What Kind of Church Member Do You Plan to Be?
“But in a great house there are not only vessels of Gold and of Silver; but also of Wood and of Earth and some to honor and some to dishonor.” II Timothy 2:20
The subject we have for today suggests the importance of planning. What kind of Christian and Church Member do you PLAN to be? Do you have any plans?
We cannot get very far without a plan. Not many worthwhile things just happen.
There is joy in planning: A home, Church or life.
One of the saddest things about the work of the Lord is the large number of people who do so very little about the Lord’s work.
We are found to find others.
We are told to tell others.
We are won to win others.
We are saved to save others.
The great house is the Church.
The vessels represent the four classes of Church Members.
It is not my purpose to classify any one but rather to present to you these classes and let you place yourself where you belong.
1. There are Gold Members
a. Gold will stand any test. Extreme heat may change the form of Gold but it will not destroy it completely.
b. Jelia Haksep was wearing her boyfriend’s ring when her home and family was destroyed in a fire. The lump of Gold was found in the ashes
c. Job is an example of a Gold Member
1. He lost everything: family, friends, house, and money. He came through all of this and said, “ Though he slay me yet, will I trust Him.” Job 13:15
d. The apostle Paul was Gold
1. He was Gold in his conversion, character, vision, and missionary zeal.
2. He said, “I am not ashamed of the gospel…” Romans 1:16
3. When he came to the end he said, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith and hence forth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day; and not me only, but unto al them also that love his appearing.” II Timothy 4: 7-8
e. Job’s Prayer Life?
1. One thing that separates a Gold member from the rest.
2. Gold Members know how to pray.
3. The disciples asked Jesus “Lord, teach us to pray.” Luke 11:1
4. Jesus answered them “When you pray say our Father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name.”
5. The first step in prayer is to center our mind upon God.
6. Believe in him, feel his presence, and receive the spirit and power of God. “Be still and know that I am God…” Psalm 46:9
7. We are to begin with God instead of concentrating upon our problems first.
8. Believing God’s kingdom can come that our daily physical needs can be met, that our sins can be forgiven, and that we can have strength for the trials that lie ahead.
9. Our first purpose in prayer is to know God and put him first in our thoughts.
f. Paul’s Burden
What is your burden?
Do you have desire to see lost souls won to Christ? If you don’t there is no way you can claim you’re a Gold Member.
2. The Silver Type
a. Silver is good material, but it will not stand the test that gold will stand.
b. Under certain tests if fails to stand
c. There are a lot of Church members who are just as good as the Gold members until they are put to certain tests, trials, and temptations. Then they go down.
d. The apostle Peter could be placed in that class
1. He was a great guy; he assured the Lord that he would not fail him under any circumstance. Even if others failed, he would be one who would go with the Lord anywhere.
2. Jesus was on trial, He denied the lord.
e. I wonder how many of us love to own Jesus as our Savior on some occasions, but deny him on others?
3. There is the Wood Type.
a. These are saved people all right. They are going to heaven when they die. But they do nothing to advance the Lord’s work.
b. They joined the church, they took the vows and they took a seat, and there they sit.
c. Idle Christian
d. They are the ones that say I can’t tell people about Jesus. I don’t know how.
e. What if Noah said I don’t do arks and animals
What if Moses said I don’t do pharaohs?
What if Ruth said I don’t do mother-n-laws?
What if David said I don’t do Giants?
What if Paul said I don’t do gentiles?
What if Mary said I do virgin births?
What if Jesus said I don’t to crosses?
f. Mathias is an example of the Wood Member
1. After the death of Christ, the disciples met in an upper room in Jerusalem to pray and to take care of the business of the Lord. They selected a man to take Judas Place.
3. Acts 1:26 “The lot fell on Mathias, and he was numbered with eleven.”
4. That is all that is said about him.
5. If he ever did one more thing there was no record ever made of it.
4. The Earth Type
a. This takes in those who have their names on the church roles and are trying to the best they can, without know the Lord at all.
b. Judas is an example.
c. He sold the Lord.
d. There are members today who sell the Lord for a mighty small amount.
What Kind of Church Member are you?
If every member were just like me, what kind of a church would my church be?