What is Vision?
Proverbs 29:18
Series: A New Vision for a New Millennium
January 2, 2000
I. The need for dreams
A. We all have dreams
1. Every human experiences dreams when they sleep
2. Dreams are needed to bring balance in our mental and emotional level
B. We all need dreams to drive us on in life
1. We are nothing but the sum of all of our dreams
2. Quote: "All men dream but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds awake to the day to find it was all vanity. But the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for the many act out their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible..."
TEXT: Proverbs 29:18
Where there is no vision, the people are unrestrained, but happy is he who keeps the law. NABS
Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint; but blessed is he who keeps the law. NIV
II. Definition of Vision
A. Webster: 1. The faculty of sight, 2. Unusual foresight, 3. A mewntal image produced by the imagination, 4. The experience of the supernatural as if with the eyes.
B. John Maxwell: Vision is…
The ability to see - Awareness
The faith to believe - Attitude
The courage to do - Action
C. George Barna: Vision for ministry is a reflection of what God wants to accomplish through you to build His kingdom.
III. Vision in the Bible
A. Prophetic Vision
1. OT - Minor Prophets, Daniel and the calling of Isaiah
2. NT - Peter’s vision of the unclean animals, Paul’s vision of the man from Macedonia and the book of Revelation
B. Leadership Vision:
1. OT – Moses: leading the people of Israel, David: slaying Goliath, Solomon: building the Temple, and Nehemiah: Rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem,
2. NT Peter: Ministry to large crowds, Paul: saw possibilities in pagan cities and planted churches
BODY - Where do we get Vision?
I. Vision comes from God
A. God gives us vision to guide and direct
1. God reveals His will and His plan by vision
2. God opens our eyes, hearts and minds by vision
B. God gives us vision to show us our true potential
1. Vision brings out the best in people
2. God’s vision takes us to new levels in life
3. God allows us to see things as they can become
C. God’s vision is always possible
1. God does not guide where He will not also provide
2. God does not have impossible in His vocabulary
3. God’s power has no limit
Quote: “Attempt something so impossible that if God is not in it; it is doomed to fail.”
II. Vision comes from our past
A. Vision is based on our failures
1. Nothing prepares us for the future like experience
2. Failure teaches us to expect more from ourselves and life
a.) Failure teaches us what not to do
b.) Failures are merely new opportunities to rely on God
B. Vision focuses on the future
1. Vision moves forward: There is no such thing as vision that moves in reverse
2. Vision helps us to mark and measure our success
3. Vision gives us the drive to push when the personal desire is to quit
4. Vision gives the ability to grow and dream great dreams
III. Vision comes from within
A. True vision becomes a part of who we are
1. Vision can never be taken away from you – unless you allow it.
2. Vision helps us to tackle life with enthusiasm
3. Vision makes life worth living
Quote: “Dissatisfaction and discouragement are not caused by the absence of things but the absence of vision.”
B. Vision is personal in nature
1. God has a unique purpose and plan for your life – His vision for you is also unique
2. God wants you to become all you were meant to be
3. God’s vision for every church is different
a.) This makes us special
b.) This gives us a responsibility
c.) This requires us to makea commitment
Vision never becomes a reality without action
Quote: A vision without a task is but a dream, a task without a vision is drudgery, a vision with a task is the hope of the world.
I need a truer vision, Lord.
A vision filled with Thee
To see the needy world again
With eyes willing to see.
A world where people are hurting
And hungry every day,
A world that’s ready and waiting
To hear what You would say.
I need a wider vision, Lord,
A vision filled with Thee.
To see that lonely woman
Down the street from me.
The teenager who’s all mixed up,
The child who’s been abused,
The day-to-day cares in my neighborhood.
Lord, I want to be used.
Give me a new vision, Lord.
A vision filled with Thee,
To see the world and my neighborhood
As Your eyes would see.
Help me use my gifts, dear Lord,
In ways that glorify You,
To act with loving kindness
Toward those with a different view.
A truer, wider, new vision, Lord.
That’s what I need
To carry out Your commands
In word and thought and deed.
I. Do you want a new vision from God?
- A vision for your life?
- A vision for your family?
- A vision for your church?
II. Do you want to see where God wants to take us?
Four easy steps
1. Dare to seek – Pray for God to give you a new vision
2. Dare to dream – Open your heart to God
3. Dare to believe – Have faith that God can and will do great things through you
4. Dare to act – Be courageous enough to stand