Summary: Loving others is to put them first or before yourself.



It never ceases to amaze me the popularity of tabloid magazines, talk

shows, gossip columnists and celebrity magazines. It seems to me that our

society is obsessed with needing to know dirt on people who are famous.

Time after time, our public flocks to book stores to buy the latest "tell

all" book. Why do we do that? Why do we enjoy reading that kind of stuff?

What is it in human nature that makes us feel better when we can bring

other people down with a bit of gossip? The answer is obvious. The answer

is the word "envy." I guarantee you, if you make your mark in the world,

there will be someone who will be trying to erase that mark with a scandal.

We began a series three weeks ago on Chapter 13 of I Corinthians. This

chapter is chocked full of advice on how to build strong relationships. So

far, we have preached on Following the Way of Love, How to Develop

Patience, and Looking for the Bxest in Others. As we once again look at

verse four, we find it defining what love is. It says, "Love does not envy

. . . "

What is envy? Envy is different from jealousy. Jealousy says, "I want what

you have." Envy says, "I not only want what you have, but I also want you

to lose it." Envy can show up in any kind of relationship. Can envy show up

in a family? Sure it can. The Bible is full of sibling rivalries: Cain and

Abel, Esau and Jacob, Joseph and his brothers. There were at least two sets

of brothers in the disciple band. They argued over who would be number one.

Can envy show up on the job? Absolutely. Salesmen can envy other salesmen.

Doctors can envy other doctors. Preachers can envy the pastor down the


Can there be envy at school? Of course. This past year, students spent a

lot of their energy comparing clothes, cars, boy friends, grades, athletic


Can you have envy among friends? Sure you can. You may envy the fact that

they have a nice house or car. You may envy the fact that it seems they do

not have problems with their kids. You may envy the ease with which they

succeed. It can happen.

We are all touched by envy. The whole advertising industry is based on

creating envy among friends. We will hock our future to keep up with the

Joneses. It can get to be a vicious cycle.

I want us to look first at how envy messes up our lives.


1. It starts fights and quarrels

Read with me James 4:1, "What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don’t

they come from our desires that battle within you?" James tells us that

conflict comes from our inner desires. Do you remember playing King of the

Hill? There was only room for one man at the top. Adults still play that

game. We are more subtle about it; but, we also do it more lethally. We

claim to be King of the Hill by the things we buy, the clothes we wear and

the neighborhood we live in, even by the color of our credit card.

Envy is one of the major conflicts of marriage. "You pay more attention to

your job than you do to me." "You make more money than I do." "You get to

go play golf." "Why is it always your job that determines where we live?"

Envy causes fights and quarrels.

2. It causes malice

Read with me Titus 3:3, "At one time . . . we lived with malice and envy,

being hated and hating one another." Envy is the shortest road to problems.

It always causes problems. We resent other people because we are envious.

We envy their achievement. "I should have gotten that promotion."

We envy other people’s beauty. "I don’t understand why God made other

people look like they walked out of GQ Magazine and made me like this."

We can even envy other people’s spirituality. "He and God must be like

that." "I don’t understand why God seems to bless him and I can’t seem to

get God’s attention." That is envy.

In James 3:16, "For where you find envy . . . there you find disorder and

every evil practice." Circle the word "every." It is saying that if you are

green with envy, you are ripe for the devil to use. Envy can lead to all

kinds of other sins. Joseph’s brothers were envious of him and they sold

him into slavery. Saul was jealous of David and tried to kill him. We were

all amazed when we read in the paper that a cheerleader was envious over

another girl getting the cheerleading position and tried to kill her. It

all begins with envy.

3. It makes me unhappy

Proverbs 14:30 says, "A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy

rots the bones!" He is saying that envy is to your soul what cancer is to

your body. Envy will eat you alive if you are not careful. When you are

envious, it feeds on resentment to the point that it becomes obsessed with

the competition.

You cannot be happy and envious at the same time. One of the great secrets

to happiness for you is to learn to eliminate envy from your life. In the

moments that we have today, I want to help you understand how you can

eliminate envy from your life.


1. Don’t compare yourself to others

2 Cor 10:12 ( NIV ) We do not dare to classify or compare ourselves with some who commend themselves. When they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are not

Read with me II Corinthians 10:12, "We do not dare classify or compare

ourselves (to others) . . . ." The verse further says to do that is unwise.

Why? Because we are all different; and comparing is the root of all envy.

Someone has said, "Nothing makes your car older faster than your neighbor to get a brand new one." The truth is that you get in trouble when

you begin to compare.

Gal 6:4 ( NIV ) Each one should test his own actions. Then he can take pride in himself, without comparing himself to somebody else,

Gal 6:4 ( NRSV ) All must test their own work; then that work, rather than their neighbor’s work, will become a cause for pride.

In Galatians 6:4 it says, "Each can take pride in himself, without

comparing himself to somebody else." The truth is that when you compare

yourself to others and think that you got short- changed, then you are

telling God He made a mistake in making you. I don’t think God makes

mistakes. Instead of looking around and comparing, ask God what He wants

you to do with what He gave you. Don’t measure your worth by someone else.

You see, envy is a choice.

