How To Evangelize Idol Worshippers
Learning Objectives
1. The students will explain three hindrances that inhibit idol worshippers from becoming Christians.
2. The students will explain the ways that scripture suggests we bring idol worshippers to faith in Christ.
3. The students will discuss in a short paper what motivations a missionary can appeal to with idol worshippers in seeking to start a new church in their area.
Introduction - In Nigeria, we are sadly witnessing the return of some people to their traditional religions. A Vice-Chancellor of a university consulted a witch doctor to see if he would cast a spell on the Chancellor enabling him to become the top man in the school. Even though this man claimed to be a Christian, had a Ph.D. from a distinguished school in the U.S., and knew this was against all the principles in the Bible, he went ahead. Numerous reports are being told about how many so-called Christians are returning to their juju or dodos for protection, prosperity, and power over their enemies.
In addition to the people who seem to be reverting back to their traditional religions, there are many yet to make a first time decision for Jesus Christ. Let us ask the Lord’s help in learning how to evangelize idol worshippers. However, let us also examine how to instruct the backsliders who falsely believe that they can serve two masters.
Jesus said, ``No man can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other or he will support the one and treat the other with contempt. You cannot serve God and money.’’ (Mt. 6:24)
I. What is a Biblical Theology of Animism (Idol Worship)
A. Animism - A deep-lying belief in spiritual beings which expresses itself in the worship of idols, spirits, or charms etc.
B. In the Old Testament there were many idol worshipping pagans (Baal worshippers, Dagon followers, Molech men, Chemosh etc.)
C. The idol worshippers traditionally have a history of beliefs that were formulated by the elders of a society. For this reason, elders are sometimes given the powers of the gods in decision-making.
D. Healers and traditional doctors play a key role in traditional religions as sometimes they will use special mixtures of herbs, spices, or spit to supposedly cure people. The problem is in their source of the powers to heal!
E. The Bible is clear in stating from the 10 commandments,
``You shall have no other gods before me.’’ (Ex. 20:2-6)
F. Idol worship can be seen on cultural, social, religious, medicinal, educational, mental, psychological, and monetary systems.
G. In the New Testament, Paul teaches the evils of idolatry and the solutions that come through faith in Jesus Christ (Rom. 1:18-25)
``On the other hand God’s wrath is revealed from heaven against all impiety and wickedness of men who through their wicked ways suppress the truth; because whatever can be known regarding God is evident to them, for God has shown it to them. From the creation of the world His invisible qualities, such as His eternal power and divine nature, have been made visible and have been understood through his handiwork. So they are without excuse.’’
H. Help idol worshippers to come to Christ through a group experience if it is possible! Note the processes that people became Christians in the first century church. Remember we are normally not dealing with individual in isolation. Instead we are approaching people who live with close cultural, family, and religious ties. (Acts 2:41-47, Acts 4:32, & I John 1:1-3)
I. Recognize that God has put eternity in their hearts. People long for a Savior. We just need to teach them of the truth, the way, and the life found in Jesus Christ. (John 14:6)
J. We need to see these people as those who worship what they do not understand. As Paul described to the idol worshipping polytheistic people of Athens in Acts 17:23-29)
``I found an altar of yours with the inscription, TO AN UNKNOWN GOD. Now what you worship without knowing it, that I proclaim to you . . . Now then, since we have our being from God, we certainly should not have the idea that the Deity resembles gold or silver or stone or anything humanly manufactured or invented.’’
II. The Hindrances That Must be Overcome in Witnessing to Idol Worshippers!
A. Converts to Christianity from paganism must change their allegiances, loyalties, and beliefs to Christ alone!
Example - One Pastor insisted that an idol-worshipping man burn his charms before becoming a Christian. The people in the church thought the Pastor to be too hard on the man. However, after 3 months of living with guilt, the man consented to burn his charms in front of the public. After a public display of his turning his allegiance from idols to God, the man became an evangelist. Today, the man is in Bible College!
B. It is not enough for animists to just add another God to their collection of many other gods.
C. An idol worshippers must denounce his trust in his charms, dodo, or juju and place his trust in Christ for forgiveness of sins!
D. Joshua told the Israelite in Joshua 24:23-24,
``. . . Throw away the foreign gods that are among you and yield your hearts to the Lord, the God of Israel.’’ And the people said to Joshua, ``We will serve the Lord our God and obey him.’’
