Summary: This sermon was preached on a Women’s Day Celebration and involes how God used Deborah and Jael to bring about His plans and purposes for the nation. My wife and I preached this sermon together.

Spiritual Renewal: Women’s Challenge To The Church

Women’ Day 9:30 September 20, 1992 Text Judges 4 Ps19:1-7

Romans 8:31-39



Speak to us O God, that which we need to hear this day

concerning our spirittual renewal as your people in this world

today. May we respond with yes. So that the power you offer us,

will be unleashed in, among, and through us. Amen

When we look at the church, more times than not, there will

be more women than men in church. Often times this is seen as a

failure on the part of the church. In reality it may be the

success of women being in MORE tuned with the Spirit of God. If

there is to be a great awakening in the church, it will take

place because we, the women in the church will see begin to see

ourselves as God sees us. Women may hold the key to unleashing

the power available in the church.

When Jesus got ready to start a revival in the city of

Samaria, he did not send Peter, James or John. Jesus chose to

send a woman who had been a prostitute that was changed by spend

ing time with Him. Without the power of Christ in her life, no

one would have bothered to have given this woman the time of day.

Yet because she believed that Jesus was the Son of God, The

Anointed One, The Christ, she went and told others about Him.

The Scriptures says in John verse 39, "Many of the Samaritans

from that town believed in Jesus, because of the woman’s testimo

ny." You see you don’t need a degree or months of training to

touch others for God. You simply do what she did, and that’s to

tell others what Jesus has done for you.


Jesus delights in reaching out to use women to make a dif

ference in this world. Creation was not complete until God made

Eve. It’s interesting that God spoke the animals into existence.

Yet when it came to Adam, God made Him out of the dust and

breathed into the breath of life. Yet when it came to Eve, God

took even more care and totally involved Himself in the process.

Instead of dust, she was made of more complicated living flesh.

She is the only part of Creation that God personally introduced.

Even when God seeks to reestablish creation through the

powerful resurrection of Jesus Christ, God uses women to announce

this great event to the world. When the disciples were scared,

depressed, and ready to give up all hope, God sends two women

with the soul reviving message, "We have seen the Lord, and He is

risen from the dead." They brought back spiritual renewal and

hope to the disciples, simply because they were willing to go and

anoint the body of Jesus properly, regardless of the cost in

volved. Whereas the disciples were hiding behind closed doors.


Since today’s theme For Women’s Day here at GPC is Spiritu

al Renewal: Women’s Challenge to the Church, this morning we are

going to look at how God uses the women Deborah and Jael, to stir

up a spiritual renewal in the land of Israel at a time when the

people had completely turned their back on God and decided to do

evil. As attractive as sin may be for the moment, the cost in

the end is unbearable. Someone has said, "the wages of sin are

always too high." Our text this morning comes from Judges the

fourth chapter.

We find in verse 1, "After Ehud died, the Israelites once

again did evil in the eyes of the Lord. So the Lord sold them

into the hand of Jabin, a king of Canaan, who reigned in Hazor.

The commander of his army was Sisera, who lived in Harosheth

Haggooyim. Because he had nine hundred chariots and had cruelly

oppressed the Israelites for twenty years by destroying their

crops, dishonoring their women, and slayiing their children, they

cried to the Lord for help."

The nation of Israel did not have a king during this period

but was ruled by various judges at different points in time. A

judge would be raised up by God who would teach the people how to

live. No sooner than the judge died, the people would be off to

sinning again. When God sent judgment for their sin, then they

would think about crying out to God. They are now crying out to

God after a 20 year period of intentse oppresion. Sisera is a

commander of the enemy’s army, and he and the Caananite army

have truly been letting God’s people have it.

God is about ready to move and come down to deliver his

people. The judges were appointed and chosen by God. Look at

verse 4, Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of Lappidoth, was lead

ing Israel at that time." Now we want you to notice this. Some

4,000 years before equal rights for women became a movement, God

had chosen a woman to lead the nation of his people. Yet for

years, the church has talked about it’s a man job to do this and

that in the church. Sure we would love to see more men and boys

in the church, but we want you to know that we thank God for all

the women and girls in the church. God is not looking at our sex

to determine who to use next. God is looking at the willingness

of our hearts to be obedient to Him. Deborah arose to great

leadership, because she trusted God with all of her heart, her

mind, and her being, she could inspire in others, that same



We want you also to notice that the woman was a prophetess.

She was the spokesperson for the voice of God. God not only

wants to use women, God has always been doing it. The third

thing we want you to notice is that the woman is married. Some

women think that they should never stand out more than their

husband, and many teach that a woman’s job is to support her man.

God would rather us think in terms that it is the husband’s and

wife’s job to support each other.

God is free to choose to use whomever He so chooses. We

need men in the church who can be secure enough in themselves to

allow God to use the women that He is calling. We need women in

the church to realize that "hey, God just may be calling me to

that ministry." The fourth thing you should notice is that she

was leading the entire nation. In America, somehow we are still

uneasy about a woman president, as though somehow a woman would

mess up everything. I don’t believe any woman could have messed

up this country any worse than the men have already done.


