Who Is Watching Me?
Psalm 1:1-6 Acts 5:1-11 Text Matthew 5:13-16
Have you ever had the feeling you were being watched, even though nobody appeared to be around? Well today, we are on more tapes and videos than many of us ever imagined. When we go into the bank, we are on video camera. When we go into the supermarket or department stores, somebody is often watching us. Those beautiful domes in the ceiling often contain little cameras, that send our clear images back into a room where a security guard is sitting. Even when we are in the church building, there are cameras that pick up what we are doing.
The good thing about being watched, and knowing that you are being watched is that it makes it a lot easier to say no to temptation. In our New Testament reading, two believers got into serious trouble because they thought nobody could see what they were doing. In essence they had agreed to lie to the church about the size of their offering so that other people would think they were committed to the ministry of the church than they actually were.
Ananais and Saphira were married, and they planned together to lie about this money. They knew they were keeping some of it for themselves, but they boldy proclaimed, “We are giving you the whole amount.” Unfortunately for them, they forgot not only did they have to look side to side, they had to look up as well. For God was also watching them. God did the unthinkable thing, and told on them. Both of them dropped dead one after the other, when God told the apostle Peter what they had done. We would probably all be better Christians, if God exposed what we did as quickly as He told on Annais and Saphira.
Today we will be continuing our study of the Sermon On The Mount, and discover the role that others watching should have in our lives. Jesus tells us in verse 13, “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men.”
Jesus calls us salt. I have to confess that when I think of salt, the first image that comes to mind, is sprinkling some of it on some good fried collard greens. Now Jesus did not have collard greens in mind when he said this, but the principle is there. One thing salt does to collards is to penetrate them and make them taste just a lit bit better. The salt is very different from the collards, and is a very small portion in relationship to the collards, yet all the collards on the plate are positively affected by that little salt. When we become a disciple of Jesus Christ, we ought to make this world taste better, because Jesus said we are the salt. As salt, we are to be distinct from the world so that it easy for others to say, that one does not belong to us.
There are so many things that can go wrong in a person’s life that this world leaves them feeling bitter and sour. Everybody that we see carries some hurt, or some pain in their lives, and this world just tastes bad at times. We have the power to change the flavor of their lives, just as the salt changed the flavor of the collards. God gave us an awesome commandment when He said in Ephesians 4:32, “Be kind and compassionate to one another.” Have you ever had someone do an act of kindness to you that really made your day?
As believers, one of our jobs in being salt is to go into a tough situation, penetrate it and be kind. We are to season that situation so that the flavor of it tastes better. A good home, a good family, a good marriage, and a good church is made up of people who are committed to doing acts of kindness and being compassionate to one another. Kindness will catch us off guard, and allow us to rejoice even in the midst of our suffering. Few things will bleed a marriage quicker of its life, than if the husband and wife stop being kind to each other. The tragedy is that we will often be kinder to strangers than we will to those who live with us day in and day out. Yet the call of the gospel is to always begin to love with those closest around us.
When Jesus tells us we are the salt of the world, He is in part holding us somewhat responsible for the kind of world we live in. Another feature of salt is that it preserves things. During Jesus’ time, no refrigerators ever broke down, because there were no refrigerators invented. If you wanted to preserve meat, and keep it from going rotten, you would put it into salt. The salt would keep it from decaying and spoiling. When we become serious about following Christ, and others know it, our mere presence will keep a situation from going into the gutter. People will not say some types of things in our presence. They will not do certain things in our presence. A salt filled life will bring about the respect of others. As salt, we are to preserve the truth of God in our society. We cannot go along and just accept what everybody is doing.
As a preservative, we are called to hold fast to that which is good. One of the best gifts, God gave to us, is the gift of family. As salt, we should do all that we can to keep that family intact. What do we do, to make sure our children have two parents to provide them guidance throughout life. Well that decision often begins as teenagers when we are least equipped to make the decision. Will we say yes to the will of God for our lives to fully develop ourselves, our potential, and our careers before thinking about the temporary pleasures of sex? Will we commit ourselves to have sex only with our marriage partner and honor our vows to be faithful to each other? Will we be willing to constantly forgive each other and seek ways to build each other up in our homes? When Jesus tells us we are the salt of the earth, that includes working to keep our families together.
