Summary: A books survey message of Philippians

A Joyful Reminder

Philippians Survey

October 18, 1998

Morning Service


I. Dr. Victor Frankl

A. Imprisoned by the Nazis because he was a Jew: The nazi killed his wife, his children and his parents, Nazis stripped him of his clothes and cut off his wedding band

B. Frankl’s Response: “You can take away my wife. You can take away my children. You can strip me of my clothes and my freedom but there is one thing that no person can ever take away from me - and that is my freedom to choose how I will react to what happens to me!”

II. Another wronged prisoner

A. Paul and his work: In the midst of social and religious problems the early church grew rapidly, it spread across most of the know world because of the efforts of Paul the apostle, he had planted and founded many churches at least six, among these churches was Philippi

B. Paul and his prison stay: Paul was kept from his ministry to these churches because he was arrested and charged by the Jews, he had appealed to Ceasar on the charges and was now serving a house arrest in Rome awaiting the final decision of Ceasar, It was during this time that he wrote his letter to the Philippian church

Read Philippians 1:1-2


I. Author

A. The main writer is Paul

1. Paul the apostle: Founder of the Philippian church - Acts 16

2. Paul is presently in prison - Phil. 1:12-14

a. Paul is under house arrest in Rome

b. Paul is serving his first imprisonment in Rome - Acts 28:30

B. The secondary writer is Timothy

1. Timothy does no actual writing but is with Paul at the time the letter was written.

2. Timothy was a traveling companion of Paul during the Philippian church foundation - The people know Timothy well and it is proper for Paul to mention him here in the salutaion.

3. Timothy will be traveling to Philippi in the near future to continue paul’s work there during his under house arrest

II. The Recipients of the Letter

A. The saints in Philippi

1. Paul is writing to the leaders of the Philippian church - They would read the letter before the rest of the church would be able to do so.

2. Paul also writes this letter for the whole church - All of the Christians there in Philippi

B. Who were the saints specifically

1. Acts 16: Lydia - Merchant of colored cloth, Demon possesed slave girl, Roman prison guard

2. Philippian Epistle: Epaphroditus - Delivers the letter to Philippi from Paul and may have been a key leader in the church, Euodia and Syntyche: These two women were at the heart of key controversy in the Philippian church, Clement - Mentioned nowhere else in the NT but worked with Paul in Philippi - ancient tradition states that this was the name of the Philippian jailer, Unnamed yokefellow: This may be the whole church but is likely one of the main leaders of the church

III. Purpose of the Letter

A. Paul writes to remind the people of the true source of joy

1. The Philippian church was undergoing intense persecution and some significant internal strife

2. Paul wants the church to remain focused on their task and on Christ

3. This is beyong any doubt the major and primary theme of the letter and it pours through each of the chapters

B. Report on Epaphroditus

1. The Philippian church had heard of Epaphroditus becoming ill and was concerned about him

2. Paul takes the opportunity to praise Epaphroditus for his service and commends him to the church as he returns

C. Respond to Epaphroditus’ report of the church

1. Epaphroditus has shared with Paul the situation of the church in the midst of persecution - Possibly a great sense of discouragement and frustration in the church

2. Epaphroditus also shares about the problems in the church - Paul gives no doctrinal correction to the Philippians but does give some practical corrections to the church

D. Thank the church for their gift

1. The Philippian church had sent aid to Paul during his house arrest

2. They had also sent Epaphroditus to Paul to help meet Paul’s needs and assist in administration of his ministry

3. The Philippian church had supported Paul in the past and he thanks them for their previous support


What is Paul’s overall message to the Philippian church?

I. Joy in Living

A. Life itself is a reason to rejoice

1. Life is a gift from God: We must see life not as mundane existence but rather as a holy opportunity to live for God

2. Live each moment as if it were precious - because it is

B. Nothing in life can steal our joy

1. Joy is the outcome of our hope in Christ: Joy is part of the christian life and it needs to be a part of who we are

2. Joy is not dependent on circumstances: Paul wrote this letter during a period of house arrest, he still was filled with joy

II. Joy in Serving

A. Christ is our model

1. Jesus was the ultimate example of servanthood: He died so we could have new life and new relationship with the Father

2. If we are in Christ; we are to be united in the Body: All believers have this common root together, we often times forget this fact and it causes strife in the church

3. If we are followers of Christ; we are to imitate Him and strive to be like Him

B. Church is the world’s model

1. Christ set the example for us and we must set the example for the world

2. Our example reveals Christ to an unsaved world

3. Paul calls us to be a brilliant example of Christ to lead others to Him

C. Specific examples of service

1. Timothy: This would be an excellent example to the people, they knew Timothy and his manner of conduct, Timothy was going to Philippi to serve that church

2. Epaphroditus: Epaphroditus was returning to the church after his illness, he was also a fine example of serving both with paul and with the church

III. Joy in Believing

A. Christ is our confidence

1. We can not save ourselves: No one can save themselves and we are fully dependent on Christ to do the saving work on our behalf

2. All of our efforts in righteousness are worthless: you can follow evey Free Methodist code, rule and by-law and still not make it to heaven, we can not make ourselves righteous in the eyes of God, our righteousness is nothing more than filthy rags

3. Our righteousness must come from Christ: Thus we are to follow Him and pursue having the mind of Christ, everything else is worthless

B. Focus on the goal

1. We have a new life to live

2. Focus on living that life

3. Focus on future goals

IV. Joy in Caring

A. Christ is our unity

1. Paul calls for unity within the church: Paul calls for those causing unrest and division in the church to stop what they were doing

2. Perfect peace of God: When there is unrest no one can enter into God’s peace

3. Practice a Christ like mind

B. Christ is our contentment

1. God provides for our every need

2. Paul thanks the Philippians for their help

C. A graceful goodbye

1. Paul sends his final greetings

2. Paul sends greetings from others

3. Paul completes the letter with grace


How do we find joy in life?

“The grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, someone to love and something to hope for.” Joseph Addison

1. Living with Joy: Our life is a gift from God and it is not to be wasted, we are meant to live each moment to the fullest, our joy comes from the hope that we have in Christ Jesus, nothing can take it away from you unless you allow it,

2. Serving with Joy: Jesus sets the example, he came not to be served but to serve, we are to follow His example, our example to others is made complete only when we are faithful to Christ, when we truly love others and serve them it produces joy in our lives

3. Believing with Joy: Christ is our confidence, he is our eternal hope, our faith in Him brings us new life and if we believe in Him we have eternal life, The fact that we believe should create joy in our hearts

4. Caring with Joy: When we are truly filled with the love of Christ, we care about other people, this compassion and concern produces joy in our life, we live for something beyond ourselves