Spiritual Gifts-The Call To Work Together
4/18/2001 Psalm 133 Philip 2:1-16 Text 1 Corin. 12:1-26
Let’s suppose for a moment, you were driving down the highway just having a good time listening to your music. You’re on your way to somewhere you plan to have a really good time. But unknown to you a drunk driver is rapidly approaching you from the rear. He slams into you from the rear, you lose control of your car, it goes over the embankment, flips over and throws you out of the vehicle. Your leg is broken, you’re bleeding and you are fully conscious. What do you think most of us would be praying. "Oh Lord, please send somebody to help me."
Would it matter if the Lord sent a black or a white, a man or a woman, a high school dropout or Ph.D. holder. Would it matter if the person was skinny or overweight. Would it matter if they had on Nike’s Jordans or Pay Less XJ 9000. Would you be overly concerned if they had bad breath, or if their deodorant was no longer working?
Would it matter if they were not that good looking. Can you imagine saying, God I know I asked you to send me some help, but this is not the kind of person I usually hang with. Could you please send me somebody else to help me? Some of us are thinking, anybody who prays like that deserves to go ahead and die.
Did you know that prejudice and arrogance only have the time to develop in our lives when we think we are at peace and in safety. When we find ourselves in trouble, it’s amazing how accepting and humble we can be. If four people were about to jump us, and three strangers stepped up and said, if you jump him or if you jump her, you’ve got to jump us as well. We wouldn’t care if they were the biggest jerks, the wrong color, or listened to music we didn’t care for at all, our number one thought would be, "thank you Jesus , thank you Jesus."
Too often in the Church, we forget that we are not in a state of peace with guaranteed safety. The Bible tells us, your enemy the devil is going about as a roaring lion, seeking some one to devour. We are told the enemy is throwing fiery darts at us with the intent of mortally wounding us. We are told we are wrestling against spiritual wickedness in high places. In other words, we are engaged in battle. But because we think we are at peace, we slowly develop the luxury of turning against each other and attacking one another.
In World War II over in Europe black and white soldiers fought side by side heroically to overthrow the German army. Some died together on the battlefields of Europe. Was it insanity that America loved white German prisoners of war, more than it did loyal black soldiers? Those German prisoners who tried to kill Americans were shipped back to the United States. Black soldiers who had fought against them and captured them were also shipped back to the US. When they travelled together on trains in the South, the German prisoners could be fed at stops where the Black soldiers couldn’t. The prisoners could ride in the front of the train, the Black soldiers could not. Why, because when one thinks there is peace and safety, one can afford to be prejudice against others. We forget who the enemy truly is.
There is an illusion of peace in the church, when often times guerrilla warfare is taking place. Guerrilla warfare is different from regular war, because in a regular war, you can usually tell who is on what side by the uniform which is worn. In guerrilla warfare, the enemy eats at the table with you during the day, and secretly shoots at you by night.
We use to say the person was two faced or a back stabber. In the church at Corinth, they had forgotten that Satan wanted to destroy the church, so instead of focusing in strengthening each other, they were turning against each other in the same way, the country turned against Blacks from both of the World Wars. It’s obvious it was a stupid policy at best and suicidal at worst.
Some of the Christians in Corinth had decided to declare their own independence as believers. Everybody had the right to do what they want to do. As long as I’m not hurting anybody, what I do is my business. We all talk about our rights. I got a right to be happy. I got a right to watch what I want to watch. I got a right not to use my gifts for God if I don’t want to.
The word of God instructs us as believers that we have one right and one right alone. Our sole right, is to live in obedience to God’s word, no matter what. That’s not a right we often brag about. Let’s see if we can even say it together. I have a right to live in obedience to God’s word. The next time you get real upset about something say, "I have a right, to live in obedience to God’s word." Satan you’re a liar, I don’t have to give in."
How is it that we as Christians can begin to get rid of the little prejudices we hold against other people because of the spiritual gifts God may have given to them but not to us? How do we stop thinking we are better than others spiritually ? How do we begin to appreciate those who are in our midst, that are never up front, but the church would be in great pain without their service ? How do we get to the point of feeling really happy for others when they are lifted up and praised? It comes from understanding our goal is to please Jesus Christ, our enemy to defeat is Satan, our place is just one part of a living body.
In 1 Corinthians 12:12 verse 12 it says 1 Cor 12:12 The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ. The picture we have as Christians is that each of us is part of something that is much greater than ourselves. It would be a mistake to look at our church and think we have seen the body of Christ and it would be a mistake to look at our church and not think we have seen the body of Christ. In the same way, I could like at your leg which means I saw you, but on the other hand you could argue I really didn’t see you, because I didn’t see all of you. It’s impossible to see the entire body of Christ because it is larger than any culture, any nation, any organization, and it exists beyond time.