E. People must learn to make a covenant to the Lord together as Joshua did for his people in Joshua 24:25-27!
F. People must make their decision public to declare to others of their decision to follow Christ alone! (Josh. 24:26-27)
G. In Acts 19:18-19 the people who used magic were instructed by the apostles to publicly burn their scrolls. A large fire burned many books valued at an equivalent of 50 million naira. The value was so great because of the alleged power gained by the secret words!
H. Pagan people should be taught to have rites where they demonstrate their commitment to Christ, their separation from the old way of life, and show their rejection of the old dependencies!
I. In Ephesians 4:22-24 Paul told the former idol worshippers of Ephesus to, ``Put off the old man and put on the new man.’’
J. In effect, converts from animism must demonstrate, with a visible act, that they recognize that their old powers no longer exert any control over them. Instead they must declare in some way that,
``Greater is He who is in me, than He who is in the world.’’ (I Jn. 4:4)
K. For some pagan people these rites maybe in the form of the baptism, communion services, public testimonies of their new faith in Christ, burnings their charms, or a refusal to follow old burial rites.
L. Converts will be strengthened in their faith when their confessions are publicly made. For instance, Psa. 107:2 says, ``Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, those He has delivered from trouble.’’
M. When people take communion they are also reminding themselves and others that. ``You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of devil.’’ (I Cor. 10:21)
III. Motivations for Conversion From Paganism to Christianity
A. Help the converts to see that Christ is greater than all other gods:
1). In His power - Matt. 28:19,20
2). In His influence - Jer. 23:19
3). In His authority - Matt. 28:19,20
4). In His abilities - Luke 18:27
5). In His sovereign control over all men, things, and spirits Psa. 103:19
6). In His force over all - Mark 4:41
B. Help converts to see the Christ enables them with extra abilities through gifts, His word, His Spirit, and His inner workings. (Phil 2:13)
C. Help converts to see that Christ gives them greater skills, wisdom, and insights. (Acts 4:13)
D. Help converts to see that they will be given supernatural love for others. (John 17:26)
E. Help converts see that coming to Christ is not just so that they can get more provisions, but that they are accountable to God to produce spiritual fruit. (John 15:16)
F. Help converts to see that coming to Christ is not just for prestige, material benefits, or advancement purposes. (Luke 14:33)
G. Help converts not to misunderstand the nature of salvation as Simon the sorcerer did. He wanted the Holy Spirit so that he could make more money. Some people may have wrong motives for turning to Christ. (Acts 8:9-24)
H. Help converts to know that they do not become Christians only because of Christ’s ministry of healing. This may be an initial motivation, but becoming a Christian means they are willing to repent of their sins, place their trust in Christ alone for forgiveness, and receiving Christ as Lord and Savior of their lives!
I. Help converts to see that people may have many different motivations in coming to Christ, but faith in Christ is the only way to gain eternal salvation. Workings for one’s salvation is in vain. (Eph. 2:8,9)
J. Help converts correct wrong expectations of what they will get when they become Christians.
Example - One man thought that when he became a Christian he would become rich, never have any problems again, and gain access to secrets!
IV. Understand How the People Look at the Meaning of Life
A. Begin by learning the perspectives of the people:
1). How do they view what is real? Is reality defined by their experiences, by their traditions, by their view of culture, by their elders, by their encounters with spirits, by their battles with certain powers, by their view of God or gods?
Example - To some people becoming a Christian may simply mean going to church on Sunday. However, the Bible says that if we become a Christian we have been made new both on the outside and in the inside. One man thought that by entering the church building, he would receive persecution from his people. One day he decided to attend a neighborhood prayer meeting in a house of a village Christian whom he knew and trusted.
After, he began to see the answers to the prayers of the people in his area, he decided to become a Christian. Soon, his own prayers started to yield great answers to prayer. He knew that he had been born again. When the people eventually built a church he had a problem with attending the church. He was afraid of attending the church because of persecution from his relatives.
``Man looks on the outward appearances, but God looks at the heart!’’ (I Sam. 16:7)
B. What is truth to the people? To some, truth is what the elders say. To others, truth is what traditions tell them. To still others, truth comes from their own experiences. To the youth in the area, truth may come through their textbooks and education. In each instance, the people may have some partial truths, Yet, the Bible says, Jesus Christ, His word, and the Holy Spirit are the source of pure truth! All truth is God’s truth!
C. What do the people put their trust in? Some people put their trust in the people only from their tribe. Others put their trust only in money. Still others put their trust in their own experiences, judgment, and learning. Proverbs 3:5,6 says:
``Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not rely on your own insights, but in all ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths!’’
