Summary: This sermon deals with the rapture from a pre-tribulation viewpoint. Excellent background for the movie Left Behind.

Left Behind

1/28/2001 Genesis 7:11-24 Matthew 24:36-44

Let’s meet Curt. This was Curt’s first visit to the church. Dave had jokingly told Curt, come to my church because not only can you find Jesus, but some of the women are beautiful. Nicole had stood up to give a testimony. The moment Curt saw Nicole, he knew she was the woman for him. Curt continued coming to church, and he and Nicole got together. Nicole made it clear, she was only interested in marrying a Christian. Curt wanted her so badly, he did all the things Christians do, except make Jesus the Lord of his life. He fooled the church, and he fooled Nicole.

The wedding was set. Everybody was excited on the wedding day. Curt could not have looked more handsome standing there with his best man, Dave. The bridesmaid came down the aisles totally in step with their escorts. When Nicole came down the aisle in her beautiful white dress, she looked absolutely gorgeous. Curt had never seen her look so stunningly beautiful.

As she stood there by his side his heart was beating faster and faster. He could hardly repeat the vows as the pastor led him. Then came that moment when the minister said, "I now pronounce you husband and wife." Kurt put his arms around Nicole to give her a kiss that she would remember forever, when it happened. All he had in his arms was an empty wedding dress.

He looked at the minister, and saw only a robe on the floor. He looked at his best man Dave, only to see a Tuxedo covering the tape which marked the spot where Dave had been standing. There were screams from the congregation as people saw clothes and jewelry on the floor all by themselves.

Curt’s eyes looked up at the banner in the church which read, "are you ready to meet Jesus?" Obviously he was not, nor were any of the others who were there who had been Left Behind with him. Jesus had come like a thief, just like he told us he would. Jesus specifically tells us, just like in Noah’s days they will be marrying and be giving in marriage, and the day will come upon them unexpectedly one will be taken and the other left.

We call this event of the removal of believers from the world, the rapture. The rapture is not something any believer is to fear. It serves as a reminder to us that we never know how much time we have left to serve the Lord, nor how much time our unsaved friends or family members may have left. Jesus emphasizes his coming to remind us to stay on track on doing the work and the will of God.

When a thief comes, a thief only comes to take that which is of value. No thief breaks in to steal your dirty laundry or you garbage. A thief comes after that which has value. Jesus is coming after people whose lives have value to him. If you’re saved, you have great value because you have been filled with the priceless Holy Spirit.

Now Jesus speaks of a great tribulation period which is coming upon the earth. The tribulation period described in the book of Revelations lasts for a period of seven years. During the first part of the tribulation period, a world leader will arise on the scene who will bring peace to the entire world. Shortly thereafter war will break out and many people will be killed. The war will be followed by famine and high inflation. The war, the famine, and the plagues will kill over 1/4 of the world’s population. There will be a great earthquake. The sun will grow darker, and meteors will strike the earth. People will seek to hide in mountains and caves.

Seven angels will blow seven trumpets and each blast on the trumpet will result in a plague striking the earth. The first angelic blast leads to hail and fire mixed with blood coming down on the earth which destroys, a 1/3 of all the trees and the green grass. The second angelic blast leads to something like a huge mountain set on fire falling into the sea, and a third of the seas turning into blood killing a third of the animals in the sea, and the destruction of a 1/3 of the ships.

The third angelic blasts leads to a great star blazing like a torch which falls into the rivers. The star is called Wormwood. It poisons the fresh water supply and many people die from drinking the water. The fourth angelic blasts leads to a great decrease in the temperature and in the amount of light we have. A 1/3 or the sun, moon, and stars light and heat will not be available. Electric bills and gas bills will skyrocket if its during the winter.

The fifth angelic blasts leads to a thick smoke out of which come locust with the power of scorpions. They go after everybody who does not have the seal of God on their forehead. The sting of the locust will cause great pain for people for five months. The pain will be so great that people will want to die, but death will not come to them. The locusts will look little horses prepared for battle.

