Summary: God’s Courtroom - The day of your trial and judgment.

Bible References: John 3:16; Romans 6:32, 3:23-25, Luke 19:10; John 3:17; II Corinthians 5:17; Luke 13:27 and Matthew 25:41

Trial & Judgment date: The very near future

Scene: Heaven’s Courtroom

Judge: God

Prosecutor: Satan

Defense: Jesus Christ

Defendant: You

Law Books: The Books of Life & of Death

Now that you have passed from this life into the next by death or the rapture and all that was prophesized has been fulfilled; you now come to the day of your trial and judgement. This is the final step to eternal

life or eternal damnation. Which will it be? As you wait for your trial to begin, you nervously move about in your chair. A thousand thoughts are swirling about in your head and your life is flashing before you -

like a movie in fast forward mode. You cringe in your seat and fear has begun to well up inside you. You ask yourself - Am I truly worthy to be here with God Forever? Did I do all I could to help save God’s people

from eternal damnation? Was it enough? Should I have done more? Is there something I missed? On and on these thoughts rush about in your mind until you see the Judge enter the courtroom! The Judge is the Lord God Jehovah! You begin to tremble, when suddenly the door to the left of you opens up and in walks the prosecutor whose name is Satan! Now you really are trembling and shaking in utter fear! Satan looks at you and gloats, as he rubs his hands together with a self-satisfied look upon his face! He is thinking," By the time I get through here,I will have one more of God’s people with me in HELL!" HE laughs to himself and gloats over the fact that he thinks that he has God beat on this one! You aquirm a little more in your seat in the judgment box and wonder,"who is going to defend me?" when from the right side of the courtroom, Jesus Christ enters! Jesus walks over to you and smiles, then he sits down without saying a word. The Great Judge then speaks.

Judge (God): Are we ready to proceed?

Prosecutor (Satan) Yes, Your Honor!

Defense (Jesus) Yes, Father!


From this point on we will refer to them by their names, instead of their position and you will be referred to as the defendant.

God: Then we wll begin with the opening remarks. Satan

you begin.

Satan: Thank you - your Honor. In this trial I will

show you just how unworthy of redemption that

this person is and how he/she belongs to me! I

will present evidence that clearly shows that

this person has fulfilled all my desires and

wishes and has earned the right to be with me

in my kingdom! I will call for witnesses:

Lust, Adultery, Abuse, Lies, and hate who shall

prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that this

person is truly worthy of my kingdom. Thank

you, your Honor.

God: (The Father looks lovingly at his son and smiles)

Jesus, you may make your opening remarks now.

Jesus: Thank you Father. How are you doing, today?

God: Fine and you?

Jesus: Ok. Father, I have no opening remarks at this

time. I will let the testimony speak for

itself. As for witnesses, there is only two

that I will call. One is the defendant and the

other is a surprise witness. Thank you.

Jesus Returns to His seat beside you and looks straight ahead, still not saying a word.

God: Satan you may call your first witness.

Satan: I call Lust to the stand. (Lust approaches the

witness stand and sits down.)

Satan: Lust, do you see that person over there? (Satan

points to the defendant)

Lust: Yes

Satan: Do you know this person?

Lust: Yes Sir! Very Well !

Satan: How did you meet this person?

Lust: I meet him/her in the back alleys, bars and

houses of prostitution.

Satan: And how long have you know this person?

Lust: For almost 40 years.

Satan: During that time you became fast friends. Is

that not correct?

Lust: Yes. We did many things together.It was

a "party" all the time !

Satan: In all that time together, did you have any

other friends?

Lust: Oh, yes sir! We had adultery, abuse, lies and

hate for friends.

Satan: No more questions of this witness, your Honor.

God: Jesus, would you like to question this withness?

Jesus: Not at this time, Father.

You are puzzled by this - Why didn’t he question this witness? He knows that you gave up Lust a long time ago.

God: Satan Call your next witness.

Satan: I call Adultery to the stand. (Adultery takes

the stand)

Adultery: Good morning.