D. What is really important to people? The values of a people are shown by what they consider important and in what priorities!
Example - Many people may ask, ``When are you getting married?’’ The man may say, ``Very soon, I hope!’’ This shows that marriage is important both to the questioner and the respondent. Having a family is very important to most people. Having children is also very important. Both of these show that marriage, family, and children are highly valued! Learn to understand what are the most important values in a culture so that you can address how they are also important to the Lord.
God makes special instructions for managing our marriages, families, and children! Learn what the Bible says about each cultures values! New values are being embraced by youth all the time. Learn to address these new values with the Bible. (Rom. 12:1,2)
E. What are the customs, cultural expressions, and actions of the people like? This will help you to understand the appropriate behavior to use in approaching the people. You will need to know this so as to know what are the best clothing, foods, and behaviors to use when you are with the people! Some cultures use blood sacrifices to atone for the sins of the people. Other cultures may have a certain man sacrifice commodities to the gods for requests of special blessings for the crops, fertility for the women, or protection from disasters! A wise evangelist will use these things not to condemn the people, but to use these as bridges for the gospel. Perhaps, an evangelist could show how Jesus Christ was God’s sacrificial lamb who takes away the sin of the world!
Example - In one country, the people had never seen a lamb. Instead, the people used pigs to sacrifice to their gods for protection from enemies.
When the missionary learned of this custom, he taught the people how Jesus Christ allowed himself to be sacrificed on a cross for the sins of all the people in the world for all times. His sacrifice was perfect. Christ never sinned. Therefore, no other sacrifices are necessary. Our responsibility is simply to place our trust in Christ and his substitutionary death on the cross for our sins to receive eternal salvation and forgiveness from God! (I Pet. 2:5)
F. Get feedback from the people to see what they understand from your teaching.
Example - When Paul and Barnabas healed the cripple at Lystra, they preached the gospel. (Acts 14:8-13) However, the people misunderstood their message. Instead, of believing in Christ as their Savior, some of the people thought the men were Greek gods, Mercury and Jupiter. They went so far as to try to sacrifice goods to Paul and Barnabas. Do not think that preaching and teaching are sufficient. You must get clarification from the people about what they understand about your preaching and teaching. In communication there are several things that could happen when you teach:
1). You teach with a certain message in mind, but you may not present it clearly so the people may become confused.
2). You may teach with clarity, but the people’s pre-suppositions allow them to interpret something entirely different.
3). You may teach correctly, but the people are not interested or are distracted by farming, juju spirits, or resistant elders, so they do not learn anything.
4). You may teach brilliantly, but your language may not be understood by the people.
5). You may preach with accuracy, but how you say things is not with enough emphasis, excitement, and conviction so the people are bored.
6). You may preach as you were taught in Bible school or Bible college or Seminary, but the people cannot learn things the way you learned in school.
7). You may teach with conviction, but you may not teach in a culturally appropriate, relevant, or effective manner.
8). You may teach with the power of the Spirit, but the people are not ready to accept what you are telling them, they have not had enough time to consider all that you are teaching them.
9). You may preach Christ, but the people first want to get to know if you are a credible, trustworthy, and loving man!
10). You may preach from the Bible, but the people may think you need to learn their culture before you earn the right to preach!
11). You may preach with too much emphasis on the THEORIES of faith. Some people would rather listen to the stories of how Jesus healed the lepers. Most people want practical solutions to their problems!
12). You may be spending too much time preaching and not enough time visiting and talking with individuals in their homes.
13). You may spend too much time visiting and not enough time preaching the gospel.
14). You may perceive the gospel as something easy to communicate like the 4 Spiritual Laws. Yet, you may not understand that for people to become Christians they must understand the full meanings and implications of becoming a believer in Jesus Christ!!!
15). You may carry too many western oriented assumptions with you into your preaching that are not shared by your audience.
16). The tone of delivery of your preaching may not fit the culture of the people. You may need to follow the rule, ``When in Rome, do as the Romans do!’’
17). You may be preaching too many of your own ideas instead of having faith that the word of God can do its work in the hearts of those who hear it!
V. Learn The Social Patterns of the People
A. Each person is affected by his societal influences. A missionary must take these into consideration in his evangelism.
B. The societal rules, regulations, and taboos must be taken into one’s presentation of the gospel.
C. A missionary must be a student of each culture and society that he is sent to!
D. A missionary should look for the patterns in a society.
E. Many idol-worshipping societies put the groups’ interests before the concerns of the individual.
F. Many idol-worshipping societies are highly influenced by the whims of the chief or traditional ruler.
G. Many animistic societies have special restrictions for children, women, and youth.
H. Some animistic societies have a secret board of elders meetings that serve as judge, jury, and policemen in the village.
