Summary: the more “holy” a place becomes. . .the more restrictive it becomes


Text: 1 Peter 1:13-16


I. Gird up mind. The race of holiness.

II. One thing you learn from the study of the tabernacle

is that the more “holy” a place becomes. . .the more

restrictive it becomes.

1. World

2. The camp of Israel. Several million. God’s


3. The Linen Fence enclosure.

4. The Gate facing East.

5. Brazen Altar.

6. Brazen Laver.

7. Holy Place – priests by course.

8. Holiest of Holies – H.P. only once a year.

III. Matt. 7:13-14

“Enter ye in at the strait gate; for wide is the

gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction

and many there be which go in thereat: (14) Because

STRAIT is the gate and narrow is the way which leadeth

unto life, and FEW there be that FIND it.”

IV. S-T-R-A-I-T: not S-T-R-A-I-G-H-T.

1. Phil. 1:28 “For I am in a stait betwixt two,

having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ. . .or

to abide in the flesh.”

2. STRAIT: difficult situation, distressed, narrow

or confined, strict or rigid.

3. STRAIT- JACKET: narrow confining.

4. STRAIT- LACED: excessively strict.

V. Isa. 35:8

“And a highway shall be there, and a way, and it

shall be called The way of holiness;”

1. Matt. 7:13 & Isa 35:8: HOLINESS – STRAIT

2. Highway: opposite of contemporary usage.

3. HIGH (above others, exceptional) WAY (route)

4. Away from BROAD WAY toward more restrictive way.

VI. When you correctly read Matt. 7:13-14 or Luke

13:24: “STRIVE to enter in at the STRAIT gate. . .”

1. STRIVE: angonizonai – agonize

2. NARROW: thlibo – pressed.

3. STRAIT: stenos – groaning

4. You get a picture of a natural birth – intense,

agonizing, pressing, groaning”

5. “. . .kingdom suffereth violence. . .”

6. Joy and gladness are a RESULT of the New Birth

NOT the way in which one enters the kingdom of God.

VII. “Except a man be born of water and Spirit he cannot

ENTER the kingdom of God. . .”

1. Which takes you back to the Tabernacle scene:

Brazen Altar – Death (elab)

2. Brazen Laver – water

3. Holy Place – Holiest of Holies.

4. Acts 2:38

VIII. B.T.W: in the Holy Place:

1. Light in this room is not natural light.

2. Oil Lamps

3. Without this light cannot see “bread” (If this

gospel be hid. . .)

4. Could not see: Altar of Incense: Prayer, worship.

IX. Menorah: light bearer, lampstand.

1. Pure gold – of beaten work

2. One talent – approx. 125 lbs of pure gold.

3. Not molded like golden calf.

4. Unique, one of a kind.

5. Gold – divinity

6. Beaten work – Calvary.

X. Seven (7) Lamps

1. 7 spirits of God.

2. Pure Light – fullness of light (number 7)

3. Spectrum – 7 colors.

4. Light of the World!

XI. Lampstand is illuminated by its own light.

1. “No man can say Jesus is Lord but by the Holy


2. The marvelous Light – revelation light!

XII. Each branch – 3 buds – 3 blossoms – 1 almond bowl.

1. Six branches, I central staff: Root and

offspring of Jesse!





6. Matt – John = BLOSSUM = SON

7. Acts – Rev = ALMOND = HOLY GHOST



9. God MANIFEST in the flesh.

10. No man hath seen God --- the Son hath revealed


11. SEEN me you have SEEN the Father.

12. BUD >>>> BLOSSUM

13. BLOSSUM dies to produce the ALMOND.

14. “If I go not away -----“

15. BUD >>>>> BLOSSUM >>>>> ALMOND

16. “Baptizing them in the NAME of the BUD, and of

BLOSSUM and of the ALMOND!”

17. HOLY Light!

XIII. World and Church operate on 2 very different value


1. Luke 16:15 (read)

2. The other side of that coin is: that which is

highly esteemed of God is abomination in the sight of


XIV. The world, for the most part, does not use the

word “holy” in a complimentary form.