2. Acknowledge your uniqueness

Why? Because envy is an expression of inferiority. Envy is caused by low

self-esteem. That is the real problem. When we have low self-esteem, we

feel threatened by people who are prettier, or better looking, than we are,

by people who seem to have more personality, more education, etc. God tells

us not to do that. Acknowledge your uniqueness.

I have discovered when people have low self-esteem, no matter how much love

or attention you give them, it is not enough. The moment you change your

focus off of them, they get envious. If we can ever deal with our

insecurity, we can conquer envy.

How do we do that? The Bible tells us to see ourselves as God does. Psalm

139:13 says, "You created my inmost being; you knit me together in my

mother’s womb." God made us. There is nobody in this world just like you.

It does not matter if you are an identical twin, God has made you unique.

When you get to heaven, I guarantee you that God is not going to ask you,

"Why weren’t you more like Moses?" He will not ask you, "Why weren’t you

more like Dennis Rodman?" He will ask you, "Why weren’t you more like I

made you?" "I made you to be you. What was wrong with that?"

Stop trying to be someone else. Life’s satisfaction comes from discovering

who you are and letting God develop that person into maturity.

Listen. God not only made you unique; He also has a one-of-a-kind plan for

your life. Read with me Psalm 139:15-16, "Your eyes saw my unformed body.

All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them

came to be." Now listen to me. This is not saying that everything that

happens in your life is God’s will. It is not. That is why we pray, "Thy

will be done on earth as it is done in heaven." If it were always done, we

would not have to pray. It does not say that everything in my life is good.

I could kill myself. That would not be good or God’s will. God is able to

take everything, even the bad, and make good out of it.

Now, if God has a plan, and if I am unique, then all of us are a "ten" in

some area of our lives. You are a "ten" in some area of your life. It does

not matter what anybody else thinks. If God thinks you are great and He

does, then it does not matter what others think. Listen, most of us are bad

at most things we attempt. It does not matter. What matters is, what I am

"good at." Magnify that. Acknowledge your uniqueness.

3. Be satisfied with what you have

In Ecclesiastes 6:9 (GN) it says, "It is better to be satisfied with what

you have than to be always wanting something else." Do you find that to be

true? We all would be better off if we stopped focusing on what we don’t

have and started focusing on what we do have.

Would you agree with me that the desire to acquire is out of control? The

truth that seems to be hard for us to understand is the truth that we

cannot buy happiness. We all need to stop and ask ourselves: "When is

enough, enough? When do I stop spending on myself and start thinking about


One of the things about envy is that it causes us to project our problems

to other people. "The reason I am unhappy is because you are so good

looking." "The reason I am miserable is because you are more successful

than I am."

Read with me Philippians 4:11, "I have learned to be content whatever the

circumstances." Underline the word "learned." It is not natural to be

content. Especially in America because we are taught to be discontent.

What do we have to learn? One of the things we must learn is that we

already have more than we deserve.

4. Respond to others in love

Why? Because love does not envy. In Matthew 22:39 it says, "Love your

neighbor as yourself." Why does He say that love is an antidote to envy?

Because love is happy when other people are blessed. Love wants the highest

good for other people. Love gets excited when other people succeed. Love

enjoys seeing other people being blessed.

Notice Romans 12:15, "Rejoice with those who rejoice; weep with those who

weep." That verse is the exact opposite of envy. Envy rejoices when other

people have a bad time and weeps when other people are blessed. God says,

"No, that is not what you do. You rejoice with those who rejoice and weep

with those who weep." That is how you build healthy relationships.

Let me ask you. Do you ever have a hard time handling the success of

others? Sure you do. We all do. We all have our moments when we ask why.

Why do they get to go on vacation when I can’t? Why did he get the

promotion when I didn’t? Why did she get married and I am still single? How

can they lose that weight and I can’t? Do you know what envy is? Envy is

resenting God’s goodness to other people. It is based on a misbelief that

your success means my failure. Listen. God has enough goodness for

everyone. He does not play favorites. So, you respond to others in love.

5. Refocus on pleasing God

Read with me Colossians 3:2, "Set your mind on things above, not on earthly

things." What is he telling us? He is telling us to look at life from God’s

point of view. Recognize that material things are only temporary. Refocus

on the things that are going to last for an eternity. Focus on the things

that are going to count.

What will count? Loving, knowing, serving God. So set your mind on the

things from above. When I focus on the fact that I am unique and that God

has a plan for my life, all of the other competition does not matter. Why?

Because I am no longer competing with anyone else because I am unique.

If you have ever said, "I have got to have something to be happy." Do you

know what the Bible calls that? It calls that idolatry. If you think you

must have something to be able to live, then you have your life out of

focus. You are setting yourself up for envy, because it can be taken away

from you. You can lose your family, your possessions, your health. The only

thing that cannot be taken away from you is your relationship to God. And

that is the only thing that you need to be happy on this earth and for


So, the antidote is to be so focused on God’s plan for your life, that you

cannot be bothered with envying what other people are doing because you are

focused on God. Notice this final verse in Proverbs 23:17, "Do not let your

heart envy sinners, but always be zealous for the reverence of the Lord."

Being envious of the things that we do not have shows a lack of respect for

God’s working in our lives.