The sixth angelic blasts leads to an army of 200 million. It’s not clear if this is a human army or a demonic army. The army members had fire, smoke and sulfur coming out of their mouths. A third of the people left on earth at this time will be killed by this army. Yet when all of this takes place, the scriptures tell us that people still will not repent and turn their hearts to God.

The seventh angelic blast leads to the declaration that the time has come for Jesus to begin his reign and to judge the dead and reward the saints.

Most bible believing Christians believe in a 7 year tribulation period, but differ on when the rapture will take place. Some believe it will take place before the tribulation, and the position is called pre-tribulation. Some believe Christians will go through the first 3 1/2 years of the tribulation, and the position is called mid-tribulation. Some believe Christians will go through the entire 7 year period of tribulation and that position is called post tribulation. There are some people who believe that the book of Revelations refers to things that have already happened, and they do not expect the rapture to take place at all.

Jesus warns us again and again on the need to be ready when he comes. All Christians agree that He is coming back. There are 318 references in the New Testament to the second coming of Christ. It is going to happen. Jesus spent a lot of time warning us against false prophets who would arise claiming to be Him. There is one who is coming to power in this world who will rival the claims of Jesus Christ. He will be called the Anti-Christ.

When we read the book of Romans, we see that in the end times, there will be a great number of Jews who will come to believe in Christ. Even though the church exists, God is still at work in drawing the nation of Israel to Himself. Ezekial prophesies in chapters 37-39 that Israel’s enemies will launch an all out attack against her, but that God Himself will intervene to save the nation from what should be complete destruction. This attack and deliverance will lead to many unbelievers to come to Christ.

The Anti-Christ will assist in the rebuilding of the Jewish temple on its original site. He will set up an image of himself in the temple. That image will be given the power to come alive and will demand that everybody worship the Anti-Christ. The anti-Christ will claim to be God. A mark of allegiance will be given to all either on their head or on their right hand. Without it a person will not be able to buy or sell anything. That suggests it may have a microchip with information on the person who has it.

Anyone refusing the mark, will have his or her head cut off. Yet the scriptures teach that anyone who receives the mark will face the wrath of God when He sends the plagues upon the earth. They will suffer greatly.

One of my reasons for believing the rapture takes place before the tribulation period comes from 2 Thessalonians 2. In that passage, some believers were afraid that Jesus had already come and taken away the church and the day of the Lord had occured. They thought they had been left behind. Paul teaches, that no, if that had of happened, they would have seen the man of lawlessness, who will exalt himself to the place of claiming to be God.

Now the anti-christ does not come into the world as a religious leader at first. . He comes as a person with hope for the world to bring about world peace. Someone is going to be needed to bring order to the world following the rapture. The world will be looking for a strong leader. The Anit-Christ will be admired for his hunger and desire for peace, but it is all going to be a front. The spirit of the anti-christ is already at work in the world, but Pauls says in verse 2:7, "for the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way." Now we see the power of Satan all around us. But Satan can never do anymore than what the Spirit of God will allow.

The only thing powerful enough to restrain Satan is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit dwells within the body of believers. The only way the Holy Spirit can be removed is to take the believers with Him. This removal of the Holy Spirit would be the rapture, or taking away of the church. Those who do not have the Holy Spirit, would be under the influence of Satanic power.

Once the Holy Spirit is removed, the Anti-Christ gets to rise to power. Not only will he be a great political leader, with time he will also have the spiritual powers of Satan. Verse 9 says, tells us, because of the power of Satan, the Anti-Christ will be able to do all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing. People will perish not because God does not love them, but because they will refuse to believe the truth which will save them. God finally says enough is enough so He sends the people a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lies of the Anti-Christ because they delight in doing wrong.

If you are left behind, the scriptures does teach you can still be saved. It will not be an easy experience because, most believers will give their lives. When believers asked Jesus in chapter 6 or Revelations after the plagues had started, "how long Lord will it be before you do something about those who killed us." Jesus told them, there were still a number of their brothers and sisters who were yet to be killed even as they were.