People may talk about the church being full of hypocrites, but deep down inside we expect people who claim to be a part of the body, to act in some ways like other parts of the body. So even though we may not look the same, we do expect Christ to work within us, to make us act the same. Let’s suppose one night you were driving about one o’clock in the morning and your tire goes flat in a racist neighborhood. You’re trying to fix it as fast as you can to get out there because you know a black was beaten up in the area last month.
All of a sudden a door opens and out comes six great big white guys with leather jackets, with silver spikes, talking loudly and coming at you. Would it ease you mind greatly to know they were carrying bibles coming out of a midnight prayer meeting and bible study. Of course it would, because you would then see them as part of the body, rather than as enemies to be feared. We all expect other members of the body to behave in the appropriate fashion. So we know we are part of something which is far greater than ourselves.
Now the unity comes not from us have a great natural love for each other, but rather from being touched by the power of Jesus Christ. Look at the next verse 1 Cor 12:13 For we were all baptized by one Spirit into one body--whether Jews or Greeks, slave or free--and we were all given the one Spirit to drink.
This needs to be paraphrased today to say for we were all baptized by one Spirit into one body whether we can afford designer clothes or not, whether we live in the city or in the suburbs, whether we have many natural talents or not, whether others think we are beautiful or just average, whether we are of this race or another, whether we are old or young, and whether we have a lot or very little--we were all given the one Spirit to drink.
1 Cor 12:14 Now the body is not made up of one part but of many. There is something about God, that insists on variety and diversity. God didn’t make fish, he made perch, sharks, catfish, tuna, bass and a lot more. He didn’t just make mountains, He made the Rockyies, the Andies, the Appalachians, the Himalayas, the Pyreines and more. He didn’t just make a tree, He had to make an oak, an elm, a pine, a maple and hundreds of others.
God didn’t just make a person. He made white ones, yellow ones, brown ones, black ones, red ones and all kind shades in between. He didn’t just make a church. He made small ones, middle size ones, large ones. Some with gospel music, some classical, some hymns, some choruses, some with orchestras, some with no musical instruments at all. God does what He does with variety.
The only problem with diversity is diversity. It means some of us didn’t get the same thing as others, and that’s not quite fair. Spiritual gifts are part of the diversity. God I don’t want to take care of the elderly in nursing home, I want to preach before thousands. That’s an exaltation of the gift of exhortation over the gift of helps or mercy. We want things to be fair, especially if we feel like we didn’t get what we thought we should have gotten. After all, isn’t God like a judge and isn’t a judge suppose to be fair.
Let’s suppose for a moment a man, a woman and a girl were all caught stealing. They all broke the law. The judge said I’m going to sentence each of you to three years in prison. Was the judge fair? Suppose I told you the man had been caught shoplifting a screw driver and it was his first offense. The woman had stolen one million dollars over the course of 5 years by phony book keeping, and the girl was five years old and stolen her classmate’s candy bar during recess. Was what the judge did fair in giving them each three years for breaking the law of stealing?
Most of us are thinking, well you have to look at the circumstances somewhat. The more you know about the circumstances, the more a fair deal can be given. Nobody knows everybody’s circumstances except God. If we cannot view things totally from God’s perspective, how can we know if God is fair or not in the spiritual gift He gives to each of us.
I’m not sure why God made me me, or why God made you you, but I do know God intended for me to be me in the body and God intended for you to be you in the body. My choice is to accept it or to get a serious attitude problem. Let’s meet Joe Foot and Bob Hand. At first Joe sort of liked Bob. They both were the only part of the body that had five things sticking out at the end of them, and they both were one color on top, both had a different color underneath, and both hand a twin.
But then Joe just got ticked off. The Body kept building Bob Hand up and Joe just didn’t think that was right. Each time the body got a ring, Bob got to wear it. Each time somebody wanted to give a high five, Bob just had to be on top. Each time something beautiful was displayed, Bob got to touch it and if that wasn’t enough, Bob even got to pick it up. Joe Foot got so upset, that he decided to declare his independence. He started telling his twin, Sam Foot, "look man, don’t you see all the attention the body gives to the hand brothers. I just can’t stand Bob, the one on the right. I tell you, I’ve come to the conclusion, I’m not a hand, I’m never going to be a hand, therefore I don’t belong to the body anymore."