When something happens in a family, we are called to be salt even when we are a single parent family There is something beautiful in the commitment of a parent to a child, to help that child reach the potential God has for him or for her. Even as a singly parent, you are being watched for the impact you are having on others. The world needs to know, that the arms of Christ are open and able to help us even when life did not go as we had planned.
There is something about salt, that not only does it preserve a situation, salt can also bring healing to a situation. Salt will destroy germs that cause an infection. When I was growing up, somewhere I learned that when my gums would swell and hurt in the back of my mouth if I gargled with salt water, it would stop the pain. The presence of the salt, destroyed that which was infecting my mouth.
There will be times, in our lives when the salt that God has placed within us, will have to be released to destroy the things that are hurting us. Some hurts and some pains go so deep, but we cannot allow them to settle in some little corner of our heart, or like my gums an infection will set in. The word of God tells to be careful and not let any root of bitterness come into our lives and by it many be defiled. We all have something that we can use as justification for bitterness, that’s why God tells us to get rid of all anger and bitterness. If we do not obey the Lord in this area, we will be unable to be the salt of the earth.
Another thing about salt is that it remains salt. The only way for salt to lose its saltiness is to become mix with a lot of impurities. Salt was gathered in Jesus’ day in such a way that it would often contain dirt and other impurities. Jesus is saying salt that contains more of something than salt, is useless and may as well be thrown away. When our heart belongs more to something else than it does to Jesus Christ, we sort of become useless as far as being salt for the earth. Instead of pointing people to Christ, we actually point them to this other thing in our lives.
In verse 14, Jesus tell us that we are the light of the world. A city sat on a hill cannot be hidden. Do you recognize that when God called you to be one of his children, God called you with the intention of setting you on display? God has set us up so that others will constantly watch us. Do you know that God will go so far as to brag on us to Satan, and even ask Satan have you looked at my servant----- lately. God bragged on Job, and asked Satan, have you taken notice of my Job. The only way for a light to not be noticed is for it to go out, or to go into an even brighter area.
If you were in a cave and somehow got lost and the light you had went out, you’d be in the dark. Probably the first thing you would try to look for is some kind light in the darkness. You’d know that if you found light coming into the darkness, there would be hope of finding a way to escape. The bible teaches that most people are walking around in spiritual darkness. The scriptures tell us is 2 Corin. 4:4 that Satan has blinded the minds of unbelievers so that they cannot see the light of the glory of the gospel of Christ. There are some people who will not listen to the gospel or go to a church because they do not see any value in either. Don’t get angry with them. Just remember, there is a supernatural power which works over time to keep them from seeing what is plain to us. They have problems that God could solve, but they do not know it. They may not see the light of the word of God, but they will see us.
As light, we are to bring hope into the lives of those in caves of darkness. People are trapped by a host of wrong things in their lives. They feel stuck in bad relationships. They feel hopeless in the face of addiction. They see little good in their future. But our role as light is to point them to an even greater light That small ray of light in cave, indicates that there is a much bigger source of light somewhere on the other side. As we live for Christ, people can’t help but think, there is a reason this person is doing this beyond what I see. No one should be ashamed of the background that Jesus Christ delivers them from. It only demonstrates how much God loves us, and how much He cares for us. God’s bringing us out of a situation is where we get our light from. We can now say, “I use to be in that situation, but God has shown me something better.”
Light can serve as a great warning tool. When we see red lights or yellow lights flashing on the highway, we know there is something ahead which we need to consider if we want to take care of ourselves. As the light of the world, we can warn people of dangers that lie ahead if they choose to go in one direction and the benefits and promises that are available if they choose a different path. Light can be a great protector. It can keep us from stumbling into a hole, stepping on a snake, or walking into a trap. Many of the things God has entrusted to us to share with the world, are for people’s protection.