It has been recorded by Rabbies that Deborah was a keeper of

the tabernacle lamps. If so what a wonderful yet humble task for

this woman who was to become so great in Isreal. Later when her

faith in God became the strength of Isreal, she would become the

keeper of a new spiritual vision that would light all Isreal.

Verse 5 says, "She held court under the Palm of Deborah

between Raman and Bethel in the hill country of Ephraim, and the

Israelites came to her to have their disputes settled." It’s

obvious that Deborah was a woman of wisdom. She was fair. She was

intelligent, and she was able to handle very difficult situa

tions. People came from all over to have their lawsuits worked

out in her presence.

Verse 6 says "She sent for Barak son of Abinoam from Kedesh in

Naphtali and said to him, "The Lord, the God of Israel, commands

you, Go, take with you ten thousand men of Naphtali and Zebulun

and lead the way to Mount Tabor, I will lure Sisera, the com

mander of Jabin’s army with his chariots and his troops to the

Kishon River and give him into your hands."

Any one is going to lead the church to spiritual renewal

must be willing to seek the Lord, to listen carefully to God’s

words and to speak forth what the "The Lord says." My friends,

in this day in which we live, the only thing that is going to

save us is what the Lord says. The government can’t save us. Our

presidential leaders would rather talk bout things that do not

offend people rather than those things of substance. When we

talk about revival and spiritual renewal in the church, it always

must begin with, "What is the Lord saying to us?"


Just because we say the Lord says, does not mean that people

are going to be willing to obey it. Sometimes what God has said

is not too pleasant and it means taking some risks. No doubt it

means taking some criticism. Here Deborah is saying the Lord

has said for Barak to get a group of unorganized soldiers and go

fight against a well trained general by the name of Sisera and a

seasoned army that had horses and iron chariots.

It’s great to know that God never sees a situation in quite

the same way we see it. God knows in advance what He’s deter

mined to do through our lives. He asks us to believe that we

know that He knows, what He’s doing. That’s not always easy when

we look at the size of the problem in front of us. Yet the

problem is that we are looking at the size of the problem, rather

than at the size of the God that we serve.

All Barak has to do is to call 10,000 farmers, merchants and

field hands together who have no weapons to go fight a mighty

well equiped army. Do you think Barak is going to say, "Oh sure

no problem." Look at verse 8. "Barak said to her, "If you go

with me, I will go; but if you don’t go with me. I won’t go."


Barak’s statement demonstrates a generals’ great confidence

in a woman, a homemaker too who had risen to a high place in

Isreal largely because of one quality---her abiding faith in God.

Now God knows that the best thing for Barak to do is to

follow Deborah’s command. God wants to lift Barak up and to exalt

him at this time. Barak could believe that God was with Deborah,

but he would not believe that God would be with him, even though

the word came from Deborah. It’s often times easier to believe

God will do something for someone else that He won’t do for

us. This is due to our faulty understanding of who God is. God

loves you. God always wants the best for you. God knows how you

can be the most productive in the kingdom of God as well as in

your own life. This is not to say that what you think is best

for you, is what God knows is best for you.

There are some decisions that only come around once in

life. If we miss it, that door may be forever closed. Barak is

about to miss something because he sets limits on what he will

and will not do for God. "How often do we attempt to make deals

with God, by saying God, I’ll do this but only if such and such

takes place."

Deborah realizes immediately that Barak has missed God’s

plan for him. But thank God, God gives him another chance but in

a smaller capacity. She says in verse nine and 10 " Very well. I

will go with you. But because of the way you are going about

this, the honor will not be yours, for the Lord will hand Sisera

over to a woman." In these words, Deborah demonstrated more

than leadership. Her people were to discover that she was also a


So Deborah went with Barak to Kedesh where he summoned

Zebulun and Naphtali. We learn in Judges 4:9 that Deborah went

with Barak to Kedesh. That one word went best explains here

positive actionn. She did not sit at home and ponder the matter.

When time came for action she went forward, believing firmly that

whe was armed with strength from God.

Ten thousand men followed him and Deborah also went with

him. How intriguing? God is using a woman to speak for him, God’s

using a woman to organize the soldiers for Him to prepare for the

battle, and God is going to use a woman to capture the general

Sisera even though He has 10,001 men available. In this great

battle that’s going to take place, two women are going to stand

out for God.


As we seek a fresh move of the Spirit from God, can we

realize that just a few women who are saying yes to the full will

of God, can catapult this church forward. We can imagine that

when Sisera heard that Deborah was leading the army into Battle,

he must have had a good laugh at that one. "Barak was afraid to

come alone, so he’s bringing a woman with her." Little did he

realize that not only was Deborah a woman, she was a woman with

the power of God on her life. It’s not your sex that makes the

difference. What really matters is just how close do you walk

with God? How well do you serve Jesus Christ.

Sisera got his army together and prepared for the battle.