What’s the danger of waiting till the last minute to get saved. Jesus put it this way, nobody knows when he is coming back. The day you decide to get saved my be twenty minutes after the rapture has taken place. You may say, well if the rapture takes place and I’m left behind, at least I know what to do to get saved. If you’re not willing to give your life to Jesus now, what makes you think you will be able to do it then, knowing that it will cost you your head.? What are you doing now that’s keeping you from Jesus, that will not be as important to you when the believers are gone.

The bible teaches that most of the world is going to be deceived by the Anti-Christ because of the miracles he will be able to do. Causing a statute to come to life and rising from the dead would be pretty convincing to me. Without the power of the Holy Spirit, you will not be able to resist the Anti-Christ’s influence. Plus God Himself has promised to send a spirit of deception so that people will believe the lies of the Anti-Christ.

If you are left behind, most of the people who could help you to grow in the Lord, will be gone. If you are in the church and are left behind, the embarrassment of it will lead some to probably take their lives. If you are left behind, you are going to want to believe that the rapture really did not take place.

What do you think they will say happened on the news? Some will say aliens have abducted people for experiments. Some will say fallout from nuclear testing over the years has caused people to instantly dissolve. Some will say people are in hiding. Some will say a few religious nuts thinks Jesus came and stole people out of the world, but that does not make sense because a lot of the good people are still here.

Being ready to meet Jesus never has and never will be about how good of a person you have been. All of us have hearts that stink before God because of all the things we think about and want to do which are contrary to His word. All of us need someone who can stand in our place and talk to God on our behalf. All of us need someone who will love us enough to say, "God I know that person is guilty, but I’m not, so take my life and let him or her go." The only one qualified to do that is Jesus. Jesus put it this way. I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to God the Father except through me.

The only way we will not be Left-Behind is to know Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. To know Him as our Lord means to give him first place in our lives. Our goal in life is no longer simply to please ourselves, but to live in every situation in the manner he would have us live. It means saying yes to a change in our lives in those areas which are not pleasing to Him. The Bible has given us all the information we need to be ready for the rapture. It is completely left up to you, whether or not you will be left behind.

It will all happen in the twinkling of an eye. The event itself will be silent. Yet noise will be heard around the world which results from millions of people disappearing from their posts all at once. It could happen today, it could happen tonight, it could happen at your game, at your wedding, during math class, or while you’re somewhere doing something you ought not be doing. It could happen while you’re visiting the sick, teaching a class, walking down the aisle as an usher, or as you walk forward to give your life to Christ. Nobody hearing me today, has to be left behind.

The Rapture of the church will be worldwide, for there are true believers in Jesus Christ in every country on earth, and they all shall be "taken." Every country will find itself in turmoil. Each government will have to act as quickly as possible to prevent a wild tide of anarchy and terrorism. Strong measures will be put into effect. Millions of people will suddenly disappear from the face of the earth, including all of the infant children. From all walks of life, and from virtually every phase of life, there shall be people missing. The freeways, subways, airports and streets will be in shambles as many engineers, pilots, bus drivers and a multitude of private car owners shall suddenly be caught up out of this world. It will be many days before they can unscramble the mangled cars, trains and fallen aircraft.

Remaining millions of people will be wailing, dazed and shaken by the event. They shall be frantically striving to locate loved ones in all of the rubble of broken cars and amid broken storefronts and smashed residences. Communications will be greatly disrupted. Many key persons shall disappear and much of the lines of communications that are still above ground will be broken by crashes of cars and aircraft. Distraught and searching, multitudes will jam and overload the communication lines and systems that do remain. Dazed and confused pleas from bewildered men over the "alert" systems will try to bring about some semblance of order. Policemen, firemen and rescue crews will work around the clock. Hospitals will overflow. Emergency shelters and first aid stations will be inadequate. The Red Cross and all other emergency units, plus the army facilities will still not be enough. Opportunists will add to the confusion and the misery by looting and killing. They shall feel that under such a total emergency they can get away with anything. CHAOS WILL BE ON EVERY HAND. -Charles Taylor

