Finally Free
Series: Finding Freedom for Life
Romans 8:1-4
August 26, 2001
Morning Service
The prisoner
We live in the same way. We have been offered freedom in Christ and yet we still choose to live in the prison of our own making. We try to follow God in our own strength. We try to obey God through our own efforts. We try to live for God in our own righteousness. This doesn’t seem to be the abundant life that Jesus promised to give us.
Is it any wonder why so many Christians become frustrated with their walk with God? The simple fact of the matter is that we can not live this way and enjoy the freedom that Christ has offered us. How can we really discover the freedom that Christ promised us? Paul gives us the answer to this important question in the first four verses of chapter eight in his letter to the Romans
Read Text: Romans 8:1-4
I. Freedom from Condemnation
A. The reality of condemnation
1. The New Testament meaning
a.) The Greek term for condemnation found here is katakrima. It is the root for the English word criminal. It means to pass judgment.
b.) The New Testament writers understood that humanity lived under the judgment of God and that everyone was condemned due to sin. The judgment for sin was death and separation from God.
c.) The way of being free from condemnation was to receive full and complete pardon from the one who had passed the judgment.
2. The meaning for modern day
a.) Essentially, sin had created a death sentence for all of humanity. It was the rebellion of Adam that caused all people to be sinful and thus to be condemned.
b.) The good news and the bad news. The bad news first. God has condemned each person and this includes you and me. The good news is that He doesn’t intend for us to stay condemned. God is in the business of granting pardons.
3. Key to freedom – Belief in Christ
a.) Salvation
1.) Once a person commits to the belief of Christ they have become a new creation and are in Christ.
2.) It is the salvation of Christ that removes us from condemnation.
3.) John 5:24 - "I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life.
b.) Security
1.) There is no need to worry about growing old or dying because we are free from the judgment of God and live by his grace.
2.) There is no need to worry about the trials of life because it is Christ who is working in our lives on a daily basis
B. The reality of bondage to the past
1. The prisoner revisit
2. Satan wants to keep you in bondage
a.) Satan makes use of past guilt and present failures to keep us from realizing our freedom in Christ
b.) Our security rests only on Christ’s performance and not our own
c.) The problem areas
Our conscience reminds us of our guilt
Non Christians will point out our inconsistencies
Past memories of how we have lived will haunt us
Unhealthy comparisons with other Christians can hurt our walk with God
3. Key to Freedom – Forgiveness
a.) Seek forgiveness from God: God is ready, willing and able to forgive you but you have to take the first step toward Him
b.) Forgive yourself: We often keep on reliving the faults and failures that we have made but that is not God’s view of things.
Psalm 103:9-12
He will not always accuse, nor will he harbor his anger forever; he does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities. For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.
Live in the fullness of your freedom
II. Freedom from death
A. The bondage to death
1. The result of condemnation
a.) The Greek word for condemnation is a legal term that was used for a person who had been judged for a crime and given the just punishment.
b.) Once a person was condemned; their only hope was a pardon.
2. The reality of death
a.) Death is a result of the sinful nature of humanity and was NOT a part of God’s plan for us
b.) Two types of death
1.) Physical death: The reality of life is that every person who is now alive will someday die. Physical death is simply physically ceasing to function.
2.) Spiritual death: The spiritual death is much more complex and devastating than physical death
Spiritual death effects us while we are still physically alive. Paul says that we were all dead in our sins. We are spiritually miserable during life
Spiritual death effects us after we die physically and creates an eternal separation from God
B. Keys to freedom
1. The Spirit sets you free
The Spirit of life that Paul writes about refers to the Holy Spirit. So, it is the Holy Spirit that sets us free from the law of sin and death. This seems to contradict what Paul said in verse one about no condemnation in Christ. What does he mean by this statement? Paul is showing the dual role in Salvation between Christ and the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit begins the process with conviction of sin. Christ brings salvation to those who are convicted and accept Him.
2. The Spirit empowers you to remain in freedom
The Holy Spirit empowers you to live for Christ and follow Him. The Spirit replaces the law of sin and death in your life. The life we gain in Christ is supported by the work of the Holy Spirit both for us and in us.
III. Freedom from the Law
A. The power of the law
1. The law was powerless to bring freedom
a.) The law was unable to solve the sin problem of humanity. It could not eliminate sin or it’s effects on humanity
b.) Paul does not say that we are to disregard the law because that would be rebellion. Paul is literally saying that the law needs to be fulfilled in us and that we cannot do it on our own
2. The weakness of the law
a.) The law was weakened by the sinful nature of humanity. This means that simply no person could ever keep the law of God or be seen as righteous before God
b.) Two levels of obedience
1.) The level of the flesh: this is our personal attempt to live by the law in our own strength. We always fail using our own strength.
2.) The level of the Spirit: This is the ability to follow the law through the power of the Spirit
B. God gave the perfect solution
1. The work of Christ
a.) Christ pointed out sin and condemned it as being evil
b.) Christ secured righteousness for all of humanity
c.) Christ allowed the law of sin and death to be enacted upon Himself and not those who were sinners
d.) Christ brought the result of sin being put to death for those who will believe in Him
2. The law has been satisfied
Grace was given that the law might be fulfilled - Augustine
Q – What was the purpose of the law? To allow people to obtain holiness
We have been forgiven by Christ and filled by the Holy Spirit. Jesus died so that we could have life instead of death and the Holy Spirit empowers us so that, we can walk with God
How can we sum up all that Paul wrote here? In a single word, it is Victory. Christ has given us victory over death and the Spirit has given us victory of the sinful nature.
You can have the freedom for life that you long for but not on your own.
You have to lean on Christ for the strength we need on a daily basis and depend on the Holy Spirit to work within you to walk with God.
Today is the day to claim your freedom.