Satan: Good Morning. Adultery, tell me the events that

lead up to you becoming a friend to the


Adultery: Well, it started with him becoming friends

with drinking and with Lust.I invited myself

into that friendship and boy did his/her

spouse have a fit! I roared with laughter.

Satan: Tell me what the defendant did with you.

Adultery: We had a good time! We had sex as much as we

wanted and we didn’t give a second thought

to his/her spouse or the children. We were

having too much fun!

Satan: During this time, did the defendant show any

remorse for what he/she did?

Adultery: Well, no ...not at first. Later he/she did.

Satan: That is irrelevant. Your Honor, I ask that last

remark be stricken from the record.

God: You asked. The remark will remain as a matter of


Satan: No more Questions.

God: Son, would you like to question this witness?

Jesus: No. I have no questions of this witness.

You begin to panic. "What is wrong with Him!", you think. "He knows that I took him into my heart ten years ago. Why isn’t He defending me?"

God: You may call your next witness, Satan.

Satan: I call Abuse to the stand. (Abuse takes the

stand) Do you know the defendant?

Abuse: I certainly do!

Satan: How did you meet?

Abuse: Well, it is funny how we meet.I ran into Lust

and Adultery and they introduce us; but we

didn’t become friends until much later.

Satan: What events took place that lead to this

becoming a friendship?

Abuse: Uh! Well, we became friends the first time

he/she hit his/her spouse. Then we went on to

beat on the children. Boy, were they the best!

The more he/she drank the more we beat on them.

That was best fun we ever had! We would sit on

a curb outside the house and just laugh

ourselves sick over how badly we had beaten

them and how pathetic they really looked and

were. We had a great time! Of course, we would

promise "not to do it again", but we always

did. We had our fingers crossed!

Satan :(Laughing along with abuse) It sure sounds like

you did! No more Questions of this witness,

your Honor.

God: Your turn, Son.

Jesus: No questions.

Now you really are panicking! It is beginning to look like you will be doomed to Hell of He doesn’t do something quick!

God: Call your next witness, Satan.

Satan: Your Honor, I would like permission to call two

witnesses at this time since they are Siamese


God: Any objections,Jesus?

Jesus: No, Father.

God: Go ahead, Satan.

Satan: I call lies and hate to the stand.(Lies and

hate take the stand) Tell me how you two meet

the defendant.

Lies & Hate: Oh, that’s easy! We meet through Abuse.

Satan: Tell us about your relationship with the


Lies & Hate: We became fast friends, especially after

we meet up with a group that professed to

hate everyone but the "white folks"

Satan: What happened from there?

Lies and Hate: We told lies about others and created

hate among the people who we associated

with. We would paint Anti-Semitic signs

all over the place and burn crosses in

their yards! We would call them names

like "Nigger", "Jew-boy" or "Spik".

That was the most fun! We wish you

could have seen their faces! It was

priceless! The terror in their eyes was

absolutely beautiful!

Satan: I am sure it was. I have no more questions of

these witnesses

God: Any more witness for the prosecution?

Satan: No, and I rest my case, your Honor.

God: Son, do you have any questions of these witnesses?

Jesus: No, not at this time.

God: You may call your first witness.

Jesus: Thank-you Father. I call the defendant to the

stand. (You take the stand) Are you guilty of

all that has been said here up to this point?

Defendant:(With tears in your eyes and terror in your

heart) Yes and I am so sorry for them. I

wish I could change what I did, but I


Jesus: Is all that has been said here the truth?

Defendant: Yes

Jesus: Give me a reason why this court should not

sentence you to eternal damnation.

Defendant: Because John 3:16 says,"For God so loved

the world that He gave his only begotten

son, that whomsoever believeth on Him

should not perish; but have everlasting

life." I believe in You and I accepted you

into my heart.

Jesus: Very Good. Now tell us what lead you to

believe that?

Defendant: Well, my friends persuaded me to go to a

Billy Graham Revival that was being held in

our area. At first, I didn’t want to

go; but they drove me nuts until I agreed

to go with them. I heard Mr.Graham speaking

but most of it wasn’t making any sense to

me, until one of my friends handed me a

book called the "Bible".

