Title: What have you got?
Glen B Madden
Ref: Acts 3:1-10
Have you ever felt that your prayers bounce off the ceiling?
„« Crisis hits what’s your reaction?
„« Look back at times when you felt good?
Acts 3:1-10
Jesus often visited the temple in His time on Earth
Matthew 21:14
Have you ever wondered why Jesus never healed this man?
„« Walked right past Him regularly
„« Jesus listened to His Father
„« That man¡¦s time had not yet come
„« How many people got saved through this man’s healing?
„« Jesus listened to His Father
This man was lame form birth.
„« He didn’t know how to walk
„« All he knew was begging - it was his life.
Why wasn’t he carried into the temple to get healed by Jesus?
„« He was just a nobody - just dropped Him off
„« Even Jesus passed him by!
You can’t say that!
„« God knows when to do things!
That should give us hope
„« God breaks into every circumstance
„« Nobody is past being affected by God
„« Everyone can be instantly touched
„« Never give up on anyone - God hasn’t
This man was a professional begger (Vs2)
„« He knew when people would be generous
„« People have good church attitudes
„« He took advantage of it
This man asked a question that would change his life forever. Give us some cash!
The Real Church then turned to look at this man
„« How many walked past? ’the church’walked by
„« Better things to do?
„« Prayer meetings to go to?
„« Bible studies to attend?
„« TV to watch?
„« Lives to get on with?
We are the church and we walk past God opportunities everyday.
This man was ready to receive all he needed was someone to look at him
„« These men of God did
„« They fixed there eyes on the situation
„« They didn’t back away
This man was expectant; He knew he was going to get something!
Then Peter said these incredible words "Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk."
Peter didn’t rely on anything from the world to bless the man
„« He gave what He had
Have you got what Peter had that day?
„« What would you or I give a man like that?
„« Money?
„« Social help?
Peter knew exactly what it was he could give him
„« He was secure in his faith
„« Total confidence in God in him
We are very humble in the Church these days we know our place
We get uncomfortable if we focus on what we have
The biggest hindrance to the church today is that it is full of Christians who don’t know and live who they are in Christ.
Peter had something to give and so do you and I.
„« God is not a respector of persons
„« He was an apostle Glen
„« I have what he had
„« Difference - He believed it and used it!
It is humiltity to realise who and what we have as children of God
„« Pride is the unacceptance that we are anything in HIM.
Peter opened his mouth and what he had materialised in what he said
Luke 6:45 "A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil. For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.
„« His statement was what he had
„« He knew what he had in Christ
„« He used what He had in Christ
There are two types of power that we have been given
John 1:12 ¡§But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name" - exousia (authority)
Have you ever thought about what you have?
„« This church would be transformed!
„« The eyes of your understanding¨
„« Not weak pushovers - children of God
„« People turn and look at you like Peter
„« What do they see?
„« Stereotypical image of Church
„« Child of God?
When you walk into a room God walks in with you!
Peter knew what he had and USED it.
Second word for power
Acts 1:8 "But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth."dunamis (dynamite)
Illus: Police in front of a speeding car - they have the authority to stop it but they have to exercise their authority.
Peter not only had the authority he also had the ability or power to use it.
„« It came from within him
„« Image of Jesus in Him
„« His reaction was Jesus
„« No other distractions
Illus: Chainsaw - power is there but you have got to turn it on!
Many Christians don¡¦t have power because they don’t turn it on and feed it
„« We need to have it released within us
„« Actively use it
What happens when you open your mouth?
„« Represents what is going on in you
„« Listen for a couple of minutes
„« What do you feed yourself with?
„« In everyday situations
In every situation we need to live like children of God
Rom 5:17¨ For if by the one man¡¦s offence death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.)¨
We are called to reign in everything
„« Head or the tail?
We have what Peter had do we use it?