Summary: This sermon deals with our daily sacrafice and service to God.

Your Reasonable Service

Romans 12:1

What is a "Reasonable Service?" Some say about 30-45 minutes. We talk about church services and we refer to the time when we come to be taught. In reality that is the time of church edification. Service begins when we walk out the door. I heard a radio program the other day while I was traveling. It was a 45 minute program. The program ended with the preacher saying he was only about half finished and that he was thankful for the admonition of Scripture to preach the Word day and night.

Joke: Mr. Jones leaving the service to get a hair cut.

What is the service that God calls us to? It is outlined for us here in Romans 12.



A) The word living here is an interesting word. In the Greek it means 1) "Lively, Quick, the opposite of Lifeless."

I believe that people ought to see the joy of the Lord in our life don’t you? They ought nought have to put a spiritual mirror under our spiritual nose to see if we are spiritually breathing.

B) Sacrafice: It is said that Cyrus, the founder of the Persian Empire, once had captured a prince and his family. When they came before him, the monarch asked the prisoner, "What will you give me if I release you?" "The half of my wealth," was his reply. "And if I release your children?" "Everything I possess." "And if I release your wife?" "Your Majesty, I will give myself." Cyrus was so moved by his devotion that he freed them all. As they returned home, the prince said to his wife, "Wasn’t Cyrus a handsome man!" With a look of deep love for her husband, she said to him, "I didn’t notice. I could only keep my eyes on you- -the one who was willing to give himself for me."

C) If we are to be honest, we would have to admit that most of us today do not understand real sacrifice. Sacrifice is having your head cut off because of your stand for Christ, like John the Baptist. Sacrifice is being crucified upside down because you did not feel worthy to die like your savior like Peter. Sacrifice is dying on the cross for the sins of mankind when you have never sinned in the least way, like Jesus Christ.


A) The word Holy is connected to being a saint. Did you know that if you are a child of God, you are a saint? Paul uses the word 41 times alone and is always referring to saved individuals in the church.

B) Our holiness is obtained from Christ. Romans 4:23-25

C) Yet it is to be lived out or exhibited in our life. I Peter 1:15-16

Quarterback ESPN commentator Joe Theismann, allegedly explaining to his soon-to-be-ex second wife why he had an affair: "God wants Joe Theismann to be happy."

D.L. Moody. Said "A holy life will make the deepest impression. Lighthouses blow no horns, they just shine."


A) Cain killed Able in a jealous anger because God accepted Able’s sacrifice and not his own. Many people get angry when you tell them that their good works will not get them to heaven. The Bible tells us in Isaiah 64:6 that our righteousness is as putrid as the puss filled rags of a leper to God.

B) So how then do we become acceptable to God? With humility. When we realize our helplessness without God and our Sinfulness, we can humbly go to Jesus and ask Him to forgive our sins and save our soul.