Deborah didn’t go down shouting do this and do that and let me

figure this out. No, her concern was making sure that she simply

stayed in touch with God. She was not about to speak until she

heard from the Lord. We see in verse 14 that whatever she was

waiting for from the Lord happened. She said to Barak, "Go! This

is the day the Lord has given Sisera into your hands. Has not

the Lord gone ahead of you."

Indirectly, from the Song of Deborah in the next chapter, we

learn that a storm of sleet and hail burst over the plains from

the east, driving right into the face of Sisera and his men. The

slingers and archers were disabled by the beating rain and the

swordsmen crippled by the biting cold. Deborah, Barak and their

forces had the storm behind them and were not crippled by it.

Keep this in mind, no matter what the battle, God does not

send us into it, unless He has gone ahead. Now sometimes we jump

into things God told us to stay away from and we wonder why we

were defeated. The key is in holding our ground until the Lord

says move forward.

Barak and his men went down the hill to face the enemy. Now

look at what the word of God says in verse 15, " At Barak’s ad

vance, the Lord routed Sisera and all his chariots and army by

the sword and Sisera abandoned his chariot and fled on foot."

Who was it that routed Sisera’s army?


Notice that all Barak had to do was to advance his army. It

did not matter that the other army was stronger, better equipped,

and made up of seasoned soldiers. There is no such thing as

defeating God. If God be for us, the Scriptures says, then who

can be against us.

We women have the power and authority to serve notice on

Satan that we are reclaiming our children, our husbands, our

lives, our church , and our way of thinking for the use of the

Lord Jesus Christ. For God is with us, and God shall defeat our


Every single soldier in battle for Sisera died in battle

that day. Sisera was the only one to escape. Do you know why

that was? How did the leader everyone was after manage to es

cape? Very simple, God opened the door so that God would do what

He said He would do. God had said, it will be a woman that cap

tures Sisera. Now Sisera may have though it was through his own

skill and cleverness that he had escaped. But he was wrong

We find in verses 17 that Sisera had fled on foot. He

managed to reach the tent of Jael, wife of Heber the Kenite.

Sisera thought that because the Kenites had been at peace with

him, he would be safe, especially sine Jael had come forth to

offer him hospitality. But he did not know that God had other

plans for his life. The woman Jael saw him coming and went out to

meet him. She may have not had any idea that Sisera would be

coming that way, but once he did she seized the moment.

Look at verse 18. Jael went out to meet Sisera and said to

him, "Come my lord, come right in. Don’t be afraid." So he

entered her tent, and she put a covering over him. We find that

she also gave him some milk. He told her to stand in the doorway

and if anyone comes by and ask if anyone is there to say no.

No doubt Jael had heard about Deborah’s words that a woman

would be the one to do in Sisera. Sisera, thinking that all is

well falls asleep in exhaustion. Jael, quietly picks us a tent

peg, walks over to the sleeping Sisera, and sinks the peg

through his temple and kills him. God’s word had come to past

exactly as he spoke.


A little while later Barak comes through in hot pursuit,

determined to capture Sisera himself at all cost. Imagine his

shock and disappointment when Jael says, come follow me. I will

show you the man you are looking for, and she shows him the

corpse. Thanks to Deborah and Jael, Sisera and his mighty army

are no more. God delivered his people from the bondage of the

king of Canaan. They turn to God in song, praise, and in their

deeds. A spiritual revival accompanied the victory at the hands

of the Lord.

To celebrate this great victory, the Ode of Deborah, one of

the earliest martial songs in history was composed. It begins in

chapter 5, Praise ye the Lord for the avenging of Isreal. Debo

rah gave the credit to God. Deborah knew that only God could

cause the earth to tremble, only God could cause the heavens to

drop torrents of water, and only God could cause the mountains to


Tribute is also paid to Jael for putting Sisera to death.

At the end of the song which runs through 31 verses, her coura

geous voice sounds forth with trumpet notes of freedom. Her

people wer no long enslaved. Now with her, the people of Isreal

could declare, so may all your enemies perish o Lord. But may

those who love you be like the sun when it rises in its strength.

Verse 31 ends with the words, "Then the land had peace for 40


Women, God wants to use you to revitalize the church. Be

willing to seek the Lord. Be willing to say thus saith the Lord.

Be willing to stand at the front of the battle. Be willing to

use your wisdom and your skills in defeating the enemy. Be

willing to believe, that God is able and will use you. Challenge

the church to go forward in God, and depend upon God for the



Amen, let us pray. Great and Mighty God, we thank You that

Jesus delights in reahing out to use women as well as men, to

make a difference in this world. Help us all to see You, to

listen carefully to Your words, and be courageous enough to speak

forth what it is that You, Oh God are saying. Help us all to

become keepers of a new spiritual vision that will light up this

world. This day, as we challenge the Church to spirititual

renewal, May we each be challenged to have the power and author

ity of through Jesus Christ, to serve notice on Satan that we are

reclaiming our children, our spouses, our lives, and Our church

for Jesus. We thank you in His name. Amen