Matthew 21:1-11 (READ)
Today, on "Palm Sunday," we celebrate Jesus’ triumphal ride into Jerusalem. It was such a joyful occasion. People cheered. They threw down their robes in front of Jesus in a show of honor. Children ran and played and laughed in the streets. Young and old waved palm branches and cried, "Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!" For the disciples, it had to be the high point of their time with Jesus. No doubt, they had to be thinking, "This is it! This is the moment we’ve all been waiting for! The people are ready to make Jesus their King and we will reign and rule with him!"
Who could have ever dreamed that just a few short days later, the crowd would be crying out, "Crucify Him!" and agreeing to kill the man they had called their King on a Roman cross for crimes he did not commit. And Jesus let it happen, even though he was the Son of God. He willingly gave up his life so that you and I could be pardoned for our sins. He was, Paul said in Philippians 2:7-8 - " very nature God....but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death - even death on a cross!"
Jesus’ first ride didn’t last too long. It was a fleeting moment of glory on His way to the cross. The cheers turned to hateful cries. "If you are the Son of God, save yourself!" "He saved others, but he cannot save himself." And the man who was "king for a day" suffered and bled and died. It was all a part of a Master Plan. John 3:16-17. The Jewish people would not accept Jesus as their Messiah even though he fulfilled all of their prophecies about a suffering Savior who Isaiah said would, (Isaiah 53) "Be wounded for our transgression, bruised for our iniquities. The chastisement of our peace was upon him, and by his stripes we are healed. We all like sheep have gone astray. We have turned every one to his own way, and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all."
No, the first time Jesus rode, he rode into town as a suffering Savior, sent to redeem fallen man. He rode in but carried a cross out. He had a hero’s welcome but died a criminal’s death. But how many of you know that Jesus is going to ride again?!? The next time Jesus rides, he will fulfill Isaiah’s second set of prophecies concerning the Messiah. Isaiah 9:6-7 - "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government shall be upon his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end. And he shall reign over the house of David forever...."
The next time Jesus rides, things will be quite different. He will no longer be a reluctant King riding on a donkey. He will come in the clouds with great glory as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords - not as "king for the day," but as "King for all time and eternity." He’s coming on a white horse, carrying a sword. A crown on his head and fire in his eyes. And he’s coming to rule and reign! We’ve read the account of Jesus’ first ride. Now let’s read about "The Next Time Jesus Rides!"
The scene we’re about to read comes chronologically at the end of the Great Tribulation at the Battle of Armageddon. The Rapture of the Church has already taken place and a great number of Tribulation Saints (those who accept the Lord during the Tribulation) have gone to be with the Lord. Revelation 19:11-21 (READ)
manifestation - 1: readily perceived by the senses and esp. By the sight. 2: easily understood or recognized by the mind: OBVIOUS 3: making evident or certain by showing or displaying
The next time Jesus rides, he will come in a different MANIFESTATION. It will be a NEW REVELATION. He’s going to be the same but he’s going to LOOK DIFFERENT.
The next time Jesus rides, there will be no doubt about who he is. It will be obvious. All who see him will know he is the Lord. Let me show you what I’m talking about by taking a look at the contrast between the Jesus who rode into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, and the Jesus we’re going to see "the next time Jesus rides."
The First Ride The Next Time Jesus Rides
* in poverty, the son of a carpenter * in riches, the Son of the Living
(poor by earthly standards) God (son of the King)
* simple clothes - the clothes of a * priestly robes, magnificent in
commoner splendor & beauty. A robe dipped in blood, signifying that he gained his position and authority by the shedding of his own life’s blood.
* no crown - a title with no crown. * "..on his head are many crowns."
Only crown he would wear would Multiple crowns signifying his ulti-
a crown of thorns. mate authority over every king and kingdom.
* plain looking. Isaiah 53: 2b - "He * "In majesty, he will come!" eyes
had no beauty or majesty to attract of fire, a name above all names,
us to him, nothing in his appearance crowned with many crowns, he
that we should desire him." Will look the part! Everything a
king should be and more! Powerful in his visage.
* eyes of compassion (forgiveness) * eyes like blazing fire (judgment)
* riding a lowly donkey * riding a magnificent white horse
* not recognized. John - "He came * complete recognition. Revelation
unto his own, and his own received 1:7 - "Look, he is coming with the
him not." They denied who he was, clouds, and every eye will see him,
said he was a farce/fake/impostor. Even those who pierced him; and
all the peoples of the earth will
mourn because of him. So shall it be!" You can’t help but recognize him.
* leader with a rag-tag following. * the ultimate leader. Supreme
no army. Surrounded by average commander of the host of heaven’s men. "My kingdom is not of this armies. "The Lord strong and world." mighty," is his name.
* questionable titles. "Blessed is * indelible title. Permanently inscr-
he who comes in the name of the ibed on his robe and thigh: "King
Lord." "Son of David." Jesus - "Son of Kings and Lord of Lords." He is
of Man." Jesus - "Who do the the Alpha and Omega, the first and
people say that I am?" John the B., the last, the beginning and the end.
Elijah, Jeremiah of one of the proph- The name that is above all names.
ets. "Who do you say...?" "Thou art
the Christ, the Son of the Living God."
Liar, lunatic, Lord.