I. Decisions are often reached through a long, complex, and intricate system of consensus decision-making.
J. Time is not usually a major constraint for many village dwellers unlike the people in a urban center.
K. Social responsibility is an important value in taking care of one another in a village society. What is good for one, must be seen as having benefit for all!
L. Learn to recognize the different level of social classes in the people you are evangelizing.
M. Pay respect to the various authority figures in the social ladder of command.
N. Pay attention to who is responsible for cooking, washing, gathering firewood, drawing water, conducting political affairs, farming, hunting, educating, and teaching the children religious beliefs.
O. Observe how the extended family units are operated.
P. Notice who seems to have ultimate say in each household.
Q. Watch how conflicts are settled.
R. Learn what are the patterns of social organization.
S. Pray that the Lord will help you create a people movement toward Christ. Where the whole village becomes Christians together.
T. Pray with villagers for the building of His church.
U. Show people how to do evangelism of other villages around the one you are working in. (Acts 9:35, 16:30-34, 18:8)
VI. Steps for Beginning a Church Among Idol- Worshippers
A. In many animistic cultures, the elders are almost always the leader. Do not try to change this pattern with a young Pastor from the beginning of your church.
B. Ask the Lord, if you are a young man, for trusting friendships with the older men in the village. These respected men will serve as your intercessors, mediators, and spokesmen for leadership in the church.
C. Avoid Appointing Too Young of a Leader to Head the Church
D. Help new believers know that they are becoming a part of God’s world wide family. Help them feel that they belong, are accepted, and share all the benefits of every other child of God! (John 1:12,13)
E. If necessary, delay the beginning of your church until there is a sufficient number of believers to start a fellowship. If you begin too early, the people may get discourage and quit. There is strength, encouragement, and support in numbers!
F. Teach from the beginning that each person in the church is a brother or sister in Christ. Assure everyone that God is not partial or afford special treatment to any man, chief, educated professor, woman, or child. We are all one in Christ (Gal. 3:28)
G. Help the members to do evangelism to their neighbors, friends, relatives, and children. Your best evangelists will be people who come to your church. They can often times reach the people around them better than the missionary since they know their neighbors.
H. You may have to start several kinds of churches that will cater for different groups social, cultural, and tribal identities. As the church matures they will hopefully grow out of any exclusionary practices. (Cornelius Acts 10)
I. Recognize the difference of functions and different forms of worship. Allow each culture to express their worship in ways that are comfortable to them. The essentials of Bible teaching, preaching, prayer, music, fellowship, communion, evangelism, love, service, and giving must be present. The non-essential elements can be culturally fitted to the patterns of the people’s preferences.
J. Do not let the church be so different from the culture that the Christians feel out of place among their own people. Let the people dress as they are used to until they grow into maturity in Christ and understand what a mature Christian’s responsibilities are.
Example - Some churches insist that their members must wear a certain uniform before entering the church. This is a legalistic practice that is extra-Biblical!
K. Let Christianity integrate its message into the culture. Do not expect the people to become like western Christians or Christians from the missionary’s area.
L. Help the leaders of the church determine how the church will set its goals from scripture.
M. Do not think that all cultural values are incompatible with Christianity.
N. Avoid syncretism in the church. Preserving the Biblical values of group concern for people struck by disaster. Eliminate traditions which violate scripture such as offering sacrifices to the ancestors.
O. Help the people see that becoming a Christian is not adopting a new set of dos and don’ts. Instead, becoming a Christian is becoming a responsible member of the family of God!
P. Avoid leaving the people with a cultural void because they have been taught to throw away everything in their culture. Provide a Biblical replacement for everything that you ask the people to divest themselves of. For example, if they are giving up an altar of a false god, replace it with the God’s word, the Bible, as the source of their strength, guidance and blessing.