Sam Foot, says, "man you can’t stop being part of the, just by saying I don’t belong to the body." Of course you’re not going to be a hand. You’re a foot just like I am. Joe says, "well I don’t want to be a foot anymore. If I can’t be a hand, I’m not going to be anything."
So Joe Foot shuts down. He refuses to allow any blood or life from the body to enter the foot area. You know what’s going to happen to Joe with no fresh blood and food supply. The disease gangrene is going to set in. Joe is going to be the first part of the body to die. The tragedy is, after a while, the only way the body is going to survive is to have to cut off completely that part of the foot which has been infected. Joe’s problem was envy. He felt that any special opportunities given to others ought to also have been given to him.
But God never intended for a foot to receive the same treatment as a hand. A foot brings special talents and gifts to the body that no other part can take. No part of our bodies can take the daily pounding of the feet. Without the feet, running, jumping, hopping and skipping will not take place. Can we humble ourselves to be thankful for that which God has given us?
The temptation in the body of Christ is to want to increase in the eyes of others. We want others to admire us and to see us. Hey look at me and how spiritual I am. Do we forget the question isn’t "well what do they think of me now?" The question is "did they see Jesus."
John the Baptist was a cousin of Jesus, six months older than Jesus. Before Jesus came on the scene, John was number 1. Everybody was going to listen to his preaching and to be baptized by him. Jesus showed up a year later. Some people went to John saying, "You know, more and more people are going to listen to Jesus and to be baptized by him. What are you going to do about it." John said, "I must decrease and He must increase." John is saying I’m not jealous of Jesus. Both of us are point people to God, and I’ve got to point people to Jesus so that they can get to know God.
Now its possible to be lifted up by God to have a very prominent place in the body and still be jealous. Meet Barbara Ear and Sarah Eye. Both of them are seen as very distinguished members of the body. But Barbara has decided that, even though she’s an ear, she feels led to be an eye. Some how eyes are truly where its at.
It’s very possible that God has called you to serve in a part of the body, but you feel as though that’s beneath you to do such a thing. It’s not enough to be up front, one has to be the center of being up front. The focus is not on what God needs you to do or wants you to do, it centers on what you want to do when you want to do it.
So Barbara Ear is ready to take her gift and go home. She has her rights. She to proudly proclaims, "Because I "Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body," . What good is an ear that’s not attached to the body. Do you know how much spiritual power is lost from the church’s ministry when its members refuse to act like body parts?
Would it make a difference to you if one kidney stopped working, one eye stopped working or one lung stopped working? After all you know that still had another one. Are you in the body of Christ to present yourself as a servant in it as Christ sees fit. Yet insisting that everyone should be treated the same.
God has no intention of treating us the same in the church. He made us different for a purpose. It says in 1 Cor 12:17 If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be? Can you imagine putting your foot on something to see how it smells. Well why are you doing that. My ears are mad and not going to help any more. Or placing your mouth on something to try to hear what its saying. Why are you doing that. Well it’s a long story.
1 Cor 12:18 But in fact God has arranged the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. If you want additional spiritual gifts, ask God to change you in such a way so that you can receive it. but search your heart and ask, "God do I want this gift because I want others to see me, or because I know others will see more of You and less of me." You have an obligation to God and to the rest of the body to be actively using your gift to make a difference for the cause of Christ. God gave you what you have, because nobody can do your job exactly as He wanted you to do it.
Your spiritual gift has qualified you to be a starter on God’s team. Let’s all get out of the pews, get into the game, and win if for the cause of Christ.