1. Derisive

2. Mockery

3. Holier-than-thou

4. Holy-Joe

5. Holy-roller

6. “Holy” to the world mean: Narrow-minded,

judgmental, bigot, self-righteous.

XV. The world finds no beauty in holiness, BUT to the


1. 2 Chron 20:21 – it is the battle song of victory!

2. To the world its: Bitterness not Beauty

XVI. WHY? Because carnal man is never comfortable in the

presence of holiness.

1. Luke 5:6-8

2. Peter didn’t feel comfortable.

XVII. Thieves and murders don’t seek fellowship in the

presence of policeman.

1. Isa. 33:14 (sinners in zion)

XVIII. This explains much as to WHY the multitudes

screamed for His blood and why the Pharisees hated Him.

1. Same reason that only dead prophets are honored.

2. Yet while they were alive they were rejected,

despised, persecuted by their contemporaries.


1. Rev 4:8

2. 2 wings – fly, 2 wings – COVER face, 2 wings –

COVER feet.

3. In His presence Angels who have NEVER sinned……


4. Angels blush in His presence!

5. Suppose how SINFUL man must feel?

6. Doorposts moved! Even the lifeless moved!


XX. The significance of the repetition of the

word “holy”:

1. (not trinity)

2. Form of emphasis

3. In English: underline, bold, italics,

exclamation point, quotation marks.

4. O.T. Jews also used different techniques:


5. Truly, Truly

6. Verily, Verily (amen, amen) [at front of


XXI. Only a few times does the Bible repeat something to

the 3rd degree – SUPERLATIVE degree – SUPER IMPORTANCE!

1. Not just Holy or Holy, Holy, but Holy, Holy,


2. Bible never says that God is: Love, love, love

or Mercy, mercy, mercy

3. BUT it does declare that He is HOLY, HOLY, HOLY!

XXII. Purity – usually we think of when we

consider “holiness.”

1. That is not the usage here, it is not saying God

is Purity, purity, purity.

2. The expression means: Separate, transcendence,

higher, exceeding usual limits.

XXIII. When “holy” is applied to earthly things, such as:

1. Holy Ground

2. Holy Anointing Oil

3. Holy Sabbath

4. Holy Tithe

5. and even Marriage

6. Means: set apart from the rest as for the sole

use of God.

7. Elab: Ground (Moses), Oil (tabernacle), Tithe,

Marriage (an institution of God)

XXIV. Jesus and Disciples on Boat: “What manner of man

is this?”

1. They were looking for a category to put Jesus

in – something they were familiar with.

2. No category adequate! A class all by Himself!

3. This makes people uncomfortable.

XXV. Pharisees: The separated ones.

1. They thought they were the epitome of holiness.

2. Jesus called them: hypocrites, vipers, whited


3. No wonder they hated Jesus.

4. “Now you have no cloak for your sins”

5. The genuine always exposes the conterfiet!

6. True holiness always provokes hatred.


7. Elab.

8. 35 best – 100

9. the curve breaker is never given a standing


THE LAW: all sinned – came short!

10. Compared themselves among themselves.

11. Jesus was the curve breaker!

12. They hated Him!

We often use the wrong “H” word.

13. Happiness – Holiness

14. Invitation – Indictment

Why Calvary has no effect on some people.

1. Preaching of the Gospel has been relegated

to “feel-good-ism” and they have no real idea WHY Jesus

went to Calvary!

Paul before Felix: ACTS 24:24-25



Jesus – separate from sinners.

1. An idea that we must be like them to win them.

2. Doctor and Cancer patient: shall the Doctor

strive to BE LIKE the patient or rather administer aid

to the patient?

Example of criminal scenario

1. Paid fine and suffered for his crime while he is

free, feeling no remorse, etc.

2. BUT Elab: facing cold cell doors, straps on

electric chair, etc.

3. THEN told that someone took his place!.

You and I guilty of Sin.

1. CONVICTION…….preached

Having understood my transgression and my dilemma, I

need no one to beg me to serve God, worship Him, or Live

for Him.

HOLY, HOLY, HOLY – Lord God Almighty!