Jesus: What happened then?

Defendant: Mr. Graham was talking about all of us as

sinners and referred to the book of Romans,

Chapter 6, verse 23. One of my friends

helped me to find it. When I read it, it

was like I had just been slapped in the

face by my mother. She was a good and Godly

woman and I ignored all she taught me about


Jesus: What did Romans 6: 23 say?

Defendant: It says,"For the wages of sin are death,

but the gift of God is eternal life.

through jesus Christ our Lord." But that

wasn’t all that "slapped me in the face"

with what my mother had taught me.

Jesus: What else did?

Defendant: It was when Mr.Graham said all of us were

sinners and then had us turn to Romans

3:23-25. It said,"For all have sinned and

come short of the Glory of God. Being

justified freely by his grace through

redemption that is in Jesus Christ.Whom God

hath set forth to be propitiation through

faith in his blood, to declare his

righteousness for the remission of sins

that are past through the forebearance of


Jesus: What does that mean to you ?

Satan: Your Honor, I object! It is irrelevant and has

nothing to do with the issues at hand.

Jesus: Father. Your Honor, I say that it does. It

shows how his/her re-actions to what he/she was

hearing and the effect it had on him/her.

God: Objection over-ruled!

Satan: Your Honor!

God: Sit down Satan! You had your say and your

witnesses. Continue.

Jesus: Will you answer the question?

Defendant: It means that we are all sinners and the

only way that we can be saved is by the

blood that you shed on calvary for us and

our sins. It also means that the only

redemption from sin(s) for us, is through

that blood that you shed. It means that

because God loved us so much that instead

of destroying us forever, He sent his son

to die for us and our sin. That is what it


Jesus: Thank you. You may step down. Father. Your

Honor, I would like to call my surprise

witness now.

God: Who is this surprise witness? (God is smiling

because he already knew)

Jesus: Father, I am the surprise witness !

Satan: I object ! (Satan is furious!) A defense

council can not call himself! This is a court

of law! This is Illegal!

God: Sit down Satan and be quiet or I will have to gag

you! This is my Court and My law. To be fair, I

will let you question my son.

Satan: Thank you, your honor (all the time cursing God

under his breath)

God: Son, Take the witness stand.(Jesus takes a seat

in the witness box.)

Satan: Now tell us Jesus, what makes you think that

this defendant is worth saving?

Jesus: Because I was sent as the supreme sacrifice for

his/her sin and when I was sent into the world;

I was sent to "seek and save that which is

lost." (Luke 19:10) My Father, created all

things and he created man out of love. He loves

His children and in that love, He finds them

all worthy to be saved even if they are the

worse sinner on planet earth! That is why this

Defendant is worth saving.

Satan: But all the defendant’s sin outweighs any good

he/she has done. How are you going to justify


Jesus: I refer you back to Romans 3:23-25, where the

key word here is PAST! That means that all sin

up to the time of their redemption(Salvation)

is washed away and they are sin-free. There is

no more sin.

Satan: Okay! Okay ! I will give you that;but what of

the sin they commit after they have been (Satan

coughing and choking) "saved" ? They cannot be

redeemed again and again everytime they sin.

Jesus: That’s the beauty of it! Once they are saved,

my Father and I know that they are imperfect

beings in the flesh and will make mistakes,

they will fall and they will sin. But if they

are trying really hard not to sin; but do we

have a way for them to keep themselves sin-free

in their Book of Death and have their names

written in the Book of Life.

Satan: Oh Yeah!(says Satan sarcastically) And how is


Jesus: It is called forgiveness. My father and I know

that until they come into the Kingdom, they

will be subjected to you, the temptations of

the world and the Human flesh. We know that it

will be hard to resist all things of the world

and you and the flesh all the time, but for

those times when they fall, even as the

defendant has done on many occassions, they

will be forgiven their sin, if they just ask

for it and try not to commit the same sin

again. It isn’t easy and it take many attempts

to overcome sin; but in the end they who trust

in us and let us lead and guide them, will


By this time Satan begins to realize that he is losing his case against the defendant and has to come up with a good one. As he searches for a way to trick Jesus and to force the condemnation of the defendant, God

speaks up.