J. Possible To Be Prominent & Jealous
1. Barbara Ear And Sarah Eye--Distinguished
2. Barbara Wants To Be An…..
3. God Has Us Where He Wants Us-- What Is
At The Root Of Being The Center
4. Barbara Declares Independence And Leaves
5. The Body Suffers When I’m Gone
H. Does It Matter When One Is Gone, One Is Left
1. Kidney, Eye, Lung
2. Purpose To Fit Or To Be Pleased
3. Is Equal Treatment The Way To Go
4. God Has A Purpose
I. 1 Cor 12:17 If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be?
1. Putting Parts Where They Do Not Belong
2. The Foot To See How It Smells
3. The Mouth To Listen To The Music
J. 1 Cor 12:18 But in fact God has arranged the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be.
1. The Liberation In Life And Ministry
2. Desire Gifts-But Question Motives
3. We All Have An Obligation
4. No One Can Be A Better You Than You
5. You Are Equipped To Be A Starter
6. Go Get In The Game
7. Called To Work Together.
Sermon Outline Pastor Rick 4/18/2001 GNLCC
Spiritual Gifts--The Call To Work Together
Psalm 133 Philip 2:1-16 Text 1 Corin 12:1-26
A. A Wonderful Sunday Afternoon Drive
1. The Music, The Plans, The Drunk Driver
2. The Embankment, The Flip, The Broken Bones
3. The Prayer--Lord Please Send Somebody
4. Race, Education, Weight, Right Shoes
5. Hygiene, Good Looks--Not Who I Hang With
6. God Could You Please Send
7. Well Deserving Of Death
B. Prejudice And Arrogance Go With Peace/Safety
1. All Can Be Humble In A Time Of Need
2. About To Be Jumped When 3 Strangers Appear
3. It Does Not Matter….Thank You Jesus
4. Christians Forget The Battle In Progress--
5. Your Enemy The Devil--Seeks Someone
6. Spiritual Wickedness In High Places
7. Luxury Of Turning Against Each Other
8. Lesson From WW II--Black, White, Germans
9. Fought Side By Side Until We Came Home
10. Train Stops In The South
11. Only Peace Allows Luxury Of Prejudice
C. In The Church--Peace Illusion- Guerilla Warfare
1. Sit And Eat By Day--Shoot By Night
2. Two Faced--Back Stabber--
3. Instead Of Targeting Satan….Turned Against
4. Corinthian Believers Declared Independence
5. It’s My Thing, As Long As I’m Not Hurting
6. I Got A Right To Do, To Be, To Not Use My..
7. Christian Right--Right To Be Obedient To God
8. The Right Always Present--Satan Is A Liar
D. Getting Rid Of Prejudices Over Spiritual Gifts
1. My Gift Makes Me More Spiritual
2. Appreciating Those In The Background
3. Rejoicing With Those Who Are Lifted Up
4. The Goal--To Please Jesus Christ--Defeat Satan
E. 1 Cor 12:12 The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ.
1. We Are Part Of Something Much Larger …
2. To See Part Is To See Whole, But To Not See
3. See My Leg, Did You See Me?
4. Body Transcends Nations, Culture, Time
5. Church Full Of Hypocrits?? Expect Same
6. Alone Late At Night, Racist Neighborhood
7. 5 Guys In Leather With Spiked Hair
8. Would It Help If They Were Coming…
9. We Expect All To Be Transformed
10. Unity From Touch Of Christ
F. 1 Cor 12:13 For we were all baptized by one Spirit into one body--whether Jews or Greeks, slave or free--and we were all given the one Spirit to drink.
1. Paraphrased--Designer Clothes, Location, # of
Talents, Beauty, Race, Age, Posessions
G. 1 Cor 12:14 Now the body is not made up of one part but of many.
1. God Insists On Diversity--Fish, Mountains,
Trees, People
2. Churches, Gospel, Classical, Hymns, Choruses
3. Problem With Diversity Is Diversity
4. Spiritual Gifts Produce Diversity Problem
5. Nursing Home Ministry--Preach To Thousands
6. Problem Of Gift Exaltation
7. Pray For Change, For Gift, For Right Reason
H. Was The Judge Fair--- 3 Years In Prison
1. Screwdriver, Million Dollars, Candy Bar
2. Looking At Circumstances
3. God Knows Circumstances Best Of All
4. Why God Made Me, Why God Made You
5. Accept Or Risk Attitude Envy Problem
I. The Problem Of Joe Foot & Bob Hand
1. Joe And Bob --A Lot In Common
2. Twins, Five Things, Colors, At The End
3. Uh-Oh Bob Has Two Many Privileges
4. Joe Foot Starts Mutiny With Sam Foot
5. Look At The Attention--I’m Out Of Here
6. Sam Doesn’t Get It--Joe Shuts Down
7. No Life--Gangrene-Amputation
8. Problem Of Envy
9. Foot Has A Job--Pounding, Running, Etc.
10. Humble Ourselves Y Be Thankful
11. The Temptation To Want To Increase
12. Well What Did They Think Of Me
13. John The Baptist--Watch Out Brother
14. He Must Increase And I Must…..
Sermon: Spiritual Gifts--The Call To Wrok Together
Scripture Reading Psalm 133, Philippians 2:1-16
RR 684 Spiritual Gifts
There’s A Sweet Sweet Spirit
Take My Life And Let It Be
They’ll Know We Are Christians
All Glory To God
Make Us One
Face To Face
There’s No Greater Love Than Jesus
Great Is The Lord