“A Pitcher of Water”
Text: Luke 22:7-18
I want us to focus on verse 10.
What I find interesting is that the man who was to meet Peter and John was to be bearing a picture of water.
This man could have been bearing something else or involved in a number of activities.
I believe that there are no accidents with God.
I believe that it was no accident that the man Peter and John were to meet would be bearing a pitcher of water.
If we examine the ministry of Jesus Christ we will find throughout His ministry that water is strongly connected with our Saviour and presents many wonderful pictures and types.
This morning I would like us to examine some of those instances where water plays a part the ministry of our Lord.
I. The Water of Submission – Mt. 3:13-17
Jesus public ministry began with His baptism by John, the Baptist.
Jesus said that He came to do the will of the Father.
Here at His baptism begins a ministry of 3 ½ years that will always be in submission to the will of the Father.
A ministry that will end with Jesus being obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.
The Water of Miracles – John 2:6-9, 11.
We see manifested by one of commonest elements found on this earth, water.
Our Saviour’s omnipotence.
The changing of the water into wine showed our Lord to be all powerful.
A power reserved only for the Creator, Himself.
The Water of the Physical Birth – John 3:1-7
Our Lord explains to a religious Jew named Nicodemus how a man can enter into the Kingdom of God.
And it is not by our natural birth, “born of water”
But by the Spirit of God.
The Water of Life – John 4:5-15
Jesus makes a contrast between earthly water that will leave you unsatisfied - with - living water, the water of everlasting life that satisfies the thirsty soul forever.
My dear friend , Jesus is the only source that you can receive this living water.
He invites all – “Whosoever will, let him take of the water of life freely.”
If you have never come to the water of life, won’t you come today and be saved.
The Water of Spiritual Rivers – John 7:37-39
Jesus promises to all that believe on Him an indwelling Holy Spirit – “rivers of living water”.
The Water of Humility – John 13:12-16
By the washing of the Apostles feet Jesus teaches us a great lesson on humility.
Jesus through His example of foot washing teaches us how we should treat one another and others.
Just as He came not to be ministered unto but to minister to others so are we to do the same.
If Jesus humbled himself in His service to others should we do any less.
The Water of Sacrifice – John 19:31-37
V. 34 – Blood and Water came out of the side of the Saviour.
Our Lord had poured out His life for us at the cruel cross of Calvary so that our sins could be forgiven.
So, that Heaven could be our home.
God sacrificed His only begotten sinless Son to save sinners from a literal eternal burning hell.
The Water of Cleansing – Ephesians 5:25-27
The Word of God here is pictured as water.
Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is doing something to the church right now so she will be spotless then at the marriage of the Lamb – Rev. 19:7-8.
He is washing the Body of Christ with a kind of water which is “by the word”
In the context of the passage, the Word of God is saying that husbands should minister the word to their wives to keep them clean.
A man takes care to keep his own flesh clean and therefore he should minister to his wife.
Just as in John 13 when our Lord washed the feet of the disciples, he was not only teaching humility but also that they should minister the word to each other to clean each other.
We should do the same to each other as members of the body of Christ.
We have seen this morning of the importance of water in the ministry of our Lord.
The Water of Submission
The Water of Miracles
The Water of the Physical Birth
The Water of Life
The Water of Spiritual Rivers
The Water of Humility
The Water of Sacrifice
The Water of Cleansing