A) The very name of Job means persecuted! * Oldest book in the Bible, written by Moses.
* The days of Job were probably about the time of Abraham! * Job was a very wealthy man!
* Numerous children and abundant livestock were symbols of wealth in that day.
B) He had 10 children, 7000 sheep, 3000 camels, 500 yoke of oxen & 500 girl donkeys!
* God richly blessed Job and Job was the greatest of all the men of the East - v.1-3
C) There are some reasons why God allowed Job to suffer!
* The word "suffer" means to have pain, grief or injury, to experience harm or loss.
* I don’t know of anyone who suffered more than Job did other than Christ!
* Let me tell you why God let Job suffer the things that he did:
(1) TO SILENCE SATAN! * v.6-8 God questions Satan! * Rev.12:10 " ... accuser of ..."
* Job is not aware of the fact that a conference has taken place concerning him!
A) In v.7 compared to 1 Pet.5:8 * When do lions roar? * When they’re seeking prey?
* No! They sneak upon them & kill them, then they roar! * Satan is like that!
B) v.8 "Perfect" not in the sense of being sinless, but ... being devoted to God ...!
* "Upright" means straight! * He was morally right with God and man!
* "Feareth God" means reverent! * "Escheweth evil" means to depart, get away from!
C) In v.9-11 Satan answered God! * Job, his family, and property were hedged about
by the special care of God! * The hedge here ... are angels! * Ps.34:7 "The angel ..."
* We may not see the angel that encampeth ... but the devil does!
* Satan cannot get to us until God allows him to!
D) So, in v.12 God turns the devil loose on Job! * v.13 - The suffering begins
* 1st: Loss of property - 7000 sheep, 3000 camels, 500 yoke of oxen & 500 donkeys were
all stolen or burned up with fire from heaven!
* The richest man in the East had, in one day, become bankrupt!
E) 2nd: Loss of family - 7 sons & 3 daughters, all killed by a tornado!
* Now, look at v.20-22! * Job worshipped God, he didn’t get bitter at God!
F) Now, look in 2:4-8 ... Job lost his health! * He was covered with a dreadful disease!
* Satan touched every inch of Job’s body! * His entire body was one big sore!
* If there wasn’t something supernatural about faith in God, Job couldn’t have survived .......!
G) Then, loss of position! * He has been stripped of everything but his life!
* The greatest man of the East has now become the most loathsome object in the East!
H) Loss of sympathy - v.9! * "Integrity" is honesty, upright, sincerity!
* His wife, the only comfort left him, turns out to be a canker!
* She can’t understand faith in God in circumstances like these!
* The devil’s last weight to break the back of Job’s integrity!
I) But v.10, Job kindly rebuked his wife! * Don’t be too hard on her .......!
* Now, here’s my point, Job suffered in order to silence Satan!
* Satan speaks no more after v.7 of Chpt.2! * James 4:7 "Submit yourselves therefore ......."
J) "Submit" means to yield, surrender! * "Resist" means do not yield, do not surrender!
* Don’t give into him! * Satan can’t lead us into sin against our will!
(2) SO JOB MIGHT SEE GOD! * Look at Job 42:5 "I have heard of ... mine eye seeth thee."
* Keep in mind, Job didn’t have the Book of Job to help him understand!
A) So, put yourself in his shoes for a few moments!
* Job could only guess why he was going through so many trials!
* He might not understand why, but he believed in his God!
B) Everyone sees God in suffering! * Some blame God, curse God ,
* Some get angry at God, and some pout and wont talk to God! * Job saw God!
(3) SO JOB MIGHT SEE HIMSELF! * Job 40:4 * Job 42:6
* Suffering will make you look at yourself! * Lk.15:17 "And when he came to himself ......."
A) It will produce humility! * See yourself and be humble!
* Isa. 6:5 "Then said I, Woe is me! for I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips,
and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips: for mine eyes have seen the king, the
Lord of Hosts."
* Look at Job 42:10 * God blessed him with twice as much!
A) v.12 - 14,000 sheep, 6000 camels, 1000 yoke of oxen, 1000 donkeys!
* v.13 - God gave him 7 more sons and 3 more daughters!
B) God blessed him when he prayed for his friends or critics!
A) Satan has been defeated! * He is a defeated foe!
* God allowed Job to suffer for a reason! * He allows us to suffer for a reason!
B) To silence Satan, To see God, To see himself, and Pray for his critics!
* God knows what you’re going through and what the future holds!
* Trust God the way Job did! * James says we have heard of the patience of Job!
C) And that God is very pitiful, and of tender mercy! * God loves us!