Overcoming Your Spiritual Handicap
Luke 5:17-26
1. Recognition of need
verses 18-19
Hungry peopole find food. God hungry people find God.
2. Knew where to go.
verse 18--"to lay him before Jesus"
3. Removed something.
verse 19--Example of repentance. Something must be removed from our lives and it is the desire to go our own way. We don’t have to clean up our acts first but we must have the desire to turn from self and to turn to God. This turning is repentance.
4. Exercised faith.
verse 24--"get up, take your map and go home"
free will---something his friends couldn’t do for him.
exercise of faith
This is a simple sermon that once again lay the basics of salvatin before our people. One must recongnize our need first; Romans 3:23; With this need we must know where to go;
John 14:6; Acts 4:12; We must repent and believe the gospel. That’s what Jesus came preaching. No one is saved unless they have a desire for a new life. With that desire comes a corresonding desire to leave the old life. God wants to see that repentance. After that we must believe and thats always in Scripture some way to tanglibly exercise our faith. There was one thing his friends could not do for him, and thats believe.
This is very easy preaching that continues to keep the basics of salvation at the forefront of our message.