-------Easter changes everything
Black Friday to Good Friday
ordinary grave to the empty tomb
weeping women-to the first messengers of the goodnews
peter-to the man who preached at Pentecost
Doubting Thomas-my lord and my god
Sabbath-to Lords day
fearful disciples to 11 men who changed the world
religion into a relationship
-----Easter changes the way we look at death
(1Cor. 15:19)
death where is thy sting. grave where is they victory
Christian funerals are celerations of hope
-----Easter changes the way we look at life
(1Cor. 15:32)
Life makes no sense if this is all there is
suffering makes no sense outside the resurrection
The injustices of this world are meanignless outside fo the resurrection
If this is all there is, lets just eat, drink and be merry
2 Cor. 4:16-5:1--this life is temporal--sufferings are not to be compared...
Your good illustrations will make this sermon.