When God gives us a commandment, we always benefit in the world. People are afraid to death of the 10 commandments, though they might now know what they are. Which of the 10 do we really want to get rid of so that everybody will have a more enjoyable life. 1. Put God First. 2. Don’t Worship anything but God. 3. Show Respect for God. 4. Take a day of Rest for yourself like God did. 5. Honor Your Parents. 6. Don’t commit murder. 7. Be faithful to your husband or wife and have sex only with him or her. 8. Don’t take other people’s stuff. 9. Don’t lie on other people. 10. Be happy with what you have and quit going crazy wishing you had what somebody else has. As the light of the world, we are to let the world know, these things are still great to obey. They can help us in every aspect of our lives.
Why do we need to be light. We need to counter the cultures 10 commandments. 1 Think first of your happiness. 2. Worship anything you want because it does not matter. 3. Say whatever you like, its your First Amendment right. 4. Work as much as you can for the Almighty Dollar. 5. Your Parents Owe you. 6. Killing is based on choice. 7. You must express your sexual desires regardless of who gets hurt or who gets used. 8. If I can rip you off legally, that’s on you. 9. Misspeaking is not the same as lying. 10. You deserve to have what everybody has so get it however you can. Do you understand why we would be light in this type of a world. Where ever we are, God has us there to be light.
Let me ask you something, if you are an usher or you sing in the choir, and you are a cashier at a large grocery store, in which role will you be more a light of Christ. At the church or in the store. We often reserve our brightest light for the church service which is where we often need it the least. The purpose of the church is to help us build up our wattage power so that we can go out into the world and shine at full strength. Jesus wants others to be able to see us in action.
It is a given that it would be absurd to build a city on a hill, and then hope that nobody ever sees it. Likewise, it is ridiculous to light lamp and then put a bowl over it as to say, “I’m just going to be a light for myself under this bowl.” When God made us light, God did not call us just for us. We are part of a much larger plan and purpose for God. Have you ever seen one of those three way light bulb, where each time you turn it gets brighter until it goes off. There is a strong temptation to try to set our light like that. When we are at church, we put it at the 100 watt setting. At Home we knock it down to the 60 watt setting. At work at school we knock it down to the 25 watt setting, and with certain groups we turn it off altogether. The result is the same as lighting a lamp and putting it under a bushel.
Light also does not discriminate against people in the room. Have you ever turned on a light in a room and it shined in one section but left the other half of the room completely dark. How ridiculous it is for us to think we can choose to be light to some people, but not to others. Well I just don’t like him or like her. Light blesses all who are in the room.
To let our light shine for Jesus Christ, means that others can look at us from the outside and see that Jesus has made a difference. We talk differently. We love differently. We give differently. We praise differently. We are committed to different things. This passage is emphasizing having an affect on those outside the church so that they might begin to think about God. God wants us to let people know where we stand and why it is we stand in that place. God wants others to see Him in us. We are the salt of the earth. We are the light of the world. We are the difference makers for God.
1. God First, Don’t Worship Anything Else
2. Show Respect For God, Take A Day Of Rest
3. Honor Parents, Don’t Murder, Be Faithful
4. Respect Other’s Stuff, Don’t Lie, Be Happy
With Your Own Stuff
K. Commandments For Our Liking
1. Need For Light To Expose The Danger
2. Think First Of Your Happiness,
3. Worship What You Like- Say It 1rst Amend..
4. Work All Day/ Almighty Dollar,
5. They Owe You , Killing Is A Choice
6. Express Your Desires, Rip Off Okay If Legal
7. Nothing Wrong With Misspeaking,
8. You Deserve What They Got—Get It.
L. The World Needs Us To Be A Light
1. Usher, Choir And Cashier
2. Reserve Our Brightest Light For Wrong Place
3. Church Is To Build Up The Wattage
Matthew 5:14-15 A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.
