Summary: This sermon is on the parable of the sower and deals with how well we listen to the word of God. My wife and I preached this together.

Does Your Heart Listen?

9:30 3/25/93 Text Matthew 13:1-22 Psalm 1 Hebrews 12:1-12



How is it that two people can come hear the same preacher,

sit on the same pew, and listen to the same message each week,

yet one of them grows by maturing in his her faith, learns to

walk in the Spirit, and have a productive fruitful life for

Christ, and the other shows no sign of growth. Why is it that

after listening to four years of our sermons, some of us are no

further along in our Biblical knowledge or spiritual growth than

we were four years ago. Could it be people, that the way we lis

tens, determines who we grow?


Saints, God wants us to listen to Him, so that we may be set

free by His truth, and that we might communicate that truth to

others so that their lives and our lives might be changed. Andre

Crouch wrote a song, with the words, "Lord we need to hear from

You. We need a word from You. If we don’t hear from You, what

will we do?. Wanting you more each day, Show us your own perfect

way. There is no other we that we can live." My friends, if we

are going to hear God, then we must prepare to listen.


You may say, I listen all the time, but I don’t hear God.

Chances are we are listening in the wrong places. The greatest

listening device we have for hearing from God comes not through

our ears, but rather our eyes and our hearts. If our eyes are

not opened to the word of God in the Scriptures, and our hearts

are not set on loving God with all our being, it does not matter

how clearly or loudly God speaks, we won’t hear.

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Our text this morning is found in Matthew chapter 13. If

this parable Jesus is going to describe 4 kinds of soil which

receive seeds. The four kinds of soil represent the four kinds

of hearts that hear the word of God. The seed represents the

word of God itself. Let’s pick up the story together in chapter

13. Jesus has a large crowd around him, and he’s in a boat teach

ing them. Let’s look at verse 3 and 4. "Then he told them many

things in parables, saying: "A farmer went out to sow his seed.

{4} As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and

the birds came and ate it up."


The farmer is going along sowing seeds by throwing them out

of bag and letting them land where they may. The first group of

seeds have a less than productive fate. Since the ground is hard

along the path with so many people walking on it, the seed never

gets past the surface. The birds come and eat it up. Jesus

gives the explanation of the path and the birds in verse 19. He

says "When anyone hears the message about the kingdom and does

not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what was

sown in his heart. This is the seed sown along the path."


There are two kinds of people in this predicament. There is

the person who comes to church. He or she has already decided,

"I’m not interested in hearing anything from God, the preacher or

anyone else. I know what I believe and that’s enough for me."

Saints, its dangerous to hear the truth of the Word of God and

7 3 ��make no response. Each time one does it, it becomes a little

harder for the person to develop a relationship to Jesus Christ.


The second group of persons in this predicament is those who

hear from God and intend to do something about it, but immediate

ly they forget what it was they were intending to do. The devil

convinces the person, oh there’s no need to do anything about

that, besides you’ve got plenty of time. That instant in what we

know is the right thing to do or to say, we let it go by because

we allowed it to be snatched away from us.


When we allow ourselves to be calloused to the Word of God,

to God’s truths, then we give open opportunity to Satan to steal

away these precious truths. The abiding danger here is that

after ignoring the truths which God shares with us through many

avenues, that when we come upon hard times, we won’t be able to

handle or deal with the hardships properly. God has a different

attitude for us to possess when it comes to the Scriptures.

Instead of letting the devil steal it, we are commanded in Colos

sians 3:16 to "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly."


There is another kind of soil in addition to the hard soil

that can’t be broken by the seed. Look at verse 5. "Some fell on

rocky places, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up

quickly, because the soil was shallow. But when the sun came up,

the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no


Jesus explains this in verse 20 where he says, "The one who

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received the seed that fell on rocky places is the one who hears

the word and at once receives it with joy. {21} But since he or

she has no root, he or she lasts only a short time. When trouble

or persecution comes because of the word, he quickly falls away."


This second soil characterizes the heart of people who lacks

spiritual depth and commitment. That is, they here the word of

God and get exciting, saying "That’s it! That’s what I want.!

