Summary: We are called to consecrate ourselves, becaue the Lord is going to do amazing things amongst us.

Consecrate Yourselves

Joshua 3:5

2 Cor. 7:1

I. What is consecration

A. Devoting of one’s self

1. Honor the Lord - Seek those things that glorify Him

a. Words - Titus 2:8

b. Actions - John 3:21

c. Praise - testimony of praise

2. Become imitators of Christ - 2 Cor. 3:18


b. share God’s plan for all men

c. reach out to those who are hurting

d. humility

e. prayer

f. servantship

B. To make clean - Psalm 119:9

1. Be set apart - Psalm 4:3

a. turn from traps and pitfalls

b. take the high road in all circumstances

c. not allowing your actions to bring shame upon the

name of the Lord - James 1:21

d. physically and spiritually

2. Allow the Spirit to point out areas of cleansing

a. Regular sin inventory - Psalm 32:5

b. When revealed, confess, repent and move away

c. Humble yourself -Psalm 51:5-7

III. The results

A. God has promised to do amazing things among you

B. Freedom of the Spirit to work through you

C. A closer walk with God

D. The light of Jesus is not dimmed by the darkness of sin

E. Christ becomes the central focus of your life