God: Satan, that is enough questions. You may sit down.

Satan: Your Honor! I am just getting started!

God: (Now quite perturbed with Satan, bellows) SIT


(Satan returns to his seat at the prosecutor’s table)

God: Son, I have one question for you. Why did I send

you into the world?

Jesus: "For God sent not His son into the world to

condemn the world but that the world through

him might be saved." (John 3:17)

God: Thank you Son!

Jesus: Your are welcome, Dad!

God: Do you have any more witnesses to call, son?

Jesus: No Sir. I rest my case.

God: We will begin with the "Closing Remarks" from

Satan, and them I will make my Judgment. You may

begin, Satan.

Satan: Your honor, members of the court, I believe

that I have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt

that the defendant over there is GUILTY!

GUILTY! GUILTY! He/She committed acts that go

completely against the laws of God and has

served me well. His/Her sins cannot be

denied and they outweigh the good that he/she

may have done. I ask that you return a verdict

of guilty and that the penalty be that he/she

is given over to me. Thank you.

(Next Jesus gets up and speaks.)

Jesus: Father, Your Honor, and members of the court.

It is true that the defendant has done all that

he/she has been accused of and is rightly

guilty of those sins. But let me remind you

that when I was sent into the world to take on

all the sins of the did not exclude

the defendant or was not limited to one

exclusive race creed, color or national origin.

NO, in fact it was for all mankind in the world

that I came to die and be the ultimate

sacrifice for their sin and give them the gift

of Salvation through the blood I shed on the

cross for them. When they are washed in the

blood their sins are washed away. When they come

and seek pardon and mercy and ask for me to

come into their hearts, they receive that

Salvation and become new creations. (II

Corinthians 5:17) "Therefore if any man be in

Christ, he is a new creature; old things are

passed away; behold all things are become new."

These are written in my Father’s word. I ask

that that you return a verdict of not guilty

and that he/she be allowed to enter into the

kingdom. Thank-you.

God: The Court will now recess to deliberate and go

over all the facts in the case. Court adjourned!

While the court is in adjournment. Satan is so sure that he will win that he is making plans on what to do with the defendant once he gets him into his realm. The defendant sits on a bench outside the courtroom

praying that he has done all that he could by the Laws of God to assure his/her enterance into the Father’s kingdom. He/she mulls over their life once more and seems to gain strength in knowing that for all their

sin and al their failings, they kept on trying and seeking forgiveness. Jesus, is calmly sitting on the floor near a pillar outside the courtroom, knowing that he has done all he can in defending his "client"

Michael, The Archangel approaches and tells them that Court is now back in session. All parties return to their seats and God begins to speak.

God: Having weighed all the evidence presented in this

court today,it is the verdict of this court that

the defendant is found "Not Guilty" and will be

allowed entrance into my kingdom and the kingdom

of my son where he/she will live forever in joy

and peace. Well Done son!

Satan: This is outrageous! The Defendant is as guilty

as sin! He/she belongs to me!

God: Wrong Satan, He/she was forgiven of sin and in

the Book of Death there is no sin recorded for

them. The pages are blank! Their names are

written in the Book of Life.

Satan: but what abou......

God: Michael, Gabriel, Please escort Satan back to the

pit until the next time we come to court.

The archangels, Michael and Gabriel take satan by each arm and escort him out of heaven amid all his protests and dropped him back into the pit of his realm. But what if this particular court scene had turned out

differently? What if the Judgment of God, was to hear Him say: "Depart from me,for I know you not." or "Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand,Depart from me you cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels."( Luke 13:27; Matthew 25:41)? There was nothing you could do. It is too late and you have already chosen your path. The result is that instead of entering the Kingdom of God; you instead would be taken to Satan’s realm - Hell and the Lake of Fire - where you will forever suffer torment and the gnashing of teeth. Is that what you really want to have happen to you? It is not too late to accept Jesus into your heart and life . Won’t you do it today so when you face your will hear the words."Not guilty! This soul can enter into my kingdom."