They are the people who are happy to be saved, but want only to

enjoy the excitement and thrill of being saved. The real problem

is they, do not take the time to study the Word of God so that

they can develop a firm foundation. There is no foundation.

When the storms of life come, they have had it. They are blown



The moment things do not go their way, they are ready to lay

aside their religion and do what they want to do. It’s easy to

pull up a plant that has very shallow roots. Everyone hates those

dandelions in their yard. The reason it stays, is that it sends

it’s roots deep into the ground. We don’t care how many times

you cut off the top, it keeps coming back. The seed in the rocky

places found some dirt to grow in, but the rocks underneath

blocked the seeds ability to go deep. Sometimes we are open only

to a little of the word of God, but underneath our veil of ac

ceptance, is a heart saying, "no further shall you go."


We can’t have a shallow reception to the word of God and

7 3 ��expect to weather the storms of life. When the bottom drops out,

or the roof caves in, when all turns for the worse in our experi

ence, and we cry out to God whose truths we have ignored, we will

find it hard to talk to God. It won’t be because God is not

listening, but because of the callousness of our spirit. This is

one of the reasons its so important that we keep renewing our

minds. We must be willing to let the word of God go beyond our

agreeing to it, to letting it penetrate our hearts underneath

that it might take root. If the root doesn’t grow, the word

won’t grow.


The danger with our rocky hearts, is that we look fine to

everyone. But notice Jesus says that when trouble or persecution

comes, the person QUICKLY falls away. So often we think others

are spiritual giants, when in reality there just one strong gust

of wind away from being blown up and out of the church. When we

examine ourselves, we may see areas in which the slightest thing,

can send us off and out of God’s will in a given situation. You

see, God wants more than permission to penetrate in a single

straight line in our hearts. He wants the roots to penetrate in

each and every direction.


The deeper we allow the Holy Spirit to dig under the surface

of our hearts, the more painful, yet the more productive our

lives will become. The more we open ourselves to the digging

tools of God, the more of a garden our lives will begin to be.

The deeper we dig into the word of God, the more thrilling and

exciting Jesus Christ becomes. You will see you are being made

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in the image of Christ. Too often we simply report our requests

to God and turn and walk away. God wants to speak to us about

some of those requests we are making, in order to put us in the

position to receive them.


We may be saying, God I need to have a better husband, or

wife, or children, or parents. Lord will you do something. God

is ready to say yes, "here’s how I want to change you." Before

God gets that out good, we have gone on to the next request. God

is so much more interested in working to change us as individuals

than he is about the circumstances around us. If God can change

us, it won’t matter what our circumstances are, we will have deep

enough roots to overcome them all.


There is yet another kind of soil that is found in the human

heart. Look at verse 7. Matthew 13:7 "Other seed fell among

thorns, which grew up and choked the plants." These seeds fell

on soil that was good enough for it to send down its roots. It’s

problem was that other plants grew so tightly around it, that it

could not find room to grow. Jesus explained the fate of the

soil and the seed in this way in verse 22. He said, in Matthew

13:22 "The one who received the seed that fell among the thorns

is the man who hears the word, but the worries of this life and

the deceitfulness of wealth choke it, making it unfruitful."


This soil is the heart of those who believe the right

things, intend to do the right things, get’s ready to the right

7 3 ��things, but something else is draining their energy. It’s the

person who wants to hold on to Jesus, but can quite let go of the

world. The gospel of Luke expands the list of things that Jesus

says will choke us. The combined lists include life’s worries,

the yearning for pleasure, the deceitfulness of wealth and rich



The word of God cannot produce fruit in our lives if we are

constantly worrying about the past, the present, and the future.

If we are afraid this is going to happen or that is going to

happen, we paralyze ourselves and keep from doing anything. Worry

is our belief that God is not in control, and our situation is

somehow beyond Him. People worry about crimes that never occur,

sicknesses that never come, death that doesn’t show up, and fears

that never materialize. Saints you are in the loving hands of

God, and there is no better place for you to be.


The word of God cannot produce fruit in our lives if we are

constantly seeking to have a good time and finding pleasure for

ourselves. We discover very quickly not only is there a pleasure

in serving God, one can also find pleasure in sin. There are

times when doing wrong is fun. That’s why so many people do it.

