Last weekend as I sat in the hospital room with my wife, our nephew Trenton, found a can of shaving cream sitting on the table. He picked up the can, brought it over to me and began to ask questions about it. So, I began to explain to him that when he got older like Uncle Paul and Grandpa, he would have to use shaving cream on his face to shave off his beard. I explained to him that Aunt Franny and Grandma use shaving cream to shave their legs. I paused for a moment as said, "Trenton, when you get a little older and go to church camp, you will need to take some shaving cream just like this to camp with you." I left it at that.
However, Grandma began to reminisce of her days at church camp. She proceeded to tell her story. "Trenton, when Grandma went to camp, the other campers waited until I had left the cabin, then they took toothpaste and wrote on my pillow, ’We love you Ginny!’".
This story caught Trenton’s attention. Anytime someone would come into the hospital room to visit with Frances, Trenton would say, "Grandma, tell them that story." To which Grandma would reply, "What story Trenton?"
"You know, the camp thing," said Trenton.
Grandma would then proceed to tell the simple little story of how the kids wrote with toothpaste on her pillow. This past Wednesday, we road to church with Grandma and Trenton. Trenton was in the back of the van. About half way to church, Trenton said, "Grandma, tell me that story again." To which Grandma replied, "What story, Trenton?"
"You know, the camp thing." To which Grandma replied, "Trenton, honey, you have already heard that story several times. You do not need me to tell you that story again."
Trenton then said, "But Grandma, would you please tell me that story. I like to hear it." Grandma then proceeded to tell the story once again.
There is something about Grandma’s story that just captivates Trenton. I don’t what that is. But, I do know that whatever it is that catches his attention in that simple little story, keeps him coming back again and again to hear the story. As I thought about that, I thought about the fact that there is a story that I love to hear told over and over again. This story which I love to hear is wrapped up in one simple statement that Jesus made, "For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost." (Matthew 18:11-14)
The Story Begins With The Reason That Jesus Came
Let me remind you that in Genesis chapters 1 through chapter 3 we have recorded for us the history of the creation of the human race and it’s fall into sin and depravity. In the midst of the creation, God gathered some dust up on the ground and breathed into this form the breath of life. He then took this human being, which we know to be Adam, and placed him in the Garden of Eden. There he was to have dominion over the garden and over the animals.
It was during this time, that God came to Adam and revealed to Adam the food that he could and could not eat. While Adam was there in the Garden, God saw that it was not good for him to be alone (Genesis 2:18). Therefore, God placed Adam into a deep sleep. He then miraculously removed a rib from Adam. He placed the rib on the ground next to Adam, formed the dust around this rib and breathed into this form the breath of life. God then awakened Adam and presented him with his new wife, Eve, the mother of all living.
Please remember that at this point, Adam and Eve were in complete harmony with God their creator. Their lives were complete in Him. They had a relationship that was an intimate relationship with Him.
Then, Satan slithered his way into their lives. He took Eve off to the side and began to question the word of God to them. He lied to them. He convinced Eve that if she would eat of the tree which produced the forbidden fruit, that her and Adam would not die, but rather the would gain knowledge and "be as gods."(Genesis 3:4-5) Eve took the fruit and ate. She then convinced Adam to eat. When this happened, their relationship with God their creator had been severed. God was no longer their life. Thereby, when Adam and Eve stepped into sin by their disobedience, that unrighteousness and sin is not placed upon every person born into this world.
The reason that Christ came was for the purpose of saving those who are lost in sin.
He came to save the rich the poor.
He came to save the proud the humble.
He came to save the liar and the truthful.
He came to save the drunkard and the sober.
He came to save the murderer and the lover of life.
He came to save the immoral and the moral.
He came to save the dishonest and the honest.
He came to save the dissatisfied and the satisfied.
He came to save the young and the old.
You see, no matter who you are, what your background may be, Jesus came to save you!
There is a song that we often teach to our children in Sunday school and youth groups, the words of the song are this:
Jesus loves the little children,
All the children of the world.
Red, and yellow, black and white,
Jesus loves the little children of the world.
May I remind you that it is not just the children, but it is all of the people of the world, "red, and yellow, black and white."
Another song that so greatly tells the truth of why Jesus came into this world to save those who are lost is "Jesus Loves Me."
Jesus loves me this I know,
For the Bible tells me so.
Little ones to Him belong,
They are weak, but He is strong.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
Yes, Jesus loves me.
Yes, Jesus loves me,
The Bible tells me so!
The Story Results In Our Personal Repentance
To illustrate the truth that Jesus was presenting to these people, He uses the illustration of a sheep (Matthew 18:12-13). Compton’s Interactive Encyclopedia gives us the following description of sheep:
Sheep live in flocks. They follow a leader, usually an old ram (male sheep). They eat grasses and other plants. They like to graze over wide areas of pasture. Sheep are naturally hill animals. They like it best where it is high and dry. They can be raised, however, on any land that is not wet and swampy.
Domestic sheep depend on humans for protection. They are very timid. A sheet of paper blown by the wind will frighten them. A thunderstorm may throw them into a panic. They may drown without a struggle if they are scared while crossing a stream. Fire in a building where sheep are kept may destroy a whole flock, because they are too frightened to flee.
It is an amazing thought to think that Jesus illustrated the human race as being sheep. How true it is! We are just like sheep. The slight things, like paper blowing in the wind, cause us to live in fear. We are always looking to others for approval and protection. We are so easily left to ourselves and taken over with out a fight just as a sheep that drowns in shallow water.
Therefore, we need the presence and help of a Savior a Shepherd, His name is Jesus Christ! Just as the shepherd would leave the other ninety and nine sheep to find that one lost sheep, Jesus came and left behind is Heavenly Father and all the glory of Heaven to find us. When he finds us, it results in our repentance. Hallelujah!
The Story Is Complete With The Rejoicing Of Heaven
Let call your attention to Luke 15:5-7. Luke records for us the same parable that Matthew gives to us in chapter 18 of his writing. Luke being a doctor tends to give us more details than the other Gospels. Please note that Luke tells us that when Christ finds a lost sheep, a lost soul, He picks that sheep up and places him on His shoulder and rejoices that He found the lost sheep. However, he does not keep his rejoicing to himself. He calls for His neighbors and friends to rejoice with Him. All of heaven rejoices when a lost person comes to repentance!
Part of this is my imagination, I am sure. But I believe that on April 21, 1982 at approximately 8:15 PM in the evening during a revival service being held at my home church, Porter Free Will Baptist, all of heaven began to sing "Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty"! They then continued their praise with shouting, clapping, and dancing because of this one sinner, Paul Ray Etterling II, who came to repentance that night.
This is a story that I never get tired of hearing, nor telling, that Jesus saves! He saved me and he wants to save you! It brings joy to the heart of God when sinners come to repentance. I am so overwhelmed that God the creator, who we sinned against, wants to be God our father.
Do you know Him today? Have you come to repentance of your sins? When you do, Your life will be changed, and yes, you can rest assured that all of heaven will sing, clap, shout, and even dance in praise to God and rejoicing