Summary: It is the 23rd Sunday after Pentecost.




Come with me and I will quickly tell you a

story. Two friends sat at a Waffle House kindly and

quietly eating their meals. Fifteen minutes into

eating the meal, one friend noticed a dirty, drunk,

stank, and disoriented homeless man was sitting in a

booth all alone. The friend did not want any of his

double hash browns and offered the man his uneaten

hash browns. The man accepted the offer, ate three

bites of the hash browns, waited five minutes, and

then screamed at the waitress to bring him free food.

The man shouted, “These hash browns are not good

enough for me, I want some hash browns-scattered,

smothered with onions, covered with cheese, and topped

with chili. The friend who gave away the food turned

to the other friend and said, “Look at that dirty

ungrateful bastard, my food was not good enough for

him. People get blessed by God all day long and do

not look up to God and say thank you. Today we will

learn about topics that we truly need to learn

ingratitude and gratitude.


The first point that I want us to see is that

ingratitude is the faith that makes souls lost. Focus

on religion is a way of being ungrateful which leads

to lost souls or misdirected focus. Religion is not

enough to save anybody. There is no salvation in

religion. The Pharisees lived as the strictest and

most religious group of Jews who believed in our God

in Jesus’ days. These folk always went to pray in the

Temple of God. The Israelites in Moses’ days often

held many religious parties and gatherings but our God

Yahweh Elohim often rejected them but the people often

worshipped other little gods instead of worshipping

the one true God. The Pharisee and several of the

Israelites mentioned in these texts concerned

themselves more with show for the outside world rather

than the state of being for their hearts. They were

more concerned with others praising them rather than

praising God for God’s goodness. They became

ungrateful. Ingratitude makes you unfocused or

possess misguided directions. Brothers and sisters I

tell you this time that there be many individuals who

come to church all the time and their hearts are not

in the right place. They want to be seen and heard

rather than hear and see God’s blessings in the

church. You can come to church all you want but if

your focus is not on God and learning what God would

have you to do to become loving and unselfish you are

being ungrateful of God’s goodness. I must admit that

when I started preaching some six years ago I wanted

to hear the roar of a cheering crowd rather than hear

the roar of God’s movements. I held the wrong notions

but God convicted me and changed my heart. Please do

not just come to the church house but take the spirit

of the church house with you when you leave. Let us

go to the next point.


The second point that I want to us see is that

ingratitude is the character that makes one lost. The

Pharisee thought that he was all that because of his

character. He was not a thief. He was not a rogue.

He was not an adulterer. He was not evil like the tax

collector. He stood just as wrong and sinful as

anyone else did however because he was selfish,

arrogant, and self-praising. He pointed fingers at

others and did not even clean himself of his flaws.

Moses reminded the Israelites in the chapter before

chapter ten of Deuteronomy that they were not

righteous enough to enter the promise land for they

had made too mistakes and false judgments but God’s

grace and mercy was moving them into the land promised

to them. Not being thankful to God will cause one to

be stuck on stupid and one’s own character. Good

character is not enough to lead anyone to

righteousness or heaven and let me say that Christians

do not have the monopoly on good character and

morals. I remember when I was fifteen years old and I

tried witnessing to everybody at my high school about

how they needed to be saved. I told others of how bad

they were and how wrong their lives were. I kept

constantly pointing the finger instead of showing the

need to have a relationship with God through the

person of Jesus Christ. I fell flat on my face one

day I realized I was just as dirty as anyone else

was. My life was unfocused and I drew more people

away from the benefits of God than to the benefits of

God. Goodness and morals are not enough to live

repaired, renewed, and recovered lives for God. God’s

grace and mercy exist as what we need to live healthy


The Pharisee and the Israelites in the texts

were misguided because they trusted in religious

observances. The Pharisee went to the Temple often,

fasted twice a week, and gave his tithe. The

Israelites held their holy days, offered their

sacrifices, and held fast to the tradition of their

ancestors primarily the male ancestors. Brothers and

sisters I tell you that being observant of all

celebrations and holy days is not enough to lived

empowered and renewed lives. Sentences such as I am a

Christian, I was baptized, I was baptized here, I

founded this church, I am Pastor, I am Treasurer, I am

the First Row Pew Sitter, I am This and That in this

Church are not enough to live holy. Millions’ lives

lie cluttered, dormant, and depressed because they

trusted in a baptism, christening, confirmation,

sacrament, confession, status, power, or position

rather than saying thank you to God and trusting in

God. Many persons’ very essence of being lie in the

teetering see-saw of life because they have not

addressed their sins i.e. their character defects,

flaws, selfish desires, hidden agendas, darkened and

prejudiced views, addictions, and/or their need serve

people, places, and things rather than serve God. Let

us move to the next point.


The third point is that gratitude is the faith that

leads to better, godly actions. The publican-greedy

tax collector life became recovered, renewed,

restored, and transformed because he took his place

before God as a misdirected person and told God thank

you. The tax collector; dirty, greedy, selfish,

lustful, and scheming as he was, possessed enough

sense to go to God and ask God for help and say thank

you. The tax collector asked to be merciful to him, a

sinner. The man asked God to take look at him and see

him as he was and if God thought to shine grace and

mercy upon him it would be enough for him. The

request stood not for things, wealth, money, or the

luxuries of life but it stood for as one for mercy.

Do we need God’s mercy today? Tell God thank you for

holding you and blessing thus far in spite of our

wrongdoings. Then look let us look at ourselves and

ask God to look at us. Let us admit our sin, admit

our addictions, admit our bondage and become concerned

enough to save our life and God remains faithful and

just enough to repair, renew, and refocus our



The life of gratitude to God is not an easy one, for

it has some requirements for us to follow. God

requires that we fear the Lord our God, walk in all

God’s ways, love God, serve the Lord our God with all

our heart and with all our soul, and keep the

commandments of the Lord our God and his decrees for

our own well being. The life of gratitude—saying

thank you to God requires that we love our enemies, be

kind to the homeless, neglected, abused, forsaken, and

downtraughten. The life of gratitude—saying thank you

to God requires that we worship God, hold fast to God,

and cling to God. Are you ready to tell God thank

you? Are you ready to celebrate the benefits of God?

The road is not easy but it is rewarding if you

continue to trek up the road in spite of bumps,

bruises, scars, and obstacles. Let us tell God thank

you and live the new loving life. AMEN.