The Bible even says, sins has its fun, but it only lasts for a

little while. The word of God is not always fun to do. It’s not

fun to say no to things you’d like to try at least once, but it

sure does a lot for your spiritual maturity and growth. Keep in

mind, others have a paid a lifetime of pain and still others have

paid with their lives for having tried it just once.

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The word of God cannot produce fruit in out lives if we are

caught up in the deceitfulness of riches. There is the belief

that if we just get that one more thing, we are going to have

made it and then we can settle back and serve God. No matter how

many material goods we get, we are in a society that tells us we

need just a little more to be happy. We can’t wait to pay of our

mortgage so that we can get a bigger mortgage on a bigger house.

We can’t wait to pay off our car loan, so that we can get a

bigger loan on the next car. What would happen if each Chris

tian, after he or she paid off a debt be it a car, jewelry, home

or whatever, would commit themselves to say, "Lord instead of

buying another new one, for one year, I’m going to make that

monthly payment for the work of the ministry."


The word of God cannot produce fruit in our lives when our

lives are possessed with riches. The more we have, the less

likely we are to give in the manner that God tells us to give.

Our trust goes from being in God, to being in our riches. When

there is a need, a person with money will say, well I’d like to

help out, but I’ve got to save for a rainy day, because you don’t

know what the future might bring.


God doesn’t mind about us being rich so long as we allow

the word of God to take route in our heart concerning our riches.

It simply says those who are rich are to be "generous and willing

to share." Most rich people will only want to be in churches

7 3 ��where everyone else is rich. Otherwise they will always be next

to brothers and sisters in Christ who need help. Then there is

that verse in 1 John 3:17 "If anyone has material possessions and

sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love

of God be in him?" Having pity on someone goes beyond praying

with them, to taking the time, energy, and if necessary the money

to take care of the need.


Notice that even though the person had the desire to grow in

Christ, the heart that’s being choked did not produce any fruit.

But look at the fourth kind of soil that allowed the roots to

spread, and the weeds to be held at bay. In verse 8 it says

Matthew 13:8 "Still other seed fell on good soil, where it pro

duced a crop--a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown."


Saints, did you notice that we were talking about the same

sower, the same seed, and the same field. Just like we mentioned

the same preacher, the same sermon, and the same pew in the

beginning of the sermon. Yet the results are dramatically dif

ferent. Jesus says of the fourth kind of soil in verse 23,

Matthew 13:23 "But the one who received the seed that fell on

good soil is the person who hears the word and understands it. He

or she produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times

what was sown."


Saints, this is the heart that simply says yes to the will

of God. It’s the heart that says, God change me. Get rid of the

7 3 ��stones in my life, that I might grow deep in you. Get rid of the

distractions in my heart that causes me to worship the things of

this world. It’s the heart that says, not my will but may Your

will be done.


Friends, this the committed mind. The committed mind is the

teachable mind. Pride and fear are two barriers to good listen

ing. Pride says, "I don’t need any teachers or the Scriptures. I

can decide for myself what I think is right or wrong." Fear

stands to assure defeat because of the unknown, because of an

unwillingness to make a trusting commitment. But saints, God

will teach us if we are open to Him and if we will be responsive

to what He wants to teach us.


They are four ways we cannot cultivate the soil of our

hearts to prepare it to produce fruit. 1) In prayer we can commit

ourselves to listen carefully to God’s message through Life-

Sharing groups, through the pastors, and through personal Bible

reading and devotions. 2) We can make a commitment to evaluate

our lives in the light of what we are hearing. We can take the

initiative in asking, "Lord how does that apply to me?"


Third, we can make a commitment, not only to evaluate our

lives, but also commit ourselves to apply the truths to our

lives, otherwise Satan will only steal the truths. Fourth, we

must make a commitment to obey those truths that God impresses

upon our lives. As the hymn says, "trust and obey, for there is

no other way, to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey. Saints

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we can know this, "We cannot apply and obey the Word of God daily

or weekly and remain the same as before." Do we listen to the

word of God with our hearts, or simply with our ears. It makes

all the difference in the world.