Luke 1:5-80
INTRODUCTION: A Recap of Luke’s Introduction (1:1-4)
A. v. 1 - Many had written about the life of JESUS.
B. v. 2 - Eyewitnesses passed one their first hand knowledge of JESUS’ life.
C. v. 3- After careful investigation, Luke set out to write an orderly account of JESUS’
life for his friend Theophilus.
D. v. 4 - Luke’s account was to provide a firm foundation for Theophilus’ faith.
A. Gabriel’s visit to Zechariah. (vv. 5-25)
1. He was a FAITHFUL priest. (vv. 5-10)
* Zechariah = "JEHOVAH has remembered"
* Elisabeth = "GOD is my oath"
* 3 character qualities: upright, obedient, and blameless
* of the division of Abijah, one of 24 priestly divisions each serving 2 weeks a year in
the temple.
* "his lot was to...burn incense", a privilege given to a priest only once in a lifetime,
leading the nation in prayer.
2. He was a FRUSTRATED priest. (v. 7)
* Children are a blessing from God. (Psalm 127:3)
* Childlessness was a source of much sorrow.
+ Genesis 30:1 = Rachael = "Give me children or I’ll die".
+ I Samuel 1:10 = "Hannah wept much..."because she was barren.
* Like Sarah, Elisabeth was not only barren, but also old, beyond the normal child
bearing age.
3. He was a FEARFUL priest. (vv. 11-13)
* The appearance of an angel gripped Zechariah with fear.
* "Fear not" was the angel’s message to Zechariah.
* The angel promised Zechariah an unusual son.
4. He was a FALTERING priest. (v. 18-20)
* Considering his limitations instead of God’s power, he doubted, and asked for a sign.
* The sign given was that he would be speechless until the baby was born.
5. He was a FAVORED priest. (vv. 13-17, 21-25)
* God’s promise was fulfilled when Elisabeth conceived.
* Their son would be "a joy and delight", and he would "be great in the sight of the
* He would be a Nazirite, completely dedicated to God, drinking no wine.
* He would be filled with the Spirit.
* He would turn the hearts of the people to God.
* He would prepare the way for Messiah.
B. Gabriel’s visit to Mary. (vv. 26-38)
1. The ANNOUNCEMENT of Gabriel (vv. 26-28)
* The time: 6 months after Elisabeth conceived
* The place: Nazareth, a small, despised place
* The person: Mary, a virgin, engaged to be married
* The message: "You are highly favored...The Lord is with you."
2. The APPREHENSION of Mary (v. 29)
* She was greatly troubled.
3. The ASSURANCE of Gabriel (vv. 30-33)
* He gave her a blessing: "You have found favor"
* He gave her a promise: "You will be with child"
* Her Child would be a person of"
+ PARDON - "JESUS" = Saviour
+ POWER - "He will be great"
+ PREEMINENCE -"The Son of the Highest"
+ POSITION - "the Throne of David...He will reign"
+ PERMANANCE - "His kingdom will never end"
4. The ASTONISHMENT of Mary (v. 34)
* She was confused. "How will this be?"
* She was chaste. "I am a virgin"
5. The ANSWER of Gabriel (vv. 35-37) His explanation:
* The Spirit = "will come upon you"
* The Son = the "Holy One", "the Son of God"
* The sign = "Elizabeth... is going to have a child"
6. The ACCEPTANCE of Mary (v. 38)
* She surrendered to the will of God.
* She submitted to the word of God.
A. ELIZEBETH - One of only a few aged women to give birth.
1. Her condition was undesirable.
2. Her confidence was undeniable.
3. Her concern was understandable.
4. Her conception was unbelievable.
B. MARY - One and Only. She was:
1. Prophetically Predicted - Isaiah 7:14
2. Greatly Graced - "highly favored"
3. Honestly Humbled -
4. Surely Surprised -
5. Selflessly Surrendered -
6. Beautifully Blessed -
A. JESUS: (vv. 39-56)
1. Elisabeth rejoiced (vv. 39-45) - Her fourfold blessing:
* Mary is blessed - "Blessed are you AMONG women"
* JESUS is blessed - "Blessed is the Child"
* Elizabeth is blessed - "Why am I so favored?"
* Believers are blessed - "Blessed is she who has believed"
2. John rejoiced (v. 44)
3. Mary rejoiced (vv. 46-56)
* 1st verse - (vv. 46-48) She praises God for what He has done for her.
* 2nd verse - (vv. 49-50) She praises God for his character.
* 3rd verse - (vv. 51-53) She praises God for His dealings with the Haughty,
the Humble, and the Hungry
* 4th verse - (vv. 54-56) She praises God for His faithfulness to Israel.
B. JOHN: (vv. 57-80)
1. Elizabeth rejoiced (vv.57-58)
2. Their neighbors rejoiced (vv. 58-66)
3. Zechariah rejoiced (vv. 67-80)
* 1st verse - (vv. 68-69) He praises God for His redemption through a
"horn of salvation".
* 2nd verse - (vv. 70-72) He praises God for His fulfilled promises,
& deliverance from enemies.
* 3rd verse _ (vv. 73-75) He praises God for the privilege of serving Him.
* 4th verse - (vv. 76-77) He praises God for the ministry of his son, John.
* 5th verse - (vv. 78-79) He praises God for the coming of Messiah,
"Rising Sun" (Dayspring).
CONCLUSION: John’s development (v. 80)