Q. Help people develop an African theology that communicates the Bible in a culturally contextual manner!
R. Allow indigenous people to take responsibility for planting churches throughout their area.
S. If necessary, help indigenous people re-evangelize their people. Remember, Jesus left the earth saying,
``You shall be my witnesses first in Jerusalem (Our home area), then Judea, (Our local governmental area), and Samaria (Our State) and unto the uttermost part of the earth!!! (Through Africa and the rest of the world) (Acts 1:8)
T. Help people invite people from their community together for prayer meetings so God can demonstrate His power to everyone. OUt of the 650 churches we were involved in starting, 90% of these were started as a direct result of God answering prayer for participants of our prayer house meetings. Allow the Lord to show Himself strong on behalf of those who pray and seek His blessings on their life as a testimony to what great things the Lord will do for those who call upon Him in faith, hope and true worship. (JOhn 4:22-24)
U. Win the peoples’ trust through farming, service projects and supplying them with loving teaching that addresses their felt needs or perceived needs. Often the needs that the missionaries want to meet are spiritual needs, but felt needs are what most people are more interested in. ONe can only know these needs by observing, interacting and engaging people in loving conversations. Ask the Lord to help you develop loving relationships with people so that you can gain access to many important channels of communication to their heart.
V. Bring people to a true knowledge of God the great creator. Idol worshipers often have a hierarchy of gods yet are eager to know more about the Creator of all. Take them through the passages in Genesis explaining the creation by a chronological teaching through the Old Testament. It is through these gradual steps that often idol worshipers will learn to trust God for His power, plan and perspective.
W. Point out the essential differences between the kingdom of Satan and the kingdom of God. Many idol worshipers do not know that they are in bondage in the kingdom of darkness. Few realize how to escape from the clutches of the kingdom of darkness so they can be transferred to the kingdom of light. All men are going to spend eternity either in heaven or hell. It all will be determined on whether individuals will placing saving faith in the Christ as their personal Lord and Savior who has provided a substitutionary sacrifice for the forgiveness of their sins. Regardless of peoples’ objections, questions or misunderstanding, this is the single most important message that must be communicated to all idol-worshipers. Paul wrote, "For whoever will call upon the name of the Lord, will be saved." (Rom. 10:9,10)
X. Demonstrate how the power of Christ in a Christian is greater than the powers of this world. (I John 4:4) Often idol-worshippers are afraid of all kinds of spirits. They are intimidated by the spirits who can cause disease, accidents and disasters. Show people how Christ can help them overcome all sorts of evil. Jesus said, "Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." (John 16:33) Show them how to practically live out the truth of Rom. 12:21, "Do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good." Show people how Christ overcame oppositionary forces in the gospels. Give examples of how Paul and the apostles overcame the forces of evil through their demonstrations of the Spirit and power. Demonstrate how prayer can bring healing, restoration and renewal.
Y. Give people videos, film shows and visual demonstrations of the how Jesus seeks to deliver them from all of their fears, problems and predicaments. Campus Crusade for Christ has shown the Jesus film to 5 billion people and seen around 200 million trust Christ as their Savior and Lord. Idol worshippers want to see Jesus and hear Him speak.
Z. Use the Old Testament to show animists how others struggled to trust God completely too. The true accounts of peoples’ lives in the O.T. are great examples of how God dealt with the obedient and disobedient. Consider how God required Gideon to chop down the idol tree in his own backyard and defie his father’s authority before He could be used greatly by God. (Judges 6) There may be idols in our own backyard that need to be eliminated before the Lord will be able to use us significantly as a witness to those in our community.
AA. Bring adequate warnings to idol-worshippers about the consequences of refusing to believe in Christ and obey Him. Idol worshippers are responsive to messages of judgment, death and fear as they are slaves to fear all of their lives according to Heb 2:15, "And free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death." Only Christ can free a person from the fear of death and give them the assurance of life eternal in heaven. They are in need of seeing how painful it will be in missing out on God’s blessings. Help them to see that God uses both negative warnings as well as positive rewards to transform people into His likeness.
BB. Appeal to the fact that you have solutions to their present problems. Idol worshippers are not hesistant to admit that they struggle with fear, shame,sickness, pain, oppression, powerlessness, and a gnawing sense of hopelessness. Only a saving faith and repentant heart toward Christ will deliver them. Those who are yet to know the fullness of the Spirit and the empowering of God’s word are eager to find out ways that they can experience the freedom that Christ’s will for their life can bring.
CC. Teach idol worshippers that their idols are adequate substitutes for Christ. Like the woman at the well, they are always searching for things that will not satisfy. Only Christ is able to fill up their cup and make them whole spiritually, emotionally, and in every other dimension of life. Jesus is the one who gives lasting satisfaction. True worship is done through the Spirit and truth. Teach them how to have a balanced worship through the Holy Spirit and the truth of God’s word as they memorize, mediate and make it apart of their conversations.
