The Church of the Lord Jesus Christ is soon to be leaving here. As you look at the scriptural conditions and social confusion of today, one must surely come to the conclusion that it is not long untill the Lord comes after His Church. Let’s look at a few things that lets us know of this sure truth.
1. The Church Apostacy..( apostacy is rejection of revealed truth ). look at those who rejected truth= pharoah,thief on cross,pharisees and saducees,Felix,Agrippa,Demas,and many today.
a. thru abundance...rev.3:17...rev.18...ezek.16:49..
it seems as though the more we get the less thankful we are...
b. their adultery...( social and spiritual )...
union with the worldly things...lovers of pleasure more than God...taking man’s teachings over the Word of God...
c. their appointments...( denominations have ,especially in last ten years, ordained persons who are living a life-style that the Bible condemns..those who are not biblically that their attendance can be admired by other parties.
God’s Word still gives us the Church the guide-lines for the Church officials.
2. The Commerce Arena...revelation.18:12-14....assc. and organizations today have influence in the world economy...
a. the world-wide markets...revelation.18:11...wall st. is not only a place but a system that effects global economics..thru the telephone,internet,catalogs,or a broker you can purchase or participate in world exchanges.
b. the world-wide we have the international "peace keeping troops" from all nations thru the U.N., when the anti-christ comes all will be ready for him!
c. world-wide movements..,in religon,in the enviroment,in the international military, intern. money or currency, all is ready for a leader to step-out, which will be the anti-christ.
We see the Church Apostacy on every hand, also we know that today we are dealing with a global economy that includes all in the Commerce Arena, so now let’s look at the:
3. The Christian’s Awareness..revel.17:15,,,18:15..the accumulation os Sins and the answer we will give to the Savior...
a. their loves..2-tim.3:4
b. their looks..2-tim.3:5
c. their labors..2-tim.3:6
d. their learnings..2-tim.3:7
e. their lameness..2-tim.3:2-3..1-tim.4:2
f. the of Laodecia..neither cold or hot...just comfortable where their at!
How close is it to the Appearing of the Lord, just look around you at social events, here and afar, examine your attitude about Christ and the Church He gave His life for and arose again to justify it, and the general consensus of believers today. Yes, it is closer than you think.