I¡¦ll Show The World That I¡¦m A Christian
Philippians 2.12-13
Remember that the theme of this book is JOY!
And if there is anything we need more of its joy!
Our lives should be marked by joy!
You say, "Pastor, my life isn’t marked by joy. Does that mean I’m not saved?"
I suppose it could mean that you’re not saved.
But if you’ve prayed to receive Jesus Christ into your life and you’ve repented from you sin, you’re saved.
You say, "Well, if I’m saved, then why is my life missing joy?"
Because joy is something that God sends and the Devil steals!
„h Joy doesn’t come from your circumstances
- It comes from Christ in you!
„h If you’re life isn’t characterized by joy
- Then don’t look outward to discover why - look inward!
Joy is an inside job!
What God sends the Devil tries to steal!
Now let me ask you a question.
What is stealing?
Stealing is when somebody takes something that is rightfully yours without permission!
God sends joy to His children and the Devil steals that joy.
„h He’s taking something that is rightfully yours!
„h Don’t let him do it!
„h Life’s too difficult to live it without what’s rightfully yours!
„h Live life with what’s rightfully yours!
„h Live it with joy!
That’s what Paul’s talking about in chapter 2.
In his book Hints to Young Christians, Dr. O. T. Gifford comments, "If you’re getting weak-kneed, have a look at Elijah. If there is no song in your heart, listen to David. If you feel spiritually chilly, get the beloved disciple John to put his arms around you; and if you’re losing sight of the future, climb to Revelation and get a glimpse of Heaven!"
God has a building project going on.
That great project is building the lives of people.
God is interested in people and God is doing a work in the lives of people.
I want to talk about that great project, God at work, and when we are involved in His project, we will have joy!
Read verse 12a.
Paul had learned the secret to continual joy and a part of that secret is found in verse 12.
Now the saints at Philippi had a good start in their new found faith in Jesus Christ.
One factor was that Paul had been with them.
Now that he was gone and Paul wanted to encourage them to keep trusting and serving the Lord!
You know, some people act saved only when they¡¦re around the saved!
When they¡¦re around the unsaved they act unsaved!
I don’t know anything more damaging to our efforts in reaching the lost of this city than when the saved act unsaved around the unsaved!
If we’re saved - then let’s show it.
If you¡¦re saved and you know it, say Amen!
That’s why it’s so important to believe right!
What you believe determines how you behave!
So here’s Paul pointing those saints to Christ!
That’s one thing I like about Paul!
He pointed others to Christ and not himself!
He would say,
„h Depend on Him!
„h Look to Him! Not me!
Now that we see the great possession that we have in Christ, let¡¦s look secondly at¡K
Paul says, "Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling."
Now somebody says, "Wait a minute!
Is Paul saying we are saved by works?"
Well let me ask you a question: who is Paul talking too?
Look at the beginning of verse 12, "Wherefore, my beloved .."
Who are the "beloved?" - Saints!
Look back to chapter 1.1,
Paul and Timotheus, the servants of Jesus Christ, to all the saints in Christ Jesus which are at Philippi¡K
Who is this letter written too?
It’s written to the people living in Philippi who were already saved!
The recipients of this letter were those who had already met Jesus!
And besides that, the Bible teaches that salvation is all of grace.
Paul says in Eph 2.8-9, For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.
So what does Paul mean in verse 12 when he says, "work out your own salvation with fear and trembling?"
Well, let’s take a look at that word translated "work out."
In Paul’s day there were mines. And those mines were filled with ore. And the word he uses here that’s translated "work out" was used to describe a miner who would be working in the mine. It described his getting out of a mine all the valuable ore that was in it.
In fact, this word literally means "to work to full completion."
And in using it to describe a miner... it would mean to get all the ore to the surface that was in there!
This same word was also used of a farmer. When he would be working in the field to get the most harvest possible from the field. Get all the harvest that’s been produced!
So when Paul says, "work out your own salvation" he was telling them:
„h to work
„h to devote
„h to strive
- to become all they could before the Lord!
- to maximize their life!
- To be all that they could be!
It’s like that little girl who went to Sunday School and the teacher used this verse in the lesson. When the teacher asked for somebody to tell the class what that verse meant .. a little girl raised her hand and said, "Mrs. Jones, it means that you cannot work out your salvation unless it has first been worked in."
You cannot work out your salvation until you first have salvation!
But once you have it through grace, you can begin to work it out!
And I want to ask you a question tonight, are you working out your salvation?
Has 2001 been a year of growing in your walk with God?
„h There’s no standing still in the Christian life!
„h You’re either moving forward or your moving backward!
Some of you here tonight have great potential for the kingdom of God just like an ore mind has great potential for yielding a large crop!
That’s where the joy is found!
„h It’s found in working out your salvation!
„h It’s found in maximizing your life for Christ!
„h It’s found in growing to become a man or woman of God!
If you’re not working out your own salvation then you’re missing out on the joy God has for you!
Read verse 13.
God has saved you by faith plus nothing!
He doesn’t accept any good works for salvation.
But once you’re saved, God begins dealing with you about your works.
Do you see it?
Faith alone saves, but the faith that saves is not alone!
You see .. God knows that you’re saved!
He knows all about your faith, but those you work with can’t!
The only thing they can see is your works of faith.
That’s why salvation must be worked out!
So that those around you can tell that you’re different and that difference God uses to create a hunger in their hearts for Him!
The name Stradivarius is synonymous with fine violins. This is true because Antonius Stradivarius insisted that no instrument constructed in his shop be sold until it was as near perfection as human care and skill could make it. Stradivarius said, "God needs violins to send His music into the world, and if any violins are defective God’s music will be spoiled." His work philosophy was summed up in one sentence: "Other men will make other violins, but no man shall make a better one."
Antonius Stradivarius expected his workers to do their very best in producing violins.
How much more should we as Christians strive for excellence in the work assigned to us!
G. Allen Fleece has said, "We are not in the world bearing witness to Christ. We are in Christ bearing witness to the world."
What kind of witness are you?
In a biography of Dwight L. Moody an incident is recorded from the life of President Woodrow Wilson in which he describes his one and only contact with that famous preacher. "I was in a barbershop," Wilson said, "when I became conscious that someone unusual had entered the room. A man had come in quietly and was seated in the chair next to mine. Every word he uttered showed a personal and vital interest in the one who was serving him, though he was not the least bit formal or pompous. Purposely I lingered until after he left and noted the singular effect his visit had upon the barbers in that shop. Their conversation was quiet and subdued. Though they did not know his name, somehow his presence had elevated their thoughts and impressed them greatly. Personally, I left there feeling I had been to a place of worship."
What kind of an effect are we having on those around us?
God has a building project going on.
That great project is building the lives of people.
God is interested in people and God is doing a work in the lives of people.
What kind of work is He doing in you?