Symbols of the Covenants II: Earthly and Heavenly Sanctuaries
Scripture: Hebrews 8:1-6
I. Introduction and Review
If you remember the last time I spoke I spoke on Abraham’s experience with Hagar and Sarah as Symbols of the old and new covenants. The experience with Hagar was being religious in a sense, trying to work out religious things but doing it your own way through the flesh, which was disregarded by God. The experience of Abraham with Sarah was having faith in God and doing it through his plan. Today I want to talk about two more symbols the Earthly and Heavenly Sanctuaries. I have decided to do a series on this topic. Since I am going to be here two weeks in a row I figured it would be a good thing to do. This is the second sermon in a 5 sermon series entitled Images of the Covenant.
II. Lets begin in Hebrews 8:1 (read 1-3) Here Paul is developing the concept of the two sanctuaries, the earthly and the heavenly sanctuary. (read 4-6) Now the old covenant has promises, they are not as good of promises but it does have promises. (read 7a) The old covenant wasn’t perfect, it had a flaw, something you catch up on.
III. (Read Hebrews 7-9) Just like he disregarded Ishmael. It is very important that we understand the covenant that was made with Israel at Mt Sinai. You remember that they built a fence around the mountain that no one was to cross and if they did they would be killed. But Moses went across and went up to the top of the mountain. Where God told him go down and prepare the people because in three days I will return and speak to them. Well he went down prepared the people and three day’s later they were awoken with thunder and lightning and the mighty voice of God issued the Ten Commandments. And you remember what happened the people got scared and said to Moses “you talk to God for us lest he destroys us.” They were afraid. So they told Moses to intercede for them and that whatever the Lord told Moses they would do it. “All that the Lord says we will do. Just don’t let him talk directly too us any more.”
IV. So the first covenant was based on fear. Fear of punishment or hope for reward. And God didn’t like that covenant. Because as soon as God was out of sight and Moses was gone up the mountain, what were they doing? They were doing what was in their heart. Worshiping the Golden Calf.
V. (read vs. 10) Too often in our lives the laws are just on the stones and we need to get them into our hearts. (read 8:11-13) Now what we are going to see next week and later in this series is the old covenant is ok in its place, but it is not where God wants us to be. It will not save us. And it will not truly make us happy. It is better to have tell your children don’t steal, and have them obey because they are afraid of the consequences then to have them out stealing. It is ok in it’s place but it isn’t where God wants us.
VI. (read Hebrews 9:1-4) He groups the tablets, the Ten Commandments right in there with the rest of the old covenant things. Because it is part of the old covenant. How many times have we gone into Bible study or gone into church and we lift up the law. And we say this is it either keep this or you lose eternal life. When we do that we only perpetuate the old covenant. We need to be careful of how we present the gospel message. It is Jesus Christ that needs to be uplifted and not the Law.
VII. (read Heb 9:5-8) We must see beyond the earthly sanctuary to the heavenly because (read vs. 9) Bringing the Sacrifices of lambs did not effect the conscience. It is only when we have the Lamb of God slain from the foundation of the world that our hearts become changed. And I want to make an important point here. Anyone from creation up to the close of probation through faith could enter into the new covenant by faith. We do not have an advantage, it was just at the crucifixion that the promise was fulfilled in action. But lets get back to the reading the old covenant could not effect the conscience because (read vs. 10) it was only concerned…imposed against our will, contrary to our will until. But when we are born again and the Holy Spirit comes into our heart and we become changed by beholding where does the law begin to be written?
VIII. (Read Hebrews 9:11-13) The old covenant did have a sanctifying influence, but only in regard to the flesh. As we just mentioned, but it couldn’t change the heart or the conscience. But (read vs. 14) That is the difference between the old and new covenants. You remember what Paul said last week? Pharisee of the Pharisees, according the law blameless. Don’t kill, there may be a few you wanted to kill but you didn’t. Don’t commit adultery, there may be a few you wanted to do it with but you didn’t. But in the new covenant you don’t even want to kill, you don’t even want to commit adultery, lie, covet, dishonor, because it purges it from you.
IX. Lets go ahead and move to chapter 10:1 It is a foreign thing for most of us to think of the law as a shadow. But the Ten Commandments are a shadow of what God really wants for us. (read vs. 2-23) But Abraham had his own plan to fulfill God’s promise. Paul here is saying we can’t do it that way. If we walk around with the law under our arms, and at the end of the day we say, “We haven’t killed, we haven’t stolen, we haven’t committed adultery, we have kept the Sabbath Day. We have kept the Covenant!” God disregards it! We must have the Law in our hearts.
X. Closing
But it isn’ there yet. I want it there now! That is what vs 23 –25 are all about “hold fast to the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised (to write his law in our hearts) is Faithful.” I have heard and read vs. 24 and 25 many times and they are good texts but read in context they have new meaning and power. Let us not forsake the gathering of ourselves to gether. Let us continue in Church attendance and fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ. Love each other into the kingdom.
Disclaimer: This series may be slightly unclear if only read in part. It only becomes clear as one looks at all the aspects. Each sermon only covers a fraction of the whole and the whole series could never hope to fully make it clear. God’s plan of salvation is somehow beyond human attemts to fully comprehend it. I appolagize that the series is a work in progress I have only completed the first three sermons in the series and there is more to come.