DD. Help idol worshippers see that no sacrifice is sufficient for sin except that of Christ Jesus. Often idol worshippers use other things as substitutes to appease the wrath of God and to seek forgiveness, but nothing atones like the blood of Jesus Christ that cleanses us from all sin, past, present and future.
EE. Help idol-worshippers see that growth in Christ will be hindered unless they confess and forsake their sins to the Lord. (I John 1:9) Syncretistic beliefs will serve as an obstacle to fellowship with the Lord and His power. Many idol worshippers want the best of many beliefs, but Jesus said, "No man can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other."
FF. Help idol worshipers be motivated to burn their old charms, idols and dependencies. This is a significant sign of obedience when they publicly declare the putting away of what is evil and replacing it with what is good. (Eph. 4:22-32) Help them show others that they are publicly turning away from the allegiances to the kingdom of darkness and placing their commitment on Christ and the kingdom of light. People who will do this will be set free from the captivity that is restricting them from experiencing the full power, joy and enablement of the Holy Spirit.
GG. Help idol worshippers see that Jesus and Christians are not merely means to their end goals. People are of great worth to the Lord, but idol worshippers tend to think as utilitarians using whatever means to obtain their goals. Just as people are valuable to the Lord so they should be for those who are in the body of Christ. John wrote, "You cannot say you love God when you do not love your brother who you can see." (I John 4:20,21)
HH. Help idol worshippers differentiate between sin and personal-social-cultural offenses. Most idol worshippers are more concerned about offending friends, family and people in their relational circles. Help them to see truths of what David wrote, "Against you , you only have I sinned and down what is evil in your sight, so that you are proved right when you speak and justified when you judge... surely you desire truth in the inner parts; you teach me wisdom in the inmost place." (Psa. 51:4;6)Without Christ, no one can atone for their sins against God. Sin breaks off our fellowship with God and apart from Him we can do nothing. (John 15:5-7) People should seek reconciliation with other believers, but first we need to get ourselves right with God through confession and renouncing of our sins to God. Prisoners can even pay their debt to society by serving a prison sentence. But sin is both overt and covert. Sin is done both by commission and by omission. Sin is committed both in word and deed against God and men. Sin makes everyone in debt to God and we are unable to find fellowship restored until we confess and forsake our sins to the Lord first.
II. Help idol-worshippers learn about God’s true nature of holiness, justice, love, peace, righteousness, truth and power. Teach them the essential attributes of God that provide us with a knowledge of the one we adore, glorify and seek to imitate in all aspects of life. Most idol worshippers struggle to develop an intimate relationship with the Lord because they only know him from a distance. Give them examples and encouragement to get to know God by praising His attributes. The only true God is knowable who we can know through His word, His Spirit and through the obedience to do His will. Paul wrote, "That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to Him, even to His death." (PHil. 3:10)
JJ. Help idol worshippers learn that God does not live by situational ethics or by the mercurial nature of circumstances. Many idol worshippers believe that their status, well being and direction is affected by their circumstances. Help them see that God is able to work all things togther for good as long as we love God and are called according to His purposes. (Rom. 8:28,29) The Lord never changes His word, His character or purposes.
KK. Attract idol-worshippers to the Lord through God’s power, authority and deliverance ministries. The Lord has all power over everyone, everything and every predicament. Paul wrote, "For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory." "Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh, is anything too difficult for me?" (Jer. 32:17) Present God as the omnipotent one. NOthing is impossible with God. (Luke 1:37)
LL. Help idol worshippers to come to Christ and grow in Him through groups. REsist the temptation to apply individualistic practices to idol-worshippers who need the nurturing of the whole body of Christ. The idol worshippers are coming from a world of consensus, peer-pressure and circumstantial influence. Find the keys in their culture to move from what they know to what is new in the scriptures. Provide bridges of support, love and instruction that will faciliate their growth into a maturity in Christ in all aspects. (Eph. 4:15) Frame all of your appeals in a contrast between the negatives of the old system of reliances versue the empowerment of the new life in Christ that lives within them. Paul wrote, "Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming. Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into Him who is the Head, that is Christ. From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work." (Eph. 4:14,15)
Study Questions
1. What do idol-worshipper believe? How can an evangelist use that knowledge for winning those people to Christ?
2. What are some hindrances that must be overcome in witnessing to idol-worshippers?
3. What are some motivations that missionaries can appeal to in evangelizing idol-worshippers?
4. How should a missionary attempt to analyze idol-worshippers view points? What ways does this help a missionary?
5. How can a missionary learn about the social patterns, customs, and organizations of a people? How can he use these in planting churches?