The next time Jesus rides, he’ll be everything the Jews wanted him to be and more. But they’ll wish they’d never seen him. This manifestation, this revelation - this look at Jesus is one that those in opposition to him will look upon and tremble. The simple carpenter’s son is coming back, and the next time he rides, he’ll ride as "King of Kings, and Lord of Lords." If you think Jesus was something when he came the first time, wait until you see him ride the next time!!! "Every eye will see him!" and they’ll all know in an instant, "He’s the Lord." The whole earth will tremble at the sight of him.
He’s going to ride again, and it’s going to be awesome! You’d better meet the compassionate Savior while you’ve got the time because believe me when I say, you don’t want to meet the King with fire in his eyes! One of these days, he’s going to ride again. Will you be with him, or against him the next time Jesus rides?
He’s going to ride again, and when he does, there will be NEW RULES. The next time around, Jesus is going to ACT DIFFERENT than he did the first time. He’s going to have a different way of doing things.
Let me show you what I’m talking about.
The First Ride The Next Time Jesus Rides
* came in humility as a servant. * will come with power & auth-
Said things like, "He who would ority. He will ride "with a sharp
be great must be the servant of all." Sword coming out of his mouth
"Turn the other cheek." "When with which he will strike down
someone wants you to go 1 mile, the nations." "He will rule with
go 2." "If someone take your cloak, an iron scepter." He will kill all
give them your tunic as well." Came those who stand in opposition to
riding a donkey. humility. Him. White horse. authority.
* man of peace. Jesus willingly * man of war. Jesus is going to
laid down his life. "He could have fight. He’s going to come as a
called 10,000 angels, but he died mighty warrior, dressed for battle
alone for you and me." No one who dares oppose him
will be left standing.
* gave us all a chance. * your chances will all be over.
"Today is the day of salvation." "The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love." But the next time Jesus rides, he’s going to mean business. Some people have the false impression that God has gone soft on sin. Those people are in for a rude awakening when the King comes riding on his white horse at the end of the age. There will be no more second chances then. From the cross, the Son of God cried, "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do." But this time, when he comes, the time for forgiveness will be no more.
I’m telling you, on this Palm Sunday, that Jesus is going to ride again, and when he does, he’s going to LOOK DIFFERENT and ACT DIFFERENT than he did the first time around. He’s going to mount up, and we’ll see DIFFERENT MANIFESTATION, DIFFERENT METHODS. The King is coming, and the next time Jesus rides, the world will see a NEW REVELATION, NEW RULES. Whose side are you on today? He’s going to ride again, and woe to those who stand in his way!
He who will ride upon the white horse will come, and when he does, there will be NEW RESULTS. The next time Jesus rides he’s going to LEAD DIFFERENT than the first.
The first time Jesus came, he continually frustrated those who knew him best because they knew he had all this power, but he didn’t use it the way they felt he ought to. They wanted him to overthrow the Roman government, set up a throne, and establish a kingdom that would never end. They did not understand his first mission. They wanted him to do what he’s going to do the next time he rides the first time he rode, but he couldn’t. He wouldn’t. He was a man on a mission. It was a mission that he and his father God had been planning since the foundation of the world.
Let me show you once again, what I’m talking about. Let’s compare the difference between Jesus’ first mission, and his second.
The First Ride The Next Time Jesus Rides
* to redeem. His mission state- * to reign. Isaiah - "And he shall
ment: "The Son of Man came to reign forever and ever..."
seek and to save that which was
* to die. He died, but death could * to live forever. Revelation 1:18
not hold him! He rose victorious "I am the first and the last. I am
over death, hell and the grave. He Living One; I was dead, and
defeated death, once and for all. behold I am alive for ever and
"He that believeth in me, though ever! And I hold the keys of
he were dead, yet shall he live!" death and Hades." Jesus took
"To be absent from the body is to Satan’s best shot and won. He
be present with the Lord." "Where took out death’s stinger and He
O death, is your victory? Where, O comes, not to die, but to live
death is your sting?" (Illustr. - forevermore.
Jesus took the stinger out...bee
sting story. Father and daughter.)
* to a cross. Gave up his glory. * to a kingdom. To the living,
"Humbled himself unto death, unshakeable Kingdom of God.
Even death on a cross." "He shall reign forever and ever."
"Of the increase of his govern-
ment and peace there will be no
end. He will reign on David’s
throne and over his kingdom,
establishing and upholding it
with justice and righteousness
from that time on and forever."
- Isaiah 9:7
* he rode alone. It was a solo act. * we’ll be riding with him! "The
It was something only he could do. Armies of heaven were following
He’s the only sinless man who ever him, riding on white horses and
lived. He went to the cross alone. Dressed in fine linen, white and
clean." - Rev. 19:14.
The first time Jesus rode, the disciples and those who were for him walked along behind him. The next time Jesus rides, we’ll be riding with him as a part of the army of heaven! There’s only one way to enlist in that army: by accepting the shed blood of the suffering Savior. You can’t participate in his second mission if you refuse to accept what he did in his first mission. You can’t reign with him then if you don’t let your sins die with him now. You won’t ride with him in the future, if you haven’t bowed your knee to him in the present. Are you ready to ride? If this were your last opportunity, would you be ready to meet the Lord?
He’s going to ride again. Different MANIFESTATION, different METHODS, different MISSION. When he comes on a white horse in the clouds, the world will see a new REVELATION of Jesus, with new RULES, and new RESULTS.
The King is coming. Which side will you be on the next time Jesus rides?