Evangelist Cry Ministry
Huger, South Carolina
Dr. Levi Howard Wright, Ph.D.
"Your Help Is On The Way".
TEXT: Psalms 121:1-4, 8
"I will lift my eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth. He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber. Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore".
One day a man took his little son to the top of a high hill. He pointed in every direction -- north, south, east, and west. And he said son, "God’s love is as big as all of this.
The little boy looked at his dad and said "Just think dad, and we are right in the middle of it all. Oh Yeah, God is a great God and His love is a great love and we are right in the midst of it all.
But the trouble with our world today is that men believe in a little God and a big humanity.
Man has tried to take the place of God. With all of man’s inventions and scientific progress he feels that he is outgrowing the Lord.
Man is being glorified and his love for God has waxed cold and God is being pushed into the background.
In Japan the Emperor was once worshipped as a god. The Japanese people knew nothing about our Heavenly Father; they were totally dependent upon the might of men and their arms.
In Germany some years ago Adolph Hitler was a god to the German people. Germans bowed down and worshipped his and his ways of life.
Yes, man is being glorified and God is being forgotten.
But guess what my brothers and sisters God will not be left out, he will be magnified and glorified, even if he have to call on the rocks to give his some praises.
God will make Himself known and felt in all the world and by all mankind.
He is still healing…….
He is still opening the eyes of the blind….
And He is still saving lost souls……
Don’t you know that God is still on the throne. He made all things, and all things still belong to Him and He will reign over all of His creation.
È The Apostle Paul said in Philippians 2:10-11: "That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, those in heaven, those on earth, and those under the earth; And every tongue should confess that Jesus is Lord, to the glory of God he Father."
I once stood on top of Mount Lemon the highest mountain in Tucson, Arizona and I could look many mile in every direction. I was told as I looked that I was looking into several different cities.
My vision spread to such a great distant but I still felt quite small in the presence of the Almighty God.
David must have felt the same way when he said, in Psalms 8:3,4 "I consider the heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou has ordained; What is man that thou are mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visiteth him?"
I. God Is The God Of All Things …….And He Has Things Already Worked Out And Your Help Is On The Way.
In the Gospel According to John he said, in John 1:3 "All things were made by God and without Him nothing was made."
Man can do many wonderful things.
He can make a mighty Aircraft Carrier …..to sail on the seas.
Or a Nuclear Submarine ….to sail under the seas.
Or a Great Aircraft ….to fly above the seas.
Man can build a Skyscraper…. one hundred and two stories high.
He can build Highways from one end of the country to another, with bridges spanning every river and valley.
He can build an Automobile… that will speed down the highway 120 miles per hour.
He can build Radio… that will reach five thousand miles into the air and pluck voices from satellites and send them around the world.
He can build Telephones… of which you can talk from ten thousand miles away.
Yes, man can build many wonderful thing, but all that he build…. he must use God’s pre-existing materials.
When God created the world he made it out of nothing. He created it without the aid of any pre-existing material.
God spoke and….. there was light in the mist of darkness.
He spoke and….. the land was formed.
He spoke and …..the mountains and rivers, and seas came into existence.
He spoke and…. the trees, flowers and grass began to spout up.
He spoke and…. the sun, moon and stars began to glitter in the heavens.
He spoke and….. animals and fowls began to walk and fly around the world.
He spoke and….. fish began to swim in the sea.
Yes, God made and created all thing that are in the world.
And when he looked up on them….. He saw they were good.
But He thought "This is not enough", ……..something is still missing.
And I can imagine that God said well the time has come that….. I must now made my masterpiece.
And God spoke and…. man stood before Him as the masterpiece of creation.
So God made man in His divine image with a mind… body…and soul.
And God gave man dominion over all creation.
Oh we could go on for hours….. talking about the wonders of God’s created man!
Oh don’t you know that if….. God put us over all of His creation that…. He will watch over and protection us from all harm….. hurt….. and danger?
Don’t you know…. He will feed us when we are hunger?
Don’t you know….. He will quench our thirst with ….. eternal living water.
Don’t you know…. He will heal your sick bodies and mend your broken spirits.
He will work things out for you….. if you love him with your whole heart… body…. and soul.
II. God Has It Already Work Out And Your Help Is On The Way.
The Apostle Paul said in Romans 8:28: "And we know that all thing work together for the good to them that love God, and to them who are call according to His purpose."
Church….. this is one of the most blessed promises that the Bible record, but many of us do not believe it.
We don’t believe that God is behind everything, working it out for our good.
Some time we go through hard times, and we cannot understand why the troubles come our way.
But we need to realize and look up into the loving eyes of God and say…. "Lord I Put My Trust In Thee."
Even thou…… I don’t know why troubles has come upon me.
Even thou…… I don’t know what tomorrow may bring.
But I do know that…. "You’re Going To Work It Out For My Good.
Our text today does not say…. that all things will work out for all people.
But… it does say to those who love God … all thing work out for the good.
The promise today is to God Children those who love the Lord and those who are called according to His purpose.
If you’re living in Unrepented sin you can not say, "Things are being worked out for your good.
Things don’t work for your good on the promise of this word…. unless you are loving and living for the Lord.
