.

Rev. 20:6, 14, tells us the judgment and

eternal separation in Hell, is the second

death, and the death spoken of here.

b. A man can only lose the old carnal nature to sin

if he trusts in Christ, and God gives him a new


Jesus said, to Nicodemus, "you must be born again"

"a man cannot see the kingdom of heaven unless he

is born again"

That simply means, that no sinner, will enter heaven

without first receiving the new birth!

In Titus 3:3-7, You see every child of God was once

a sinner!!

Jesus said, he came into the world, not to bring the

righteous to repentance, but to save sinners!!!!

Folks, the only way to see heaven, and escape hell

is to trust in Jesus Christ, as ones Lord and Savior.

Only Christ, can give you the new nature. Only

Christ, can wash away your sin and declare you

righteous, and free of any guilt or penalty of


c. Heaven is a pure place, where there is no sin. To

let one unregenerate sinner into heaven would spoil


You see, to know and take the things of God, one

must have received the nature of God. The sinner

who dies without Christ, doesn’t have the nature

of God.


A. One is a place called "Hades." It is the abode of

the unsaved dead, at present.

Jesus in Luke 16:19, describes this place. It is a

place of separation from God, it is a place of

torment, it is a place of no escape.

1. Hades, is not the abode of Satan, he was never

there, is not there now or ever will be. But it

is populated with those who rejected God through

out history.

2. Hades, is a temporary place, and one day will

be emptied. Rev. 20:11-15, states that at the

Great White Throne judgment, all the lost from

all the ages will be brought before Christ, and

judged according to their works.

Isa. 45:23, God says every knee shall bow to

Him, and Phil. 2:10, states that every tongue

shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.

It will happen, there is no question about it.

Just like death, is a subject most avoid, and

many, fail to accept, so is this judgment of

all who refuse to accept God’s free offer of


B. The final resting place of the eternally lost is

a place Revelations calls the Lake of Fire. It is

also called Gehenna, name after a place outside

Jerusalem, where the garage was burned, a place

that was always on fire.

It is a place of eternal damnation, a place of

eternal torment, based on the works a man did

in his life.

1. There the lost of this world will stand

on an equal plain, each damned, without hope

of reprieve.

You see, they were offered a reprieve and

they rejected it.

They could have received it by receiving

Christ, yet they loved sin too much to have

to give up they wicked ways, so they

reject it, and enjoyed for a season, pleasures

of this world,.

Now the folly and stare reality of their decision

is made clear to them. It was fun for a moment

in time, but now they are to spend an eternity

reaping their just reward.

2. The religious lost will be there, pleading one by

one for Christ to accept their good deeds,

church membership, wonderful works, says Matt.

7:22-23. What a terrible thing to here the

righteous judge, say, depart from me ye workers

of iniquity, I never knew you.

3. In my commentary on Revelation 20:11-15, I make

this statement:

"Nothing is more pitiful, sorrowful, and utterly tragic, than

that God loved man so much, that even when men, rejected

His love, he still came and died a cruel death on Calvary’s

Cross. Jesus died and rose again making total and complete

atonement for every sin and act of rebellion ever done by man

on earth. Yet, most men, corrupted by sin and their own

warped sense of self worth, chooses to die in his sins and

willing go to hell rather, than let God, change him, for give

him, cleanse him for sin, and give him eternal life.

ILLUS: There is a child’s story of a king who was proud and

very vain. He ask his tailor to make him the most beautiful

set of clothes on earth or lose his head. The tailor thought

and thought but was at a lost to come up with what the king

wanted. He knew how vain the king was, so he concocted

a plan to save his head. He pretended to make the clothes

and put them on the king. He convinced the king he was

dressing him in beautiful clothes. But the king just stood

there in his underclothes. When he went out into the court

the king although he could not see them, was so vain, he told

the lords and ladies of the court how beautiful they were!

Afraid of the king’s wrath, they acted like he had clothes on.

They king then went out into the street of the town to show

off his new clothes and the people too, afraid of the king hid

the fact he had not clothes on until one little boy, shouted out

the truth...the king has no clothes on! The King is naked!

We can pretend there is no eternity. We can ignore the

truth...but it is not changed...hell as real as heaven!

Some churches and denominations, down play the reality

of hell. Their professional preachers are afraid to preach on

Hell might offend someone. I’ll tell you about someone who

will really be offended. It is the person whose preacher and

church did not tell him about hell and told them that God would

not send a man to hell. As they open their eyes in Hell, having

been deceived by their false religion, I am sure they will be

greatly offended!

Some churches deny it, or make it temporary, and many

believing them, put their trust in the false teaching and wake

up in hell.

No one ever born on this earth and given the precious gift

of life itself should be there at that final judgment!!!!

Why, oh why, does man reject God??? Why does he

willingly ignore eternity and enjoying a few moments

pleasure that will be paid for in the eternal Lake of Fire.

It makes no Sense, no sense at all.


1. The Bible says no man need go to hell.

Romans 10:9-10, "That if thou shalt confess with thy

mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that

God hat raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved."

John 3:16-17, "For God so loved the world, that he gave

his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him

should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not

his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the

world through him might be saved."

2. Those that reject God will face judgment and the second


Rev. 20:11-15.

3. The question is simple: Will you believe God and accept

Jesus Christ as one’s Savior and receive forgiveness for sin?

Or will you reject Christ’s sacrifice for you and spent

eternity in hell?

God will not force himself on is up to you to

believe or to reject. Understand that if you will not believe

you in fact are rejecting Christ Jesus.

(I have over a 100 messages at