Summary: A Salvation Message contrasting Adam’s sin and Jesus’s redemption from sin for us.

Romans 5:12-21

“The Great Contrast”

Adam & Jesus

(powerpoint title page)


As we turn to Romans 5:12-21 lets stand in Gods presence as I read Gods Word.

At the heart of Paul’s letter to the Romans is this section of scripture.

In fact – this passage is the heart of Christianity. I call it “The Great Contrast” because the Bible is teaching us the foundational truths of:

· Why there is death in the world

· Why the world is in the condition it is in and getting worse.

· Why Christianity is so narrow to say that Jesus Christ is the only way to have peace with God and be assured of eternal life verses eternal death.

Here the Bible makes its claims of Original Sin – That all mankind is under sin and completely depraved without God.

Here also though is the message of what God has done about mankind’s condition and what he offers to each of us today.

· Today, many ask the question…If God is so good why doesn’t he do something about the condition of this world?

· It is here in this passage that I can confidently proclaim – He already has! It’s your decision whether or not to accept what He has already done.

The reason why the message of what God has already provided is often rejected by mankind is simple…

· When a man or woman is told that the Bible teaches that man is by nature a sinful being separated from a Holy God. This statement forces he or she to acknowledge their own sinfulness and need for a Savior.

· Many will not acknowledge that simple truth that God has declared and so, in their pride, reject Gods answer to man’s sin problem.

So – what is Gods answer for the condition of the world today? What is Gods invitation to all mankind that will:

· End world hunger

· Eliminate war and violence

· And destroy death itself?

The answer is found here – in the contrast between the first man Adam and Jesus Christ the Son of God.

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I. How we got into the mess we are now in!

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“When Adam sinned, sin entered the entire human race. Adam’s sin brought death, so death spread to everyone, for everyone sinned.”

A. Skeptics sometimes ask, “Was it fair for God to condemn the whole world just because of one man’s disobedience

· The answer is: It was not only fair but it was Wise and Gracious!

· To begin with, if God has tested each human being individually, the result would have been the same for all of us – disobedience.

· But – when God condemned the human race through one man (Adam) God was then able to save the human race through one Man (Jesus)

B.The Skeptic today may then ask…..

“Well, are we really united to Adam back at the beginning of time?”

· The answer again is yes.

· When Adam chose to sin against God – death, sickness and suffering entered the world. God did not originally create the world in this way.

· Adam did not have to commit a “series of sins”. In One Act God tested Adam to give all mankind a choice – and Adam failed!

· God told Adam how far he could go, and Adam decided to go beyond the appointed limit.

Power Point Click Slide 4

(Gensis 2:16-17)

“ But the Lord gave him this warning: You may freely eat any fruit in the garden except fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. If you eat of its fruit, you will surely die.”

C. When Adam sinned death was introduced. Physical Death and even more severe – Spiritual Death.

D. From this point on in the Biblical record we read that Adam and all his descendents died.

· And so we are linked with Adams sin because we too all must die physically one day.

· That’s one of the dear prices of rebellion against God.

This is why the Bible tells us a universal truth in Romans 3:23

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For all have sinned; all fall short of God’s glorious standard

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And again in Romans 6:23

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For the wages of sin is death

(second click for image)

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II. How Does Adams Sin Affect Us?

(click) Adams Sin was Disobedience

(click) Sin Entered the Human Race

New Slide-8 click

(click) Man was cut off from God

(click) A Great Gulf Separates Man from God’s Fellowship.

New Slide 9- Three clicks

Gulf Illustration

New Slide 10-(click)

Adams Sin brought Gods Judgment of Sin (Spiritual Death and Separation from God)

t.s. That’s the Bad news…now Here is the Good News – The Gift God offers everyone Man, Woman and Child!

(PowerPoint Slide 11 –Click)

III. How Jesus Came and Conquered Sin!

A. Paul Gives the Glorious Contrast Between Christ and Adam Verse 14 “What a Contrast between Adam and Christ – who was yet to come!”

· (click)V15 Adam brought death (click)– Jesus brought forgiveness and grace to all!

· (click slide 12) V16 Adam brought judgment

(click) – Jesus brought Gods Free Gift of being accepted by God even though we are guilty of many sins.

· (click slide 13) John 3:16

(Slide 14 4 clicks) The Bridge

Jesus death on the cross bridged the gap that separated sinful mans condition with a Holy God. Since He himself took our sin upon him and paid the price of our judgment. He is able to offer reconciliation between God and Man.

· Jesus brought Gods wonderful Gift of Righteousness (or the ability for man to once again be in right standing with God)

· Man is now able to be Triumphant over Sin and Spiritual Death

· But Jesus is the only way! This is what sets Christianity Apart.

· (Slide 15 – click – John 14:6) Jesus said “ I am the way, the truth and the life. No one can come to the Father except through Me.”

· V18 further tells us Gods Gift to us. Jesus one act (his death on the cross) makes it possible for all men to be made right with God.

IV. Gods Invitation to You

A. Like any Gift – a gift must be accepted and received by another if the one is going to enjoy it.

B. Lets look at verse 21…..

C. Gods great gift of reconciliation and spiritual life after death is not just a “given”.

· It cannot be earned by our works.

· We can never be “good” enough people because we are born into sin.

· We must do something to accept Gods Great Gift of Spiritual Life through Jesus His Son….

(Slide 16 click) – Romans 10:9-11 tells what we must do to accept Gods Gift.

“ For if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

(Slide 17 click)For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by confessing with your mouth that you are saved.”

Is accepting Gods Free Gift of Salvation through Christ that easy?

Yes it is – but after one makes that choice to receive Christ in ones heart, asking God to forgive ones sins and have that assurance of a life in heaven and not in a devils hell

The Bible tells us that a Christian then should live to please God and walk daily with him.

This is called being a follower (or disciple) of Jesus Christ. This sets apart those who just say a prayer…from those who live like they mean it.


You see Adam was a “type” or picture of Jesus Christ before Jesus came.

· Adam came from earth but Jesus is the Lord from Heaven.

· Adam was tested in a Garden surrounded by beauty and love – Jesus was tempted in a wilderness, and he died on a cruel cross surrounded by hatred and ugliness.

· Adam was a thief, and was cast out of Paradise – But Jesus Christ turned to the thief and said “ Today you shall be with me in Paradise.”

· The Old Testament is “the book of the generations of Adam” and it ends with a curse.

· The New Testament is “The book of the generation of Jesus Christ” and it ends with “no more curse”.

You cannot help being in Adam for this came by your first birth over which you had no control.

But you don’t have to stay in Adam under the curse of sin – You can experience a second birth – a new birth from above- through accepting Christ in your heart.

(Slide 18 Click) This is why Jesus said “You must be born again.”

Now – I wouldn’t be a faithful servant of the Lord if I did not give you that opportunity.

You have heard the simple message of the gospel and now God holds you accountable for what you know…

What will you do with what you have heard?

Will you choose eternal life? Or death?

The Steps to Peace with God are simple:

1. Admit you Need for Jesus.

2. Be willing turn from your sin and turn to God

3. Believe that Jesus Christ died for you on the cross and rose from the gave.

4. Pray asking God for that personal relationship with Him

5. Then, stop living for yourself- and start living for God.

Lets all Stand…(Barb to Piano)

If God has been speaking to your heart this morning through the message then I want to extend that invitation today.

Take the first step and Admit your need for Jesus. I’ll meet you halfway here at this altar and we will pray together.

We will just wait and pray and give you that opportunity today.

Be sure to pass out the NOW WHAT booklet.