A Born Again Christian can stand at the casket of a loved one and say good-bye and know that the words of our text today is true.
"All things work for the good of them that love the Lord.
In our hours of deepest sorrow and ….hardest of trials and greatest of temptations, we can know these words are true.
Though we face the hardest things in life, we know that these things cannot change the eternal Word of God.
Out text says "All things" and…. not just some things.
It don’t say the pleasant things and the easy things, it says….. but all things.
We can always see the good things working together for us, but lets look at the bad things working around for our good also.
We cannot see this while bad thing are happening, but some day we will see it.
III. God Has It All Work Out And Your Help Is On The Way.
The Mysteries of Life may Engulf you ….but God has it all work out.
Your Enemies may Assail… you but God has it all.
Your Friends may Desert… you, but God has it all worked out.
Satan may Buffet you and Demons Beset you,….. but God has it all worked out.
Sins may Infest you and Sickness may Weaken you…. but God has it all worked out.
Sorrow may Distress you and Death may Rob you….but God has it all worked out.
Proverty may Threaten you …..but God has it all worked out.
Air Castles may Crumble at your feet, your Dreams may Vanish…. but God has it all worked out.
Your Ship may run on the Reef…. Raging Storms may Sweep down upon you….. but your help is on the way and God has it all worked out.
Dark Cloud may Swallow you…. but all things are working together for your good…. because you love the Lord.
You may not see God working when you’re in your darkest hour and when the demons of hell are all around you.
But when you feel like God has turned His back against you….. He’s still there working things out for you!
When you feel that God’s face is hidden against you….. He’s still busy working things out for you!
If you just hold out until tomorrow everything will be alright.
"There a silver lining behind every dark cloud."
If you just "Hold out" until tomorrow…… you will see the sunshine peeping through the dark clouds, because your help is on the way.
Many people may pick out one bad experience in their life and wave it in the Lord’s face and…. "say see Lord…. I told you its bad.
But God said that when all thing begin to work together….. it is a part of His Divine plan.
Every thing has its proper and divine place and when these things begin to work together….. the results are that they will come out for our good.
A Diamond must be Cut to bring out its Beauty;
Gold must be Refined to bring out its Purity;
A Vine must be Pruned to bear Fruit;
A piece of Clay must be Molded to be make into a Vessel.
So the "Child of God" must be Cut and Refined and Pruned and Molded to be fit for our Master use.
The process may seem hard, but we ought to… always say in our hearts:
Have thine our way Lord! Have thine our way!
Thou art the Potter, I am the Clay.
Mold me and make me after Thy will.
While I am waiting, yielded and still.
Today this old world is in great turmoil.
But, My brothers and sisters, the collective troubles of the world ….. will work out together for the Christian’s good.
Yes, God will work it out and our help is on the way.
It may mean the taking of some of us out of this old world and into heaven….. but God has it all worked out and help is on the way.
Be not in Despair because of the condition of the world.
God has it all worked out and our help is on the way.
"They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall run and not be weary; They shall walk and not faint. (Isaiah 40:31)
Amen, Amen, Amen
My Brothers and Sisters it may seem as if your hope is gone, but there is still hope, because your help is on its way.
Can you ever recall watching an old western movie on television and recall how the wagon train would sometime be surrounded by hostile Indians. And it seemed as if all hope was gone for the wagon train.
Then they would look off to the distant hills and see a dust cloud rising in the sky and they knew then that there was help on the way.
They knew from the distant dust cloud that the calvary was on there way to rescue them.
Soon they could see the great horse soldiers approaching with there sword drawn and they could hear the sound of the bugler’s trumpet as the soldiers rapidly approached the wagon train.
Help was on the way the calvary came to their rescue.
My Brothers and Sisters….Let not your heart be troubled, your help is on its way.
David saided, "I will lift my eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord".
In the times of your Trouble… Desperate… Suffering…. Sickness…. Pain…. Misuse…. Abuse…. and Loneliness….
"Lift your eyes unto the hills. There is help and strength in the hills of the Lord."
One day when I was troubled and my heart was heavy laden.
My soul was heavy burden I was in trouble and did not know which way to turn.
Then I remembered in the Psalms how David cried out unto the Lord in the times of his troubles.
And I then heard the voice of David saying unto me, "Lift your eyes unto the hills, for your help is on the way".
Oh church I began to see a vision of a distant hill.
And as the vision began to get clearer, I could see that the hill was shaped like a man’s skull.
I knew then that I was looking at Golgatha’s Hill , better known as Mount Calvary.
When I looked at Mount Calvary I knew that help was on its way.
As the vision began to get clearer I could see the images of what appeared to be three crosses.
One of the crosses stood out clearly and as I began to focus upon him that hung on the cross.
I could clearly see that it was Mary’s little baby boy who had grown into manhood.
As I looked upon Jesus’ face I heard Him say, "Let not you heart be troubled, your help is on the way.
Then I heard a cry from one of the other crosses saying "Lord remember me when you entered into your kingdom".
Then I heard the voice of Jesus saying to the dying thief on the cross, "Let not your heart be troubled, your help is on the way, "Today you shall be with me in paradise, your help is on the way".
"They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall run and not be weary; They shall walk and not faint. (Isaiah 40:31)