Summary: As fathers we have made a promise to our family, now is the time for us to keep that promise.

Promises Made -- Promises Kept

1 Kings 1:28-35

1 Kings 2:1-

Intro: Merrit Issues call to arms in defense of family, souls.

Illustration: “Big Sissy”

“The Big Sissy”

One summer evening during a violent thunderstorm a mother was tucking her small boy into bed. She was about to turn off the light when he asked with a tremor in his voice, "Mommy, will you sleep with me tonight?"

The mother smiled and gave him a reassuring hug. "I can’t, Dear," she said, "I have to sleep with your daddy."

A long silence was broken at last by his shaky little voice: "The big sissy."

I.Promises Made 1 Kings 1:28-35

a. David made a promise to Bathsheba his wife that Solomon, their son would be King.

b. It now is the time for David to fulfill that promise.

c. Fathers whether you know it or not, whether you realize you’ve done it, YOU HAVE MADE A PROMISE.

d. If you yourself are a child of God, and you are a father you have made a promise.

e. Ephesians 6:4 “Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.”

f.Deuteronomy 6:4-8

g. A promise to:

Invite your children to Receive the Lord.

Inspire your children to Revere the Lord.

Influence your child to Reverence the Lord.

Instruct your children to Reflect the Lord.

h. You are responsible for your home. You have made that promise to God that you will be the head of the household. You will lead and direct your family in the ways of the Lord.

i. Verse 7 says “Impress them on your children, talk about them when you sit at home, when you walk down the road.

j. That means live it every day, every hour, every minute, every second.

k. God goes as far as to tell us to write them on our houses and on our gates, tie them as symbols on your hands bind them on your foreheads.

l. This simple means for everyone that sees your family knows that you teach and live the four I’s: Invite, Inspire, Influence, Instruct

m. As a Christian father you are held to a higher standard. You made a promise to teach your kids right from wrong, to read their bible. You promised that your kids and wife would see you praying see you talking and walking with God. As a Christian you are required to live this.

n. Invite, Inspire, Influence, and Instruct

II. The Charge 1 Kings 2:1-4

a. Here it is the famous father-son talk. Reminding Solomon what he has been taught.

b. There is no way David is telling his son for the first time how to behave and how to act.

c. This is an important point. We must start day one; we can’t wait till their older. Consistently teach our kids.

d. Obvious David is basically giving him a half-time speech. A pep talk to remind Solomon what he has been taught.

e. He is reminding Solomon how to act, what to do, where to go. How to be a successful Godly King.

f. David’s charge this morning can be yours. It can be yours to your child. It can be yours to your self, and it should be both.

g. You are responsible Father, to tell your kids. God does not give you an option here. You have a charge to tell.

h. Psalm 78:4 “We will not hide them from their children; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power, and the wonders he has done.”

i. Fathers always know best. Don’t They? We all have a story of how our dad is getting smarter the older we get.

j. David walked with God therefore he knew the importance of his own son to walk with God. David’s half-time speech had five things for Solomon to remember and do:

*So be Strong

*Show Yourself a man

*Observe what the Lord Your God Requires

*Walk in his way

*Keep his Decrees and Commands

A. So be Strong

1. Throughout the bible God has told his people to be strong and courageous.

2. Joshua 1:6-7 When Joshua was getting ready to proceed Moses he was told to be strong and courageous.

3. Fathers we must be strong. We live in a Christless culture. Fathers have to be, God commands us to be the pillar of the home.

4. The reason we must be strong is we are near the end. When you read anywhere about the end times. We are there. That is us?

5. 2 Timothy 3: 1-5

6. When you read this and see this world, don’t you know why God demands us to be strong?

7. Fathers, Christians, Mothers, Children, Youth now are the time for you to be strong. Strong in your faith, Strong in your obedience, Strong in your faithfulness, Strong in your holiness.

8. What is right is right, wrong is wrong.

9. Now is the time for you to say, “As for me and my house we will serve the Lord.”

B. Show yourself a man.

1. When God told Paul to write Ephesians 5:22-33, this is what God means for Fathers to be like.

2. Husbands, Fathers, Men show yourself a man-Take the leadership that God demands of you.

3. Husbands, Fathers, Men show yourself a man-Love your wife, as Christ Loves the church.

4. Husbands, Fathers, Men show yourself a man-Tell your wife you respect her, love her, and care for her.

5. Husbands, Fathers, Men show yourself a man-Teach your family how to pray.

6. Husbands, Fathers, Men show yourself a man.

7. Be God’s man for your family. Be God’s man. Show this world what it means to live for God. It starts with you men!

C. Observe what the Lord your God requires

D. Walk in His Way

E. Keep His decrees and commands

F. The last three are obedience.

1. Fathers, Christians, Wives, Children, Youth listen to this.

2. Psalm 128:1-4

3. When you are obedient to God when you observe what the Lord requires, when you walk in His way, and keep His commands everyone around you will see your obedience.

4. Your obedience is watched. When people see your obedience they will see Jesus Christ.

5. When people see your rebellion they will see Satan.

6. Fathers when you’re obedient to God. When you allow the Holy Spirit to guide your life. What an impact that will have on your wife, your children, your church, everyone around you.

7. But most of all what an impact it will have on your own life.

8. I want us to look at two other examples of Obedience

a. Mathew 2:19-23 – Listen here to obedience of a Father, and the impact it had on the child, mother, and world.

b. Mathew 26:– Listen to the obedience of a son and the impact it had on you, and the world.

We’ve studied a few verses here this morning. The thing we must realize from the Old Testament to the New Testament on this Fathers Day is Men; God is giving us his half time speech in your heart this morning. You and Him no what part of the game your in, whether your going the right direction and the encouragement is needed, or whether your loosing the game completely. Maybe God is telling you to start playing, get in the game.

We have all made a promise to God. A promise to God to either teach our children, or teach our selves and walk with Him.

God’s Charge to you is simple:

1. Be Strong

2. Be a Man

3. Obedience