4. Ridiculous To Light A Lamp & Cover It
5. The 3 Way Bulb 100, 60 20, Off
6. Light Does Not Discriminate
M. Jesus Must Make The Difference
1. Talk, Love, Give, Praise
2. Committed To Different Things
3. Goal Is To Get The Glory To God Matthew 5:16
In the same way, let your light shine before men and women , that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.
Sermon Outline-Pastor Rick Psalm 1:1-6 Acts 5:1-11
Who Is Watching Me? 7/1/2001 Text Matt. 5:13-16
A. The Wonderful Feeling Of Being Watched
1. Main Actors On Tapes & Videos
2. Banks, Supermarkets, Department Stores
3. Ceiling Designs With Cameras
4. Watched At Church
B. Good Thing About Knowing You’re Being Seen
1. Help To Say No To Temptation
2. Getting Into Trouble Because No One Knows
3. Ananias & Sapphira ---The Plan To Deceive
4. Looked Both Ways—But Not Up & In
5. The Attempt—The Exposure- The Death
6. If We Only Had It Like Them
C. Continuation Of The Sermon On The Mount
Matthew 5:13 "You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men.
1. Jesus Calls Us Salt—Fried Collard Greens
2. The Principle Is In The Green
3. Penetrate & Taste Better
4. Small Amount But Great Affect
5. Making The World Taste Better For Christ
6. Remaining Distinct From The World.
D. Everybody—Go Wrong--- Bitter & Sour
1. All Carry Some Hurt –Pain—Bad Taste
2. Power To Change The Flavor
3. Ephesians 4:32—Kind And Compassionate
4. One Act Changes A Day
5. Bringing Salt Into A Tough Situation
6. Good Home, Family, Marriage, Church
7. Kindness And Compassion—In The Midst
8. Builds Or Bleeds
9. Who First –Family Or Outsiders
E. Jesus—As Salt---You Are Responsible
1. Salt As A Preservative
2. Refrigerators That Did Not Break Down
3. Salt Used To Keep From Decaying /Rotting
4. Serious About Chirst---Stops Going
To Gutter
5. Will Not Say, Do, Act, In Presence
6. Salt Filled Life Gains Respect
7. Think For Ourselves—Not Just Go Along
8. Preservative Holds Fast What Is Good
F. Salt As A Family Preserve
1. Building The Two Family Parent
2. Starts As Teenagers---Least Equipped
3. Yes To The Will Of God For Our Potential
4. Committed To Our Vows Of Faithfulness
5. Constantly Forgiving—Building Up
6. Single Parent Family Salt Witness
7. Special Commitment Of Parent/Child
8. Christ Open To All
G. Salt Will Bring Healing
1. Destroys The Germs
2. A Boy, Sore Gums & Salt
3. Deep Pain & Hurt Must Not Take Root
4. Do Not Let Bitterness Take Root
5. All Have Justification For Anger/Bitterness
6. Jesus Is The Answer
H. Salt Remains Salt No Matter What
1. Salt With Impurities In Jesus’ Day
2. Contaminated With Dirt
3. Hearts Belonging To Something But Jesus
4. Useless As The Salt Of The Earth
I. Jesus—vs Matthew 5:14 "You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden.
1. God Called With Intention Of Display
2. God Brags On Us—Say Satan Did You See
3. Light Is Going To Be Noticed
4. Lost In A Cave With Light Out
5. Searching For A Sign Of Light.
J. People Are Walking In Spiritual Darkness
2 Cor. 4:4 The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.
1. Supernatural Power Hinders Others
2. Will Not Read, Will Not Know Answers..
3. Will Observe Us
4. Bringing Hope To Those In The Caves
5. People Trapped—Point To Greater Light
6. Never Ashamed Of Your Background
7. Demonstrates God’s Love And Grace
8. I Use To Be, But God Has Done
K. Light—Can Warn & Protect
1. Red Lights & Yellow Lights On Highway
2. Warn Of Dangers/Blessings Laying Ahead
3. Protector—Reveals Danger Spots, Stumbling
Marks, Snakes & Traps
L. Commandments For Our Benefits
1. The 10 Commandments Will Do Us In
2. Which Shall We Get Rid Of To Help Out