Sermon Outline--Pastor Rick

Left Behind 1/28/01 Gen 7:11-24 Matt. 24:36-44

I. Come Along For The Wedding Ceremony--Curt

A. Dave, Come To My Church Jesus & Women

B. Curt Sees Nicole & it Happened

C. Christian Only---A Pretense

D. Wedding Day Happiness--All Is Perfect

F. The Racing Heart, The Vows,

E. Holding The Beautiful White Gown

F. The Minister, The Best Man, The Crowd

G. The Sign "Are You Ready To Meet Jesus

II. The Rapture

A. The Removal Of Believers

B. Not To Bring Fear But A Reminder

C. How Much Time Is Left

D. Thief Comes For What Is Valuable

E. Holy Spirit Increases Your Value

III. The Tribulation Period

A. Jesus Predicts It --Revelation 7 years

B. World Leader To Rise With Peace

C. War--Famine--Inflation--Plagues-- 1/4th

D. Darker Sun--Meteors--Hide Mountains

IV. The Angels Blow The Trumpets:

A. First--Hail, Fire, Blood 1/3 Green

B. Second-- Mountain A Blaze Into Sea 1/3

C. Third-- Star Torch--Wormwood Poison Water

D. Fourth-- 1/3 Of Sun, Moon, Stars Temp. & Bills

E. Fifth--Thick Smoke Locusts--5 Months Terror

F. Sixth --200 Million Army, Fire Sulfur, Smoke


G. Seventh--Declaration Lordship--Judgment

V. The Views On The Rapture And The Tribulation

A. Seven Year Period

B. Pre-Tribulation, Mid Tribulation- Post Tribu-

lation Historical View

VI. Jesus Warning To Be Ready

A. 318 New Testament Verses

B. It’s Going To Happen

C. Warning Against False Prophets-One Is

Coming Called The Anti-Christ

VII. The Nation Of Israel Involved In End Times

A. Romans-- A Great Number From Israel

B. Ezekial 37-39 Prophesies The Attack

C. God Miraculously Intervenes

D. Many Come To Know Christ

VIII. The Anti Christ And His Work

A. Rebuilding The Jewish Temple On Site

B. Building An Image Which Comes Alive

C. Demands Worship And Acceptance Of The

Mark --- Forehead, Right Hand Chip

D. Death Penalty--No Mark--- Wrath With Mark

IX. A Pre Tribulation Viewpoint

A. II Thessalonians 2---Worried Christians

B. Paul Man Of Lawlessness Comes First

C. Political Leader First---World Hungry For

Leadership After Rapture

D. A-C Promises Peace --But Front

E. 2 Th 2:7 For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way.

2 Th 2:8 And then the lawless one will be revealed,

F. Satan Can Do No More Thank God Allows

H. Only Holy Spirit Can Restrain

I. Holy Spirit Removed With Believers

J. Others Under The Influence Of AC

K. Verse 9 Satanic Powers--Miracles, Signs

L. People Perish Out Of Refusal To Believe

M. Verse 11--God Sends A Delusion To Believe

X. If You Are Left Behind

A. Can Still Be Saved--- But At A Price

B. Jesus Says Wait For Others To Join You

C. Danger In Playing Time Game

D. Danger In Playing The Cost Game

E. Danger In Playing The Mind Strong Game

F. Not Easy--Believers Gone, Embarrassment

G. News--Aliens, Nuclear, Rapture

H. Good Folks--Left Behind

I. All In The Same Boat--Stinky hearts

J. All Need Someone To Stand In Our Place

K. All Need Someone Who Loves Us Enough

L. Only Jesus Fills The Bill

XI. What It Means To Know Jesus

A. It Means A Change

B. We Decide To Go Or To Be Left

C. Silent, Twinkling Of An Eye

D. Where Will You Be What Will You Be Doing

E. This Is The Day To Get Ready